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People working in organisation are more important than the building

I think humans are more important than the inanimate office building/premises

2. some people feel more comfortable working away from office

Some people like to think out of the box hence, they prefer working out in the open
I think as if there is NO BOX in the first place - REJOINDER / RETORT / REPARTEE
(quick witty reply)

under the sun - out in the open

3. I don't agree that office building is more important than the colleagues
rather than building structure

4. Some of the most rudimentary necessities of beautiful picture are

5. The most preferable food which enjoy is ..

The food that I relish eating is...

6. To my mind, all jobs are equal

In my view / In my opinion / I think
According to me X

7. Some employees tend to work hard because - CONCISE

for the reason being - since -

For want of money, I shifted to Mumbai.

(= because I did not have money) or due to lack of money

E.g. Not wishing to sound conceited, I'm the best trainer in Chennai

We were served by a very surly waiter
Use it or lose it
Last hired, I was the first to be fired - LIFO

Camel is the ship of the desert

Simile - as or like
As brave as Achilles

Alliteration - first letter similar

Pranks are passe - old fashioned = outdated = outmoded= antiquated
Hybrid is hard
Unstoppable Uttar Pradesh
Coffee crush

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