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Report on


“Working with local Organization or NGO”

Submitted to




Name of student: Animireddy Bhargav Naidu

Registration Number: 12114833

Signature of student:
Undertaking from the student

I Animireddy Bhargav Naidu, Registration Number 12114833. Hereby

declare that the information provided by me in the above format are
complete and true to the Best of my knowledge, belief and information.
I hereby undertake to present the recordings of the Sessions for
verification immediately upon demand by the concerned authorities of
the University. In case any of the above mentioned information is found
wrong or incorrect then disciplinary action can be initiated against me by
the university.

Signature of the student:

Date: 08-July-2022

ai› i t« «i3 aat m. unit ma out a

projat of‘ learning ahout using dtemative of plastics in society and
prorimting alToeesiation by planting trees with his team under the
supervision of Dr. Yogendra Veimi in our NGO. It ii further ccnified
thst he has wod«xi too 4-5 meet:s I m*hours} with our NGD firm 03-June-
2022 to 05—July—2ON. And tis contribution Unaertai:en tes t›een

Here I Animireddy Bhargav Naidu, Registration no 12114833 has

completed the CDP Project given by LPU under which we have to join
NGO and serve there for a time tenure of 30+ hours and get a certificate
and make a report on what work I did and what challenges I faced. But
apart from this project I am really thankful to LPU for giving me this
opportunity and experience a new life and helped me find my passion
for the society, as to help them and make aware of the current situation
of waste management and need of increase of afforestation. I wandered
different sections of society and got knowledge about different types of
farming methods and agriculture practices. I started working towards
clean and green environment. And working with ThinkPlanet was one
my best experienced till now. I made new connection, networks and
most importantly learned a lot about us and our environmental

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This was the best opportunity given to me as to work in NGO I joint
think planet an NGO. I found this NGO on Internshala providing some
kind of environmental internships where we have to plant different types
of crops and different types of seeds and to learn more about fertilizers
manures and how to take care of the plants and seeds we have grown.
This and you send seeds and different types of plants at our home that
we have to plant in our locality and online tutorials and lectures are been
given to us that how to take care of the flowers and to have them to grow
well and they also taught at about the fertilizers and different types of
manure to be used to make our plant healthy and and they also talk
about the global warming how it is affecting our forests are will be in
our locality and suggested of some steps to prevent the soil erosion and
to take care of soil.

We also learn about how to wear clean a particular type of surrounding

like what kind of different types of biodegradable and nonbiodegradable
waste are present in our locality how to clean there are some kind of last
exam kind of water bottle someone the rubber bands how to take care of
the like how to remove current site in how to decompose it all type of
knowledge given to us about our surrounding and helping our nature to
become good and healthy.

So I've got in my locality and I gather some kind of people in my

locality and also given them the knowledge about the different types of
crops we use and how to take care of their how to take their
surroundings and increase the positivity around themselves so this was
the one of the best experience I have got from the thing planet and just
so I really want to thank you with this opportunity and to provide with
this kind of knowledge where I can help other people to to make sure
that our surrounding clean and really had a good place. And specially on
Sundays are used to arrange some kind of activities and events there all
the local people of my area and the students of some schools gather and
clean lakes and Gardens and the public places where the tourist use to
visit the City. Today's our city become more and more beautiful and
clean. So now I am going to tell about that how I started about so basic
manual and instructions was given from the NGO About starting to work
and different types of seeds delivered at my home at my doorstep. So I
took the block and going to the nearest garden to my home and I started
digging the soil I planted few seeds and water them and Are some
fertilizers and manure according to the manual and started taking care of
different plants and for the first week. And after seeing you some of my
friends approach that they also want to join in this work so All started
from here and we made 18 and started visit in different types of places
like lake garden pond and visitor cleaning that Lake Gardens and
different places and removing the plastics and putted them in the dustbin
and started planting plants and seeds to increase more greenery and to
make the place more beautiful. Now we have made a group on
WhatsApp and a group on Telegram also where new and new people
daily joining to help and contribute In cleaning the nature and the
surrounding we had them by providing the same annual given by the
hand you can also provide them the knowledge how to take care of the
surrounding how to take care object and the nature around them and not
to through unbiodegradable waste around their house as they are harmful
to environment. This makes me so proud that I just started from planting
of use with and now married peoples are join our team to clean the city
and I thought to give this a good support to this opportunity and take this
to more higher level.
About NGO:

So Think Planet is an organisation who is working towards making this

planet more green and contributes in preventing soil from soil erosion.
We have a vision to make this planet a more green place against
deforestation and emission of making everyone aware of needing saving
soil and increasing plantation to achieve a sustainable life form.

