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Cagre Intornational Conference on Large High Voltage Electric Systems 1862 Session ~ (22-02 THE ECONOMIC BENEFITS OF CONTROLS: FOR CONDUCTOR GALLOPING ‘September D.G. HAVARD. ‘A.S. PAULSON J.C. POHLMAN Ontario Hydro Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. Consultant (Canada) (United States) Summa Rapulte of field trials of promising galloping control devices in Gisada, the lnited Sates and Europe are presented, Several methods of inter~ preting these results to provide clear indications OF overall effuctivences are discussed. These fonalyses show that there is a significant reduction in galloping anplitule from detuning penduloms on aingle and bungie conductors and aerodynaate drag Gonpers and interphase specers on cingle conduc tore. Hashover rates derived rom these galloping fauplitules ore used in econonte analyees of adding galloping controle to existing Lines, to nev Lines fand to Lines being upgeaded. Keywords Conductor, alloping, teing, Line, Heouonies, Fendulua, Daaper, Interphase Spacer ind, 1s Introsuetton Researchers in wtilitles in several countries fare conducting trials on operating transnlsoton Lines of # number of promising add-on devices and other aystess for controlling conductor galloping due to ice and wind. Trained observ ers moditor each test site and prepare stand Grdized documentation of the Line actions and weather conditions, Coordinated programs of Chis type are in place in Belgium, Deamek, ingland, Holland, and Mest. Germany,” chrough a group of asinly utility research staff under The title COREGK (co-operative research in French) group on conductor galloping, in che United ‘Scates through an Electric Power Research Institute (BPRI) research program and fm Ontario Hydro [1]. There are also sintlar stulies in Japan, There 1s a broad range of devices under Investigation but this paper will refer minly to detuning pendulums [2] on ‘ingle condvetors, for which there is che Largest anount of data from the fleld trials. ‘The paper will also refer to detuning penduluns on bundle conductors and to aerodynamic drag Gaupere [2] and interphase spacers [4] an single conductors, for which there ace losser fimouite of data. ‘Exanples of there devices are shom ia Figure 1. the approaches to Enterpretatson of observational data and to % economic analysis given here can be applied to ‘any galloping costrol device on single or hhindle conductors. ‘Me use of properly monitored field trials 1s felt by many to be the only realistic vay of reaching # olution €. the galloping problem, ‘eesuse the iee thet deposits on the conductors has a wide range of posstble profiles and the aerodynamic forces and nonents created ty the Wind on these profiles have a vast range of Veriability. The variability of these factors fakes the application of analytical and experi ental sinvlattons of galloping behaviour both Cedious and of Lintted validity. A proper sex Eletical dnterpratation of observed perFornance fon actual in-service Lines during a Large nn ber of fee storm and on a wide range of dif ferent conductor afzes snd epan lengths appears to be the only feaoible route to establishing the overall tenefit of a proposed. control devices Observed Galloping Behaviour ‘he results on hand for each of these devices Gndicate that” they all ive full control of gelloping much of the elae but that there aro fines. when there axe galloping notion oa the treated phases, llonever, these motions are ess frequent and of smaller anpiitude than those on the untreated conductore, A fairly typical sample of the observations 1s presented In Table I which shows the variability from phase to phase and from span to span of conduct fore chat’ are siatlar physieally and are under the sane vind and ice conditione. This example ‘shows that some spans of the reference ntreated conductors were sotionless, snd some Were experiencing one loop galloping of various amplitudes. In some reports there were mix tures of single, double and sultiloop gelloping ‘and also travelling waves, In the example in Table I, the spans of the created conductor also. show variations In behaviour although the amplitudes are significantly lover than for the Uintreated conductors. At another time during the ice ator the spane are Iikely to show dif= Ferent amplitudes and galloping modes due to the butld up and melting of the tce coating and changes of the vind speed and direction. 