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Lesson plan «Passive Voice review»

Aim: to revise present simple passive, past simple passive, future simple passive.


Teacher greets students and asks them to introduce themselves. Then teacher
asks students to think about what their mobile phones can be used for. Students
answer using Passive voice construction.

Teacher tells students that they used passive voice construction in their answers
and students revise when they use it.

Students name the rules and teacher writes them down on a board.

Teacher asks students where they can see sentences in passive voice in real life.

Task 1. Teacher shows students newspaper headlines and they try to recognize
which headlines are in Active voice and which are in Passive voice.

Task 2. Using newspaper headlines students write down the scheme of Passive
voice on a board. Students are reminded forms of verb to be in the present, past
and future tenses. Teacher gives students a list of irregular verbs.

Task 3. Teacher focuses on words «by» and «with» from the newspaper headlines
and reminds students what they are used for.

Task 4. Students look at the picture in ex 2 and try to predict what this text is

Task 5. Teacher asks students to look through the text and do the task.

Task 6. Teacher asks students to find negative forms, questions and plural from in
the text.

Task 7. Teacher tells that in the text they saw adverbs and helps students to
understand what they are.

Task 8. Students read the rule in the learn box and do ex 2.

Task 9. Students do task 21.1

Task 10. Students do task 21.2

Task 11. Students do task 21.3

Task 12. Students do task 21.4

Task 13. Teacher asks students to make up a sentence in Present Simple, Past
Simple and Future Simple in active voice and writes it down on the board.

Students have to change these sentences into passive.

Task 14. Students do task ( change active into passive)

Task 15. Students do task in pair.

Task 16. Students play «Guessing game». They keep a word in their mind and try
to describe it with 3 sentences using only Passive voice.

E.g. It is used for writing. It is bought at the stationery. It is hold in a hand. ( a pen)

End of the lesson. Students revise when we use passive voice and the
construction of Passive voice.

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