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types of government

types of government






Islamic republics

Vatican City

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Notes Continued….
monarchy- king, queen, emperor
absolute monarchy- one ruler
constitutional monarchies- king or queen has little to no power. Parliament or houses of government with

leader has control, little to no public participation

only one political party, government controls all aspects of life public and private

direct democracy, everyone votes on everything, common in new england town hall meetings

representative democracy, indirect democracy because you vote for people to represent you in making d

voter's vote and are the leaders but they have elected representatives to exercise their power many coun

government believed to be controlled and inspired by a deity and follows religious law.

Sharia law derived from the koran

the pope is head of the roman catholic church and the papal state

seperation of power, representative government, federalism, rule of law, patriotism, political freedom.

what's a Koran?

that the pope is a Theocracy. That Theocracy is a thing that exists. That represenative democracy and r
My country runs as a republic with some in direct Democractic type that represents the american people
es of government with a prime minister

esent you in making decisions

heir power many countries claim to be republics or democracies but are not

political freedom.

ative democracy and republic are very similar.

the american people, which relates to me, who is an american, and the decisions made by those who we chose to re
hose who we chose to represent effect me in my day to day life

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