2-0 Figure 1 Galloping control devices 1 ‘Hela triale 4 Dotuning pendulus for single + Detuning pendulum for bundle © + hevodynente drag damper for single D + luterphase epacer for single DATA FOL A REPRESEYTATIVE ORSERVATTON OF oe weatey: Nomnevtite Rover Adainteteation Grodector etghe? 3.1 hehe Metab Fer ‘enduaas 25.9 be esther Conditions Light Cloude, Dey itn speed Sa a/e Tomer Mambers: —16/3- eft 6/lm ft 15/3 tee es 6/2 tert 13re oa es oe6 50313 32 Reference Phates = nade miitue s 09 00 = Mothods of Date Analysis Dependence on Individuel Pet Wow can auch variable behaviour be charac~ terized to give a aduple yet realistic measure of “performance for a. control device! Tate te a question that hee been lunder intensive review ia the EPRI spon~ Sored study. Several approaches have been Exied and most have bees found wanting. Thore have boon attempts to relate the observed anplituies to separate paremotors of the observations, euch ae to mechanical Properties, evg., conductor diancter, ton- Sion, weight per foot, span length, and Also” to weather conditions, esses ice thickness, temperature, windepeeds | The galloping’ asplitule could not be related fo most of these parsmeters, largely because of the considerable scatter in the data bank. The only paraneter that did give a clear relationship vas the presence Gr absence of pendulume, Aversge galloping amplitude was clearly less when Penduluas vere present, Multivariate Regression the available scatter due aitftculeies. data exhibit pronounced in part to sampling Por example the values of Wind speed, “ice thickness and ice shape vere ‘not ‘always precise. Also. the galloping denaviour ‘was usually recorded only atone time during the ce storm and these snapshots” may not be comparable between different observations. Thus the scatter uay be decomposes into variabilicy Within the site and vartabilicy between sites. PEAK TO PEAK GALLOPING AMPLITUDE SAC RAPPOAT AMPLITUDE GRETE A CRETE/FLECHE DU GALOP Mus Large scatter did not ewer well for detailed analysis. Wovever, a large umber of both iinear and. non-Linear regression wodels vith up. to 20 explanacory aud statistical parameters were fitted to the data in an exploratory fashion In the hope of uncovering a structural aodel. Again structural factors related Co the presence of the Penduluns were most’ ‘significant in Fedvcing the variability tn the data. ‘mother approach that was attempted and Subsequently discarded was the use of Giseriminane analysis. this was developed for the biological and medical fields to classify ‘the resules of mitivartate tests. tovever che rosults of this approach were inconclusive. 3.3, Monn-Whéeney U Test ‘The Mann-Whitney U Test [5] wae also used to determine vhother the galloping amplitude data from treated and untreated conductors are fron different or atntler populations. In thie procedure the amplitude data from both” sources are placed in a single sequence of Increasing Values, From the number of counta of data fron one source preceding the other, galloping azplitudes of the detuned oingle conductors were different and lover than the anplitudes of the untreated conductors with over 99% certainty. 3.4 Extreme Value Plote One wore useful approach vas iven in an earlier paper [1]. That is to plot the neo galloping awplitade data tn order of {Increasing value against percentage of the data on an extreme values seate [6]. To erie comparison of data from spans of different length che amplitude date vere ‘also plotted after normalization by divid= ing by sag. The data on hand for four devices “are presented on this basis in Figure 2. Use of this normalized amplitude scale, rather than amplitude alone, permits bet” ter compariaona of data ftom spans of dif= ferent length and of different conductor Aimeter, It also peraits the results to be related to present design practices which are to include elliptical clearances Tor galloping approsisately proportional to the cag. The horizontal scale used is fan extrene values probability scale which ‘was daveloped to assist in predicting fextrone values of natural occurrences such a6 flood lovols and high vinds. Te te Found to approxinately Laearize che high= fest values of the data end so permit a degree of extrapolation. Soae recent work by Rawlins [7] has tndi~ cated that thie” simple scsling with respect to sag is oversimplified. "A relé Ulonshtp lavoiving span