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# 20
Date: 2022-09-08
I know that song very well and it's taste
Shockingly so well that I feel unfortunate.
It opens prairies of a sealed scar and secret
Sadly bailed and badly shed in a shady past,
It resurrects cinemas of memoirs we once acted,
Selfishly to haunt me ever since ways we parted.
Please do stop it!
Oh, how I hate it!
Like thoughts I struggle to snap or sniffle,
It shuffles my bookish bondage for survival.
It ruffles my severed tattered pirated peace,
It snickers and sneers at my met murky mess.
Souvenirs of love assault me in sizable seizures.
The serendipity filled with juicy fruits of pleasures
Snubs all sectors to mend that ruined picture
You artfully tatooed in my vasculer cell texture.
I know such songs; rhythm, lyrics and all.
Thrills and drills of new found love they rekindle,
Warm sweet scents, hugs and secret kisses;
A wide woven web of fancy fixed promises
Defiant of the compassionate counsel of reason,
Dependent on the roaring blazing portion of passion.
I know that song regretfully intrinsically well.
Like a page plucked out of a plagiarised fairy tale,
My shelved stale ego it tickles and needles,
My shackled nostalgia it rattles and fiddles.
It now sounds very long and sonorous.
I know it, that song, verses and chorus;
It starts with smiles and red roses,
It ends in soiled sadness and sighs.
Please I plead, do stop it!
How I hate it! Can I help it!
2022©Aɓį ⱮąƦįą AღąƦų
# 19
Date: 2022-09-07
I shall not write tonight
To fight this fatal spite
The feeling's so sick
The words so weak
Be my judge at least
You weigh this weight
My mortal fatal offence
Is to love you with no remorse
More much of you
More such of you
Forget to remember not
I never change my goal post.
For you, a love unmatched
For you, a love unscathed
I did commit my heart to love
Nowther other fairer you above
To gush my blood in this battle
To adore my choice grave&craddle
So shouldn't I say sorry to my past
To bloom but gloom in rue and rust
To crown but groan alone in my room
To dine but pine away to dual doom
Till to my nest built I'm laid to rest
A jest of my quest
To quench my love thirst
For my mortal fatal offence
For my love of no remorse
For more much of you
For more such of you
I address you no more for any redress
And here at last, I rest my heart's case
@Abi Maria Amaru
# 18
Date: 2022-09-02
Diana dug out her set scarf,
Switched her room light off,
Meekly made the sign of the cross;
The daily duty to the fam duress.
She tiptoed and through the window,
She slipped into the night moon glow.
Her tender heart skipping excitably,
Her poked eyes googling purposely,
Awfully hither and thither for him.
Him was slyly biding his ripe time
Not far from the house backdoor
Awkwardly sure stemmed akimbo.
Diana flew into his ready firm biceps,
Tightly he held her in a couple of steps.
His lips whispered, ‘it's alright my dear,’
In her ear; nibbled it and kissed her.
‘Oh what a night!’ She so forethought,
‘Forbidden fruits ever taste sweetest.’
She sultrily giggled and slowly twisted
Her teenage body pleasantly ignited.
She flung her braids back suddenly
And blushing, smiled at him shyly.
His hands chained her little waist
Against his bulging, yes, lower fist.
She stammered and pulled away.
He stretched himself, in no delay.
They left for what awaited in store.
For the night has puzzles galore.
Later, were seen on the dance floor
In a bevy of many a tipsy couple;
One hand busy tending somewhere
Another hand had a bottle of beer.
The moon outside shone her best.
The club ceiling watched impressed
With scene and the mixture of sweat
And a dour tribe now scarcely a scent
From Gandhi land or Obama land.
The ceiling watched and envied.
It was a show of thighs slapping,
Lips locking, saliva swapping.
Pants stalked and sagged shortly.
Whores waged shaking seductively.
Coloured smoke and bottles popped
While the clock silently tick talked.
Music mused and boom bumped
While revellers tagged and teamed,
Mingled seeming tickled and tripped;
Chest to chest they strove and pressed,
Waist to waist they wove and whined.
Walls wearily watched and waved.
The envying ceiling once warned
But all ears were fully fed waxed
And all eyes evidently possessed.
Oh what a night!
That fateful night
Diana’ s parents innocently mating,
Siblings dreaming of her wedding,
Her friends crushing on her success
Her foes gnashing for her place.
