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1. Why did you choose the picture?

If it’s an attraction, what

moved you to that picture?

I choose this image because it has a distinct meaning for me that I may think about; Looking
at the greatest Nature Painting. I recall a time when we didn't have any technology and could
accomplish anything. You could unwind and think about anything in that lovely surroundings.
You can contemplate gently and set your problem aside in that location. You also have the
freedom to express your emotions and cry to let your worries go. Furthermore, in this
environment, you have the possibility to think positively and come up with a fantastic or
amazing idea that will improve your self-confidence and help you get wiser and wiser.

2. What is the relationship/symbolism of the picture to you?

Today's teenagers are so preoccupied with school that we forget to connect with ourselves at
a location or something similar, where your mind can unwind and put your worries and stress
away, where you can vent your troubles in a spot where no one can hear you and it's just
you. Furthermore, it modifies our perception of how much these modern times affect us. We
are focused on our goals and the future, but we must also remember to relax and focus on

3. What do you feel looking at the picture?

I mourn my old life when I look at the photo, but it also makes me happy, at ease, and less
bothered since it encourages me to think optimistically and just want to let go of my issues
and tension. It enables me to express my sentiments without restraint and talk with myself
about how I may best grow.

4. What lesson/s do you get from the picture?

I've learned that one may express their emotions, whether they are ones of joy, sorrow, or
loneliness, through numerous types of art. With this artwork, one comes to understand why
it is regarded as such a gem and how many people adore it.

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