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General English-F2 Mixed Grammar Exercise(3)

A. Read the following text. There are some words missing. Fill
in each blank with a suitable word.

Consumer: Good afternoon. Could you help me? I need

to buy a few 1________.
Seller: Of course madam. What 2________ I help you
Consumer: Well, how 3_______ is this LV bag?
Seller: That’s $14,000 madam.
Consumer: Ok, I’ll take two please. And I need a watch
to go with it. How much 4_____ that watch?
Seller: This 5_________ is $30,000 madam. It’s very
Consumer: Yes, it is. And do you have a dress 6_______
the same colour?
Seller: Yes. This one is silk, It’s on 7______ for $22,000.
Shall I put it in a bag for you?
Consumer: Yes please. Thank you for your 8______.
Here is my credit card.
Seller: Excellent madam. The total is $70,000. We
hope to see 9_______ again soon.
Consumer: Yes. I will be 10_______ tomorrow. I need to
buy another dress for my sister. Thank you
for all your help.
General English - F2 Mixed Grammar Exercise(3)

A. Read the following text. There are some words missing. Fill
in each blank with a suitable word.

Natural disasters
In December 2004 there __1___an underwater earthquake in the Indian Ocean. This

caused a tsunami. A tsunami is a ___2__wave. It moved at 600 km/h and the wave was

30 metres __3__ when it hit Indonesia, India and Thailand. It knocked __4___ tall

buildings and killed more than 230,000 people. Some people who __5__ the wave

coming ran to the mountains. The wave travelled __6__ many kilometres over land.

It was the biggest and deadliest tsunami in __7___. Lisa Snow (12) explains what

happened. “ I saw a huge wall of water __8___ at me. I screamed at my mum and

___9__ to run. We turned and ran really fast. We went into a hotel and ran upstairs. We

saw the water knock down buildings and kill ___10___ of people. It was horrible.”

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

(5) (6)

(7) (8)

(9) (10)

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