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Picaresque novel/roman (плутовской роман): adventures of picaroon, traveled a

lot and lived by his сообразительность, симпатичный мошенник, he’s static

(Робинзон Крузо Defoe)

Historical novel: relies on history (Scott)


Regional novel (T Hardy)

Modernist novel: literary movement which began in the later part of 19 c, and
continued until the beg of the 2WW. The modernist novel is often non-
chronological, not linea, with experimentation in the representation of time.
Instead of plot there is an emphasis on character’s consciousness, subcons,
memory and perception (Wirkson, Froid- points of reference), ставят вопросы,
нет решений (H. James, J. Joyce, Wolf)

Science fiction novel (Франкенштерн, J Vern, Gerbert Walles invis man,

Gazimov, Klarl, Bredberry)

fantasy: imagines reality, locale- another planet/earth in the future


detective fiction (Edgar Po, the moonsteal, Holmes, a study, agatha cristie, puaro

cozy misterous

romantic novel

short story: Edgar Po (начинают с кульминации), intensity

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