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Teacher Sandra’s Class Material – Pre-high-school English Practice

U1- How to Talk to Your Dog, According to Science

Part 1 Conversation questions

(1) Do you like dogs? Why?

(2) Are dogs really "a man’s best friend"? Why?

(3) What kinds of dogs do you like and dislike? Why?

(4) Do you think dogs are the best pets? Why?

(5) Do you think dogs have a good life? Why?

(6) Are you ever afraid of dogs? Why?

(7) What do you think of dogs that bark non-stop?

(8) Do you think people spend too much money on dogs? Why?

(9) In what ways are dogs helpful to humans?

(10) Are there many abandoned dogs in your town? Why?

Part 1-2 Write down five answer from the above questions.






Teacher Sandra’s Class Material – Pre-high-school English Practice

Part 2 Reading
Who's a good girl? You are! Yes, you are!

Yes, you are! Yes, you are! Um... do you even know what I'm saying?

If you're one of the millions of dog __________ who talk to man's best friend like

this, you're not __________. But how__________ is it?

Do you want to __________ a real __________ __________ your dog? Well, here's

how to do it, "according to science". At times, you might feel _______ or a little

_____________ to talk to your dog in a high-_______ed, baby-like voice. But don't

be! Talking to your pets ____ ____ they're human is a _______ of high __________.

It's known as "anthropomorphizing", which is when you consider something that

isn't human to have human _____________. So, although talking to your Golden

Retriever like a baby might make you feel stupid, you're really smart!

owner (n.) pitch (n.)

alone (adj.) as if

effective (adj.) sign (n.)

conversation (n.) intelligence (n.)

silly (adj.) characteristic (n.)

embarrassed (adj.)

And even if we wanted to stop talking this way, it'd be pretty __________, and here's

why. A 2017 study asked 30 women to __________ their voice while reading

__________ you might say to a dog, like, "Hi, cutie, who's a good boy?" The women

recorded the phrases while looking at pictures of dogs and humans. When they

looked at a pictures of humans, their voice was normal, but as they looked at

pictures of dogs and __________, their voice got higher-pitched and more baby-like.

Talking to dogs like this is__________for us, and it's not because we're so

Teacher Sandra’s Class Material – Pre-high-school English Practice

____________ with their __________ that we just can't help it.

difficult (adj.) natural (adj.)

record (n.) (v.) overwhelmed (adj.)

phrases (n.) cuteness (n.)

puppies (n.)

Part 3 Review

Vocabulary Quiz
1. without anyone or anything else. 5. feeling uncomfortable because of
 alone shame or receiving too much
 pitch attention from others.
 silly  embarrassed
 conversation  owner
 pitch
2. talk between people.  alone
 conversation 6. a person or group to whom
 pitch something belongs.
 effective  owner
 embarrassed  alone
 silly
3. able to make happen or change  embarrass
something. 7. the high or low quality of a sound or
 effective musical note.
 embarrass  pitch
 pitch  alone
 embarrassed  conversation
 embarrassed
4. to make uncomfortable or ill at ease. 8. without good sense; foolish.
 embarrass  silly
 owner  effective
 alone  embarrassed
 silly  conversation

Teacher Sandra’s Class Material – Pre-high-school English Practice

Part 4 Activity

Top 10 Dog Breeds

1. German Shepherd A. 法國鬥牛犬

2. Golden Retriever B. 羅威納犬

3. Labrador C. 哈士奇

4. Beagle D. 柯基犬

5. Poodle E. 雜種狗

6. Bulldog F. 拉布拉多犬

7. French Bulldog G. 比格犬

8. Rotweiler H. 德國牧羊犬

9. Husky I. 黃金獵犬

10. Corgi J. 貴賓犬

11. Mutts K. 鬥牛犬

Part 5 Writing Practice

Topic : Why do people like dogs? (at least 100 words)

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