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Personal Development
1. Clarify and manage the demands of teen years
and its challenges;

2. Express feelings on the expectations of the

significant people around them; and

3. Demonstrate adolescence’s capability through

Human Development focuses on human growth and
changes across the lifespan, including physical, cognitive,
social, intellectual, perpetual, personality and emotional
growth. The study of human developmental stages is
essential to understanding how humans learn, mature and
adapt. Throughout their lives, humans go through various
stages of development. The human being is either in a
state of growth or decline, but either condition imparts
change. Some aspects of our life change very little over
time, and are consistent. Other aspects change
dramatically. By understanding these changes, we can
better respond and plan ahead effectively.
As adolescents
develop physically, they
also develop cognitively,
psychologically socially
and spiritually. The ages
during adolescence may
be bracketed as follows
(Corpus et al. 2010).
• Early adolescence-
ages around 10 to 13
• Middle
adolescence- ages
14 to 16
• Late adolescence-
ages from 17 to 20
Erikson maintained that
personality develops in a
predetermined order through eight
stages of psychosocial
development, from infancy to
During each stage, the
person experiences a
psychosocial crisis which could
have a positive or negative
outcome for personality
For Erikson (1958, 1963), these
crises are of a psychosocial nature
because they involve psychological needs
of the individual (i.e., psycho) conflicting
with the needs of society (i.e., social).

According to the theory, successful

completion of each stage results in a
healthy personality and the acquisition of
basic virtues. Basic virtues are
characteristic strengths which the ego can
use to resolve subsequent crises.
According to the theory,
successful completion of each stage
results in a healthy personality and
the acquisition of basic virtues.
Basic virtues are characteristic
strengths which the ego can use to
resolve subsequent crises.
Developmental Stages

(Conception to birth)
Age when hereditary
endowments and sex are fixed
and all body features, both
external are developed
Developmental Stages

( Birth to 2 years)

Foundation age when basic

behavior are organized and
many ontogenetic maturation
Developmental Stages

Early Childhood
(2 to 6 years)

Pre-gang age, exploratory, and

questioning. Language and
Elementary reasoning are required
and initial socialization is
Developmental Stages

Late Childhood
(6 to 12 years)

Gang and creativity age when self-

help skills, social skills, school
skills, and play are developed
Developmental Stages

(Puberty to 18 years)
Transition age from childhood to
adulthood when sex maturation
resulting to changes in ways of
feeling, thinking and acting
Developmental Stages

Early O6
(18 to 40 years)

Age of Adjustment to new pattern

of life and roles such as spouse,
parent, and breadwinner.
Developmental Stages

Middle age O7
(40 years to

Transition age when adjustments

to initial physical and mental
decline are experienced.
Developmental Stages

Old Age O8
(Retirement to

Retirement age when

increasingly rapid physical
and mental decline are
Robert J. Havighurst elaborated on the
Developmental Tasks Theory in the most
systematic and extensive manner. His main
assertion is that development is continuous
throughout the entire lifespan, occurring in stages,
where the individual moves from one stage to the
next by means of successful resolution of problems
or performance of developmental tasks. These
tasks are those that are typically encountered by
most people in the culture where the individual
If the person successfully accomplishes
and masters the developmental task, he feels
pride and satisfaction, and consequently earns
his community or society’s approval. This
success provides a sound foundation which
allows the individual to accomplish tasks to be
encountered at later stages. Conversely, if the
individual is not successful at accomplishing a
task, he is unhappy and is not accorded the
desired approval by society, resulting in the
subsequent experience of difficulty when faced
with succeeding developmental tasks.
Infancy and
Early Childhood Middle Childhood (6-12) Adolescence (13-18)

● Learning to walk  Learning physical skills  Achieving mature

● Learning to take solid necessary for ordinary games relations with both
foods sexes
 Building a wholesome
● Learning to talk  Achieving a masculine
attitude toward oneself
● Learning to control the  or feminine social role
elimination of body  Learning to get along with age-  Accepting one’s
mates physique
● wastes
 Learning an appropriate sex  Achieving emotional
● Learning sex
role independence of
differences and sexual
modesty  Developing fundamental skills adults
● Acquiring concepts in reading, writing, and  Preparing for marriage
and language to calculating and family life
describe social and  Developing concepts necessary  Preparing for an
physical reality for everyday living economic career
● Readiness for reading  Developing conscience,  Acquiring values and
● Learning to distinguish morality, and a scale of values an ethical system to
right from wrong and guide behavior
 Achieving personal
developing a  Desiring and
conscience achieving socially
 Developing acceptable attitudes responsibility behavior
toward society
Early Adulthood (19-30) Middle Adulthood (30-60) Later Maturity (61-)

● Selecting a mate ● Helping teenage children ● Adjusting to decreasing

● Learning to live with a to become happy and strength and health
partner ● responsible adults ● Adjusting to retirement and
● Achieving adult social reduced income
● Starting a family
and civic responsibility ● Adjusting to death of
● Rearing children
● Satisfactory career spouse
● Managing a home achievement ● Establishing relations with
● Starting an occupation ● Developing adult one’s own age group
leisure time activities ● Meeting social and civic
● Assuming civic
responsibility ● Relating to one’s spouse obligations
as a person ● Establishing satisfactory
● Accepting the living quarters
physiological changes of
middle age
● Adjusting to aging parent
Adolescence is a period of life during which peers play
a pivotal role in decision-making.

The study enumerated ten desirable developmental tasks

every adolescent in America should develop:
1. Adjust to sexually maturing bodies and feelings.
2. Develop and apply abstract thinking skills
3. Develop and apply a new perspective on human
4. Develop and apply new coping skills in areas such as
decision making, problem solving, and conflict
5. Identifying meaningful moral standards, values and
belief systems
Filipino authors Corpus et al. (20100 in
their book, Child and Adolescent
Development, identified similar
developmental tasks a Filipino adolescent
need to learn. These are:
• Developing occupational skills
• Self-reliance
• Ability to manage their finance
• Social responsibility
• Mature work orientation
• Personal responsibility
• Positive attitude toward work
Here is an additional list of developmental
tasks and skills a Filipino adolescent should
acquire: Being courageous in standing up and
being different from your friends.
• Developing self-esteem
• Being true to yourself and avoiding the tendency
to please others.
• Learning how media and advertising are trying to
influence your thinking and feelings.
• Becoming aware, critical, and being involved with
social issues
• Embracing a healthy lifestyle
• Developing your spirituality

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