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My Future Goals

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In the next year, I will conquer one of the most important goals I want to achieve, which is to complete
D3 college and continue studying at the undergraduate level. A few years later I want to become a
lecturer in the field of accounting and have a good career. To achieve this goal I have to focus and
expand my skills.

To achieve this goal I have to complete all existing courses and make a final project so that I can
complete my D3 college. I studied at the Padang State University majoring in accounting and now I
am in semester 4. What I have to do to achieve this goal is to optimize lecture time and be able to
manage time.

In the years to come, I will have tasks that I must complete to achieve my goals. All my efforts must be
fulfilled. Otherwise, the dream that I most desire will become unattainable. So I have to be determined
like never before to become a graduate and continue higher education to become a good teacher. It
will be a challenging mountain to climb, must be climbed but I know I can do it.
Disusun Oleh:

Syamsi Nuri
NIM: 20133089

Dosen Matkul:
Astra Prima Budiarti, S. E, B.B.A.Hons,M.M

Program Studi D3 Akuntansi

Fakultas Ekonomi
Universitas Negeri Padang

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