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APRIL, 1916. VOL. IX. No. 4.



Bra A. Ii& and others. On right side, one who claims the title of “A living Buddha.”

YThis is the COSFIDESCE that we have in Him. that ifwc askanrthing

according to His will. He heareth us: And
if we know that He h&r us
wharsoever w-e ask. we know char we have the petirions that we desireh ,
from Him.“--I John v.. I+13.

97th ISSUE.

: Samuel E. Roberu, Publisher, Zion Eoume. Sa, Paternoster Ron, B.G
Subsc;ipti&G<fts, etc. ;.,.........,......... 62 The Bradford Convention . . . . . . . ..I ..,..._ . . . 69
“S~ith.Oihet;-~-ong~~es” ,...__,......._......... 63-66 The Precious Blood of Christ: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69-52
Testinib;ly t&‘the Heating Power of the Pentecostal Missionary Union . . . . . . . . . .. . 73-74
- --Lord- Jesus ., . . . . . . . ,. ....,.. _.. ....... 66-67
India-Bro. Boyce at Dhond . . . \‘.,..., 74.75
Glasgow .“.....“‘...‘......‘..“~‘..‘...“”’..‘... 67
Kashmir . . . . . . . .. . .. .. .. .. . .._............... 67 and W-53 IVest Africa (The Corqo)-
The Xational Whitsuntide Pentecostal Bra. Johns&e... 75-76
Convention, London .,.,.,.,,,,, __._..... 65-69 List or Corltriburions .;.. Z __..,. ,..,__.. .._. 76


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No.4. Yol.ix. ALLSAINTS;,
SUNDERLAND, April,1916,
. To EDITORS AND OTHERS.-Anv matter in this Paper may be re-printed on condition that full
acknowledgment is made thus :-” From ’ Confidence,’ Sunderland, England.”

The first number of /(Confidence” was issued in 1908 bv the present Editor. It was welcomed
by very many. He has gladly continued, therefore, to edit anh issue it each month since. It was the
outcome of a Spiritual Revival which commenced at r\ll Saints’. Sunderland, September, 1907. Visitors
journeyed from all parts of Great Britain and from the Continen! to receive the Baptism of the Holy
Ghost. In most cases they returned joyfully, to become centres of blessing. A veariv Conference
has been held at Whitsuntide. Visitors from home and foreign lands came ;n 1a;ge numbers,
and returned to spread :he blessing further. I‘ Confidence” was the first British Pentecostal Paper
which told of this Outpouring with the Sign of Tongues. This Paper travels to nearlv every country
on the Giobe. “Confidence” advocates ao unlimited Salvation for Spirit? Soul. and Body; the
Honouring of the Precious Blood: Identification with Christ in Death and Resurrection, etc. ;
Regeneration, Sanctification ; the Bapiism of the Holy Ghost ; the Soon-Coming of the Lord in the
air (1 Thess. iv., 14) ; Divine Healing and Health (Acts iv., 13). The issue of “ Confidence” has been
greatly blessed, and the Editor is thankful to the many friends around the world (see list) whose prayers
and help have been used of God to encourage him month by month. His desire, and that of his
helpers, is that ever in this Paper ‘I He (Chris! Jesus1 mav have the ore-eminence.” “Brethren, pray for
us, that the 1Vord of the Lord may have free course and be glorified”--‘7 Thess. iii., 1.

