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Islam Questions

*2017 edition*

To what extent can one argue that Mohammed is at par with Moses (25)

Examine the role played by Mohammed in the development of Islam (25)

Examine the nature of salvation in Islam (25)

Compare and contrast the nature of God in Islam and that of Judaism (25)

Examine the role of Muhammad as political leader s opposed to a prophet (25)

Discuss the misconception towards Islam showing how various Islamic groups contributes towards
this (25)

Jesus Christ and Muhammad were typically successionists Discuss (25)

Examine the five tenets of Islam showing how they make the religion unique (25)

Examine the atrocities done by Islamic Jihadist and justify their existence (25)
Examine the social and economic activities of various Islamic Groups in Zimbabwe (25)

What are the causes of extremism explain how it leads to negative perceptions (25)

Examine the relationship between terrorism and jihadism (25)

Examine the authority of the Quaran show how Muslim practices affirm its authority (25)

Define the word “prophet” and explain the position of Islam on


Explain briefly the functions expected of the prophet of God.(25)

List at least eight characteristics of a divine written message that may be

used to determine the genuineness of a claim to prophet-hood.(25)

Critically assess the concept of miracle according to Islamic tenets.(25)

Explore the value of Jihad in Islam (25)

Luv is central to th behavior of Muslims discuss ?(25)

*2018 edition*

Examine the Attributes of Allah (25)

Type:- *Attributes of Allah*

Analyse the concept of prophecy in Islam

Identify the sources of ethical principles in Islam

Examine the rules of behaviour in Islam Needs good content notes and explanation

Examine the role of Islam in environmental


Identify the roles of women in Islam

Analyse the activities of NGOs in Islam ?

Explore the extent of Muhammeds prophetic status ?

Examine the Islamic principles that promote a healthy lifestyle ?

*2019 edition*
1) Explain the nature of the Koran ?

2) Evaluate the importance of the Koran in Islam ?

3) Explain the concept of Allah ?

4) Identify the attributes of Allah ?

5) Explain Shariah Law ?

6) how instances where Shariah Law is applied ?

7)Explain the role of Muhammad in the establishment of Islam ?

8)Evaluate the legacy of Muhammad ?

9)Explore the extent of Muhammad’s prophetic status ?

10)Delineate the categories of love ?

11)Assess how love is demonstrated in Islam ?

12)Identify the sources of ethical principles in Islam ?

13)Examine the rules of behaviour in Islam ?

14)Explain the concept of humanitarian service ?

15)Delineate the relationship between Jihad and ? humanitarian service ?

16)Identify Islamic related NGOs and their roles ?

17)Analyse the contribution of Islam to social development in Zimbabwe ?

18)Explain the Islamic concept of governance ?

19)Assess the challenges of Islamic perceptions of governance ?

20)Evaluate the importance of a Jihad ?

21)Explore the meaning of Jihad ?

22)Explain conflict transformation

23)Illustrate the modes of conflict transformation in Islam ?

25)Evaluate the meaning of marriage in the Koran ?

26)Assess the importance of marriage in Islam ?

27)Explain the causes of divorce in Islam?

29)Identify the sources of Islamic environmental practice ?

30)Explain the principles of environmental preservation in Islam?

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