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Task 1.1

No wonder we have different opinion regarding creation of universe. If I say I might be alive till 70 years
of age and according to the big bang theory the universe is 13.7 billion years old, it’s almost 195,714,285
times or more than my predicted life span if brutal accident doesn’t take place. Human life also changes
along with the universe. It is always going through creation and destruction and it takes a prolonged
time for any change. If we compare Chemical changes happening throughout universe creation and
expansion with human social change takes lesser time as human can build up, promote cultures
according their will. It might seems that human is not hunter anymore, but deep inside they are still
hunting for power position. Yes I have a very limited time span and everyday something new happens in
different parts of the world which needs to get changed and if none else is taking the initiative, we can’t
wait but take the responsibility to resist or revolutionized. It’s true, more we interact with people of
different place and profession; we get to know about the huge unhappiness between people due to
socio-political and economic situation. Every day is a scope to gain knowledge and enact. I understand I
am getting late everyday for the impact I want to create but family expectation and procrastination
hindered all the actions needed to accomplish good ideas that came to my mind while gathering
information regarding everyone. Through this assignment, I have been asked the toughest question
which made me stand still in front of the mirror, what I am I doing! Doing my Company Job roles and
enjoying other moments are not something which are going to make any change how much we talk
about politics and environment between our connections. I need to plan prior to everyday what I should
achieve next day. If I need to meet someone, I have to manage the time properly, if I need to make a
team, I need to start it now and make a practical deadline to launch the project which I had in mind for
several years. If I compare my life with historical periods, I find it interesting one as we have media and
internet. Any social changing slogan can be spread throughout our globe is easy now, on the other side
of the coin. It has become easier to defame any positive initiative as Medias can be bought and used for
power propaganda. So, every day we have to fight, the journey is not smooth. If we don’t change our
behavior about utilizing the time at our young, productive age, it would be too late. If we have to be
leader we have to make everyone believe how costly the time is. Youth always want to revolutionize. I f
they start making effort each day, the earth will be worth living for our next generations may be without
less distress and pain. Time is not what we are lacking; we are lacking direction which can be
synchronized to achieve our goal.
TASK 1.2

We are deeply sad because of sudden demise of Saumyadeep Ghosh, our friend, our team member.
Saumyadeep Ghosh was not a very academically hardworking fellow. He got good grades by studying at
the last moment though but he put as much hard work he could put in accomplishing social changing
projects. He made a strong impact in educating people about plastic pollution and made the best team
to keep the Ganga River clean from plastics and beautify the river banks. Saumyadeep never wanted any
position in his organization, he always wanted to give all efforts without getting into a boundary so that
he could reach to the seed level. Earlier he was not sure about delegating the jobs as he was a
perfectionist one, then he understood the value of delegating work and how to champion the project
with team members. Early in his childhood, he was in complete dark about race, gender, caste and
religion, he used to bully others in school, and that’s very common in developing nations where parents
don’t talk about society, only career and family are the objectives, but he got enlightened after getting
into high school and he made sure he could repay all the misdeeds he had done and created a platform
to come out of the closet. He went through all the religious practice at childhood but when rationality
came in front, he skipped the part. He had sole misconception about gender atrocities, when he
understood the circumstances; he fought for the equality at every space. Later when he joined
corporate, he understood the skill & knowledge gap of a regular person in own provinces and launched
a Digital Media initiative named The Bizzy Bong in vernacular language to form the bridge. In 40s, he
engaged with the farmers of the provinces and adopted them with technology and business skills to
make a peasant life sustainable when Farmer suicide due to bad loans was in regular news. Later on, he
got into public policy making and revolutionized the corruption picture of his country. Even before his
death, he made will in favor of orphan houses and his body and eyes are donated for research purpose.

What a life! What a change! He showed the path of unlearn and relearn. He showed the path how to
take steps in maximum spheres to make a change. He showed us what more than life was by making
him involved in eradicating problems in so many fields. But he was not happy, Power and War always
haunted him. He used to cry loud thinking how people can be so inhuman who encourages war, the
Weapon Business was expanding every day. Lame nation leaders are continuously making people’s lives
miserable after getting elected. He always asked the question to the people why bad leaders get
elected! He was passionate about multi tasking and promoted multitasking to young students
throughout his lives.

At this day, we want to recall the quality he grabbed through his life and if we can take his missions
forward, it will be justice to the human kind.
TASK 1.3

I think, if people are socially secure, they have scope to broaden their knowledge horizon. There are
people in power who will always keep people hungry to keep the bridle in their hand. Till now, what I
understood my gifts towards world will be generating employment and a bunch of environment
conscious-liberal people who would further be the change makers. For Employment Generation
purpose, I have already started a digital media called The Bizzy Bong which is a Business news media in
Bengali language. There is a huge scope for people to come up with entrepreneurship and product
making within our provinces. All time Political news in the mainstream media have engaged our brain
so much that, people have no scope to learn something from media. I am addressing that point. I have
taken a environment friendly initiative for couples also. I have started a competition between partners
regarding dustbin use. Everyday used plastics must go to garbage bin if they are outside. This small cute
competition between partners has got good appreciation and couples are actually finding it meaningful
which would further expand day by day we communicate with new people. When I worked with
LGBTQA+ community, I made a project of Gender Fair initiatives in High Schools to make a more
inclusive environment in academic space. There is no fixed project in my life right now. Wherever I shall
be going throughout my career, I would be finding a purpose and work out to make impactful output by
making a driven team. Currently, I am creating a network of young activist who will make sure streets
are free of cigarette buds and buds are reused for sustainable future.
TASK 1.4

