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Unit 4 Section 1

Political ideology Liberal (left, or left wing) use of government

to regulate the economy and bring equality
of opportunity and justice to everyone. Favor
higher taxes on the rich

Conservative (called right, or right wing)

responsibility falls on people. Want more
freedom for people especially from
government control. State and local
government should help people. Keep the
National government out.
Moderate, also called centrists, may lean to
liberal or conservative but their beliefs tent
to be in the middle overall
Republicans Represented by the elephant, republicans
want less government or smaller
government, want the government to keep
their hands off business, and less
government spending on programs but more
spending on military. Tend to be more
democrats Represented by the donkey. Want
government to create programs for citizens,
want a regulation of business, want equality,
tend to be more liberal
Third parties Can change an election by taking votes from
one side, rarely win, green party (liberal)
libertarian (conservative economic issues and
liberal on social issues)
Influences on ideology and party tendanceies Family- traditional family = con. Rep
Income- poor= lib. Dem.
Race & ethnicity- African American= lib.dem.
Education- Ph.D.= more liberal
Gender- woman= lib.dem.
Religion- jews- lean dem
Evangelicals- con. rep

Things I learned Learned more about the republican party, as

a whole, not just their entire opinions on the
lgbtq I see the most about.
How they affect me The political parties affect me very much, as
a person openly in the lgbtq+ community, if
conservatives inflict those opinions my rights
as an lgbtq person are at risk, and also now
with roe v wade, my rights as someone
assigned female at birth.
Questions I have Why can’t everyone just agree that everyone
is equal, and everyone deserves rights, to be
able to live our lives happily as we are. I don’t
want to live in fear about being openly lgbtq.
Besides, if you really look back, in the bible, it
was originally man cannot love boy, that is
referring more so to age then sex. Ergo,
originally it was meant to be about
pedophilia not being gay. And someone had
the bible changed to be about being gay.
Themes Personal freedom, political freedom,
equality, personal freedom, pursuit of
happiness, individual rights,

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