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Guide Questions:
1. Why do you think it is important to study fundamental problems such as existence,
values, justice, truth, and reason?
- I can surmise that it is important to study these fundamental problems in order to
satiate our innate curiosity. These things are what governs our lives, so it is only natural
to study these things in order to make sense of them more. We study existence to make
sense of why we are here, to make sense of life, and in some cases, to prove the
existence of a God/gods. We study values, justice, truth, and reason because these can
be seen as the foundations of society, human morality, and our realities as people.
Without these things, our society falls apart. As we have progressed as a species over
the years, answers and developments to the questions regarding these topics have
always improved, and some being withstanding enough, that we examine them and use
them as reference in order to construct our laws and base what is right and wrong
through them. And in the progress of discussing such topics, we would also progress as
a society, progress our knowledge as a whole, considering that we apply the answers to
these questions in our daily lives.
2. Do you think philosophy upholds the idea of giving more concern on things that are
rational and essential in life?
- Yes it does, because philosophy’s purpose is to seek knowledge and build up wisdom.
Knowledge and wisdom are concepts synonymous to being rational and essential
things. I can say that philosophers are ones that ask and then discuss and answer the
big questions that concern our lives, to understand the truths about the world, whatever
topic it may be. Because if one dabbles with the truths of the world, it cannot be seen as
B. Guide Questions:
1. What are the key points that the video wanted to convey?
- Logic is correct thinking
2. Why is logic imperative or necessary in both your public and private life? Cite
concrete examples.

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