Why would one have all the blessings;
The wealth, brains, beauty and grace?
Next Sabbath she’ll go down the aisle
With the mayor’s son; she has it all.
The ceiling saw and really did feel sore.
The music pulled it towards the floor.
Livid it let go; cracked its last warning
But Diana dazed deaf kept dancing.
The ceiling sadly sealed the aped act,
A blast louder than a vexed dynamite
Was they said, heard in the dead night.
The usual aid came handy but too late!
The next morn news papers ruefully
On front pages ran and read boldly
‘Hell Hawkers meet Merry Makers’
‘Night Club Collapses on Dancers’
‘Party Revellers Relish and Perish’
Diana our Diana,
Diana of fair hair,
Diana of honey skin,
Diana of wanted ways,
Diana of a fine future,
Diana the Pastors Daughter,
Fiancee of the Mayor’s Prince;
Lured and lost in the night.
Rumoured to have fallen victim
To common kidnap and ransom.
©Abi Maria Amaru
# 17
Date: 2022-09-01
They have killed Halali
I just cant believe it
Hands with huge rocks
Eyes flaming mad hate
Hearts heavy laden
Hurled the burden
On Halali of the closed face
Oh Halali a man of silence
Suzie will not believe me
Pastor should pray for me
I was coming down Bombe road
Just around Pom Pom Pub and
I bumped into a furious crowd
Voices shouting kill! kill! thief!
And what did I see in center tied?
My naked eyes rested on Halali
Yes, bushy beard, broad built belly
I hid in confusion and stole another look
They have killed Halali
I will not say a word
I should tell Suzie;
Halali was a kind man
But she will not believe me
She will say I am drunk again
She will say Halali can't steal
Halali deals in spare parts
The boxes he brings in our room
The reason he sneaks into our room
To sleep during day time;
Halali is a government spy
Suzie will say all this as always
I dont know truth but Halali
I cant believe it.
They say he was stealing a car
At Saviour's Supermarket
Says a woman to many inquiring faces
They thought he was a common thief
Policemen are saying he is the leader
Of the rebel group that bombed
The pork joint, the bus and the bank
Near parliament Avenue,
They say he has been in hiding
He operates at night, but now see
They are trying to find his hiding place
People, they are coming, let us go away
I ease away in fear
My heart pumping magma
Suzie must hear this
We have been hiding a rebel
Oh Halali what is this?
Why do this to us
Mulokole should not know this
She once saw him in my room
That woman is very nosy
Oh Jesus, you know I am innocent
Suzie will not believe this
Halali a man of peace
I am really shaking
Pastor, Suzie
Pray please
They have killed Halali
I saw them, they were incensed
I could of course not say a word
Suzie must tell me what to do
But wait, Suzie may get happy
Halali lent her a lot of money
That day she went to Fort Bet
And came back crying
She has been worrying
And we may oh she will of course
Want to share what Halali kept
In our room in those boxes
But what is in that suitcase?
Tonight I will try it
Hey Kadafi, give me a lift!
Yes, I am in a hurry, urgent
Yeah, this Piki Piki is fast
Oh service, yeah it's true
My wife?
My wife Suzie?
Kadafi you saw her?
She was in the market?
With a man, yes; must be a friend
My wife has only male friends
She says since she was small.
Yes, I still rent there it is safe
It is. Being next to a police post
The police? Oh very friendly
Law, order and property
Yeah here, here.
Okay bye, bye thank you.
Halali is dead,
They have killed him
Suzie will not listen
But where is Suzie?
Suzie brought Halali here
She said he was her friend
I should not ask any questions
Dont I trust her?
Don't I really love her?
Well my wife is wise
And says I'm otherwise
But I must not tell her
She must not hear about Halali
She will die of grief
But she may die of relief
But I will not know
Oh that suitcase!
Mr suitcase see,
We have to open you
Your Halali is now dead
Let us now see
What goodman Halali
Has been hiding in this suitcase
It has a lock,
Halali Halali..a lock
It must be joking with me
I am a son of a black smith
Halali is dead...Halali
Okay, yes it is this!
See, I knew I would open it
What is this Halali?
Now why hide a meter
Halali is funny
I thought it was money
All along...
Suzie must see this.
What? It is counting...
That beeping sound...
Jesus, no it is not
Jesus...this can't be a....
