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1. What is the norm for choosing the background and foreground colour in a slide?

Dark letters with a light background for small rooms and teaching
Many experts feel that light letters with a dark blue or black background work best for
talks in a large room.
Dark backgrounds should have light text and bright accent colours. Light backgrounds
should have dark text and bold accent colours. This way the audience can read the text
and see the graphs or shapes on each slide.
2. We say the concept of 7x7 for slide preparation. What is the meaning of this?
Maximum number of bullets per slide is 6/7
Maximum number of words per bullet is 7
3. What happens when you press the “B” key on a laptop during the presentation?
Write one most effective reason for such a practice.
Pressing the B key or period key pauses the slideshow and displays a black screen,
which you can write on. Press the B or period key again to resume the slideshow.
4. Mention one major limitation of your presentation skill. What is your most
effective plan to overcome such limitation?
Avoiding Eye contact.
5. Write two most effective nonverbal communication during the presentation.
Facial expressions, gestures, eye contact and postures
6. Distinguish between communication and effective communication.
Communication (from Latin commūnicāre, meaning "to share"[1]) is the purposeful
activityof information exchange between two or more participants in order to convey
or receivethe intended meanings through a shared system of signs and semiotic rule.
Effective communication occurs when a desired thought is the result of information
sharing, which is interpreted among multiple entities and acted on in the desired way.
7. Classify the following style of communication. Use only the question numbers in
your answer book.
a) I love your hair. Most people probably can’t even tell it’s a wig.
b) I know that it’s important. It is also important to me. Let’s figure out some options
that are fair to both of us. Assertive communication style
c) People never consider my feeling.
d) I am superior and right, and you’re inferior and wrong. – Aggressive
communication style
8. Write the strongest barrier (according to you) for effective communication.
Poor listening habitat
9. Does the effectiveness of your communication depend on the channel of the
communication? Give an example to illustrate the answer.
10. Arrange the following To-Do list in an Eisenhower table. Use only the question
i) Preparation of an examination - I
ii) Final cricket match between India and Pakistan - IV
iii) Attend the birthday party of your close friend. -III
iv) Your regular slot of exercise. II
11. With an example, clearly, state the concept of Pomodoro.
1. Before you start, create and prioritize a list of all the things you need to accomplish.
2. Set a timer for 25 minutes and start working on the first task
frequent breaks make the user more productive as long as they stay committed to the work
and don’t allow themselves to be distracted.
12. Write two sources which cause stress on you; find three different effective
solutions to overcome your stress.
Family problem and pressure
Problem in choosing the research topic
Overcome stress:
Deep breathing
Positive attitude
Try not to worry

13. Write two measures of outcome-based PhD in contrast with output- based PhD.

1. Give two reasons as to why figures should be more added in slides than text.
Figures make your presentation more interesting

Figures save you time in preparing your presentation

Figures grab the audience’s attention
Figures help the audience to understand your presentation
Figures make you an effective communicator
2. Write one sentence describing the phycology of a research student.
the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting
behaviour in a given context.

the mental characteristics or attitude

3. How to compare the intelligence and creativity of a PhD student?

The ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skill Vs Converting imagination or
original ideas to create something.
4. Write two symptoms by which you know that you are suffering from acute
Loss of a family member
Prior to starting a formal presentation
5. Why Pomodoro is a beneficial time management principle? Sketch the efficiency
vs time to answer the question.
Pomodoro technique is highly effective as it helps you effectively manage your time
and work on a task without distractions.It is also beneficial as it helps you become
more disciplined and think about your work. This technique is designed to combat
multitasking and improve concentration.
Pomodoro technique is an effective and simple technique that encourages you to
focus on one task
Get a to-do list and a timer.
Set your timer for 25 minutes, and focus on a single task until the timer rings.
When your session ends, mark off one pomodoro and record what you completed.
Then enjoy a five-minute break.
After four pomodoros, take a longer, more restorative 15–30-minute break.
6. How does the Eisenhower method work for time-management?
Sort tasks into two parts
Tasks that fall into the first category be assigned a higher priority.
7. What is the Pareto analysis of time management?
Pareto analysis

80% of tasks can be completed in 20% of the disposable time

The remaining 20% of tasks will take up 80% of the time
Sort tasks into two parts
Tasks that fall into the first category be assigned a higher priority.
8. How effective communication differs from communication?
9. What is your communication style and what is the desired communication style?
Assertive Communication style. Assertive communication is commonly regarded as
the most productive and desired communication style, especially in a working
10. Write two attributes of a good presenter?

11. Cite two examples of non-verbal communication which have a strong impact on
the outcome of a presentation.
Speaker: clothing, hairstyle, neatness, use of cosmetic
Surrounding: room size, lighting, decorations, furnishings
Body Language: facial expressions, gestures, postures
Sounds: Voice Tone, Volume, Speech rate

12. Mention two differences between Abstract and Conclusion.

abstract what is to be done by researcher in the given paper.
It’s a short note that express the contents of the work.
conclusion what are the limitations of study, what needs to be done by upcoming
 It’s a statement/decision reached by the researcher based on findings in the research.
13. Correct the following sentences.
Call me tomorrow, you can give me an answer then.- Call me tomorrow; you can
give me an answer then
Cookie Monster was told to eat less cookies.- Cookie Monster was told to eat fewer
14. What is “discipline in writing”?
People who write correctly have discipline their mind
 to look for error after they write,
 to avoid errors while they write and
 to correct error after they read what they have written.

