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The Tale of King Shahryar and His Brother King Shahzaman

The king among kings on Sásán, in the isles of India and China, has two sons
named Shahryar and Shahzaman. As time goes by the two brothers became
kings, King Shahryar reign over the whole land, while King Shahzaman ruled
on Samarkand al-Ajam. One day, King Shahzaman was on his way to visit his
brother, but he needed to go back to his land because of forgetting
something. Unfortunately, on his return he witnessed his wife's
unfaithfulness to him with a black slave. He killed both of them and begin
again on his journey to his brother's land. During King Shahzaman stay on his
brother's place, King Shahryar went out on a hunting. He then discovered
that the Queen of King Shahryar was being unfaithful, also with a black
slave. As soon as his brother returned, he told him the story about his wife
and that King Shahryar's Queen is doing the same thing. Shahryar doubted
hid brother's story at first, but then he even saw it with his two own eyes.

The they decided to go on a journey, they passed by a seaside, in where they

saw a jinii, who keeps a lady in a casket. The jinii fell asleep in the lady's lap,
right after that she demanded to have a relationship with the two kings and
to keep their signet rings. After that, the brothers concluded that all women
are unfaithful and decided not to marry anyone. But when they get married
for the three long years, they only kill their wives the next morning. King
Shahryar executed his wife and her lover and announced that he will keep on
marrying woman, and kill them after he took their virginity. After few years,
the Wazir can't find a virgin woman anymore. However, he found a woman
with two daughters, named Shahrazad and Dunyazad. Shahrazad then
volunteer to marry the King. The wazir was hesitating so he tells the story of
the Bull and the Ass.

The Fable of the Ass, the Bull and the Husbandman

There was a merchant, master of riches and cattle, married and the father of
children and whose house was in a fertile land on the bank of a river. He is
given understanding of the tongues of beasts and birds. In his farm, there
was an ass and a bull. One day, the bull saw and envied the place of the ass,
for it is well swept and watered. The bull eventually started talking about his
feelings saying that he was so weary, restless and everyday working himself
to death, while the ass only work in a short period of time and then rest. The
merchant overheard the conversation of the two animals. After hearing out
the bull, the ass thought of an idea and suggested it to the bull. He said that

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the bull should act like he was sick and he shouldn't eat for a day or two, on
that case the bull can rest. The next day the bull followed the advice of the
ass. The husbands man saw that the bull was sick, the merchant then told
him to get the ass to work all day. The bull was thankful to the ass, but the
ass was mad about it. He then said to the bull that he heard the husbandman
will bring the bull to the slaughter house, if can't work because of being sick.
The next day, the bull ate much like he always used to and was able to work
with the husbandman. The merchant laughs about this and his wife, but his
wife happened to got angry at him because of the thought that she might be
the one he's laughing at. He can't tell his secret, for it may cause of him

The cock and the dog also talked. The wazir then paused his story.
Shahrazad, volunteered to marry the King. The wazir was hesitant, so he tells
the story of the Bull and the Ass. Dunyazad told her sister to know more
about the story of the king and asks question to him. That same night,
Dunyazad weeps and wants to see her sister before she dies. She was
brought in and as she was instructed, asks for stories. And there begins the
first nights of the thousand and one nights.

The Tale of The Merchant snd The Ifrit

A merchant got tired on his journey and decided to take a rest. He then took
out his foods, a bread and dates. While eating he threw some of the pits of
the dates to the sea. Suddenly, a very fearsome Ifrit came out from the sea,
he was full of anger and tell the Merchant that he killed his son because he
was struck by one of the pits. The Ifrit wanted to kill the merchant, but the
merchant asked for some time so that he can say goodbye to his family, the
Ifrit agreed. After a year, the merchant came back to the same place where
he saw the Ifri to wait for his death. Upon waiting he met three sheikh. A
sheikh with a gazelle on a chain, another sheikh with a two black hound, and
another sheikh with a mule. After hearing his story they decided to stay. As
the Ifrit shows up, the sheikhs spoke to him, saying that each of them will tell
a story as an exchange in the merchant’s life. The Ifrit gave them a chance
and the sheikh told their stories.

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The Tale of First Sheikh

The first Sheikh, who has a gazelle, explained that the gazelle is actually his
wife that happened to be his uncle's daughter too, transformed. Their
marriage produced no children, so he took a concubine who gave him a son.
The wife became jealous, she then used witchcraft to turn the concubine into
a cow and his poor son into a calf, and gave them to a herdsman. At the
Great Feast, the crying cow was slaughtered, but in their surprise she gave
no mest. The herdsman's daughter have some magic skills, recognized that
the calf was an enchanted human and lifted his curse. She married him and
turned the evil wife into a gazelle. After hearing the story, the Ifrit cried
saying "Your tale is marvellous enough and I grant you mercy for a third of
this blood." The second sheikh then ask the Ifrit third of the merchant's blood
if he will like his story.

The Tale of the Second Sheikh

The second sheikh has two greyhounds, which happened to be actually his
brothers transformed. On the death of their father, they were all left money
to open a shop. The first brother went traveling but returned a destitute
beggar; the same occurred with the second brother. The sheikh helped them
open new shops. Finally, they convinced him to travel with them. On their
trip, he met a well-dressed lovely woman and brought her with him, but his
brothers grew envious and threw them on the sea. The woman revealed
herself to be a jinniyya, and saved them both, but turned the brothers into
dogs. They will be restored after ten years of this punishment. After hearing
it the jinni exclaimed "Truly a remarkable tale!’ the Jinn. For it I grant you
mercy on a third of this blood which is forfeit to me." Then the third sheikh
offered a same deal as the two other sheikh did with the Ifrit

The Tale of the Third Sheikh

The third sheikh has a she-mule that is actually his wife under a spell. He
once caught his wife having an affair with a black slave, and turned the
sheikh into a dog. As a dog, he became friends with a butcher, who
happened to have a daughter that realized that he was a human under a
curse. She disenchanted him and told him how to magically transform his
wife into a she-mule and take revenge from what she had done. After hearing
the third tale the jinni finally said "I grant you the rest of the forfeit and here

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relinquish this merchant to you."Then the merchant in an ecstasy of
happiness came and thanked the sheikhs and they congratulated him on his
safe deliverance.After this, each returned to his own country

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