dear one God definitely entered into a new

“With Other .Tongues.” contract with me. He began to reveal to me
a deeper, wider service than I had ever known
A Sketch of a Revival in California, which before. The burden of “soul travail” came
afterwards “touched” many lands. upon me. I felt I could only live by being used
of Him for lost souls, and He showed me that
The Holy Spirit sometimes for a season He would grant my desire. He promised that
manifests Himself more especially in one place, it should not seem long to me until my work
sometimes more in another. was over and I should meet my darling child
But the ‘LComforter” comes from Heaven,
and not from Los Angeles, or Sunderland. Then He began to open up to me a wonderful
God, for Christ’s sake and because of His “forward” vision in faith and prayer. He
shed Blood, will give the fulness of the Holy showed me it \vas in His purpose agai!, as of
Spirit to them that thus seek. They pay old, to pour out His Spirit amongst usmlghtily.
expect Him to manifest Himself wvlth Signs We had gotten quite pessimistic before this.
following, and to speak through us with other Few people seemed to be expecting anything
Tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. better for the last days.
* I l The spirit of prophecy came upon me. I
began to prophesy of mighty things from the
Bro. Bartleman writes:-1 have been re- hand of God. I seemed to receive a “gift of
quested to write briefly what ! know about th,e faith.” And the travail of soul was wonderful.
present Pentecostal outpourlng of ,the Splrlt It consumed me. This began in January, 1905.
that has swept around the globe m the last I began meetings in a little 3Iission in Pasa-
nine years. In doing so, I shall write from dena, Cal., at once, after the funeral of our
personal knowledge only. 1 reached Calrforcia little child. I felt I must be at work for God.
rn the spring of 1903, with my little family.
We located in Sacramento. Shortly before THE TR.iVVAIL OF SOUL.
Christmas, 1904, we came to Los Angeles. The Lord wonderfully poured out His Spirit.
Just after the first of the new year our oldest A number of workers were dug out in those
daughter died. It was a terrible blow, but it meetings that later received the Pentecostal
drove -me to God. I had been preaching the baptism and are Pentecostal preachers in the
gospel since 1893. Had been converted in field to-day, They caught the vision and the
Philadelphia, Pa. faith also. We began to cry, “Pasadena for
In my sorrow at the loss of our oldest child, God!” Meetings were started in a Methodist
I threw myself on God and consecrated myself Church of which these workers were members.
to His.service anew. Beside the coffin of my They got under the burden. About two

((I WithOther Tongues”-continued.) and a number of articles for the papers. God
shut me off from preaching much. I could
hundred souls knelt at the altar in two weeks’ only prophesy of the “things to come.” I was
time. The Lord began to stir up His people tired of my own preaching and that of others.
in different churches in the city. The results We needed a reviving. We needed the
were directly traced to the prayers of these -“anointing.”
young men. They were on fire. Our cry was
The Lord was clearly
directing. I had a number of most wonderful visions
About April I first heard of the wonderful ci;rms, this year ,also, mostly while, rn travail
revival in Wales. It stirred my soul to its very One night, after a specially heavy’
depths. I laid my life in God’s hands and burden’in prayer that seemed to almost take
asked Him to use me if He could to help further my life, the Lord Jesus Himself appeared to me
the same wonderful spirit in America. i\ few and strengthened me. I lost ali sense of time
weeks later, while reading S. B. Shaw’s book and space. When I came to I had to pinch
on the “Great Revival in Wales,” God spoke myself to see if I was flesh and blood, For
to me and asked me to contract definitely with days I walked nith an invisible presence at my
Him that I would never go back to the plough side. Human voices sounded harsh and
again, but that I would spend all my remaining grating. Human contact pained me. I had
.years in His service only. I have never turned been with the Lord.
back since that time. I dare not. We have Gradually the stream was rising! ready to