Main headquarters of this NGO is located at Vidya Marg, Bandra,

Mumbai, Maharashtra-400050. So if anyone want to contribute with this
and they can contact themselves on their email id or they can visit their
main head office and get the seeds and all the other stuff regarding the
planting and preventing the soil erosion.

Who we are:
We are nation wide organisation started for a purpose to save soil and
increase plantation. This organisation is created by a group of students
who believe that only youth have the power to make a change. And
change will be necessary.
Services offered by NGO:
We send seeds and other plantation equipments to your house we also
guide you about how to plant a seed and how to take care of your plant.
So when you will be joining us you will get a kit.
The cat will be containing some Si of plants and a user manual and some
planting to see that you have to use according to the instruction given in
your manual.

Soil prevention:
We take care of plants that have been planted along the nation word by
and come the important role of preventing soil from being erode. we
provide proper guiding to all our members and interns that how to take
care of a soil and our mother earth.

Internships provided by our NGO:

so we provide internship online and offline also all the students and all
the members can apply to any of the more they can either choose offline
or online more for online no they have to visit internshala and other
online patterns and has been registered in offline mode they can visit the
head office which is situated in Mumbai so both these they can work
along and the main thing in internship is like we send them the speeds
they have to show them they have to take care of the plants have to
contribute to our mother earth and this is all about us so we also organise
many a worldwide and nationwide event with your people participate
and contribute their work and their time for the nation and its greenery.

This NGO has planted more than 50000 plants and trees in the last past
two years and other types of crops also this helps farmers to gain
knowledge more about menus and fertilizers to make their farms more
and more green and more and more healthy and they can also produce
the good quality of food the and also contributes on increasing a
sustainable development by increasing the green pea and removing the
plastics from the soil and our surroundings.

So there is a simple procedure for joining as an intern in the end you as

you have to fill online form for offline form if you are an online
experience then have to fill the online form on internshala this angle is
available there you can visit and fill up all the details and persons from
the end you will contact you in 2-3 business days and you will be you
have to give a small interview and then use the selected and then you
will get the seeds and other equipment and the remaining kit. Rajasthani
have to attend the online lectures and tutorials given by the faculty of the
energy and after that you have to solve your seeds and plants take care
of them and if you face any kind of help then reference manual if then
also you find any kind of problem, the members of that NGO are 24 by 7
available to help you out for the any of the problem regarding your

This was a great opportunity for me to work with think planet as a match
with new and night experience persons in the field of agriculture and
like sustainable development on online mode and the guided me at how
to work and went to work what is the best stores to plant a tree how to
take a seat and why it is necessary for us to do it because nowadays there
is due to global warming and deforestation the things are affecting our
surrounding so it is really necessary to plant more and more trees and to
work upon it and make our surroundings and mother earth green.
Work Done:
Day 1:
So on the first day of our work we were welcomed on the platform of
zoom where Mr Dharmendra Singh Verma hosted the lecture and he
guided us about the NGO. How the NGO work what are the other
achievements of the NGO and what are the future Expectations and
planning and what will be our contribution towards the NG. how all the
interns and aspirants hired are going to work in the next 30 days so it
was a really good session. And after attending this section I got much
more clarity about the pearl and about the end you like mahaul and he
was working all about what are the like how great is NGO like and the
what kind of great opportunity I am getting to work in this NGO.

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They taughed about different kind of fertilizers and manure is available
in our society and our market so how can we utilise them and what kind
of fertilizers and manure we don't have to use which are based
chemicals. When and where to use that 49ers and how to use them what
kind of time suitable for utilising that fertilizers all that thing that taught
by them to US and that I am really thankful that I got this kind of
knowledge so from next time wherever do planting on participate in this
that kind of events I will be in first be informed about this so this is was
the best opportunity.

After that members of NGO addressed us with their kind words they talk
about different types of chemicals used from the manufacturing
industries how they are affecting soil. How they have against the
environment. what are the critical things happening here. How the global
warming is impacting on mother Earth. How greenhouse effect is
Affecting. How people are reacting towards it what are the benefits what
are the demerits.
Day 2:

Now it was the day 2 and Again we were on zoom classes and getting
prepare to gain a good knowledge and be motivated for the rest of our
work what we have to do in the next month so this lecture was been
hosted by Mr Yogendra Jain and he was the head of HR department of
the NGO. Ki address us with his kind words he talked about the NGO
the team working there how much hard working and dedicated they are
towards our earth and the back stories of few members that how they
join the NGO what were the background what happened to their life how
they were struggling and hard how the end you had them and now how
the NGO is being held by them what is the precious contribution of the
members of NGO for that auspicious NGO so we were like blessed to
get motivated from that words from Mr Yogendra.