15. What is the role of negative and white space in a slide?

Refers to unmarked areas of the page

Difference between hearing and listening


Hearing is the act of perceiving sound and

Listening is the act of hearing a sound and
receiving sound waves or vibrations through your
understanding what you hear.

Hearing simply happens. Listening leads to learning.

IPR (Intellectual Property Rights)

What is Intellectual Property?
Intellectual property is an intangible creation of the human mind, usually
expressed or translated into a tangible form that is assigned certain rights of
property. Examples of intellectual property include an author's copyright on a book
or article, a distinctive logo design representing a softdrink company and its
products, unique design elements of a web site, or a patent on the process to
manufacture chewing gum.

What is Intellectual Property Rights?

Intellectual property rights (IPR) can be defined as the rights given to people over
the creation of their minds. They usually give the creator an exclusive right over the
use of his/her creations for a certain period of time.

Forms of IPR
IP is divided into two categories for ease of understanding:
1. Industrial Property
2. Copyright

Industrial property, which includes inventions (patents), trademarks, industrial

designs, and geographic indications of source; and

Copyright, which includes literary and artistic works such as novels, poems and
plays, films, musical works, artistic works such as drawings, paintings,
photographs and sculptures, and architectural designs. Rights related to copyright
include those of performing artists in their performances, producers of phonograms
in their recordings, and those of broadcasters in their radio and television programs

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is one of the 17 specialized
agencies of the United Nations, located in Geneva, Switzerland. The Organization
has External Offices at Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, Tokyo in Japan, Singapore and
New York.
The mission of WIPO is to promote innovation and creativity for the economic,
social and cultural development of all countries, through a balanced and effective
international intellectualproperty system.

The core tasks of WIPO are:

ü working with Member States to support a balanced evolution of international IP
ü administering treaties
ü assisting governments and organizations in developing the policies, structures
and skills needed to harness the potential of IP for economic development
ü servicing global registration systems for trademarks, industrial designs and
of origin and a global filing system for patents
ü delivering arbitration, mediation and other dispute resolution services
ü promoting respect for IP
ü providing a forum for informed debate and for the sharing of IP knowledge
ü identifying IP-based solutions that can help confront global challenges and
maximize the benefits of the IP system for all

WIPO’s Goals
The strategic goals defined in WIPO’s revised Program and Budget for 2008/09 are:
ü A balanced evolution of the international normative framework for IP
ü Provision of premier global IP services 115
ü Facilitating the use of IP for development
ü Coordination and development of global IP infrastructure
ü World reference source for IP information and analysis
ü International cooperation on building respect for IP
ü Addressing IP in relation to global policy issues
ü A responsive communications interface between WIPO, its Member States and all
ü An efficient administrative and financial support structure to enable WIPO to
deliver its programs

Pillars of IPR

Patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets 


a) The theft and use of other people's ideas or words asyours;

b) Use of sources without attribution;
c) Literarytheft and
d) presenting some ideas as own and as it is new,while this idea already exists in
other source.

Intentional or Unintentional
Text/words or Ideas/data
Mosaic/patch writing

The Rules and Laws governing Intellectual Property Rights in India are as
1. The Copyright Act, 1957, the Copyright Rules, 1958 and International Copyright
Order, 1999
2. The Patents Act, 1970 the Patents Rules, 2003, the Intellectual Property
Appellate Board (Patents Procedure) Rules, 2010 and the Patents (Appeals and
Applications to the Intellectual Property Appellate Board) Rules, 2011
3. The Trade Marks Act, 1999, the Trade Marks Rules, 2002, The Trade Marks
(Applications and Appeals to the Intellectual Property Appellate Board) Rules, 2003
and the Intellectual Property Appellate Board (Procedure) Rules, 2003
4. The Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999
and the Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Rules,
5. The Designs Act, 2000 and the Designs Rules, 2001
6. The Semiconductors Integrated Circuits Layout-Design Act, 2000 and The
Semiconductors Integrated Circuits Layout-Design Rules, 2001
7. The Protection of Plant varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act, 2001 and The
Protection of Plant varieties and Farmers Rights’ Rules, 2003
8. The Biological Diversity Act, 2002 and the Biological Diversity Rules, 2004
9. Intellectual Property Rights (Imported Goods) Rules, 2007

Copyright Act affords separate and exclusive copyright protection to the

following 7
Clauses of work:
1. Original Literary Work
2. Original Dramatic Work
3. Original Musical Work
4. Original Artistic Work
5. Cinematograph Films
6. Sound recording
7. Computer Programme

The following Intellectual Property Rights are covered under the TRIPS –
1) Copyright;
2) Geographical indications;
3) Industrial designs;
4) integrated circuit layout-designs;
5) Patents;
6) New plant varieties;
7) Trademarks;
8) Undisclosed or confidential information.

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