been tempted, but God has proved faithful. overflow all banks as He had promised. The
clouds of blessing were gathering overhead,
IXSPIRATION FRO31 THE WELSH REVIVAL. accumulated by the prayers of many. There
In June, 1905! Pastor Smale, of the First was great expectation. But still the situation
Baptist Church in Los Angeles, returned from seemed to wait for something. It would be a
England, where he had been attending the great mistake to attempt to attribute the
revival in Wales. He started prayer meetings Pentecostal beginning in the Los Angeles to
in his church to wait on God for an outpouring any one man, either in prayer or in preaching,
of the Spirit similar to that they were having Personally, for months the matter seemed to
in Wales. God wonderfully anointed him to be accumulating within me. The tide of the
exhort the people. He was full of faith for Spirit was rising, but it could not yet burst
mighty things. I immediately began to attend forth. I was not abandoned for it. Sane of
his services and found them exactly in line us understood fully what we were seeking or
with my own vision and aspirations for God, just what to expect. We wanted God to come
forth ; but just m what way we did not know.
These prayer meetings ran for a number of
We never do. He could not come the same as
weeks, and there was much spontaneous wor-
in Wales, for conditions were very different in
ship, also some very wonderful healings. But
Los Angeles.
the burden that gathered volume daily, and the
cry was for a “Pentecost” for Los Angeles and They did not break through at Pastor Smale’s
for the world. “Pentecost” is the very word Assembly. There was too much reserve there,
we all had on our lips, given by the Holy Ghost. God had taken them as far as He could. We
Spiritual workers began to gather to this little had marvellous meetings both there and in
company from all over the city. They came private prayer meetings, however, all through
from many different denominations and mis- the year. More than once we saw and felt
sions. It was a gathering together of those God’s glory. At times the “cloud” was visible
to whom the Lord had spoken. Faith increased to the naked eye. “ Pentecost” did not drop
rapidly for extraordinary things. God made down suddenly out of heaven. God was with
Pastor Smale a regular Roses to lead us us in large measure for a long time before the
toward the “promised land.” final outpouring. It was not a mushroom of a
night by any means.
But soon the church dignitaries could tolerate
the new, spontaneous order no longer. They PRAYED FOR SIGSS FOLLOWIXG.
ordered it to cease, or the Pastor to resign. The Much that would be of interest in this con-
consequence was the Pastor wisely resigned nection must be omitted for lack of space.
to go on with God, and the Lord and the people Finally in February, 1906, seven of us met
went with him. The “cloud” moved. A “New after a prayer service at the New Testament
Testament Church” was formed. Here God Assembly, and, joining hands, agreed that God
wonderfully led and blessed, up to the spring should be petitioned to pour out His Spirit
of 1906. speedily “with signs following.” I don’t think
All this year the travail of soul was heavily we, any of us, knew what we meant by that.
In fact, for at least fifteen months But we felt something out of the ordinary was
zEina%‘night, almost without intermission: needed to awaken the people. God gave us
fi;thhznd of the Lord was uppn me to “bring that prayer.
I had no rest day or night from these BRO. SEYMOUR.
‘Lgro$nings that could not be uttered.” My Somewhere about this time, perhaps a little
precious wife believed that I would die. Days earlier, Bro. Seymour came to Los Angeles
and nights I rolled on mv bed in an agony of from Texas. He was a quiet, coloured man,
prayer for a lost world. I seemed as separate very unassuming. He had been invited by
from my family almost as though I had been in some saints in Los Angeles, who supposed he
a distant country for a year. But God spared had already received his Pentecost in Texas.
my life to “eat of the fruit” of my groans and They began to hold quiet meetings in cottages,
tears. I wrote many tracts during this time waiting on God for the outpouring with signs
It CONPibENCC.” APRIL, 1916.