As this NGO was started by only and only few students of a college
local college of Mumbai and now this NGOs become a famous NGO
Nation by a like I am so proud to be a part of that NGO that I got this
opportunity to work with them for a 30-day internship and learn many
more things from there about the soil prevention and sustainable
development a difference about the biodegradable and nonbiodegradable
waste difference about different types of energy resources that we have
to use and inculcate and what are the demerits of using plastic and bags
and the different things made from plastic and how to avoid it what kind
of practices we need to practice in our daily life so that we are away
from plastic bags and there are many more things and new concepts and
new techniques was being introduced to US so that we can learn them
and also we can spread them in our locality so the as many as people can
get knowledge about this new technique and new ways of living so that
Earth can be saved from this harmful plastics and other chemicals and
we can live a healthy and good life.

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He talks about Different techniques like using some kind of cloth bags
instead of plastic bags and the new types of bags have been introduced
in the market are made of papers should use paperbacks but we should
also reduce the use of paper bag because in paper decoration takes
around 30 years and which is the use time so we should also not use the
paper bags but if it is urgency that we can use the paper bags and but the
mainly by default we should use of clothes hacks for getting all our stuff
from the market and this is the best way and the first initial way to work
upon and for our earth.

That was about like whenever we use certain vegetables certain kind of
biodegradable waste we should through it the place where like the plane
Grounds near like there there is good soil so the plants and the different
types of vegetables can grow their and the waste can be arranged
manually and it can prevent of soil from being eroded like more and
more trees and plants and crops grown the oil will be prevented from
being eroded and we should not use the Carbon monoxide and other
chemicals like CO2 producing devices and all that things so our Ozone
Layer will not be depleted and like hence there will be many many
things like acid rain global warming and other things which are harmful
to our environment can be reduced effectively.

we were being guided that not to keep open vessels or a container like
things in the open area when there is rain because water gets
contaminated after the 24 hours so it's best to like not to use containers
or like the which has big holes of which have big spaces and we are
don't have to throw them in the open area we have to just passed them to
some kind of dustbins or alive there are some areas of the Government
have to pass it to them so water cannot be contaminated to show them
and like there will be a less chance of increasing the diseases and
harmfulness in our environment.

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Day 3:

So it was day 3. So we were again hosted by the members of NGO. And

today we will talk about different types of manure and different types of
fertilizers used in agriculture and farming and how to reduce the harmful
chemicals in plantations.
So manure is a decomposed form of the dead plants and animals which
is applied to the soil to increase production. It is a natural Form of
fertilizers and is cost-active. The human and animal excreta Is also used
as men the livestock manure is rich in nitrogen, Phosphorus and

Manure is highly rich in organic matter and does improve the soil
fertility are better in the long and does not cause any pollution it is
valuable renewable resource can be obtained the different source of
manure are mentioned below :
● Cattle dung urine and slurry from biogas plants.
● Waste from human habitation such as human urine, Nights soil
sludge, sewage and domestic waste.
● Waste from slaughterhouses such as bones meat on and hoof me
fish waste.
● droppings of goat and sheep.
● by products of agriculture industries.
● crop waste.
● weeds, water hyacinth.

Types of manure:

Manual can be grouped as farmyard manure green manure and compost

manure following are the different types of manure used by the farmers:

Green manure:

Green manure increases the percentage of organic matter in the soil. the
roots of such manure go into the soil this helped in the supression of
weeds and prevention of soil erosion.

Farmyard manure:

farmyard manure improves the soil structure and is used use of

fertilizers in farming. it increases soil capacity to hold more water and
nutrients. it also increases the microbial activity of the soil to improve
its mineral supply and also the plant nutrients.

Compost manure:

It improves the soil structure and water and nutrient holding capacity of
the soil does it increases the nutrient value the health of plant.

Advantages of Manure:
● These are a good source of macronutrients.
● Improves soil fertility.
● Cost-effective
● Reduces soil erosion and leaching.
● Improves the physical properties of the soil and aerates the soil.
● Improves the water and nutrient holding capacity of the soil.
● It can be transported easily.
● Methane gas is evolved as the by-product of manure that can be
used for cooking and heating purposes.
● The crops grown on the land treated with manure produces
healthy crops.

What’s Chemical Fertilizer?

Chemical fertilizer is made from refined organic or (more often)
artificial matter, where nutrients have been extracted and combined with
chemical fillers to create a synthetic solution.
This “inorganic,” manufactured fertilizer is often made of petroleum,
broken down rocks, or other nonrenewable sources. Chemical fertilizers
usually contain nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, and sometimes
micronutrients. The materials are refined to a pure state and stripped of
certain substances to eliminate the decomposition process.
Because these materials don’t need to decompose, the nutrients are
readily available to your plants upon application and sucked up quickly
— often brightening your landscape in only a few days. That’s just the
start of the benefits.

