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Code of Ethics

During our discussions in class, we discuss about the Code of Ethics and why it is important to

follow them in terms of engineering. There are key factors to accomplish the ethical decisions.

First, we will define what exactly is Code of Ethics and what its purpose is. Next, hypothetically

we will be asked if we ever faced an ethical situation, how do we personally go about deciding.

In our open discussion exercise, we will talk about my ethical issues that are being address on an

article about the Amazon Echo. Next, we will compare the ethical considerations between myself

and the class and how it differs from each other. Lastly, we will reflect on Virtue of Ethics which

consists of 6 virtues and the goal is to pick three out of six that we personally think it is the most


The Code of Ethics are to assist members in understanding the difference between right and

wrong and in applying that understanding to their decisions. As an undergraduate pursuing in

electrical engineering, the field I want to dedicate is energy and system, but I am open to be a

part of different fields that better my ethics. If I were to face an ethical situation in my field, I

would make sure it does not provide negative feedback to the community nor myself because the

idea of following the Code of Ethics is promote accountability. Nowadays we are seeking

renewable energy to decrease C02 emission and avoid global warming. Possible outcomes could

be global catastrophe or economic problems. If we are implementing projects to resolve the air

problem, we must consider that this project is safe and avoid harming the community. It will

require time to test and collect data on the affects that could be a possibility.

The ethical issue we addressed during class is safety. The explanation behind safety is most

technology that are beginning to implement and struggle is homeland security. For example, the
recognizable Amazon machine known as “Echo” allows voice command and ask the machine

“Alexa” what you command. Few years ago, first-degree murder that was committed, and police

claim that the Echo has information that could provide them an indication. The machine has a

seven built-in microphone which it can record soundwave within range and to access the data,

the user must say “wake word” The catch is that authorities call Amazon for permission to access

the Echo and they simply deny them due to privacy. Edited by Buhr Sarah, Amazon Echo may

be the key to solving a murder case 2015, Paragraph 6.

Before the class introducing ethical considerations, my understanding was only community and

sustainability. To achieve both these goals, we must understand if it benefits social, economic,

environment and more. The class’s ethical considerations as we the future engineers hereby

recognize the importance of our technologies in affecting the quality of life throughout the world

and accepting a personal obligation to our profession and the communities we serve. Both ethical

considerations on myself and the class share similar properties.

My colleagues have decided that safety is the most ethical thing to commit. In our open group

discussion, we looked at a few articles that describe engineers’ projects and how it could

potentially benefit society and what possibilities that could lead to a downfall. For example, a

married couple who owned a Ford vehicle got involved in a car accident and sustain serious

burns due to faculty design of the vehicle that caused the gas tank to punctured and sprayed fuel

onto the passenger. The lack of safety measurements has caused their well-being in danger, and it

is necessary to take the time to observe the car’s critical points that can lead to fatal incidents.

Edited by Pinto Fuel System Issue 1981, Paragraph 2.

After receiving variety of ethical situation exercises, we can begin to understand Virtue of Ethics.

The Virtue of Ethics consists of six virtues which are integrity, honesty, fidelity, charity,

responsibility, and self-discipline. The three virtues that stood out the most personally are

responsibility, integrity, and fidelity. The theme of ethical considerations we discuss is safety and

it is a priority. This applies both responsibility and integrity because we are implementing new

projects efficiently and trying to sell to the public for a better world. Fidelity is more towards

manufactures that are in the process of implementing on problems they had in the past and

fidelity applies because employers dedicate these projects to promote moral obligation to act for

the good of others. The discussions we have apply to these three-virtue ethics because the Echo

contains a feature to record sound without any commands or keywords. This is towards security

system. The Fidelity is finding the suspect who committed murder and ensure everyone’s safety

is secure and the people who been victims deserve some form of justice.

The Code of Ethics application has given us an idea what to anticipate and how to decide. It is

essential to follow these guidelines for the future of we, and the community to be a part of one


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