following. Bro. Seymour felt the Lord had A&XlZA AIISSION.

sent him to Los Angeles for a special purpose God suddenly shut LIP tnany little Holiness
at that time. He was in the closest sympathy KIissions, Tent Meetings, etc., that had been
with the burden that was on all of our hearts.- striving with one another a long time for the
He himself had never spoken in “tongues,” but pre-eminence. It would not work any more.
he believed in it and had met the Apostolic They had to come together. God only could
Faith saints in Houston, Texas, who were tame them. There was little going on anywhere
already so speaking and had the teaching from else but at Azuza Street. All the people were
them. He believed that “tongues” should coming. Even Pastor Smale finally came to
accompany a real Pentecostal baptism, accord- “Azuza i\Iission” to hunt his people up. Then
ing to Acts ii., 4. This he asserted not at all
he invited them back to let God have His way.
in a dogmatic way. He himself did not speak The fire broke out at his o\vn Assembly also,
in “tongues” until weeks after others had When God dries a place ~tp it is dry. This
begun to in our tnidst. many churches \vho opposed the Az~cza \v\-orli
Finally he began to meet with a little company soon found out to their sorrow. And many are
of white and coloured people in an humble cot- yet sorroning over it. They would not take
tage in Bonnie Brae Street. They decided to God’s way. They were “also among the
wait on God in a ten-days’ special petitioning prophets,” but when the Lord came He did not
of God and in yielding themselves to Him. The come through them. This killed them. They
time had come. God had found the right wollld not go to “,\zuza,” nor let “Azuza”
company at last. The most spiritual of the come to them. “Xzuza ” \vas despised in their
saints were among this company. Suddenly, eyes.
one night in these meetings, the Spirit of God
was poured out and some began to “speak with
other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utter. I 1
ante.” The news spread like fire naturally,
The expectant saints began to gather. They
opened public meetings in Old Azuza Street,
in an old Methodist Church that had been for
a long time in disuse, except as a receptacle for
old lumber, plaster, etc. It was very dirty.
A space was cleared large enough to seat
a score or two of persons. We sat on planks
resting on old nail kegs, if I remember correct-
ly. But God was there. The work began in
earnest. The fire had fallen.
It was on the 9th of Apri!, 1906, that the
Spirit was first poured out m Bonnie Brae.
! On April 18th we had the terrible San Fran-
cisco earthquake. It had a very close connec-
tion with the Pentecostal outpouring. God
covered the fire at old “Azuza Mission ” and
protected it during the first few days of its
existence until there was no danger of its being
stamped out by the enemy. Then He let loose
His judgments in California. This.shook the
whole state, as well as the nation. Men began
to fear God. California was very wicked.
Their consciences needed to be knocked at.
This paved the way for the revival. Otherwise TRAVELLED XROCSD THE 1VORLD.
they would have mocked us. There was ‘*no
fear of God before them.” But “Joseph ” has got the corn. The “seven
Workers began to gather from all parts of years of pienty” have no\v s\vcpt round the
the city, from throughout the state, and in fact world. 1Iissionaries returned, by faith for
from all overthe nation, to old “Azuza Mission.” bread, and for the heaiing of their bodies in
Bro. Cashwell came from North Carolina, got sickness, to all parts of the world. They carried
his “baptism,” and carried the fire back and the Pentecostal message and poxver with them,
spread it all over the Southland, especially the Almost every country on the globe has been
South Atlantic States. Sister Ivy Campbell visited by them. The ivorlc is almost stronger
went back to her home in Ohio and spread the in some other countries than it is even in
fiame throughout that whole eastern country. America. It has been my personal privilege to
Others came in from different sections and “see the mighty works of God” in Pentecostal
carried the news and the blessing everywhere. power in England, Scotland, \Vales, France,
Missionaries returned from many parts of the Holland, Switzerland, Germany, Sorway,
heathen world, sent directly and impressively Sweden, Finland, Russia, Egypt, Palestine,
by God to tarry for their “ baptism.” It was a Ceylon, India, China, and in the Islands of the
time of wonderful gathering. God alone had Sea, outside of the United States and Canada,
ordered it. “Gather My saints together unto The Pentecostal power burst forth in the
Me.” Ps. !., 5. Thousands were. saved and Christian and llissionary Alliance in Sew York
baptised with the Spirit, all speakmg In other State. Bro. Barratt came from far off Norway
tongues. and received the “baptism” there. He carried


iI /
APRIL, 1x6.