The Advantages of Using Chemical Fertilizer:

Synthetic fertilizers are often chosen over organic solutions, as they are:
● Less expensive. Perhaps the biggest reason homeowners choose
chemical vs. organic fertilizer is that they are inexpensive
compared or organic applications. These refined materials can be
produced in bulk and have a longer shelf life, reducing production
costs— and thus, savings, onto the consumer.
● Show quicker results. Whereas organic fertilizers need time and
moisture to break down, naturally, over a few weeks, chemical
fertilizers are absorbed quickly by your plants. Because of this,
these refined, pure minerals produce near-immediate effects— in a
matter of days, not weeks.
● Easier to apply, diversely. Many chemical fertilizers come in liquid
form and can be sprayed instead of laid. Unlike dry fertilizers
(which set on top of soil), liquids can be applied to your treetops
and directly onto high foliage for an extra boost— not just on
● Easier to mix with other applications. Because many chemical
solutions are liquid fertilizers, they can easily be blended with
weed and insect control, or other solutions. This helps to save time
protecting and nourishing your landscape.

The Disadvantages of Using Chemical Fertilizer:

Chemical fertilizers are often criticized for:

● Containing limited nutrients. Inorganic fertilizers contain set,
measured levels of minerals. While they usually contain the big
three minerals (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium), they often lack
diverse micronutrients that a plant would receive from naturally
decomposing materials, instead of containing a lot of “filler.”
Organic fertilizers often include additional nutrients, like calcium,
magnesium, iron, zinc, and calcium— just to name a few.
● Pollution. Research by the University of Vermont found that
chemical contamination from synthetic fertilizers can cause nearby
waterways to turn green or cloud with algae blooms, take on an
unusual odor and deplete oxygen for fish and other species,
suffocating them. Because of the effects of this chemical run-off,
artificial fertilizers are often not considered environmentally-
● Over-fertilization or PH balance troubles. These inorganic
substances are highly concentrated solutions, and if over-sprayed
or over-applied can overwhelm your landscape— becoming too
much of a good thing. High mineral levels can cause instant
damage like root burn. Long-term chemical use can alter the PH
balance of your soil and cause a toxic build-up of certain nutrients.
Read more about the dangers of over-fertilization here.
● Requiring more frequent application. Chemical fertilizers are
absorbed quickly by your plants and grass. While this leads to
faster results, the greenery is often not sustainable. Below, you’ll
discover how organic fertilizers nourish the soil structure of your
soil, requiring less application to maintain your landscape’s long-
term well-being.

What Makes a Fertilizer “Organic?

For nutrition buffs, it’s important to understand that organic fertilizers
don’t have the same standards as organic food. Buying organic produce,
for example, means the item was grown with non-genetically modified
chemicals. But in terms of organic fertilizer, the term “organic” only
means the nutrients remain in natural form— as opposed to being
extracted or refined like chemical fertilizers.
“Organic,” when used in association with fertilizer, means the
treatment is composed of naturally decaying materials. These
materials usually consist of animal waste and by-products— like
manure, leaves, vegetable scraps, thatch, bone meal, wood, etc. In
nature, these materials would naturally break down, so you know it’s all
stuff your plants can easily digest.
These nourishing materials are why organic fertilizers are sometimes
called “soil conditioners,” as they are nutrient-rich sources that naturally
condition and build the microbial profile of your soil. By feeding the
friendly microbes and fungi that live in your dirt, these beneficial
organisms give back to the overall structure of your soil— strengthening
your turf, long-term. But that’s not all.
Day 4:

So after learning about menus and organic fertilizers and different types
of chemical fertilizers the advantages and disadvantages it was rt4 where
there was 13 events like general places where hand and a revision
classes for their for the first three days and we will talk about how to
respect our nature and how to help to grow and how to help people to
realise that what we are currently doing is not good for our future and
So they taughted about how to reach different types of campaigns how
to make different types of social events successful how to increase the
audience in such kind of social activities. where they have to participate
And spend their worthy time for our mother earth and environment.

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They explained all things to us by giving us a pass examples where to

work for an event summer point where lies the blood donation was being
and about defeat lynx in plants sharing plug a garden and how they make
the event grand success by increasing audience by increasing by making
them aware about the Global Warming and other Types of harmful
effects of the use of different chemical fertilizers and other chemicals
which we don't need to use. they also addresses with the kind words in
with we can make a normal event a grand success realise the value of
that how much important for the family moral values.

