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-According to the NSPE preamble, engineers must be dedicated to the protection of the public’s:

Health, safety, well-being.

-Which statement is FALSE:

Being a good person means you are prepared for the ethical challenges you will face during your career.

-An unauthorized person has accessed your health records without your consent. This is an invasion of

Informational privacy

-Risk as defined by engineers as:

The product of the likelihood of an event and the magnitude of resulting harm.

-While cost-benefit analysis can be a useful tool in risk analysis, it has disadvantages from a moral
standpoint. These include:

Cost-benefit analysis in its usual applications makes no allowance in the distribution of costs and

-Which of the following best expresses the relationship between technology and society?

Technology affects the social structure of society, & the social norms and traditions of a culture shape
the development of its technologies.

-Which is the best statement of preventive ethics?

Engineers should avoid professional actions that do not promote the highest levels of humans well-

-Aspirational ethics is most appropriately expressed in terms of:

Virtues, because professionals should have a considerable range of freedom in how they pursue public
-One can argue that appreciation of the technological pessimist point of view can be of great value to
the engineers because:

It prompts engineers to adopt a critical attitude toward technology & It can prompt engineers to
redesign in order to eliminate the negative effects of technology.

-The idea that businesses should act rationally and make decisions based on goodwill is related to which

The Kantian theory

-If the total cost of preventing harm is greater than the total cost of not preventing the harm, then:

The current level of risk is acceptable

-The view that computers give us useful information that can protect us is related to:

Utilitarian perspective

-In the Deepwater horizon oil spill, BP:


-As a principle, killing in self-defense is considered:


-Which statement is true:

Engineers have a responsibility to inform the public of the potential benefits of a new technology &
engineers need to consider the social dimension of the technologies they create, including the trade

-What can we learn about CBA from the ford pinto case?

An engineer using CBA to assess risk in design decisions should always ask himself if a respect-for-
persons approach should supersede or limit the outcome of the CBA

-The fukushima nuclear power plant….:

………point in time

-Ethical problems:

Can be solved by delineating the problem, and diagnosing it as one or more of the three components.

-Creative midway solutions:

Are means to resolve ethical problems.

-Joe is a chemical engineer whose plant discharges heavy metals into the local river. By the test

authorized by the city government, the amount of heavy metals is under the legal limit imposed by the

The issue is how joe should balance his obligation to his employer to his obligation to the health of the

-If joe applies the golden rule to the case, what would he ask:

If I were another citizen of the city, would I want other plants to proactively address similar discharges.
-In the line drawing technique:

The ‘features’ selected should help to determine whether the test case resembles the positive or
negative paradigm more closely.

-engineer James says that accepting even a cheap pen from a vendor is to engage in a conflict of

This is a conceptual claim

-Which of the below best suits the self- defeating approach?

Taking ethical decisions should not beat the purpose.

-The approach asks the question “would the best possible situation arise if everyone acted

-The problem of many hands:

Is the problem created when many people have part in an error.

-The concept of the ‘standard of care’ is often used in legal proceedings against engineers. Which
statement is true about this standard?

It refers to the level of work done by normally competent engineers

-In law, the highest penalty for causing harm is for actions that are:

The intent one

-Applying the ‘standard of care’:

Shows the level of responsibility of the engineer

-The Citicorp building case:

Is a striking example which showed how engineers play a significant role in protecting the public.
-Engineers can be responsible by:

Seeing the big picture which involves all aspects of a project, using innovative methods/material, and
being objective.

-Cody’s fiancé has familial ties to a company that has sold parts to cody’s company in the past and might
do so in the future. Is this a conflict of interest?

No, but it is a potential conflict of interest

-the forms of dishonesty are:

Withholding information, lying, & deliberate deception.

-Elbert has a conflict of interest when:

He wants to specify bolts that are the best for his design, but would also like to use the bolts made by
his family firm.

-The respect for persons model includes the following three approaches:

The golden rule, the self-defeating, the rights, approaches.

