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The Dredging Guidelines with Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)for undertaking

Capital and Maintenance Projects at Major Ports was issued by Ministry of Ports, Shipping
and Waterways in August 2016.

2. In accordance to Government of India disinvestment plan, Dredging Corporation of

India Limited, a Central Public Sector Enterprise under Ministry of Ports, Shipping and
Waterways was disinvested to instill transparency and improve optimum utilization of its
dredgers resulting to increase its efficiency in dredging projects. With enactment /
amendment of National Waterways Act, Environmental Act and Merchant Shipping Act, it
was imperative for a dedicated research and development centre and there on, Ministry of
Ports, Shipping and Waterways established National Technology Centre of Ports,
Waterways and Coasts (NTCPWC) under the ambit of Sagarmala for coordinated activities
with stakeholders for innovative techniques and up gradation to achieve optimum
economical project delivery at Major Ports. This guideline to be followed by Major Ports to
ensure implementation of dredging projects for cost effectiveness and delivery of projects
as per schedule, this document shall be reference guidelines but is not exhaustive.

3. Globally, the international ports such as Rotterdam, Antwerp, Singapore adopt

sustaining innovation and invention to modify their soil touching parts, dredge pumps and
hydraulics etc. International dredging contractors adopt international standards to draft
tender documents based on mitigation of risk management, prepare soil model for pre
estimation in accordance to PIANC vis-à-vis utilization and reuse of dredged material for
beneficial purpose, survey techniques based on IAPH / IHO requirements and CIRIA
methodology for estimation of cost for dredging and reclamation projects. It is therefore
pertinent to include appropriate process and procedure to achieve the above objectives and
to minimize any potential dispute.

4. Dredging Guidelines at Major Ports 2021 shall address the objectives and include
Dredging Policy for Major Ports. This shall supersede the Dredging Guidelines [August
2016] and Dredging Policy issued by the Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways.

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