Day 5:
On the day 5 and the different types of kit were arrived at our home and
there was a video lecture and tutorial were given as to how to use that
get in a regular manner and how to take care of that by washing it time
to time how to use it in the physical form and how to teach others about

After unboxing that box I found some seeds of mango plants and some
seeds of guava plants so that there was a instruction manual also present
in that and some plugging tools and farming tools were also present so it
was really a nice gift given from NGO to me which I have required for
my lifetime and after reading that value or I learnt about how to use had
different types of farming kids and how to plug the seeds directly in
ground so that they are not destroy result Be a good Big trees for a future

I was literally so happy after getting that get and all the members address
does with the instruction manual and the in everything so nicely that my
interest and my passion got more stronger about stopping the global
warming and increasing more greenery and I started my journey towards
making this Mother Earth more and more greener. So one by one at
picked up every to check that everything is working or not I check the
packets of seed is there are destroyed or not but like all there was in the
best quality and I was so happy that I got a suppository to help my
mother earth for the wonderful area and an opportunity as a internship.

Day 6:

Now finally the day was arrived when we have to sow the seed and crop
in the ground by using the kit provided by the NGO. I was so excited at
that day that I just Took one mark of water and the kit provided by NGO
which contain farming tools and all the seeds.

So just I drown all the water at the ground and let the soil become wet
for an hour. Bind all the fertilizers and manual as for the instruction
mentioned in the manual and that I took them in the Crown I started
digging the crown and made a big hole where I just posted my all
fertilizers and manure prepared last time and then I put it all the seeds in
the fertilizer. then I gently mixed all the mixture and portrait mode soil
only and then I put a more water on a I left it for one more day. so this
was all about my 16 in my internship and I was so happy that I want to
you towards my mother earth by sowing different types of seeds and
crops in it.

I feel that I have done something breed which I have never done in my
life it gives me a bright feeling an opportunity to serve my nature and
and I just know my one of my levels of life that why my life has been
given to me and my how can I spend it in a fruitful and a productive

Day 7:
So basically De 7 was a rest day for all of the members of NGO and me
and to watch the seedlings that we have sown on the day before. And we
were given a task Of Learning and making a report of different types of
plants, seeds and fertilizers available in market.
This was a great task because learning by self with the best learning so
we get the knowledge about different types of seedlings and samples
available in the market and how to grow them what are the future
benefits how long did it take to grow it takes thousands of years to grow.
And at the evening and at the end of the day there was a small guest
lecture given by Mr. Ravindra Prasad sir about different types of
civilizations and different types of plants and trees different types of
forests like how cultivations happens how people migrate from one
place to place how the different types of world wide projects and b and
how they are in these with the NGO that the worldwide liver how can
help in contributing towards our mother earth the research and
development of afforestation. Informed us about the different types of
world level events and campaign going on right now in the terms of
reducing global warming, I educating people about saving from mother
earth and a devastating future. Fans how to make this Earth a better
place to live for future once and our kids.
Examples of events going worldwide right now was given by him that
how we started on a small scale level and now we have become such a
big team of green helpers and educators. This was the another
motivation for us to start the small thing and thing about a big future for
our campaign and for our mother earth.

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Day 8:
So it was a day 8 and a new morning a new day. so we were again ready
with our different types of seeds; seeds of mango tree and plant of
Eucalyptus to sown them and hope for a good future and good mangoes
and trees after few years.
It was just like that we are investing of few hours for coming years and
getting real returns day by day for decades. This was again
aknowledgable activity that we are doing humble and pride thing in the
So what we did clearly today that I am gonna say.
We took the big seeds of mango tree and small plants of eucalyptus as
guided by the manual. Mango seeds so that I can feel the weight in my
hands. Holding the small sampling size of eucalyptus so good help you
giving so I stopped them to the another area near my locality and started
digging the ground and mixing fertilizers and manure in and then I
added the seeds and eucalyptus sampling after that I just water the soil
and Waiting for them to go grow big and big.

How to Grow Eucalyptus:

Part 1:
Germinating Eucalyptus from Seed:

Chill the seeds. Transfer the seed package to the refrigerator and leave
the seeds there for two months. This is called stratification, and it will
help bring the seeds out of dormancy, and encourage germination.
• Stratification replicates the dormancy period that happens
over winter, so the seeds will come to life again and
germinate when they're removed from the refrigerator.
Plant the seeds in late winter. Eucalyptus seeds should be sown in pots
indoors several weeks before the last expected frost. In the Northern
Hemisphere, aim to plant in mid-February. In the Southern Hemisphere,
aim to plant in mid-July.
• To find your last expected frost date, check local
government or meteorological websites.
Fill peat pots with potting soil. Use a porous potting soil that has lots
of pearlite for good drainage. It’s also important to use peat pots that can
be transplanted with the seedlings, because eucalyptus doesn’t respond
well to transplanting.
• Growing eucalyptus from seed is the best way to propagate
new plants, because propagating by cuttings is difficult and
the success rate is much lower.