Leagth, conductor weight, tenslon and « factor representing ‘Span catenarity Including flexibility of the suspension arrengeuent would Likely xive a better scaling paraneter. In this paper the siupler relationship to sag 1s Fetained for convenience. The use of extrene value plots was recogaized ag having a number of RETURN PERIOD (SPANS x ICE STORWS x PHASES) PeRIODE DERETOUR (PORTESS x TEMDETES BE GLACE X PHASES) aS T a on A \ n a - pow | 1a vay “eT —_1—__1_qq ‘PROPORTION DES OBSERVATIONS D'ANPLITULE DE GALOP INFERIEURE A LA VALEUR INDIQUEE Higure 2 opserved auplicuies of galloping in the Form OF extrem value distributions plote- Untreated phases shown by broken Lines: treated vheses by wolid Lines. Sumber of individual epane Obierved is fndsoated for each curve. A + betuning penduluns on single conductor from 29 4 + Datuning pendulum on bundle conducter érom 21 © + herodynonte drag cawpers on single conductors D+ Incorpnase opacera on single conductors from 8 no detietenctes, the most sigatficant being the suppression of "pairing" of observations implicit tn the experiaentel design, That As observations of the galloping of treated snd untreated phases in the same span, where weather, terrain and design parameters "are sowfnally Sdencical, are aot directly compared. another" deftetency ts that all observations are given equal weight, thereby increasing the relative influence fon the overall curves of the observation fon a long test Line over that on a short Tine, Nevertheless the plots do provide « nechanten for scaling the effectiveness of each device conpared to the reference ‘untreated conductors. ‘The overall fora of esch plot is sintlar. That 18, for both untreated and trested conductors there 1s a percentage of con fiyetors thac ‘are still ‘and che remainder has various levels of galloping repre~ Sented by an approxinstely Linear rela ELonship on the extrene values plot. The curves indicate the overall trend of the performance of the device. Sone classes of conductor may experience greater or smaller benefite than this average curves 3.4.1 Dotuning Pendalune on Single Conductor Figure 2A gives the data from detuning penduluns on single con ductors from 29 eeparate ‘ce and vind conditions. There are more observations of these than of the other devices and consequently there 1s more confidence tn the representativencae of these plotted curver than of those in Figures 23, 2¢ and 2D. It also appears. fron the data on the untreated phases that the exposure was more Severe for those than for the other devices tested. fe © rough measure of tho degroe of control exerted, the ratio of the rormalized gallop” ing amplitudes ‘of treated and vwatreated phases at 97 per cent. of the data ‘on the extreme value plot has been calculated for each Hovico, This ie the highest whole under percentage within the range of tho date, This auplitude ratio fe 45 percent” for the detuning pendulum on single conductora 3.4 2 Detuning Pendulune on Bundle Conductors Beuivalent results for detuning penduluss on bundle conductors are given in Figure 28. These results, from 21 separate tee and. wind conditions, rely heavily on eeveral observations on each of a fox Lines. One of these ie located nigh ins mountain range which ds quite atypical of ost trenouieaton Lines. Wowover, based on. those reaulie, the pendulum appear to give a slightly greater degree of fauplitude reduction on the bundle Lines than on single conductors. The ratio of the treated to untreated amplitudes at the 97 per ent intercept 19 29 per cent. There is some disagreement whether bundle" conductors gallop’ more readily than single conductors. The normalized galloping euplitudes fof the untreated phases are found to be lover for Mgure 28 than for Pigure 2A but above those in Figures 20 and 20, from the aver age of the above curves there appears to be itele difference Between galloping amplitudes on bundle and single conductors. Hovever, “the smaller sample of observations on the bundle conduc tor Lines may not have included as may severe storas. 