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This SOP for reference operating pos2/jubelio by Admin/Cashier

1. First login account in pos2/

2. Select POS that will operate by cashier

Example : POS 2
Select Cashier that will operate to selling offline
Example : Cashier 10

3. And than fill “Kas awal” “Rp. 0” and Click simpan

4. Waiting system prepare for data cashier.

5. Cashier ready for transaction using data stock POS 2

6. Example for customer transaction

- Customer will buy “Antangin”
- Admin put cursor on search column, than scan barcode product using scanner
- If without scanner, admin can input manual using keyboard by input “item name” or
“code number”
7. If Item already find, click item and automatic item will input in Detail Order
Cashier can adjust quality based on customer quantity order
If transaction done click “Selanjutnya”

8. Click “Sama” for cash transaction without change over

Click “Tunai” if payment cash with difference amount
Click “QRIS” if payment using cashless
after transaction done, click “Selesaikan Transaksi”

9. After that, appear stuck in new tab

or if equipment already connect with printer, automatic struck process print out
10. Detail transaction can be check on tab “Transaksi “

11. After Cashier finish shift for transaction, NEED to end process cashier by click “Penutupan”
and “Tutup kasir”

12. Input total amount from all transaction and make sure “Nilai Seharusnya” and “Nilai
dihitung” without different amount.

13. Click square column “cetak struk penutupan kasir” and click “Tutup Kasir”
14. Click “Tutup Kasir”

15. Than appear struck end transaction cashier for report


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