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Name : Joyleen Mutubuki

Reg no: H200638G

Program : Biotechnology

Course : Bioseperation Engineering

Code : SBT 123

Lecture: Mrs Sengudzwa

Year : 2021

Level: 1.2

Title: Assignment 1

Questions: 1. Write short notes on the importance of bioseperation.[4]

2.Distinguish the following
i. Bioseperation from downstream processing [2]
ii. Reactive bioseperation from extractive bioseperation [2]
3. Elaborate on at least three attributes of bioseperation which distinguish it from
chemical seperation.
4. List any six bioseperation techniques ,mentioning whether it is a high resolution or low
resolution or high throughput or low throughput. [6]


2. i Bioseperation refers to the systematic study of the scientific and engineering principles that are
utilised for large scale purification of biological products .Downstream processing is involves
the seperation and purification segment of a bioproces which followed some form of biological
reaction(Ghosh 2006).

ii. Reactive bioprocessing it requires a biological process to take place such as fermentation before
the products can be seperated .Extractive bioprocessing there is no need of a biological process
to take place ,the required products are just seperated from the unwanted substances (Ghosh

3. -Biological products are susceptible to denaturation and others forms of degradation.Therefore

physicochemical conditons like pH ,ionic stregths and expoure to gas-liduid interfaces have to not to
be exceeded during the bioseperation process.(Ghosh 2006).

-Many biological products are thermolabile hence many bioseparation techniques are usually
carried out at sub-ambient temperatures
-Boseparation is frequently based on multi-technique separation .

Low resolution and high throughput High resolution and low throughput
1. Cell disrption Electrophoresis
2. Precipitation Affinity seperation
3. Centrifugation Chromatography

1. R. Ghosh, 2006, Principles of Bioseparation Engineering, World Scientific Pte. Ltd.

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