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Dar es Salaam Institute of technology (DIT)

Department of Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering

ETT 05213 Fundamentals of Digital Electronics

Topics: Numbers system and Boolean algebra

Tutorial # 1

Question 1

(a) Define number system, radix, bit, nibble, byte and Boolean algebra.
(b) Describe four basic number systems

Question 1

Find the decimal equivalent of the following binary numbers

(a) 000011102; 100011102

(b) (137.21)8
(c) Consider an arbitrary number system with the independent digits as 0, 1 and X. What is the
radix of this number system? List the first 10 numbers in this number system.


Show that:
(i) (13A7)16 = (5031)10;
(ii) (3F2)16 = (1111110010)2.
(b) Find the octal equivalent of (2F.C4)16 and the hex equivalent of (762.013)8
(c) Find the binary equivalent of (374.26)8 and the octal equivalent of (1110100.0100111)2
(d) Determine the hexadecimal equivalent of (82.25)10

Question 2

(a) Assume a radix-32 arbitrary number system with 0–9 and A–V as its basic digits. Express
the mixed binary number (110101.001)2 in this arbitrary number system.
(b) Convert to of (73.75)10 octal equivalent.

Question 3

(a) Apply suitable Boolean laws and theorems to modify the expression for a two-input EX-
OR gate in such a way as to implement a two-input EX-OR gate by using the minimum
number of two-input NAND gates only.
(b) How do you implement three-input and four-input EX-OR logic functions with the help of
two-input EX-OR gates?

Question 4

(a) Starting with the Boolean expression for a two-input OR gate, apply Boolean laws and
theorems to modify it in such a way as to facilitate the implementation of a two-input OR
gate by using two-input NAND gates only.
(b) Using NAND gates only to implement the following circuits.

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