No no...and now it is faster
I'd better stop it...
@Abi Maria Amaru
# 16
Date: 2022-08-29
Here I stand stiff at the mortuary
Holding the last bead of my rosary
Weary and teary for my lot
Worn and torn in thought
The fierce fight for fortune and fame
Finds me indifferent tonight in shame
I throw in my towel to leave such contests
The winds of death deny me such prospects
@Abi Maria Amaru
# 15
Date: 2022-08-29
My eyes are wet, my throat dry
My hair is grey, my lair unlaid
The rain leaks in, the fire burns out
I hold my luggage, l age in my cage
My wings are broken, my legs swollen
My friends are gone, my foes at the door
I gaze at the floor, a shadow I ignore
A figure forsaken, a mirror of isolation
@Abi Maria Amaru
# 14
Date: 2022-08-29
You ask me why I sat frowning,
Mopped sweat and said nothing
While we sipped our success
In wide open doors of ecstacy
At the new Modern City Hotel
That says 'Stay to Taste & Tell'
Well, don't ask me please
The answer irks my ease.
You wonder why someone
Wouldn't enjoy the food and fun
After beating that contract bid
Worth such a fat cheque. Odd?
This is all different for me, friend,
This price that justifies the end.
My ancestors; blood and property,
Sob beneath that very establishment
Where many smile and sip the success,
Where many beat bids of fat cheques.
It's all different for the likes of me.
So friend, don't ask, please spare me.
I hate the answer; fills me with intense grief.
The loss in the plague of the modern thief.
Should eggs move in the path rocks tumble?
And mice have their way where cats gamble?
@Abi Maria Amaru
# 13
Date: 2022-08-29
Love; Lace your love-embrace never less,
Farther beyond the dress of bare delight
Under the diabolic tempter, darkness,
In the ugly pale face of poor peer plight.
Vow now forever to cloister and foster
Our sown sacred secret in your host.
Enter be blind to deeds deluded better,
Firmly fit to fault to flourish or wilt.
At the cliff edges when living is death,
In the deep trenches when love is a myth,
Do the due, dare doom, clutch at faith.
Dread not the arms of envious eve, age.
Ever the charms of love melt that ice.
And aid not the riddled doubts we lodge,
Those that feel fear find virtue in vice.
Headlong they dive into roaring reason;
Thus pure passion passes soon for a season.
The lure of lust fed on flesh at a low cost
Eats flames to ashes, and ashes to dust.
©Abi MaRia AmaRu.
# 12
Date: 2022-08-21
Subject: AKELLO
Akello your name reverberates
In my mind equal to earthquakes;
Terrorising, traumatising my peace,
Hyperventilating my heart pulse.
My sweet meat aroma, Akello Anna,
MY pineapple fruit, my sweet banana.
Your giggle tickles me to the spine.
Charcoal-like but shines your skin;
Starry dark nights, in a land I crave;
Beam smiling teeth. Aren't I a captive
Of the legs of your shy glance?
I plead. Hear out my ignored case.
My lungs close, seeing you from garden,
Your divine scent drugs my gnawing pain
The password of your love account
Opens the purse of my noble secret.
Pardon the hand of my written voice,
I seek to sup at the fount of your juice,
Bathe in your spa abreast magnificence
But you smile and walk on in silence.
I grow weak in knees; love labour pangs!
Your curves preach to me in tongues,
My eyes dine at your well wrapped flame
Mirroring the sweet spell in your name;
A ligament of this embroidered ripple
Nippling this peeping desire's prickle.

You are a window into my soul, Akello

Your serenity inhales my thoughts
Locked in the walls of your cathedral
A future now borne to dawn sunsets.
But your hair looks at me and shrugs,
Your dress whispers and just laughs.

My life lifts a heavy luggage you pack

I graze in your tether, a cursed luck!
Open the room of my freedom wide;
You own the elevator to my pride,
You forecast my inner daily weather,
You make it warm and sunny together.
Akello your name reverberates
In my mind equal to earthquakes;
Pardon the hand of my written voice,
I seek to sup at the fount of your juice
My eyes dine at your well wrapped flame
Mirroring the sweet spell in your name.
