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Florence Nightingale

 Founder of modern nursing.

 Environmental Theory
 She arrives at the battle of the Crimean war on November 1854 and her age
is 34. The soldiers were wounded and with a high mortality rate.
 Pure air -is proper ventilation for the patient so that the healing stage will
not be at risk for the patient and the patient will recover fast. It is also
important for pure air as the patient breathes with it. Not properly
ventilated air will cause the patient lower healing rate.
 Light- In psychology light will also change the mood it’s the environment.
When the room is dark it will most likely the vibe is not positive and has a
little downfall feeling.
Light also has a tangible feeling because it helps the patient for the immune
system as the light gives vitamin D. It also has benefits to remove toxins in
our body such as a microorganism.
 Cleanliness- Dirty environment will become a source of infection or other
diseases. Proper cleanliness of the environment such as floors, beds, walls,
and linens is addressed to be clean as possible because the patient will use
 Efficient drainage- appropriate disposal of waste is the vital role of nurses
because a dirty environment will cause infections or diseases not just to
patients but also to the people around the area.
 Pure water- nightingale advocates bathing patients frequently for proper
hygiene is part of the healing process and the water will be clean as the
patient will use it.
Nightingale also included the concept of quiet and diet. The noise will also
affect the patient because it could harm the patient such as disrupting sleep.
She also concludes that a meal schedule is important for the patients as it will
affect their dietary intake.
Nursing- nightingale published Notes for Nursing in 1859 to provide guidelines
for caring for their loved ones at home and to give advice on how to “think like
a nurse”
Person- Nightingale saw the patients as individuals, not just “patients”.
Nightingale had respect for persons of various backgrounds and was not
judgmental about social worth.
Nurses must be in control of the environment to enhance the recovery of the
Health- She defined health as well-being and a source of the fullest extent of
living life. This concept of health is to teach people how to prevent disease and
Environment- The nursing role was to assist nature in healing the patient.
Nightingale’s assumption and understanding of the environment will most
likely be improvements that would affect their bodies and mind.
Nightingale believed that disease was a reparative process, because of the
environment or which the person is in place. Nightingale believes that nurses
need to be experts in observing the environment and patients. Nightingale
believes that using common sense in practice with a couple of observations,
perseverance, and integrity. Lastly, Nightingale also believed that people who
desire good health would be most likely to cooperate with the nurse and alter
the environment to prevent disease.
Nightingale used inductive reasoning to extract laws of health, disease, and
nursing from her observations and experiences. For example, nightingale’s
observation during the Crimean war led her to conclude that a contaminated
and dirty environment led to mortality. Not only she did prevent but she also
validates the outcome. In other words, before taking action to care for
patients you must indeed observe a creative outcome in nursing intervention.
Three experimental schools were established in the United States in 1873:
 Bellevue Hospital in New York
 New Haven Hospital in Connecticut
 Massachusetts Hospital in Boston
Nightingale’s three major relationships
1. Environment to patient
2. Nurse to environment
3. Nurse to patient.
Nightingale believes that the environment is the main source of creating illness
of the patients.
She intended to provide general rules and explanations that would result in good
nursing care for patients.
Measure the outcome and methods of the quality improvements of the patients.
Empirical Precision
Her concept is amenable to studies with qualitative approaches.
Derivable Consequences
Nightingales propose in her writing that the nurses must take action on behalf of
the patients.

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