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The Importance of Environmental Materials

in Indonesian Language Learning

Anastasya Agustina / 20016054

The environment has many roles in our daily lives. One of them is that the environment
plays a role in learning activities. In learning Indonesian, the environment can improve the
quality of student learning. The existence of environmental materials in Indonesian language
learning aims for students to have participation in the surrounding environment. In learning
Indonesian, environmental materials can be developed in a text that includes efforts to preserve
the environment. With this environmental knowledge, students will have environmental
awareness and change attitudes towards the environment. Therefore, it is very important to
develop knowledge of tents and the environment.
Sukma et al (2019) say that language teachers can use environmental-themed texts
about learning. This environmental themed text can be in the form of natural beauty or about
natural disasters. At school, the teacher can present an example text about the environment,
environmental conservation efforts, and natural disaster management. From there, students
can learn firsthand how to take care of the environment properly and know how to deal with
disasters properly and correctly. According to Ramadhan et al (2019), developing individuals
who are aware and responsible for the environment are needed to deal with environmental
problems and a sustainable quality of life for the better. This can be realized through education,
more specifically environmental education.
Students can create their own texts with their environmental knowledge. However, to
create a text, a student really needs to do literacy every day to add insight and vocabulary
mastery. Sukma (2017) literacy skills have a significant influence on student success in
learning and daily life. Through good literacy skills, it will help students understand spoken,
written, and visual texts. Sukma (2019) the teacher motivates students. Through this
motivation, a teacher can create various learning experiences for students. Ramadhan
(2019) said that teachers play an important role in conveying this knowledge to students,
because students are the next generation who take care of the environment. Environmental
education can be integrated into language learning. We can do this integration by using the
theme of the environment in text learning. Through texts, students can learn languages and
gain environmental knowledge through the content of the texts read.
Sukma et al (2019), literacy is defined as teaching reading activities, but making
students love reading activities and building a foundation for reading so that in the future it is
time for students to learn to read. They are better prepared. It is believed that students’ literacy
experiences will build a strong foundation for development and students’ knowledge, skills,
and attitudes become the basis for reading and writing, which is known as early literacy skills.
The right choice of vocabulary will help the reader understand the text presented. In addition,
mastery of certain vocabulary will lead the writer to write a coherent and coherent text.
According to Ramadhan (2018), innovative learning models can improve student
learning outcomes. Therefore, the integration of environmental education in the Indonesian
language learning process is one way to realize and develop students’ abilities so that students
can innovate and collaborate with the environment around them. Continued again, according
to Ramadhan (2019), educational institutions as the main stakeholders are obliged to
increase students’ environmental awareness. In Indonesia, environmental education is not a
compulsory subject in schools. Therefore, environmental-based education can be applied in
other subjects, such as Indonesian language subjects. Ramadhan (2019) revealed that the
use of environmental themes in text-based learning can trigger students’ interest in learning
languages and can implicitly increase students’ knowledge about the environment. According
to Ramadhan, Sukma, and Indriyani (2019) the use of environmental themes in text learning
can trigger students’ interest in learning languages and can increase students’ knowledge about
the environment.
Writing a text also requires creativity from within the writer. According to Piliang,
Atmazaki, and Ramadhan (2014) creativity is the ability to create new combinations, based on
existing data, information, or elements. Students are expected to be creative in producing or
working on a project that can benefit the environment, such as making hand-powered
dishwashers that do not require electricity and a little water, salt lamps that can be used when
the power goes out, and various other inventions. These discoveries are expected to provide
changes to the environment. Sukma, Ramadhan, and Indriyani (2020) said that the important
role of environmental education is to develop individuals who have scientific knowledge about
environmental issues and high environmental awareness. In addition, it has the potential to
help future generations manage their lives and build a prosperous future. In addition,
environmental education can also help students rethink the relationship between humans and
the environment, understand the environment, be aware of environmental problems and
consider environmental problems related to life (Ramadhan et al, 2019).
Based on the problems discussed above, the authors conducted research on “The
Relationship of Indonesian Language Learning with the Environment”. This research was
conducted by making 10 questions in the form of a google form questionnaire and distributed
to 30 students from different universities. From the total number of respondents who filled out
the questionnaire, it turned out that women were more dominant than men, with the percentage
of women being 73.5% and men 26.5%. The results obtained from this study are as follows.
The first statement, the environment can be used as a medium in learning Indonesian 67.6%
strongly agree and 29.4% agree. The second statement, the teacher has an important
contribution to the level of students’ vocabulary mastery, the percentage obtained from the
questionnaire is 44.1% strongly agree, 47.1% agree and 8.8% disagree. The third statement, a
good environment will make students have good language skills, the percentage is 76.5%
strongly agree and 23.5% agree. The fourth statement, offline learning is more conducive to
learning languages and the environment than online learning, the percentage obtained is 55.9%
strongly agree, 38.2% agree, and 5.9% say less agree. Then the fifth statement, learning
Indonesian is very useful for everyday life, the percentage obtained is 52.9% strongly agree
and 44.1% agree. The sixth statement, Indonesian language learning can improve students'
communication skills in the community, the percentage of this statement from the questionnaire
results is 61.8% strongly agree, and 38.2% agree. The seventh statement, environmental
material is an interesting topic to study, especially in learning Indonesian, the percentage shows
29.4% strongly agree, 61.8% agree, and 8.8% disagree. The eighth statement, environmental
materials can increase students' creativity in learning Indonesian, the percentage shows 35.3%
who strongly agree, 58.8% who agree, and 5.9% disagree. The ninth statement, environmental
conservation efforts can be included in Indonesian reading texts, the percentage of this
statement is 41.2% strongly agree, and 55.9% agree. The tenth statement, environmental
materials in Indonesian language learning can increase students' care for the environment, the
percentage of this statement is 50% strongly agree and 50% agree.
Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that environmental education is
closely related to learning Indonesian. Because, through the environment, students are able to
develop ecological abilities, think creatively, be innovative, and are able to increase students'
awareness of the importance of protecting the environment.

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