@Abi Maria Amaru
# 11
Date: 2022-08-21
Subject: ASIO
Asio the village belle
My blood bound boils
waving to you farewell
worn and weary of toils
passionately painfully fruitless
tirelessly blindly restless
Asio my morning sun
My heart sighs fire
When you frown
My heart flies higher
When I hear your name
Asio my sunset
My eardrums strum
When we meet in the market
My head spins When I hear you sing
Your smile, your scent, the joy you bring
I stutter when I talk
I stagger when I walk
I cry when I laugh
It can’t be enough
The morning dew
When I go for garden work
the evening brew
After all cows are back
Quit this hide and seek
Say some when I speak
I read this book you closed
And it sounds like a song paused
Braiding your hair, weaving your mat
I see you everywhere even without light
When the moon is full
over there on the hill
In the sun, how I feel
in the rain, at the mill
wave your wand Asio,
Save me the pain Asio
My heart hurts for you
My love lives in you.
@Abi MaRia AmaRu
# 10
Date: 2022-08-21
View, my virgin,
Villas very vivid and vines vast,
Vague and visible voices vibrant,
Vehicle vulnerable vagabonds in volumes
On a vain veritable voyage, to void vocations.
Vet, we veer on the verge of virtual vacuums
With varied valour to veto that vault; the vacations.
View, My virgin,
Visionary victims and virtuous victors,
Versed volunteers and vowed vectors,
Voracious vipers and verified voters,
Vulgar voyeurs and vengeful visitors,
Vestal vicars and violent villains,
Vicious voodoo Vendors and volatile veterans,
Voluptuous vultures and vegetable vegetarians,
Vocal V.I.Ps and vivacious Vermin;
Venomously all vie in Various versions
With varied valour to veto their vocation;
A vain voyage to various vicious vacations.
Vet, my virgin,
We veil in varied vouchers very vacant.
We veer on the verge of that very vault.
We, the Vessels of vulnerable versions various,
On a vain voyage vary ventures;
A vicious vacation,
A void vocation.
©Abi Maria Amaru
# 9
Date: 2022-08-21
Not until you understand my upstand,
Yes, until you do hold out your hand,
Will you feel 'how-what' in my heart
Aches: the fire, fears in each thrust,
This dire thirst, the gist in this quest.
Not until you concede to His command,
Yes, until you commune with my demand,
Will you heed to a creed preached eons past
Oh see! the plunder and peril in this pest.
Hence in pure pain, poor poise is my host.
Not until the roof on the house-life,
Yes until the strife of the midwife,
Open in, will you chance a clear view;
Kin and kith, the in-out of care overdue.
Suspicious soldiers separate.
Sad saints do sin-a-lot.
Stringent sermons segregate.
Soiled sacraments satiate.
Caged criminals congregate.
But dying die-hards defect.
So the calls once many more
Before the waves wane at shore.
Fair finds foul fine, fine fair foul.
Hit the hot iron sooner or it'll cool.
@Abi Maria Amaru
# 8
Date: 2022-08-21
The secrets so sweet we whispered
Broke lose to waste altered and shouted
We have strayed into the wilderness
Where money grows on rotten promises.
And sour honey oozes from wounds
of broken hearts expiring on tattered mats
of sacred sanctuaries defiled in conquests.
Behind the eyes of the seer lies the blind
Sprawling restlessly on the throne uncrowned
of insatiable longings of love unquenched
Of countless subtle sacrifices thoughtlessly wrenched
Drenched, demented, dry in dues detested
Salient, silly, soiled, secluded soon so dejected
Beyond the curtains of concern and comfort
Amidst the cacophony of moans, maladies we part
On Sails the sentry calling, singing 'exeunt, exeunt'
Lights off, darkness sits in pursuing the script
Dust gathers, cobwebs cover the spectacular sight
Cementing the elusive love of actor and playwright
Floating in the warm smoke of gossip
Curl tales of dishes served cold by the bold
Succulent salads devoured savoured as served
The spoils of the toils masked in brawls tamed
The summit of this mighty deed so loft
Clings on strings of the dare or do craft
A game older than clouds of no rain
A dice for the price of no pain no gain
@Ⱥɓí ᗰαƦíα ȺღαƦ ꪊ
# 7
Date: 2022-08-21
The murky pool of love sadly stares
At the swimming costumes scattered.
A fly twitches under a spider web snares.
Two glasses lie carelessly in a dream shuttered!
