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Name: Genille Jamie Leanne O.

Dalumpines Date: 09/14/2022

Teacher: Mdm. Teresita Bello Subject: Drug


The difference between them is that Hallucinogens alter your perception of sight, sound,
taste, smell, and touch, while Stimulants accelerate the central nervous system's

Hallucinogens are a diverse group of drugs that cause an alteration in perception,

thought, or mood. A rather heterogeneous group, these compounds have different
chemical structures, different mechanisms of action, and different adverse effects.
Despite their name, most hallucinogens do not consistently cause hallucinations, which
are defined as false sensations that have no basis in reality. Often, they are more likely
to cause changes in mood or in thought than actual hallucination.

Stimulants are a class of psychoactive drugs that increase activity in the brain. These
drugs can temporarily elevate alertness, mood, and awareness. Some stimulant drugs
are legal and widely used.Many stimulants can also be addicting. Stimulants share many
commonalities, but each has unique properties and mechanisms of action.


Their difference is that Depressant drugs slow down brain activity and are used to treat
panic disorders, anxiety, acute stress reactions, mental illness, and sleep disorders such
as insomnia while Cannabis is a plant with both recreational and medical purposes.

Depressants encompass several large groups of drugs that slow down the central
nervous system. In small doses, they affect sections of the brain responsible for our
conscious, voluntary actions, while large doses act on areas that govern automatic
functions like breathing and heart rate. Like stimulants, depressants also impact the
body's CNS, but with the opposite effect, making users feel as if things are “slowing
down.” Thus, they are often called “downers” on the street.

Cannabis is a plant with both recreational and therapeutic purposes.Cannabis is a plant.

People use the dried leaves, seed oil, and other parts of the cannabis plant for
recreational and medicinal purposes. It can have a pleasurable effect and may soothe
the symptoms of various conditions, such as chronic pain.Some of the ingredients in
cannabis are psychoactive (mind-altering), but others are not. The potency and balance
of the ingredients vary, depending on how the manufacturer grows and processes the


Their difference is that Inhalants are various products easily bought and found in the
home or workplace—such as spray paints, markers, glues, and cleaning fluids. People
who use inhalants breathe them in through the mouth (huffing) or nose. While Opioids
are prescription medications often referred to as painkillers, or they can be so-called
street drugs, such as heroin. They are used to block pain signals between the brain and
the body and are typically prescribed to treat moderate to severe pain.

Inhalants are volatile substances that produce chemical vapors that can be inhaled to
induce a psychoactive, or mind-altering, effect. Although other abused substances can
be inhaled, the term "inhalants" is used to describe a variety of substances whose main
common characteristic is that they are rarely, if ever, taken by any route other than

Opioids, sometimes called narcotics, are medications prescribed by doctors to treat

persistent or severe pain. They are used by people with chronic headaches and
backaches, by patients recovering from surgery or experiencing severe pain associated
with cancer, and by adults and children who have gotten hurt playing sports or who have
been seriously injured in falls, auto accidents, or other incidents. It can lead to vomiting,
mood changes, decrease in ability to think (cognitive function), and even decreased
respiratory function, coma, or death.

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