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SpyGame by LADAO

SpyGame is a computer-based, strategic board game. It is a chess-like military game against your computer. It is a game of two armies of equal size with equal abilities gone to war on a chessboard on an alternating, move-by-move basis. Each game piece represents a military rank and each square represents a territory to be occupied. You must destroy your enemy before your army is destroyed. This is a game of tactical thinking. You arrange your game pieces to protect your flag and to gain offensive and defensive advantages over your enemies. You know where your opponents pieces are located, but you dont know their rank. Keeping track of your pieces got killed will helps in determining the rank of your enemys pieces. Once you conclude the rank of one of your enemys pieces, you can challenge/kill it later according to your strategy. Red pieces are your pieces. Green pieces are computers pieces. At the start of the game, Red pieces occupy the first four rows, rows 1 4, and the Green pieces occupy the last four rows, rows 7-10. Because you have red colored pieces you always start the game. Your mission, in order to win, is to: capture the enemy flag or your flag occupy enemy territory row 10 or kill as many enemies pieces you can Game Piece Breakdown: The Spy can kill everyone except for the Private. The Private can kill the Spy. The Flag can only kill another flag. The higher rank pieces can kill the same rank and lower rank pieces.

Here are the ranking of the game pieces from the highest to the lowest. Rank 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Image Name Spy General of the Army Lieutenant General Brigadier General Colonel Lieutenant Colonel Major Captain First Lieutenant Second Lieutenant Sergeant Corporal Private Flag Qty 2 pieces 1 piece 1 piece 2 pieces 1 piece 2 pieces 1 piece 2 pieces 2 pieces 3 pieces 3 pieces 4 pieces 10 pieces 1 piece

This free SpyGame has 4 banners: ZDnet SimTel Yahoo Games Voluntary donation to the game author The banners will de display alternately without interrupting the game.

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