An awkward silence helplessly rages
Over the blood clotted carcasses
Spread naked at the pool's edges
As The furious sun jeers from a distance.
Time, you merciless life slayer
knows, sees and hears this debauchery;
The dagger that butchered the bruised pair
Shamelessly busking in the filth of adultery.
The wind whispered, whistled and winced;
Four dark glasses stealthily peered, creeping
In the trees that onerously swayed and hissed
In vain to the blare of the music playing.
The now numb once beautiful pair
Cuddled, kissed and splashed the water,
The pretty girl's giggle split into the air.
A voice on the phone gave the last order!
Huge muscles sprung and muffled the sweet affair;
The man was no match for this regiment
So the sounds of the scuffle sneered into despair.
Suddenly the mission muted the sacrilegious amusement.
©ᴀʙɪ ᴍᴀʀɪᴀ ᴀᴍᴀʀᴜ.
# 6
Date: 2022-08-21
Subject: AUMA
I slopped down to the village catch.
A daily routine; a mamba for lunch.
I swear, it had to be a visitor coming,
A bee had nagged me since morning.
My dry throat drove me to the well
A choice I relish to loath to recall
The sun was not that madly high.
I espied you Auma, I eased a sigh;
Say, two yards away behind a thicket
I mused to sit, I worship your beauty
See, a soiled pot resting on your head,
You, wasting your tiny waist swayed.
I saw myself, I saw you, us two
Listening to me bill and you coo.
Auma, my soft leather, my bread and butter.
Auma, my may weather, my fire and water.
But see, I was still short of only two bulls
So to beat the dowry that your father wills
At village beer parties, at wrestling matches.
I wished to risk and whisk your pot down
So my intent in your two pearls be known.
I would if I could rip my heart
Open for your eyes to dissect,
Then, you’d cure this inner ache
In this love labyrinth you partake
Auma, my shield and spear,
My milk tea spoon and sugar
If you’d take me in my dear,
I’d bathe in your fragrance,
And bask in your intimacy.
Wait, wait. The gods love to hate!
Those without teeth oft get meat.
What? I could not believe my sight!
Day shames seems of the night;
Out of a shrub dashed an image
Twice my size, thrice my league
A frame my eyes seized up
An answer that woke me up
It was my father, with a leap
Like a thief on seeing a cop.
Panting , chest up, spear up;
Before you, planted it erect
And akimbo, stood a giant.
In front of you, my only stock,
That shock so loudly spoke.
Down went the pot to smithers,
A knife slit my heart into pieces.
I’d have clobbered a man to paste!
But he? He, my father, your date?
Awkwardly, he smiled,
And offered you his hand,
Hesitantly you took it.
I lost to forces I fought.
I hated you and I still do,
Myself, him and still too.
You carried his spear, chose a life,
A consent to become his fifth wife.
I left home for the city. Yes, Auma.
The thorns of watching my Auma
Playing a mother to me. No, Auma.
That’s why I’ll never see you again.
I give in pain and love in a bargain;
The city made me mean monster,
I daily die longer and live shorter.
But why Auma?
Why won’t I ever know?
I’ll wonder evermore
Why be the fifth wife?
Yet you, you, on my life
Could be my only wife?
©Abi Maria Amaru
# 5
Date: 2022-08-21
The hands that itched to please me,
Now twitch to endlessly torture me.
When did instruments of appreciation
Become accoutrements of oppression?
Is marriage a misadventure of aggression?
The mouth that sung me sweet praises,
Now salutes me with smutty abuses.
When did honey buzzing bee hives
Become puss oozing human caves?
Is that our fate we poor housewives?
The husband that fought to feed me,
Now weaves ways daily to famish me.
When did the Eden-God-made abettors
Become the egoistic callous exploiters?
Is that the new normal for caretakers?
The marital bed that cuddled me at night,
Now keeps me awake in worry and fright.
When did the garden of love and happiness
Become a battlefield of woes and agonies?
Is that the fruit of these holy unions?
I was sworn to a pact of a monarchy,
I was born in a society of patriarchy,
But, but a woman can also woo a man
And, and a woman can also sue a man.
Lastly but not least: See you in Court;
There we shall part not as we met.
©Abi Maria Amaru.