Plant the seeds. Sprinkle a few seeds on top of the potting soil in each
peat pot. Cover each pot with a light dusting of horticultural sand. This
will hold the seeds in position, keep them warm, and keep them moist as
they germinate.
• Don’t use sand from a beach or the backyard, as it could be
contaminated with pathogens that will kill the seeds.

Mist the seeds regularly. As soon as you’ve covered the seeds with
sand, mist them with water to help them settle into the soil. As the seeds
germinate, mist the soil every one to two days to keep the growing
medium evenly moist.
Keep the seeds warm. Move the pots to a warm place, such as a heated
greenhouse or the top of the refrigerator. You can also keep the pots on a
heating pad to keep them warm as they germinate.

Trim the weakest seedlings. Because you planted multiple seeds in

each pot, you may have more than one seedling sprout up. Inspect each
pot and look for the largest, thickest, and healthiest seedling. Use
sterilized scissors to trim all the weaker seedlings down to soil level.
• To sterilize the scissors, wipe them down with isopropyl

Transplanting Seedlings

Aim to transplant the seedlings mid-summer. By that time, the

seedlings will have had plenty of time to establish themselves. The
warmer temperatures at this time of year will also be ideal for moving
the eucalyptus outside.

Choose a sunny location. Eucalyptus requires full sun, and this means
at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight every day. You should also choose
a location that’s several feet (a few meters) from any buildings or fences,
otherwise the fast-growing tree could cause damage to the nearby
Protect the plant from strong winds. Make sure that the location you
choose shields the plant from strong winds. Eucalyptus is short-rooted,
so it may not withstand wind.

Amend the soil. Till the soil to a depth of 12 inches (30 cm) using a
hand or rototiller. Spread a few inches (several centimeters) of aged
compost over the area and use the tiller to work it into the soil. This will
ensure that the soil is nutrient-rich and well-draining.
Dig holes large enough to accommodate the peat pots. Use a spade or
small shovel to dig holes that are slightly wider and deeper than the pots.
The holes should be spaced at least 8 feet (2.4 m) apart to accommodate
the mature size of the trees.

Plant the seedlings in the ground. Place one peat pot in each hole and
cover the transplants with additional soil. Use your hands to gently pack
the soil around the roots. Water the area thoroughly to help settle the
eucalyptus in the ground.

Caring for Eucalyptus:

Apply a layer of mulch to the soil. Mulch will help to control the
temperature of the soil, protect the tree from cold, eliminate weeds, and
keep the soil moist. Ideal mulch for eucalyptus is a thick and bulky
organic matter, such as bark or compost.
Keep the soil moist. Eucalypti will tolerate some drought, but they will
thrive better in soil that’s consistently moist. During dry spells, water the
trees once a week.

• Shrivelling leaves are an indication that the plant isn't

getting enough water. Give the plant a thorough soaking.
The affected leaves may not bounce back.

• Once the tree is established after about 5 years, you won’t

have to water or feed the eucalyptus, even during dry
Fertilize the plant regularly during the growing seasons. The
growing season for these plants is between mid-spring and mid-summer.
Each week, add a liquid fertilizer to the water before watering the plant.
The best fertilizer for eucalyptus is high in phosphorous and low in

• For the final two feedings near the end of summer, switch to
a high-potassium fertilizer to help prepare the tree for
From Day 9 to 14:

So as a days passes by we continue spreading the growing of plants and

seeds be taken care of the seeds of mango trees and eucalyptus sampling
which was on in the ground and which was so much beautiful and peace
giving activity that daily watching the things which you have grown like
it was like growing a child from a birth.

Each day we used to visit the place and take care of the things we then
when the sampling is grew a little details like there was a Seedling from
the seeds then after germination of the seeds we spotted some iron cage
was around it so the all the animals near red light cows and other
animals didn't hurt and damage our plantations and this was also a
necessary step because it will prevent our hard work and all our
sampling from being destroyed.

