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The food pyramid also called the nutritional pyramid, is a graphic reference of
the amount of different food groups that we must consume daily to maintain a
healthy and balanced diet. Daily intake of 55% carbohydrates, 30% fat and
15% protein, vitamins, minerals and fibers is recommended.
In this work we will be talking about specific proteins. They are also the
essential macronutrients that we acquire through food and that have important
functions for the proper functioning of the body. They are the nutrients that
more functions in our body. They form tissues, transport vitamins and defend
us from invading organisms that can make us sick.
The composition, the classification, its functions and how we can obtain them,
are some of the topics that we will be classified throughout our project.

What is protein?
Proteins are the association of several amino acids placed in a linear chain.
They contain carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen.

The amino acids are linked together by peptide bonds, joining the amino end
of one with the carboxyl end of another amino acid. According to the
arrangement of these amino acids in the chain, that is, the order, is how the
DNA will be arranged, each person's own genetic code.

Types of proteins
Proteins are very important for the organism, since they participate in all the
processes carried out by it. According to their chemical and physical
composition, proteins can be classified into:
Chemical Composition and Classification
Proteins are biopolymers (organic macromolecules), of high molecular weight,
consisting basically of carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (O) and nitrogen
(N); although they can also contain sulfur (S) and phosphorus (P) and, to a
lesser extent, iron (Fe), copper (Cu), magnesium (Mg), iodine (Y), etc ...
These chemical elements are grouped together to form structural units
(monomers) called AMINO ACIDS, which we could consider as the "bricks of
protein molecular buildings." These macromolecular buildings are constructed
and crumble with great ease within the cells, and to this the living matter owes
precisely its capacity for growth, repair and regulation.

Simple proteins. Also known as holoproteids, they are made up only of amino
acids or their derivatives.
Composite or conjugated proteins. heteroproteides, are formed by various
substances present in their amino acids.
Proteins that have been denatured previously. by some external agent such as
heat, they lose their structures adapting to the previous structural level.
What do proteins serve for?
Proteins are essential for the human body and its growth, among its functions
we find:

Structural. The tissues carry a certain structure and stiffness which proteins,
for example, collagen, are responsible for.
There are also fibrous and globular proteins in the cytoskeleton of the cells
giving a structure to their composition. This is one of the most important
functions they possess.
Immunological Antibodies are proteins that act as a defense against external
agents or infections.
Motorboat. Myosin and actin are proteins that allow movement, in addition,
myosin is part of the contractile ring in cell division, allowing cytokinesis
(separation of cells by strangulation).
Enzyme They accelerate certain metabolisms and are part of the transport of
gases. Some examples of enzymatic proteins are pepsin and sucrose.
Homeostatic They maintain the regulation of the pH of the organism.
In addition to these functions, proteins are raw materials for other substances
found in our body, for example, vitamins, digestive juices or hormones.
  Egg: it is a good source of protein because it contains albumin, of excellent
quality, since it includes a high amount of essential amino acids.
  Fish (salmon, herring, tuna, cod, trout ...).
  Dairy products, cheese or yogurt.
  Lean meat, turkey, loin and chicken.
These foods contain proteins with a high number of essential amino acids,
(those that cannot be synthesized by the body, so they must be provided
through the diet).
Seeds and nuts. Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, nuts, cashews,
almonds ...
Lentils and other legumes. Legumes are a great source of protein, complex
carbohydrates and fiber. ...
Quinoa. ...
Spirulina ...
Hemp seeds. ...
Chia seeds. ...
Nutritional Yeast


The problems of high protein diets
High protein diets for weight loss, disease prevention and improved sports
performance have become famous in recent years. However, these diets are
little supported by scientific research. Studies that suffer the healthiest diet is
one that is high in carbohydrates, low in fat and moderate in protein. That is
why a diet that is high in protein can contribute effectively to diseases and
other health problems, for example:

Osteoporosis. high protein intake

causes urinary calcium losses and
has had to increase the risk of
fracture in research studies. 6.7
plant-based diets, which contain the
right protein, can help protect
against osteoporosis. Calcium-rich
foods from plants include green
leafy vegetables, beans, and some nuts and seeds, as well as fortified fruit
juices, cereals and non-dairy milks.

Cancer. Although fat is the dietary substance that increases the risk of cancer,
animal protein also plays a role. Specifically, certain proteins present in meat,
fish and poultry, cook at high temperatures, especially for roasting and frying,
compounds especially called heterocyclic amines. These substances have been
linked to several types of cancer, including colon and breast cancer.
In the long term, high consumption of meat, especially red meat, is associated
with an increased risk of colorectal cancer, as detailed in the 1997 report of the
Global Fund for Cancer Research and the American Institute for Cancer

Renal impairment: When people

come too much protein, nitrogen
release in the blood. This puts a
strain on the kidneys, which must expel waste through urine. High protein
diets are associated with reduced renal function. Over time, individuals who
consume large amounts of protein, particularly animal proteins, can cause
permanent loss of renal function. This has been detailed by researchers at
Harvard University, recently. The American Academy of Family Physicians
notes that high consumption of animal protein is largely responsible for the
high prevalence of kidney stones in the United States and other developed
countries and recommends protein restriction for the prevention of recurrent
kidney stones.

Heart disease. Typical high-protein diets are extremely high in dietary

cholesterol and saturated fats. The effect of these diets on blood cholesterol
levels is a matter of ongoing research. However, these diets present additional
risks to the heart, including an increased risk of heart problems immediately
after a meal. Evidence indicates that foods rich in saturated fats adversely
affect the compliance of the arteries, the risk of heart attacks. An adequate
amount of protein can be consumed through a variety of plant products that
are cholesterol free and contain small amounts of fat.

Weight loss sabotage: Many people see weight loss almost immediately as a
result of following a protein-rich diet. In fact, weight loss is not a result of
consuming more protein, but simply consuming fewer calories. In the long
term, the consumption of this type of diet is not practical, since it can result in
the health problems affected. As with any temporary diet, weight gain occurs
when you return to the usual diet. To achieve permanent weight loss, while
promoting optimal health, the best strategy consists of lifestyle changes
including a low-fat diet.

We have learned many important data that we did not know during the
performance of this work and we made it known so that everyone can learn
the importance of proteins, of having a good diet.

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