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Zeus and the Tooth Fairy

One day little Zeus was in the bathroom looking in the mirror. He had a wobbly
tooth! Wobble, wobble, wobble. Zeus moved the tooth back and forth. He
experienced the pain of milk teeth falling out for the first time. As it was his first
time, the little boy became scared at the sight of his broken tooth. Scared, he called
to his father crying uncontrollably.

Z: Dad! Dad! Come quickly please! (sobbing)

D: Zeus, why are you crying?
Z: I got a wobbly tooth and it fell out!
D: Have you? Let me see.
So Zeus showed daddy his fell out tooth. He called out in horror, look at this, why
is this happening? He asked as he pressed the broken tooth in his father’s palm. His
father smiled at him. But before the father could console him, he asked.
Z: will I lose all my teeth now and become a grandpa?
The poor boy was terrified of losing his teeth.
D: (smiled) No you won’t, this happens to everyone. The milk teeth fall out in
order to make space for your permanent teeth to come. Your permanent teeth
won’t fall off until you become extremely old.
The little boy was happy to hear that and said.
Z: Can I go to the living room to show mommy my tooth?
D: Okay, but don’t lose your tooth!
Zeus put the tooth in his trousers and run off.
Z: Look mommy, look! My tooth fell off!
M: Wow Zeus that is super! The tooth fairy will come tonight!
Z: what is a tooth fairy mommy?
M: Well a tooth fairy is a beautiful little creature who come at night and take away
your tooth and leaves a present behind.
Z: what kind of present?
M: hhmmmmmpp, it could be money or pendants.
Later in the kitchen, Zeus, mommy and daddy were having supper…
Z: the tooth fairy is coming tonight!
D: yes she is! Don’t forget to put your tooth under your pillow.
M: the tooth fairy will bring you some money!
Z: Hurray!!!
In Zeus bedroom…
M: Okay Zeus, let’s put your tooth under your pillow
Z: alright mommy! I’m so excited that I cannot barely sleep.
D: oh no, you need to go to sleep or else the tooth fairy won’t come.
Z; but… but…. but why? I want to see the tooth fairy.
D: Son, the tooth fairy won’t come to visit if you’re not sleeping.
Z: well, alright I’ll sleep now so the fairy can visit already. Good night mommy,
good night daddy. Don’t let the night bugs bite.
The next day, when the little boy woke up, he squealed with happiness. The mother
heard his son and run towards him.
M: good morning! What happened?
Z: the tooth fairy left money for me!
M: Wow, that’s good. Now what will you do with that money?
Z:hhmmmmpp, nothing. This will be a reminder for me that tooth fairy do exists.
For a long time after that day, Zeus didn’t spend a dime and kept on showing his
friends the money which the tooth fairy gave as a present. But little did he know
about who the real tooth fairy was!

The End

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