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Name: Sabio, Princess F.

Date: April 11, 2021

Course and Section: BSED- SCIENCE 2A Rate:

When the same poles engage, they cannot touch and are pushed apart or repel one
When opposite poles engage, they can touch and some force will pull them forward or
attract them to each other.

1. Metals like paper clips, 7 peso coins, knot nails, and the magnet itself are commonly
attracted to magnets. Iron, nickel, aluminum, and other metals are commonly used.
Insulators, such as wood, fabric, lead pencils, plastic rulers, and ceramic mugs, on the
other hand, are not attracted to magnets.

2. Permanent magnets are materials that keep their magnetic properties after being
subjected to a magnetic field, whereas polarizable materials can be magnetized.
Permanent magnets are commonly seen on refrigerators to hold critical notes, and they
come in a variety of sizes and forms. Materials that are magnetizable are typically
comprised of iron, cobalt, and other metals.
1. The paper clips that did not come into direct contact with the magnet were attached or
magnetized to the others.

2. When the magnet was removed, the three paper clips kept together and formed a trail. They
appear to be still attracted.

3. | I believe the reason is because some materials, such as paper clips, have magnetic
properties and can operate as a temporary magnet when placed near or in touch with
magnets. As a result of the experiment, the initial paper clip acts as a temporary magnet,
attracting the other clips.

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