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SEMESTER: 2020/21.2 (2021.1)

Cross Cultural Understanding


No. Soal Skor

1. Pertanyaan: 25

Read the following text and answer the questions that follow!

Tom is an American student studying in a university in Indonesia, and he has formed a

close friendship with Ali, an Indonesian student studying in the same department. One day,
Tom and Ali had made an appointment to watch a football match together; however, the
night before the match, Ali’s mother called, saying that his father needed his car battery to
be changed. The next morning Ali told Tom that he couldn’t go with him, as he had to go
home. Tom, who knew what Ali’s mother’ call was about, got really upset. He could not
understand, why Ali had to go home just because his father needed his car battery to be
changed, and why Ali had to do it, instead of a mechanic.

When he asked Ali about it, Ali said that that message was a hint that his father wanted to
see him, and as a son, he could not ignore it or refuse to go home and see his father. Tom
could not understand it, and he felt a bit hurt, that Ali could so easily cancel their

What is the problem in this case? Explain in terms of high context and low-context culture.

2. Pertanyaan: 25

Read the following text and answer the questions that follow!

Mary and Annisa are good friends; Mary is a German girl, and Annisa is an Indonesian.
One day, Mary got a phone call from her sister in Germany, saying that her mother was
critically ill. Mary burst out crying,she was very worried about her mother, but she could not
go home as she was facing a very important exam in her studies. Annisa just sat beside
her, and saying softly that every thing would be OK, and that she believed Mary’s mother
would be better soon.
Mary was angry, and she felt that Annisa did not really care about her. She said, ”Why
didn’t you hug me, and comfort me? Friends are supposed to do that”

What is the problem in this case? Explain briefly by refering to aspects of norms (immaterial culture)

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3. Pertanyaan: 25

Read the following dialog between Josh, an American, and Tatsuo, a Japanese!

T; Hi, Josh, as you know, I was absent in Professor Cline’s class yesterday. Can I borrow
your notes?

J: Sorry, Tatsuo, I cannot lend you my notes. I will give you the list of required readings
that was given to us yesterday. You should read the materials, and be prepared for
discussion next week.

T: Oh, okay, then.

What is happening here? Analyze the case according to the aspect of the context of individualism
vs. Collectivism

4. Pertanyaan: 25

Read the following text and answer the questions that follow!

Putri, an Indonesian girl, is taking her Master’s degree in a university in Australia. During
her first month there, she was very happy, because many Indonesian students kept her
company, and many Australians regularly asked her whether she was fine, and they
accompanied her to the university’s book store, gym, cinema, etc. However, in her second
month she found out that many of her Indonesian friends were going home since they had
completed their studies, and her Australian friends did not accompany her any more. She
felt very lonely, and she cried often, wanting to go back home.

What is happening here? Analyze Putri’s problems in terms of the concept of culture shock and
Skor Total 100

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