3.4.3 Aerodynante Drag Danpers Figure 26 gives the data for sero dynamic drag dampers. These are all from an. Ontario tdro adapta~ Ton of Richardson's original design [3]. The data on the funtreated phases show that the eight ice storas from whlch these results were obtained “were less severe chan for the single conduc tors with detuning penduluns. The daca are also. from snore limited range of conductor sizes. The ratio of amplitudes for this device at the 97 per cent intercept is 30 per cent. 3.4.4 Interphase spacers Figure 2D is fron various designe Fon SISGLE OODUCTORS WTO PENDULIM WEIGHT OVER 66 kg (Ge 3 obeervattone) “10 | 7. sin | o. con | coi |: ‘0.08 | 2. oa | 6 car | a °. ® °. oly 1106 re os 185 20s 244 Nee ia ito aaa ae aaa aa of rigid interphase spacers installed on Ontarie. thdco Lines. Once again the data from untreated phases show that the conditions in the eight ce storm involved were less severe than for Figure “ZA, ‘Also only a small range of conduc tor sizes te involved. The ratio of created to untreated anplitudes fat the 97 per cent intercept 13 46 3.5 Distribution of Anpiitude Differences More recently a new method of statistical analysis of the galloping data. has been Geveloped. In this method pairing 18 retained by employing differences between amplitudes of galloping on treated and tintreated conductors in the sane span. ‘The diseecdution of the data in this form As conpared to that expected from a porely random phenonenon. Table II illustrates a sample histogram obtained from part of the data from aingle conductors with detuning pendulums using this nethod. ‘The toot of deviation from random behaw- four 1s based onthe count of nogativ zero and povitive values of amplitude dif” ference. "for this example, with pendulum weights of 44 kg and over, ‘these counte are. 35, ‘05 and” 101 respectively. The Probability that a seriously skewed dia~ Exibution such ae ehte could’ be eampled fron a symmetrical population, centred on zero, that vould correspond to random Behaviour, 12 extresely low, of the order of 10+ | This is a highly stgntficant Fesult indteating @ clear reduction of alloping amplitude due to. the. penduluas Similar results are obtained” for the effects of penduluss on single and bundle 202 conductors with the observational data partitioned to investigate the influence Of the various parameters involved, ‘Another approach to presentation of the observations which retains the pairing built into the field trials 1s show in Figure 3. Tach part of this figure is a three dimensional plot of the number of observations (z) against galloping anpli~ tudes onthe treated (X). and untreated () conductors normalized by dividing by sag. The surface generated would be Aligned with the Y axis for perfect con trol by the pendulum, along the X axis if the pendaluaa precipitate galloping and along the Line X-¥ for no benefits Figure JA chowe that on aingle conductors the surface generated doss elign itself close to the ¥ axis, particularly at Large Values of galloping amplitude, 30 indica ting a high degree of control, Tt should be soted that the epthe, corresponding to zero notion on both conductora, hae been truncated to provide a conventent vertical ecale. Figure 38 shove the corresponding presea- tation for detuning penduiuns on bundle conductors, The surface generated by the Gata 4a aligned strongly tovarde the Y axle shoving a high level of control ave to the penduluns. "Te should be noted chat different scales are used in these two Figures ‘The average orlentatton of the surface ta Figure 1A corresponds to the galloping plitedes with detuning pendulune bela 50 per cent of the reference anplitudes Figure 3 Tree dimensional plot of galloping occurrence (2) versus nornalized galloping auplitute on Treated (X) and untreated (¥) conductors A+ Tor dotuning pendulum on single conductors (value at origin is truncated for sealing purposes) 1b + For detuning pendulums on bundle conductors nar for single conductors. the equivalent Eatio for bundle conductors from Figure 38 48 30 per cent. Probabilities of Flashovers Due to Galloping ‘The principal danaging effects of galloping are Elashovers between phases but the observations obtained are galloping amplitude data. It 18 therefore desirable co be able to predict the probability of flashovere ia. vertically ori anted circuits from the data on amplitude of galloping. In particular {t would be most use~ ful eo be able to compare the probability of flashovers for alternative arrangenent®. An approach has heen davelopad which uses the extreme value probability plots of auplitule normalized by dividing by sag. Te 1s sesuned thet a flashover will aecur when the peak-to- peak ‘galloping auplitutes of two vertically Adjacent apane add to a constant value, euch ag twice the sag. Each