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1. La brocha: Take and object and use it to represent anything by miming. The other students need
to guess.
2. Pictionary: 2 teams.
3. Sopa de letras.
4. Dominoes
5. Bingo of tenses.
6. Chimar: You change a verb for an imaginary one and they have to guess the meaning of it.
7. Dictation race
8. I have never: They sit in a circle and if the person in the middle says something that you have done,
you need to change chair.
9. You say a word and the next person needs to say another starting with the last syllable, sound,
10. Little papers with famous people in one’s forehead. Practice yes/no questions.
11. We take a student out of the class and the teacher tells the others the problem this student had.
The others have to give him advice and he needs to guess.
12. Oyes/dices
13. Hangman
14. Memory of vocabulary.
15. Cifras y letras. Students need to find as many words as possible in the words JOB
16. Juego de la pelota: Ball game in order to learn names or practice vocabulary (semantic fields).
17. Stop: Categories: letter, food, country, verb, clothes, object in the classroom.
18. Look for someone who...
19. A student chooses a profession and stands in the middle of the circle and mimes and the others
need to guess which profession it is.
20. Pictures of famous people are stuck on the board and students need to describe them out loud, the
others need to guess who the student is describing.
21. Chinese whispers.
22. Cadaver exquisito.
23. Students write down questions that they would like to ask to someone in the class. The teacher
plays music and the students walk around the class. When the music stops, the students ask a
question to the person next to them.
24. Put them in pairs and tell them to find out 5 things they have in common with the person sitting
next to them. Then, comment them to the rest of the class.
25. Juego de la cadena: I went shopping and I bought shoes, I went shopping and I bought shoes and
a hat...
26. Someone sits with his back towards the board and a word is written that this person needs to guess
asking questions and with the descriptions of his classmates.
27. We write three letters on the board and the students need to write in pairs as many words as
possible starting with those letters. The winning pair is the one with more correct words.
28. What would you do if… + a series of situations:
You found a wallet with 180€. You get a very well-paid job in Alaska. You were chosen for Big
Brother. Your wife told you she is cheating on you with your best friend.
29. Describe a classmate. What would he be if the was a flower, a book, a song, a piece of furniture,

1. You work for a company and you have a series of candidates with short descriptions and they need
to discuss and decide which one they want for the post.
2. Priorities in a series of qualities to be a good business man.
3. Put an order to moments in your life: getting married, going out with someone, having a child...
4. They are given a series of pictures and they have to make up a story with them.
5. Role game in which each character is given a role and they have to defend their position according
to it.

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