It was one of the heart ask of assembling all the iron cage around the
plants and the seed sampling because it was made of iron and we need a
lot of efforts to mould it into a perfect shape and and it down below the
earth without damaging our plantations. So basically there is also a
calculation of getting a iron cage from the market by how much the
diameter of the and it should be according to plantations how much does
square shape and area of the per square should be divided into the cage.
Day 15 to 26:

Something great happened in these days as like the wages continue in

the taking care of seedlings plants and sampling in the recent days and
getting more knowledge about different types of farming agriculture
practices practice in different types of in world and states of India.
how in earlier times people used to move from one place to another as a
migration and how they use to cultivate different types of plantations
and how they created different types of civilizations using nature and
how they learn different types of farming for example terrace farming,
step house, farming green and dry land farming etc.

Remoteok Appa the rural area plantations and urban area plantations
how the new techniques changed the life of the performers how they
enhance their lifestyles how they in which themselves and how they help
themselves to grow in a small area and how to increase the different
types of farming methods. meanwhile we will learning all these things
we continued planting new trees in our locality and taking care of them
and putting cages around them and making them save from the animals.

And in these days while taking care of our plants and growing new
saplings. some people saw us doing the things and approach that they
were motivated after see us and want to join us. And this was again a
turning point in a journey where we decided to take this small event to a
big campaign where we can invite many people who love nature and the
people were not aware about saving our nature. So started making a big
team of young people and distributed templates of different types of
events like cleaning a garden offering some kind of statue in India
offering some kind of public places like bus stand age on holidays like
Sundays and other holidays so that the people also can join and
contribute with their time towards our mother earth.

So we decided to make a roadmap and blue print how to take things

forward or a beginner level how to include the other society members
also of any age whether old is man or small time and to how to
distributors between them how to make them aware how to get them to
the peaks from in a formal and legal way. so it was so exciting that we
believe got into it and I day after that we were working on it but how to
create a best campaign in the city to make a bad and educate them and
make our city more players first we thought like we should start with the
public areas like Bus stands railway stations public parks area near the
mall area or circles of our cities to clean them and to make them

Day 27 and 28:

We acted upon our blueprint and things won't get there were certain
challenges like gathering a crowd at one place and educating them they
were serving technical problem also like arranging my and arranging
gloves for them to make the city clean making them understand how to
grow plants and like where to take all things how to use the kit properly.
Although it was so much interesting and fascinating and a giver enjoying
a lot educating people making the power of our environment and guiding
them like how to take things forward how to spread the same knowledge
to the to the relatives and the known one how to take care of their
surroundings of their home in a green and efficient way how to reduce
the use of plastics and other pollutants that makes our mother earth dirty
and not good for living.
As the plan was big the challenges will also be handing the crowd giving
them some goodies of the word providing them certain certificates and
the distributing the photo copies of the manuals provided by the NGO to
us. And after the end of this three days we were able to plant more than
3000 plants in our city and we clean more than 15 places including bus
station railway station public parks malls and different circles and all
things changed and we got a new passion and new version of working
for us and for our mother earth.

Day 29 and 30:

This was the end of a internship but not the end of our region and
passion we got after doing this internship so basically we created some
photographs week there we created a normal report on what work we
have done in this past fifteen or twenty days of internship and be
submitted in front of the members of NGO and be told how with
weighted small event into a big successful campaign where people also
past participated with us noble cause.

As we describe everything in front of the members of NGO it was a

great moment for us. They all congratulated us and praising us for such a
great work that we did in influencing people and making one more step I
had to help our mother earth to be clean.
So at the last day of our Work as an intern in that NGO. so we were all
facilitated by certificate and praising words by the director of that NGO.
This was my last day on NGO but not the least day for working towards
our mother earth and increasing the plantations and decreasing the soil
pollution soil I will try to work more and more order for this topic it has
now become my passion to country this work and spread awareness
among the people.
Challenges Faced:

● The natural and was the summers the heat of the sun as he was we
have to do certain times we have to do things in the hot summer so
it was quite irritating and I we felt so lazy at the time so it was hard
time for us to do things but whatever the condition was we want to
because that thing has become a passion we want to serve our
mother earth. so just be over tackled this situation by taking cold
water, Cold butter milk and other liquid substances to which stand
in summers.

● Have a nice challenge was taking care of plants and sampling we

saw in the ground in all the public places because there were many
Prey animals roaming here and there they can eat a plant so we
have to keep that plants safe so we just have to arrange the iron
cases for the power plants and sampling to keep them safer from
the animals like cows and other animals. this was one of the
hardest hours we have done because to to arrange all the iron cages
of the soil without damaging the plant was such a hard task but
finally we did it with follow our efforts and enthusiasm.