phase will have the chance of reaching) a certain galloping amplitude fccording to the probability Andicated on the extreme Value plot corresponding to the treat~ Considering the one per cent of the phases wien the maxtmm value of amplitude normalized by dividing sy sag, flashovers will occur on the percentaye of these which nave a galloping Saplitude on the vertically adjacent phase hich iv geeater then two sinus this ooximum Rormlizea amplituie, Sintlarly for the next fand each ubsequent ono per cont of the ini- Ea phases, the percentage which will experi fence flasnovers can be determined, The average Of these percentages giver the overall avility of flashovers between the two phar is process has been carried out using the data avatlable for aetuning penduluee peice to the 1979-40 winter. The calevlatione indicate ceptible to galloping, auch as the cites used is a 4.0 por cent provapility of a flashover ia Gay epan LE the centre phase only te Gotuned using penduluas, this probability Feduces to Usb per cent, If all three phases & Total Cost $!¥rikm Cout Total s/Anikm ° e ° Outage Rate Fréquence d'interruptions de service Higure 4 cose of outages and yslloping control Gevices tor existing transuission Lines ashy # Amortized ennual cost, including Installation and taintenance, for devices 4 © ost ot outages Cass + OSE Of Outaves with cevices A and # U)':" | present cost of outages (no devices) Udit + Outage vate due to galloping with Present outage vate (no device) yt > te provabiiity reduces turther fo UsWUY per cent. It snould be noced that these probabilities are only for cowarison detween the three alternatives and stould not be conssdered to nave additional weaning. Put im comparative teras, the untreated Line 1s shom to be Five times mre Likely to exper fence flasnovers than the line with only the niddle phase detuned, Similarly, the watrestea dine is’ sno to 5e 350 tins gore Likely to experience flashovers than a fully detused Some galloping coatrol devices project sign Aticantly into and so reduce the pnase to poase air gap. "This approach mist then be fadyusted by considering flashovers co. occur wen the compined yalioping amplicuies add co a slightly Lover total. hoonoates of beLsting Lines ‘ne economics of adding galloping protection to an existing Line are indicated in broad tern in Figure 4, nie daa plot of cost of outages in dollars per year per kilonetre muatnst outaye rate unica Varies fron zero to 2 evel, Oy, indicative of a Line without fxeatnent. “Ibis Figure is not to scale and is, used only to illustrate the principle. doses fof outages duc to lost revenue, Cg) and nechanieal damage due to flashovers, “Cp, ate Snaieated oy curve C. These costs are seen to reauce from the present cost, Ug, at the owt= ige rate is reduced from the present Level, ‘sonple galloping control devices “A” and "8 fre postulated hich redvce the outage rates to Oy and Og and have amortized annual costs, iheluding “cost of hardware, ingtallation and ‘any maintenance chat may le required, of hy fend Aye The total annual cost of” adding device” "A" Le chen Cy, the sum of the lost revortio and the mechsnteal damage at outage rate Oy and the amortized cost A. To pro: wide oborsll benefit this total “Cy muse be Jose ‘then the cost with no devices Cy. Device B can be coupared to cither device A oF the untreated Lint in the same way. ‘The exsnple given tn Figure 4 shows device A providing a better reduction in outage sate than device By bot due to the higher amorcized cost of device A, davico 8 is tho. better ocono- falc cholee, It’ 1g. alco possible for either device to have a higher total cost than en untreated Line, leading to a decteton not to epply treatnent but to Live with an existing evel of outages and associated costs. The Figure alee suggests thet where there would be high costs of outages, for example, on = direct Link to a. generating station, ‘there is, greater Iikelihood that galloping controle Mould be economically Justified. Economics of New Lines In desien of new Lines the vertical clearance between phases fe related to the span length because the clearances for galloping are ellip~ tical zones with dinensione approximately pro- portional to the sag of the span. A typical ellipse would have its Jong axis in the verti= cal direction and equal to or slightly greater than the sag of the span. The width would be spout one third thts helghe. An air gap allov~ ‘ance between these zones, which varies with the voltage used, 1s included. The design practice varies widely as show in a recent review by Rawlins (8). Vertical Phase Spacing Distance Verticale entre les phases Span Length Longeur de portée Yagwe 5 Vertical phase epacing versus span Length For new tranesiasion Lines Bt With galloping controle giving sume outage rate using tully reduced ellipse For galloping clearance © + With galloping controls giving Lover outage Fate using partly reduced ellipse for galloping The sag of a conductor 1s proportional to the square of che span length, at constant tension, hhence the vertical phase spacing ta approxi mately proportional to the square of the span length. Figure 5 shows this relationship éa~ grammatically as curve A. If galloping control devices are used, the existing design procedure ean be modified by ‘scaling the dimensions of the elliptical clearance in proportion to the predicted amplitude of galloping vith controls at the sane probability of occurrence. This ay load to # reduction of ellipse size to, for example, $0 per cent of the original valuc. Curve Blof Figure 5 shows the relation between vertical clearance and span length that would result from thiss Figure 6 hows echomtically the variation of che total amortized annual cost ae a function of span length for the three options used in Figure 5. Curve A represents the cureent prac thee which uses no control devices and a full sized gelloping ellipse, It shows 2 minimum cost of Cy. at apan length Ly, This cost curve {s used as a reference for the others and is tntended to inclule all design, ‘construc tion, outage and maintenance costs When the full reduction of the galloping ellipse £9 used, the cost curve B 1s obtained, to which mst ‘be added the amortized annual cost of the galloping control devices, De This curve represents che sane outage rate as curve A-aud so there 1s no adjustmnc of cost for this, “This resultant curve has @ ainimin cost value of Cp and this correspands to {increased Span Length Lys Control devices sould. be cost effective only {f Cp 18 Lest than Cys lie of the partial reduction of the galloping clearance ellipse gives cost versus span Length relationship such as curve C. This curve mist be modified by adding the cost of galloping controls, D, and subtracting the estimated savings "in maintenance cote and Fevenue losses, f, de to the reduced outage rate. The resulting ‘minimim cost ie Co and corresponds to span length Lg. In the 2m example shom Cg is less then Gg which ould occur only 1¢ there tsa net cost benefit From the reduced outage rate, The cholce of ellipse size cen be varied around this value, using estinates of improved outage rates, savings in maintenance costs and reduced revenue losses to find the value that gives a mninimm cost for each particular Ine, 7. Discussion The stove approaches indicate possible ration ales for choosing whether to apply galloping controls to exlating or now tranamisaion lines. They also aid in aaking selections from alternative galloping control devices and Schenes. Sone of the cost’ data, uch as initial cost af hardware and cost of installa~ Elon of hardware can be readily obtained. Other cost data, such ao cost of outages due to galloping, are wore speculative and perhaps cai ‘only bo roughly eotinated. It may be appropri~ ‘ate to clasoify Mines as to the estiaated out= ‘age costs and develop policies that are dif- Fereat for each el: ‘The average reductions in outage rate for each device can only be estimated for detuning pea” duluns “on siagle conductors at this tine, Bgutvalent estinates for the other control devices must avait recetpt of more observation data. However, the approaches presented are considered co fe useful in pointing the way towards rational application of the devices and also in Identifying che econonic factors that face required to justify such decisions. Total Cost $/¥r lem Coat Total $/An/km Ta te Up Span Length Longeur de Portée Higure 6 Total cost versus span Length for new Transmission Lines A Goee of structures based on present practice 5 Gee of structures with galloping controle giving sane outage rate using fully reduced ellipse for galloping clearance ce Goee of structures with galloping controls giving lover outage rate using partly reduced ellipse for gelloping CarCasGc | Minimim total cost of options A, B and ¢ De Gist of adding galloping controls z