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Immune System Glossary

Terms in The Immune System Click & Learn

Immune System Glossary

A process by which a cell changes or gains functions
in response to a stimulus.
Immune System Glossary

Adaptive immune cell

An immune cell involved in the adaptive immune
response. Includes B cells and T cells.
Immune System Glossary

Adaptive immune response

One of the two main ways in which the immune
system responds to pathogens. Provides long-lasting
protection against specific pathogens but may take
longer to start.
Immune System Glossary

A small protein that binds to a specific antigen.
Antibodies are made by plasma cells and help the
immune system fight pathogens in various ways. The
human immune system can generate billions of
types of antibodies.
Immune System Glossary

A small piece of biological material (protein,
carbohydrate, lipid, or nucleic acid) that can be
recognized by the immune system. Antigens from
pathogens or abnormal cells trigger an immune
Immune System Glossary

Antigen-MHC complex
An antigen bound to an MHC protein on the surface
of a cell. T cells must bind to a specific antigen-MHC
complex in order to activate.
Immune System Glossary

Antigen-presenting cell (APC)

A cell with an antigen bound to an MHC protein on its
surface. APCs interact with T cells to trigger an
immune response. The most common APCs are
dendritic cells.
Immune System Glossary

A process by which a cell destroys itself. Involves
several chemical reactions that make the cell change
appearance and then die. Apoptosis is often used to
kill cells that are unneeded or abnormal.
Immune System Glossary

Autoimmune disease
A condition in which the immune system mistakenly
attacks the body’s healthy, normal cells.
Immune System Glossary

An innate immune cell that circulates in the blood
and is involved in inflammation.
Immune System Glossary

B cell
An adaptive immune cell that helps target and
destroy specific pathogens. After being activated by
T cells, B cells differentiate into plasma cells to
produce antibodies.
Immune System Glossary

B cell receptor (BCR)

A protein on the surface of a B cell that binds to a
specific antigen. Plays a major role in B cell activation.
Immune System Glossary

Bone marrow
A spongy tissue in certain bones. Contains stem cells
that develop into immune cells and red blood cells.
Immune System Glossary

Cell-mediated immune response

The processes of the adaptive immune response that
play a major role in destroying infected cells through
cytotoxic T cells.
Immune System Glossary

Complement proteins
A group of proteins in the blood that help destroy
pathogens and infected cells. They can damage
pathogens directly or attract other immune cells to
the site of an infection.
Immune System Glossary

Small proteins released by cells to communicate with
other cells. Some cytokines alert immune cells to an
infection or activate certain immune cells.
Immune System Glossary

Cytotoxic T cell
A type of T cell that kills infected cells by making
them undergo apoptosis.
Immune System Glossary

Dendritic cell
A type of phagocyte (innate immune cell that engulfs
and destroys pathogens). Dendritic cells “display”
antigens from the pathogens it engulfs in order to
activate other immune cells.
Immune System Glossary

Digestive system
The organs and tissues involved in eating and
breaking down food, absorbing nutrients into cells,
and eliminating wastes.
Immune System Glossary

A process that switches a cell from one type to
another, typically more specialized type.
Differentiation is caused by changes in gene
expression that are often triggered by chemicals,
including cytokines and hormones.
Immune System Glossary

A process in which certain cells, called phagocytes,
surround and take in large particles (such as
pathogens). The phagocyte extends its outer
membrane around the particle, forming an enclosed
structure called a vesicle that brings the particle into
the cell.
Immune System Glossary

An innate immune cell that destroys large pathogens,
such as parasites, by releasing damaging molecules
and chemical signals (cytokines).
Immune System Glossary

Helper T cell
A type of T cell that activates other immune cells,
including B cells and cytotoxic T cells.
Immune System Glossary

A small molecule released by mast cells to trigger
inflammation. Histamine makes blood vessels “leaky,”
which allows immune cells and fluid to move from
the blood vessels into body tissues.
Immune System Glossary

Humoral immune response

The processes of the adaptive immune response that
involve antibodies (also known as the
antibody-mediated response). These processes
make and use antibodies to fight specific pathogens.
They include B cell activation and differentiation into
plasma cells, which produce antibodies.
Immune System Glossary

Immune cells
Cells that are part of the immune system. Sometimes
also called white blood cells or leukocytes.
Immune System Glossary

Immune response
The processes that the immune system uses to fight
pathogens. Includes two main parts, the innate and
adaptive immune responses, and involves many cells
and organs.
Immune System Glossary

Immune system
A group of organs, tissues, cells, and molecules that
protect the body from pathogens.
Immune System Glossary

A condition in which the immune system is
“weakened” and less effective at fighting pathogens.
A person could become immunocompromised due
to certain medications, medical conditions, viral
infections, etc.
Immune System Glossary

A process in the innate immune response that helps
the body fight pathogens and repair tissue damage.
Inflammation is triggered by injury or infection and
can result in redness, pain, and swelling.
Immune System Glossary

Innate immune cell

An immune cell involved in the innate immune
response. Includes phagocytes (macrophages,
neutrophils, dendritic cells, etc.), mast cells, and
natural killer (NK) cells.
Immune System Glossary

Innate immune response

One of the two main ways in which the immune
system responds to pathogens. Provides immediate
protection but cannot target specific pathogens.
Immune System Glossary

A fluid similar to blood that circulates throughout the
body. Lymph contains immune cells but not red
blood cells.
Immune System Glossary

Lymph nodes
Small organs throughout the body that contain many
immune cells. Lymphatic vessels connect through
lymph nodes.
Immune System Glossary

Lymphatic vessels
Thin “tubes” that carry a fluid called lymph
throughout the body. Lymphatic vessels are similar to
blood vessels but do not contain red blood cells.
Immune System Glossary

