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events online with Portkey!
You can still enjoy fun
Couldn’t attend Leakycon?
found at

their ends.
means to achieve
ning folks use any
found at
friends, Those cun-

quest to overcome the evil dark wizard

ardry. The main story concerns Harry’s
friends Ron Weasley and Hermione
cent wizard Harry Potter and his best

destroy all those who stand in his way.

non-magical people, and who seeks to
quer the wizarding world and subjugate
Lord Voldemort, whose aim is to con-
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wiz-
Granger, all of whom are students at
chronicle the adventures of the adoles-
author J. K. Rowling. The books
tasy novels written by the British
make your real everal publishers rejected the first Harry arry Potter is a series of seven fan-
Slytherin you’ll Potter manuscript saying it was too long Since the 30 June 1997 release of the first
Or perhaps in S and literary, but Bloomsbury Publisher novel Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s
find their kind; finally accepted it in 1996. The book’s pub- Stone (re-titled Harry Potter and the Sor-
learning, Will always lisher suggested Rowling use the name “J. K.” cerer’s Stone in the United States), the
those of wit and rather than her real name “Joanne Rowling” to books have gained immense popular-
a ready mind, Where appeal to male readers. She took the “K” from ity, critical acclaim and commercial suc-
Ravenclaw, if you’ve her grandmother’s name Kathleen, but neither cess worldwide. The series has also had
Or yet in wise old “Kathleen” nor “K” is part of her legal name. some share of criticism, including con-
cern for the increasingly dark tone. As
And unafraid of toil;
of June 2011, the book series has sold

Hufflepuffs are true SoKing’smanyCrossfans station
loyal, Those patient about 450 million copies and has been
they are just and to take pictures of plat- translated into 67 languages, and the last
Hufflepuff, Where forms 9 and 10 that the sta- four books have consecutively set records
tion management erected as the fastest-selling books in history.

You might belong in

apart; a sign that says “Platform
alry set Gryffindors 9 ¾” which, in the Potter
Harry Potter
nerve, and chiv- books, is invisible to Mug-
heart, Their daring, gles but acts as a gateway
dwell the brave at for witches and wizards.
Gryffindor, Where

Slytherin Ravenclaw Hufflepuff Gryffindor

You might belong in
by: JK. Rowling HPSS
The Daily Prophet

is located somewhere in Scotland and has various

charms to make it appear as an old ruin to muggle eyes.
Tickle a Sleeping Dragon.” In the novels, the school
he Hogwarts school motto is Draco dormiens
nunquam titillandus which is Latin for “Never
Harry Potter EDITION

actress to portray a
he actress who

Hogwarts student.
and is the oldest
ally 37 years old
Myrtle is actu-
played Moaning

The Daily Prophet
Harry Potter Accio: MAGIC The Summoning
found at


Charm. When used in connec-

by Clive Gifford

the end of the

A simple spell
that creates a
ball of light at

caster’s wand.
HARRY POTTER? tion with an object, this charm
1. How many Galleons 2. What creature is will cause such object to fly to
did Harry’s wand cost Mrs. Mason very the spell caster.
from Ollivanders? afraid of?
A) 5

A) Wolves

cal injurries.
minor physi-
for repairing
A handy spell
B) 6 B) Birds
C) 7 Aslicing charm that ap-

Wingardium Leviosa:
C) Dogs
pears to act like a wiz-

years. It is significant in that it plays a part in

A simple levitation spell learned by first
D) 8 D) Snakes
ard’s “pocket knife.”
3. Which of the fol- 4. How many items are
lowing items is not in there on Mr. Filch’s list

bonding the friendship between Harry,

the student store cup- of forbidden objects at
A) Leeches
B) Knotgrass
A) 159
B) 342

Ron and Hermione.

C) Bicorn horn C) 437
D) Fluxweed D) 982
5. What mark did Her- 6. In what month was
mione get in her Muggle Harry’s first Quid-
Studies exam? ditch match?
A) 99% A) September
B) 100% B) October
C) 200% C) November
D) 320% D) December


A sheild charm
See if you can find all of the hidden wands
that will pro-
throughout the prophet! They are hidden ev-
tect you from
erywhere. They can be an size and on every-
spells that are

Deathly Hallows
thing. Happy
sent your way.

A ccording to legend, he who possesses these

found at
three artefacts would become the Master of
of three brothers in the Peverell

spirits of the dead, and the Cloak

verell’s wisdom in requesting the

ated by Death and given to each

family. They consisted of the El-

der Wand, an immensely powerful
wand that was considered unde-

a stone which could summon the

of Invisibility, which, as its name

featable; the Resurrection Stone,

suggests, renders the user com-

pletely invisible. According to the
story, both Antioch Peverell (own-
er of the Wand) and Cadmus Pe-
verell (owner of the Stone) came
to bad ends. However, Ignotus Pe-

Death. Dumbledore told Harry that he and

another wizard, Gellert Grindelwald took this to
mean that the uniter of the Deathly Hal-
are three highly
powerful magical
he Deathly Hallows

objects supposedly cre-

lows would be invincible. The story of

Cloak was rewarded.

the Deathly Hallows was originally told

by Beedle the Bard and subsequently
passed from family to family as a
wizard fairytale. Few wizards ever
realized that the Deathly Hallows

were genuine items.

pg. 02 brushes by Magical_Viper on all images found on Google Images

1.) C 2.) B 3.) C 4.) C 5.) D 6.) C 12 wands
parchment paper by Allocer2009

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