# 4
Date: 2022-08-21
Dear Mine, enough is your strife elevated
Black? Just a caption centuries designated
To transgress your innate graceful package
To subject your invaded terrain hostage
Body shamed, barred and yoked
And in darkness of denial docked
Your bold textures dulled to refurbish
A lighter sketch baked in pale vanish
A suspicious obsession of imitation toxic
On a canvas pure, deflowered in a picnic
Whence you perform to deform your orthodox
To a costume of a paradox in Pandora’s box
Why cast for a paradigm of a palour sub-ordained
In a confectionary factory a concept purloined?
Your import beguiles your indigenous charms
Summed in echoes of waged schemes
To strip you naked to treacherous efficacy
You exacerbate this prejudiced conspiracy
When you manoeuvre to dismantle lineage
To recreate a mortgage of a borrowed image
Indebted to dwell in a pseudo euphemism
Clothed in media en route popular egotism
Of caricatures of surrogate shuttles
Gone with the tide riding on the models
A fiction induced, concocted and marketed
In adverts of recipes of esteem desecrated
Plagiarised and published in ashtrays
Exhibiting butts of identities in malaise
A countenance that showcases skits
of authored morbid counterfeits
©Abi Maria Amaru
# 3
Date: 2022-08-21
It is a shame, surely shameful I swear.
Lonesome you moon, whine and wither.
Lovesick Romeo, steer your sorry barrier;
Many free fun and fair await your tether.
Tune your body and pocket; up the stair;
These ripe and full seek to meet and sire.
Lace up your boots, the celestial is clear,
For the law of nature leads game to player.
Desert your regiment before you expire.
Life leaves us all with none own to spare;
The loot and titles in the air do disappear
And we yield to death only hands bare.
Pet your appetites, for the unknown is near,
While you pile for those you deem fit to care.
All alone you'll down fall at that fateful hour
And be laid in a cold casket to rot and manure.
It is a shame, surely shameful I swear.
Lovesick Juliet, steer your sorry career.
Life leaves us all with none own to spare;
Love day ere it greys dark, is my prayer.
©Abi Maria Amaru
# 2
Date: 2022-08-21
This cosy made bed is not the moody grave
So I still wake up to sleep with you my love.
For in your temple, I find my physical satisfaction.
Dear, just smile and requite my pure affection.
Let me flourish and nourish my caged heart
'Fore our scene in this script comes to that exit.
Now let our phones ring 'til the batteries are dead,
I am at peace as you sing me the usual accolade,
The anthem that comes at full mast I'm flagged.
The voltage that numbs me whenever I'm plugged.
So I won't hear vile death do his duty call,
Such a canny siege sadly shocks us all.
Let the funny free folks look, sulk and talk;
They are busy too lazy to do the dire walk.
Let the water flow under our bound bridge,
Just tighten the straps on our mutual pledge.
I don't want to know their mere what's right,
For all I want left to opt is your what's right.
Eagle spread like a book lies my estate,
Write your will, I'll execute with due respect.
Yours is the erotic tale beautifully written,
Yours is the ink throbbing my veins open
As we sweat and suit our joined body lanes
Sowing seeds sacredly saved for our gardens.
Let me just drone your flower, as you bloom.
The virgins with light surely see the groom.
We are the reincarnation in this carnal rite,
Old wine in new bottles to serve the same taste.
So I rejoice in the voice of a one venerable poet
In a sonnet titled sex comes after one is after one,
Parroting the commitment of the devoted sun
To keep, treasure and meet our constitution
For the divinely purposely created Eden union.
On this pulpit thus I erect my monument
And at this altar duly do I sign our certificate
Dated and wedded in sensual fencing
With swords of amour sweetly enchanting,
Witnessed by only me and you my accomplice
Guilty as so charged, convicted as the sentence.
©Abi Maria Amaru
# 1
Date: 2022-08-20
The door was wide opened
But for the window we opted
Into the ocean of love we dived
But dear, I just can't swim, I gasped
Why did you say, you said
And try. I did. I did try
But learning is patience
And we lose when we win
You left me, you found right
Aside I decide to stay silent
Or open my mouth and drown
To whom love is given reason is denied.
All the wishes and dreams
Dwindled into gloom
A certain certainty draws
And grows into reality
We Enjoy the tune but pay not the piper
Courage failed me in the deep
A creed, easy to preach
too high
A creed so easy to preach
A deeed to hard to reach
We shall read and write
In ink black and paper white
But still detached we stay
When we hear 'do as you say'

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