-When engineers build an eco-friendly car with less emissions, they have to consider that its lighter
weight tends to make it less safe…This involves taking a close look at:

The trade-offs between the pros and cons of building this type of car

-Do not lie , cheat or steal is which of the following kind of ethics:

Prohibitive ethics

-Ethics is synonymous with:

-If dishonesty is universalized and everyone treated the other in a dishonest matter the world would be
a terrible place to live in:

Self-defeating approach

-Technology affects many aspects of social life, except:

None of the above (Health, jobs, communicative virtues)

-The different models used for evaluating a decision or act from an ethical perspective can converge or
diverge. It is not necessary that all models yield the same results:


-undergoing trials of new drugs/medicine on convicted prisoners and criminals for research purposes
can be classified under:

Concepts and Applications

-The outcome from the line drawing technique will depend on the features listed for all possible
paradigms (positive, negative and middle way):


-Potential conflict of interest:

Are professionally important, because they can weaken or destroy trust & Can completely corrupt
professional judgement just like actual conflicts of interest.

-Some basic pillars of common morality regarding the engineering profession are: Honesty, respect,

striving for excellence and loyalty:


-If an engineer decides to lie an expert witness, he/she has to be immune to perjury. Some necessities

Being objective and unbiased

-It is necessary to apply the standard of care because:

Some technical standards cannot keep up with innovations

-If harm has been caused by the participation of many employees in one organization:

The professional way to solving this problem is to consider the responsibility as being shared by people
from all ranks.

-The engineers at ford made the correct decision to sell the pinto as is to consumers based on their


-In law the weakest penalty for causing harm is given when actions:

Are negligent
-An engineer level of honesty leads to transparency, more successful designs, and better solutions to the
public’s problems:

The above is an application of innovation in engineering

-An engineer can be legally liable for violating the standard of care as well as the technical codes of


-Engineer tim’s friend sells the copper fuses used in computers built by tim’s company, is this a conflict
of interest?

Yes, this is a potential conflict of interest

-When conducting a CBA which statement is true?

Costs and benefits are calculated solely in monetary terms & Economic measures of cost and benefit
override all other considerations.

-Claiming that a product you are designing is the best of its kind worldwide is an example of:
Deliberate deception

-Engineers can mishandle client confidentiality by:

Refusing to break confidentiality when warranted & Breaking confidentiality when not warranted

-By working with professional societies like the NSPE engineers have a responsibility to the public
regarding technology.

Inform or alert

-Being able to making clear, logical, and convincing arguments is an example of:

The monetary value placed on human life

-An engineer’s new invention can be protected by:

Eza alak:

Invention: patent

Book, music: copyright

Formula: trade secret

Logo or brand: trade mark

-According to the NSPE preamble, engineers must be dedicated to the protection of the public’s:

Health, safety, welfare

-NSPE preamble states that services by engineers require:

Honesty, integrity, impartiality, fairness, equity

-Presenting one aspect of a project and not the full picture is:

Withholding information
-Why should professionals be honest?

A common, accepted trait & a means of being ethical, honorable and respected & requested by
standards of practice in engineering

-An engineer performing an experiment chose favorable data in his report and ignored non-conforming
data is called:


-Engineering discretion means:

Be able to make decisions on your own & keeping company information secret

-What is professional judgement?

Making decision based on experience

-Why study ethics:

The public depends on you to do the right thing

-Mark the correct statement:

Not everything legal is ethical

-Being able to make clear, logical and convincing arguments is an example of:

Moral reasoning

-Whistle blowing becomes morally required when:

Revealing the threat would prevent the harm to the public

-An engineer presents the positive points of a project and not discuss the negative points during project
presentation is called:

Withholding information
-An engineer purchased products for the company he works in from a company he has a personal
financial interest in is called:

Conflict of interest

- An engineer performed a harmfull act with no intention to cause harm and without being aware of the
risk of causing harm is caused:


-Which statement below is made by technological pessimists:

Technology can threaten human freedom

-Attribute of a profession would be:

Work that results in public goods

-Engineer’s responsibility with regard to technology and social policy is:

Inform the public of the issues on both sides of the debate

-A person places himself on the receiving end of an action to determine the acceptability of such actions
is an example of:

Golden rule approach


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