As I want to be remembered as an environment and gender activist, more of a say political activist, I
want to make my way deep into all the aspect. My Life Plan for upcoming years:

Skill Goal Learning Coding from online resources to get good understanding about possibilities
with technology. I have joined Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration for
2022-2024 batch. I want to persue online Public Relationship and Advertisement from
MICA, best institute for Advertising in India. Later at 30s I want to study on Public Policy.
In between I am learning about Agri Business. I want to learn more about organic
farming before getting into Indian farming industry.
Career Goal Working with disruptive Startups where I shall be able to work with people from
different economic background. Earlier I worked with Taxitop Media where I worked
with Cab Driver community. Currently I am working in Nobrokerhood where I get the
opportunity to work with Maid, Security Guard, Cook, Electrician community. At 30s I
want to work in MNC working in field of Technology driven Communication Product. At
40s with proper experience I want to work with farmers for their sustainable life. At late
40s I want to work with Election Management Company to understand the process of
election campaign and systems. I want to start interpreneurship in every project I would
be working. At 50s I want to monitor all the ventures I have started during my corporate
Health Goal Keeping myself physically fit and flexible all the time with proper diet wit out any junk
for more productivity.
Family Goal I would be with the person who will be happy to see me impacting on others life.
Marriage and Child are social constructs. So, it would be better if I will be able to put
maximum time for others in distress.
Wealth Goal Nothing to show off. I would save the money earned to run the purpose driven projects
for Environmentalism, gender Equality, Opportunity Creation. Buying properties is not
my way, rater being as a tenant at different places would be a more fulfilling journey.
Mental Keeping myself away from alcohol, cigarette and marijuana. Doing exercise and
Health Goal Pranayam everyday with lots of knowledge gathering would make me out of the fear of
missing out. People creating nuisance would be avoided as much it is possible.

List of things to be avoided EGO, Addiction of anything apart from working and learning,
Procrastination, Silly mistakes, Doubting upon own ability, Small Talks,
unnecessary expenditure.
TASK 1.5

Dr King was a great researcher and an activist for freedom. He studied the suffering of people with
colour from very root level and documented it. He had chances to see mass movements in other part of
the world, everywhere their demand was same, Freedom. He believed he had seen huge people looking
for the Promised Land for God’s children. He knew the spark of revolution has started spreading within
masses. He knew his mission and vision will definitely get successful even if he was not alive. This gave
him the feeling of achieving or accomplishment. That’s why he used the phrase getting to the mountain
top. In my college days I have been part of major rallies against people in power and everyone was
looking for a change there. But I felt opposite to what Dr King experienced. Young people are confused
about what to do. Socalization is increasing, stress, mental health issues are increasing. They are not
clear about what change they want? What’s the alternative? If we can’t provide a promised land, and
the way to that goal, people would not stop believing false promises by the power hungry corrupted
leaders. I always encourage young people to feel the issue and its impact, spread it as much as you can,
get the feedback from people and restructure the movement.

I would feel like getting in the mountain top when I would see I have made changes in present education
system through public policy. I believe what students learn in school is to become a employee only. Skill
Building from a very early age, sinking young minds into knowledge pool is the call of this hour,
otherwise digitalization in developing countries will rip off the young minds with Fighting Games and
Pornography. Blood-Arms-Anger-Beast instinct will grow eventually. It’s the time to make young leaders
who would popularize institution where curriculum based learning doesn’t take place. Education is the
first way to seed revolution in a young mind. We should challenge there. I have my ideas in head, I
would draft a policy someday for a large mass for better knowledge sharing, skill development and
TASK 1.6

The seasons with MLK III was very enriching. We had clear understanding of Dr King as a father and
influencer. He showed us the value of the family even if you are marching for the change. It was
insightful to understand how parenting should be, how it helped MLK III to use reverse psychology as a
way of changing people’s mindset. How violence can be dealt with peace is a key take away from the
sessions. We understood the grief of losing important person from life, how to deal with anger and how
to make forgiving as a weapon to kill devil instinct. We learnt about how movements are forming in
different parts of the world and being part of that is something all young leaders have to follow. MLK III
clearly showed us the 10 points of leadership with proper examples which enriched us to visualize the
terms more vividly. We got to know about how a partner of a legendary leader can lead to make the
dreamt change. We should follow him to understand true value of leadership in present time. War,
Atrocities, corruption are still everywhere. We need a world leader for international peace.
TASK 2.1

There is a clear division among a manager and a leader. Both of them are important for any organization
as Manager is the person who accomplishes the predicted outcome whereas leader is the person who
takes charge of innovation which might be risky but provide better outcomes. Name of the post might
be important to a manager as Key Job Responsibilities are enlisted there where as a leader would
convince his team members to achieve something of higher standard. A manager would give inability of
the subordinate as an excuse where as Leader would take responsibility and think out of the box remedy
also. But an Organization needs both for the best sustainable outcome.

