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Year 5 Homework Set: 23.09.


Year 5 You have now all received your passwords for Accelerated Reader, IXL and Times Table
Homework Rock Stars.

Reading Please read on your own or with an adult at least three times a week for twenty minutes.
Remember to ask an adult to sign your reading record every time you read. These will be
checked by your teacher every Friday.

Please ensure you completes the online activities each week. You can complete the
activity or spend 30 minutes on the task. Teachers will be able to see answers and time
spent on it when we log in. The activities have been set this week and are linked to

Remember to have a pencil and paper with you when working on IXL so you can do the
calculation like we would in class and then write in the correct digits.

• Group 1 IXL E10

• Group 2 IXL F8
• Group 3 IXL F9

Children have been given their Times Table Rock Stars usernames and passwords, they
can use this whenever they wish to.

Spellings We are no longer using Spelling Shed at the Junior School. It is beneficial for children to
learn to use their spelling words in context. Therefore, we are asking children to write all
of their spellings out three times and to choose 4 to write into sentences in their
homework books. If the children are unsure of the meaning of a word, they should use a
dictionary to look it up; this is a skill we encourage at the Junior School.

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4

achieve achieve achieve Mother
definite definite definite Father
exaggerate exaggerate exaggerate friends
recommend recommend recommend Gran
language language language Grandad
movement movement movement

Next week Literacy – Information page about Modern Greece

Numeracy – Division, including dividing by 10,100&1000, short division and an

introduction to long division

Entry Our Entry Point for ‘Active Planet – Natural Disasters’ will be on Friday 30th September.
Point Please come to school this Thursday in your own clothes, the colours of a Natural

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