Gost reduction of lover outage rate Uaibysle + Optimim span length of options A, Band ¢ 2-0 Ta addition to their use on extating and now Lines, galloping controls may prove valuable in upgrading tranemtsston Ines where they appear to offer sone novel options. Increased voltage could be accomodated within existing phase pacing by the use of smaller ellipses for gal~ loping clearance plus larger air gaps for insu- Iation. Increased losd carrying capacsty may be possible at existing voltages by edding ctr~ cuite within the dinensions of the tower hesd through the use of smaller galloping ellipses Matueally each of these approaches might require sone otrengthening of the tover to carry the fuereased vertical and lateral Toada. Alternatively, i my bo necessary to accept an increased probability of damage due fo extreme Lelng and wind conditions. Te mist be observed that while approaches using economic factors should. provide a woeful guide fo decieions regerding use of galloping con trols, there are other factors to be consi- dered. Those sre factors which cannot readily be assessed in monetary terms. They include reduced visibility of transmission lines due to reduced tower height, an improved public Felations {mye for the utility dve co less frequent pover outages due to galloping and creation of a more attractive locale for industrial growth resulting from a wore reli- able electricity supply. ‘These factors ell support choices which combine ‘an inprovenent of reliability thet is. somewhat areater than that Justified solely by econoate considerations. With reference to Figure an example of application to existing lines, these factors might lead to selection of device Avover device B. That is, selection of an option with the lover outage rate over that with the lower overall cost. Similarly in Figure 6, representing application to new Lines, these factors would lesd to selection of an option betveen A and C. Coneluston In conclusion, fold trials of several gellop~ ing control. devices show considerable promise for reducing both the number and anplitude of gelloping occurrences. Several nov methods of mnalyais’ of the observed motions and. an Spproach to eatinate the mumer of flashovers due to galloping have been developed. An econ homie study has provided 2 useful means of fdentifying the cost and performance factors which contribute to dectefons regarding the usefulness of galloping controls on existing 10. ‘ant nev tranemisefon Lines, Fro relatively imperfect knovledge of these factors it appears that for existing Lines, galloping controls are Jumtified by relatively high outage costs. | On fnew Lines they may be justified at lover outage costs. There may bo considerable potential for application of galloping control devices in upgrading Hines to higher voltages. Acknowledgenents ‘The authore wish to acknovledge the help and encouragement given to thie study by che state Of Ontario Hydro, Rensselaer Polytechnic Tnstt tute and EPRT ahd by the advisors assoctated with the RP-1095 programs. They also with to Fecogaize the utility staff in Canada, the Usited States and Europe who have sade records of the galloping control experinents on ehait tranemiseion lines often under cold and tuneonfortable conditions, References [1] avard, 0.6, snd Pobiman, J.C. ~ Control of Galloping Conductors by” Detuning. (CUGRE Paper 22-05, 1980). [2] Nigol, 0. and Mavard, 0.6. = Control of Torsionally “Indiced Conductor Galloping with Betualag Fendulums. (IEEE Paper A 78 125-7, 1978). [3] Richardson, A.Ss - Design and Performance Of an Aetodynanse AntiGalloping Devices (cucke Study Paper C5C-6-68-8, 1968). [4] Rewards, AT. and Ko, ReGe Interphase Spacers’ for Controlling Galloping of Over~ head Conductors. (IEEE Syaposim on Mech~ anieel Oscillations of Overhead ~Conduc~ tors, 1979). [5] GAtbons, J.D. - Nonparamecrie Statiseteal Inference.” (MeGray-I11 Book Co.y 1971). [6] Probability Tables for the Analysis of Bxtrene-Value Data, Qlational Bureau of Standards, applied Mathematics Series. 22, United States Dept. of Commerce, 1953). [7] Ravine, C.B. ~ Analysis of Conductor Gal~ loping Heid observations ~ Stuwle Conduc~ tore (IEEE Paper 1 1 038-9, 1981). [8] Rewline, CB. ~ Galloping Conductors. Ghapter’ 4 ‘of “Tranemiaeton Line Reference Book (BPEL, 1979). Exinit els Confronce Intomationae des Grads Retenw Blectriquet, ‘Senion de 1982

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