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Dear all,

I would like to give you some guidelines that you might find useful for your project design.
Based on Bell (2002:62) it is essential to keep records and make notes of your sources of

1. Take notes of everything you read. You can later on decide which information is useful
and which is useless.

2. When recording sources make sure you always note the author's name and all other
information you need to record in relation to your source, based on the Harvard referencing

3. Start by collecting literature review which relates to your subject

4. Primary research will add more value to your data (decide whether you need qualitative
or quantitative data)

5. Baker (2002:89) supports that noting keywords of our research topic is very important as
it will help us build our survey around these keywords.

6. Manage the information you retrieve to ensure that anything you cite can be properly

Keep up the good work!

Best regards,

Doros Michael


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