There are several aspects present in a leader. The conflict of born leader vs. made leader will be there
but Studies shows that some traits of leadership is present in few people by birth which might be an
added advantage but other traits have to be learned to become a perfect leader who takes up any
organization higher. Understanding leadership qualities and practicing them with proper orientation
would also build up leadership qualities in a person slowly. Of course there is genetic factor of
possessing some traits but in a broader scale to become true leader who can influence people to take
right path would something that can be learnt also.

There are several kinds of leadership according to different people, I would point out most important 4

Transactional Leadership: This kind of leadership is based on give and take policy. This style definitely
helps in short term.

Example: In my present organization, to bring out maximum output our city head provides extra
incentive or gifts, in one hand some of the employee gives very good output and on other hand the
employee who knows that will not be possible give less effort. All are not driven by extrinsic motivation.

Charismatic leadership: This kind of leadership is based on Personality of the leader. The way they
communicate, use their persuasiveness to influence people is a great help at the time of crisis of an
organization or making sense camaraderie within team. Though person could be self-centric or team
performance can be affected by the leader’s situation.

Example: Cinema Actors appear in front of people as a political leader, they get hugely voted and win
election and do some good works also if they are not a part of corrupted gangs. But definitely it affects
the whole timer party members who work throughout the year and deserve ticket. They try to make
chaos within organization.
Transformational Leadership: This kind of leadership creates an intellectual stimulation to the followers;
team gets energized by understanding the vision. It creates a democratic atmosphere and individual
development also adds value to the output.

Example: Mahatma Gandhi was a transformational leader who made people believe that Ahimsa or
Non-violence is the way to make a change; same path has been shown by Dr King also. It liberated
people from old ideas and a wave of movement was seen. But both of them had to die because it
creates enemies in politics and competition in corporate.

Laissez-Faire Leadership: This kind of leadership creates a broad sense of decision making freedom for a
calculated outcome. Here team members feel importance, trust which increases member retention but
it creates loss of accountability, poor time management.

Examle: Business Leaders have extended Work From Home Opportunity for their employees which has
created a sense of trust within the team but it is also getting less output from several employees.
TASK 2.2

The Kectil Ten Points of Leadership are: Mission, Passion, Vision, Ethics, Compassion, Equality and
Respect, Good Governance and Management, Personal Presentation, Team Building, and Measurable


Mission MAHATMA GANDHI Mission was to make India
independent from British
Passion Saurav Ganguly Lead Indian cricket team to a
Betting Free Team who can win
Vision Martin Luther King Jr Show people a promised land
without atrocities and
discrimination and equality.
Ethics Adolf Hitler Killed a lot in the name of pure
Compassion Ratan Tata Runs multiple Research and
Development Center in India
being a business man.
Equality and Respect Che Guevara Showed a socio-economic way
to the communism.
Good Governance and Jacinda Ardern Pandemic-management was
Management worth following for the world.
Personal Presentation Steve Jobs Idea got changed regarding
Education and Career
Team Building Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose Formation of strong Indian
National Army with Female
Measurable Accomplishments Dr. John Nkengasong The head of the Africa Centers
for Disease Control and
Prevention provided better
health care than US during
TASK 2.3

Martin Luthar King Junior, Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela were preaching non-violence as the
mode of movement. The missions were different. In case of Dr King, he was working for civil rights of
native Americans, where as Mahatma Gandhi were trying to free India by Civil Disobedience and Nelson
Mandela was fighting for rights of African People. They always showed us the path that violence will
never solve any problem and it increases everyday, in different mode. Conversation, reverse psychology,
mass movement and other means bring changes in social progression.

* I shall not talk about leaders of present India much, Political agendas need to be set right for the
betterment of a country. People should be more responsible in choosing their leaders, but Business
Leadership is really great. Indian Startups are going overseas; Indian Employees are getting into top
positions of Big MNCs.

I would talk about myself. I am not shy, I am very pro active while talking to people. I communicate well
while interacting with people from different age and background. I don’t know if my ego works at that
moment, but I feel myself better than other in some aspect which gives me guilt every day. My
psychological development is necessary. I have procrastination issue. Now, I understand the importance
of Time Management. I have a issue with fear of missing out. I try to do multitask, and I have to manage
all of them in a hazardous manner, Self realization is there, but can’t change the attitude. Executing
ideas with initiative is still lacking in me. The other social stimulation is there is life which is destroying
me. Thanks to Kectil I can finally right down my issue with life. I have issue with Public Facing now. I
made bad decisions in life which affected my nature. I know I have been sent for greater purpose. I
hope the Drum Major Instinct will not affect me ever. I get ideas in mind and when share with fellow
people, they appreciate sometimes, but unable to give shape many a times. I wish to make myself a new
start once I leave my City for further Study and Career.

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