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Something happened behind the farm.

In 1999, in the North of Nicaragua in a community called “Zompopo” of Matagalpa

city. There was a farm owned by a friend of my grandmother’s. Where certain events
occurred that were not suitable for children under 12 years of age.

This property had been bought by grandmothers., it had the name “Cerro Colorado”,
since behind the farm was a large red stone.

One weekend my grandmother was invited to a wedding, a week before the wedding,
which, she took me. The only thing I didn’t know were the weird things that happened

We arrived with the purpose of having fun and spending those moments happily. The
same day, arrived at night we began to see and hear strangers things.

In the afternoon that we were in from on the room, we saw how a heard of crows took
possession behind the farm in a tree., the stranger thing was that they were to many and
they did not make noise they just arrived and took possession in the tree.

At night we began to hear how the cows the roared and the dogs barked relentlessly. My
grandmother in fear raised her voice and said “the blood of Christ has power”.
Immediately there was a great silence at the moment that even the crickets could not be
heard for two minutes., that was amazing.

The next morning, we wondered why that had happened, but the owner of the farm said
it was normal.

However, my grandmother and me., we knew that something strange was happening.
One afternoon, when we had made the day, the mister of the farm proposed to tell us,
something chilling., according to him, he said that, the owners of that farm had been
killed on the edge of the great stone.

In a very scary way, he began to tell us: The old owners of this farm we’re happy. They
were 4 members in the family, his wife and three children, according to him he told us
that they lived a normal life, until his wife betrayed him being unfaithful.

The same night he Made decision to take a gun and shot his own mother of his
children’s., what he did not know in that he was sheltering his youngest son, without
realizing it the shot him killed her and her son. When he saw that she was dead and also
his youngest son. He carried them and took them to bury, what he did not know is that
his eldest son had followed him without realizing it, he shot his own father, seeing that
his mother, his father and his younger brother. He took the gun and shot himself in the

Then, I told my grandmother: Now I understand why things happened on this farm. I
immediately understood the reason why strange things used to happen in that place. I
understood that in this world there are mysteries, the world un which we are, we are not

The next day I returned and never went back to that dark and unusual place, which, just
by imagining that stone, is like reliving the tragic scene.

If I didn’t know what happened on that farm, I would never have gone to that place.

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