● What are the biggest challenge was the online classes like the
internet connectivity sometimes due to hindrance of internet
connectivity we were not able to listen what they were saying but
eventually things got created at the good because he also provided
the written notes and reports provided by them so we just read
them and we get to know that what was the summary of that
● As you were new to this field of planting trees and working with
the tools. So in the starting days we were facing some challenges
regarding how to using the tools of farming and how to you do the
things at exactly the they have talked us and so we were just
learning in that days and eventually we become more and more
expert in that not the professional but we can say like we just get a
hands-on on that tools that how to use them how to plug the waste
plants from the nearby and so the good plants in that area.

● Our next challenge was the educating people in a huge amount like
when the people joined a team there was a use Chaos and violent
able to manage the things according to a blueprint because we
never had done this before so we just gradually grow more
everyday that we learnt things and active face challenges so that
we brought some my some papers some charge on which the rules
were being returned on which like different types of course where
vetan so that the people can read it and get knowledge more about
it we gone and help one by one to each and every newbie to the
speed at how to use the tools and the farming kit and we get the
knowledge about different types of trees agriculture methods
which way we were being taught by the members of the NGO.
Learning outcomes:

● First ball be learnt about how a NGO works how all the members
co-ordinate with each other as a team in events and campaign like
how the guide people according to weight how they manage Their
employees and how the workers and how the manage different
types of interns in different fields of working.

● We learnt a lot about marketing and how to make a normal event

small event a grand success how to turn a small event in small
steps into a big company how to make a people aware of the events
happening around them and how to increase the interested
audience in a particular group a particular area and how to
entertain them with a good communication skills and with good
content and with good teaching skills. we learnt a lot about the
social gathering customer care and have been in the about Big
organisation that WHO and other United Nation organisation how
they are organising such events will be the from world's are
coming and participating.

● The next thing we learn about how to create a small event into a
grand success by the use of digital marketing Marketing by
physical marketing and marketing the pamphlets and your help of
team members and how to communicate efficiently with all the
other society members and how to make a bag of the public who
are interested in this field how to gather them at one place how to
arrange things how to arrange building everything was being
caused by them and we learn in an efficient way.
● The next thing we learn was about agriculture and farming like we
learn about different types of agricultural practices happening in
different types of civilization different states and different
countries of the world we learnt about different types of farming
practices in our India and told different parts of world how people
live their life and how they use to practice the older times of
farming methods and how the technology care their life and how
we can inculcate those techniques in our daily life.

● We got some instructions about how to use a kit of farming how to

use all the seats and not to damage the sleep and how to use
different types of fertilizers and manuals which are organic and not
harmful to our soil and for a plant and how to make a plants and
paste growth and to keep them safe by using different types of for
example using iron cage or different types of pesticides around and
so they not been attacked by the big animals or the microbial

● When you organise the event for all public and Society members to
win participate and challenges like to make them perform task
discipline to educate them what to do what not to do discrete-time
leichhardt if attack and about how to use the kids and I to make the
things go well without any interaction so this was also challenge
and that we learnt about the company and some managerial skills.

● I joined a NGO named think planet and I started working with it so

the main concept pause the growing of plants and preventing soil
erosion and removing the unwanted ways like plastics and rubber
from our environment and make our surrounding more involved
cleaner so we were addressed by the director and chancellor and
other members of the NGO.

● I worked in a NGO as per the internship project given by LPU

under the subject of CDP where I have to give my 30 days to
NGO I have to work there I have to serve my time there and then
things about environment and Society and to get a certificate.

● They guide us about different types of agriculture practices and

farming methods happening all around the world and in different
parts of India and how Technology changed the earlier farming
methods and become a revolution in the present farming methods
that wasn't about different types of seeds and plants available in the
market how they grew what type of temperature climate soil and
surroundings Delhi to be grown and they also provide knowledge
about the organic and chemical fertilizers and manure how to use
when to use and when not to use.

● Started using their kids and started planting the seeds and small
sampling firstly near to our house and them to the local places of
my city my all friends joined me in the work. ok and after seeing
us working so hard other people also turned out and approved us
regarding had who were interested helping the mother Earth in
becoming more clean and beautiful.
● So we started our planting more and more in sampling with our
area and arranging the protective measures like pesticides and I am
kids around them to protect them from animals and small insects
and other microbial insects. it was such a pleasure feeling to do
this work with my friends and I slowly people also joined us so we
thought of of creating a successful event regarding the event saving
the mother earth and everything more prevent soil erosion.

● So we come down with the event in which like all the interested
members and peoples who want to serve their mother earth and the
city so we arranged small event in which that all people gathered
and cleaned the public parks and bus stations and also planted
seeds and cycling there and were given some tasks to meet
economy assemblies for a given period of time and to arrange
preventive methods plants and seeds.

● This is how we created a small event in to Excess and gain passion

and a vision of working motor hands NGO intern but not I want to
work for my mother earth More cleaner and beautiful.






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