A type of immune cell. Includes T cells, B cells, and
natural killer (NK) cells.
Immune System Glossary

Lymphoid organs
A group of organs that produce or contain large
numbers of immune cells. Examples include the
bone marrow, thymus, lymph nodes, spleen, and
Immune System Glossary

An innate immune cell that plays many roles.
Macrophages are phagocytes that engulf and
destroy pathogens and abnormal cells. They can also
release chemical signals (cytokines) to attract other
immune cells.
Immune System Glossary

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC)

A protein that binds to antigens and “displays” them
on the surface of a cell. Phagocytes use MHC
proteins to “display” antigens from pathogens.
Immune System Glossary

Mast cell
An innate immune cell that plays a major role in
inflammation. Releases chemical signals (histamine)
that help fluid and immune cells move from the
blood vessels into tissues.
Immune System Glossary

Memory cells
Long-lived B and T cells that are made the first time a
pathogen infects the body. If the body is reinfected
by the same type of pathogen, memory cells provide
a faster, stronger adaptive immune response.
Immune System Glossary

A microscopic organism. Includes viruses, bacteria,
archaea, fungi, and parasites. Some microbes are
helpful, and others cause disease.
Immune System Glossary

The community of microbes that live in and on the
body, including fungi, bacteria, protozoa, and viruses.
These microbes usually don’t cause disease and are
sometimes beneficial.
Immune System Glossary

An innate cell that differentiates into macrophages.
Like macrophages, monocytes are phagocytes that
engulf and destroy pathogens and abnormal cells.
Immune System Glossary

Mucous membrane
A thin tissue containing cells that make mucus.
Mucous membranes line the digestive system (gut),
respiratory system (airways), and urogenital tract.
Immune System Glossary

A sticky, slimy substance produced by certain cells.
Protects tissues by trapping pathogens and contains
antimicrobial enzymes and antibodies.
Immune System Glossary

Natural killer (NK) cell

An innate immune cell that kills infected and
abnormal cells. Can release chemical signals
(cytokines) that cause other cells to undergo
Immune System Glossary

A process by which antibodies bind to a pathogen
and block it from interacting with and infecting the
body’s cells.
Immune System Glossary

An innate immune cell. Typically the first cell type to
respond to pathogens, particularly bacteria and fungi.
Chemical signals (cytokines) can attract neutrophils
and make them multiply.
Immune System Glossary

A microbe that causes disease. Can include bacteria,
viruses, fungi, or parasites.
Immune System Glossary

An innate immune cell that engulfs and destroys
pathogens and abnormal cells. Includes neutrophils,
monocytes, macrophages, and dendritic cells.
Immune System Glossary

A process by which immune cells called phagocytes
engulf and destroy pathogens and abnormal cells.
Parts of the destroyed pathogens or cells may be
absorbed by the phagocyte, released, or displayed
on the phagocyte’s MHC proteins.
Immune System Glossary

Plasma cell
A type of adaptive immune cell that produces
antibodies. Each plasma cell makes an antibody for a
specific antigen and makes several thousand copies
of this antibody per second. Plasma cells come from
activated B cells.
Immune System Glossary

Primary immune response

How the immune system responds the first time it
encounters a specific pathogen.
Immune System Glossary

Progenitor cells
Cells that come from stem cells and can then differentiate
into other cell types. Lymphoid progenitor cells
differentiate into lymphocytes, and myeloid progenitor
cells differentiate into other immune cells and red blood
cells. Both types of progenitor cells come from stem cells
in the bone marrow.
Immune System Glossary

Proteins in and on the membranes of cells. Receptors
bind to specific molecules, such as antigens, to send
signals between or within cells.
Immune System Glossary

Respiratory system
The organs and tissues that allow you to take oxygen
into the body and release carbon dioxide.
Immune System Glossary

Secondary immune response

How the immune system responds the second (or
any subsequent) time it encounters a specific
pathogen. This response is faster and more powerful
than the immune system response when it first
encounters the pathogen.
Immune System Glossary

A small piece of biological material (protein,
carbohydrate, lipid, or nucleic acid) that is part of the
body or its cells. The body destroys immune cells
that bind to self-antigens.
Immune System Glossary

The body’s thick outer layer. Acts as a physical barrier
to pathogens and also makes some antimicrobial
Immune System Glossary

An organ above the stomach that helps filter the
blood. Contains immune cells that break down dead
and dying red blood cells to recycle their parts.
Immune System Glossary

Stem cells
A cell that can develop into a variety of other cell
types. Stem cells in the bone marrow can develop
into immune cells and red blood cells.
Immune System Glossary

T cell
An adaptive immune cell that helps the body
respond to specific pathogens. Upon recognizing a
specific antigen, T cells differentiate into helper T
cells and cytotoxic T cells.
Immune System Glossary

T cell receptor (TCR)

A protein on the surface of a T cell that binds to a
specific antigen (but only when the antigen is bound
to an MHC protein on an antigen-presenting cell).
Plays a major role in T cell activation.
Immune System Glossary

An organ in the chest where immune cells called T
cells develop.
Immune System Glossary

Small organs at the back of the throat that contain
immune cells. These cells destroy inhaled or
ingested microbes and warn the immune system
about potential infections.
Immune System Glossary

Harmful substances (typically small molecules or
proteins) produced by living organisms, including
some pathogens.
Immune System Glossary

A substance that triggers an immune response
against a pathogen without causing an infection. If
the immune system encounters the same type of
pathogen later, it can destroy the pathogen more
quickly and efficiently than if the individual had not
had a vaccine.
End of glossary

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