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Teen social media addiction is characterized by the combination of excessive

media consumption despite suffering losses in friendship, decreased physical

social engagement, and a negative impact at school. In order to make use of
social networking sites’s benefits, I have some ways. Firstly, youngth should
use social media mindfully. According to research from UBC Okanagan ,
passively scrolling through posts may not result in feelings of happiness.
Thus, taking their focus off the negative news and place it on the things that
make they feel good, then they can invite more good stuff and good feelings
into their reality. Secondly, teenagers can learn how to use social media for
business. Whether they work on reducing social media use, learning how to
use social media less, or focusing on the good side of social media, there’s a
multitude of options to use social media in a good way, such as using social
media for good causes. In conclusion, it is believed that social media does
more good than harm and that it’s possible to learn how to use social media
effectively and responsibly, so you can be a happier, smarter, more connected
human being.

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