ii 1! ‘6 CONFIDENCE.*
Pi: .,. _.. .-
Tongues”-wntinued.) Testimony to the Healing Pow&
it back and spread the fire in the whole of of the Lord Jesus.
Scandinavia, and even into Russia. Vicar
A. A. Boddy, of Sunderland! E?gland, went, to k. Joe~sox,New Silksworth,near Sunderland.
I Norway and caught the insplratlon. Returnmg
home the fire fell at Sunderland and spread to It is about nineteen months ago since.1 first
different parts of the British Isles from his felt something troubling me in my back.
testimony. Even in wicked Paris the “Promise got so bad that I had to give up worl;ing,
of the Father” has been given. In fact, in because my work depended mainly on my back.
every part of the work, from the frozen north I am a “putter” in the mine .at Silksworth,
to the torrid south the good news and the near Sunderland. I went to the Colliery
Pentecostal missionaries have gone. In every doctor to see what was the matter with my
one of the five Conti:lcnts the Pentecostal back, and he told me I .had rheumatism.
message has become famliiar. There is possibly seemed to get worse and worse, and after a few
not one of the Seven Seas b:lt what has been weeks it laid me into bed. The pain xvas
voyaged by these missionaries. Some have severe at times that I got run down in my body,
circled the globe many times in the last few and I had the influenza and a gathered ear.
brief years “since the fire fell.” The writer lost nights of s,leep through this gathered ear,
himself has been priviieged to circle it once till one day Mr. Boddy, of XII Saints’ Church,
with the Pentecostal message. It is simply Sunderland, came to see me. He prayed with
wonderful how the truth has spread. Xnd who me, and laid his hands on me in the Same
could have done it but God ? Jesus.
Everv oart of the Continent of “dark Africa” From that time I have not had any pain
has its Pentecostal witnesses. South America my ears, it all went away. Glory to God!
got a bit better and so I got up, and was up
day or two, but never out of my room. I got
relapse of influenza, and was laid into bed
again. I was worse than at first; it happened
three times this way. 1 got so weak that I was
almost like a baby, and, to.make things worse,
I took pleurisy.
I got a iittle better after awhile, and was able
to get up. I thought I would try a doctor
the town, so I went. He told me I had probably
wrenched the muscles in my back, and that
. was in a very weak condition. I went under
his treatment, but did not seem to get much
better. I then thought a change of air might
do me good, so I went away into the country
for a month. It did me a little bit of good, but
after I got home I felt going back again into
the old state.
I went to the Sunderland Infirmary and was
an inmate there for three weeks, but had
come home on account of the beds being
needed for the .xvounded soldiers. I got dis.
couraged but’ did not lose all hope, for I knew
is also represcntcd. Central America is not that Jesus would help me, because that, during
left out in the message. c\lasl;a, Persia, my first attack, there was a severe weakness
Siberia, Japan, base all been visited graciously, came over me; there was only my mother
China has been visited by manv Pentecostal the room and she saw it. She just whispered
missionaries. The bxders of Tbibet have not the Kame of Jesus, and in a moment something
been forgotten. Even old Jerusalem has heard came over me and I revived. Praise His Name
again the sound of “speaking in other tongues I got a bit stronger in my body so that 1 was
as the Spirit gives utterance.” Some have able to get out into the fresh air, but the pain
already laid down their lives in these foreign in my back did not get any better.
countries for the Pentecostal gospel. Among Up till now I had been in this state for fifteen
them Bro. Brelsford in Egypt, the land of the monthqbutduringthesefifteenmonthsthe Lord
ancient Pharaohs and the birthplace of Moses. had supplied all our needs wonderfully. One
Oh, halielujah ! occasion there was a note for !?o/- came to
from an unknown disciple of the Lord, and
The “seven years of famine” seem to have
many other instances I could tell you of. Giory
already set in. “\Vars, and rumours of wars.”
t’o Jesus, who has done all things well.
The “last days” are upon us. Soon the oppor-
tunity xviii be gone. I am so giad I got the HEALED !
“Pentecostal bap:ism” nine years ago in the One morning in Sovembir, 1916, about 9.30,
first 05:tgouri:ly of the Spirit in Los Angeles. Mr. Bagot, a Pentecostal worker, came out
It set me going For God in the “Last Call,” the (at Urs. Boddy’s request) to see me. He called
last great battie. “Get oil within your vessels. at my mother’s, and she brought him down
‘Tis the Slidnight Cry! “-F. Bartleman, Los our house. We had a nice talk together, and
Angeles, Cal. he asked me why I was not healed. I told him
APRIL, 1916.

I did not know that, because I thought I \vas . Kashmir.

in God’s will. He showed me it was God’s
will to heal me, because Jesus had borne all my Good News from Sister Hirschner.
s<cknesses on Calvary, as in SIatt. viii., ‘17. So
we went to prayer, and he anointed me with oil Our picture on page 72 of this issue
and laid his hands on my spine and rebuked of “Confidence” sho\vs as its centre a remark-
t,he devil in the Name of Jesus (James v., markable Sister in the Lord, xvhose xvork
14-16). Just as he poured the oil on me there beyond Northern India has borne no~v its first-
.Was a peace tool<possession of me, and I had fruits,
the confidence that I was made whole. I felt
as if my back was laid open and something run “PUSCH” is the strange -name for the dis-
right down the spine. We had a xvonderful trict-and for its chief to\vn. TWO brave ladies
time together, and Lvhen xve got up Mr. Bagot have entered, and so far have remained. Gbd
asked me to do some excercises 1 could not do has blessed the \A-ark, as xvii1 be seen from
before. I tell you, friends, I did things that Sister Iiirschner’s letter given below.
*’ . *
morning I could not do before. Oh, xvhat a
wonderful Saviour is Jesus mp Lord ! A day or tvi’o after the arrival of her letter at
There was a passage in Isaiah sssiv., 16, the Sunderland came “The Weekly Evangel” from
Lord gave me a good while before this. After St. Louis,, U.S.A. (dated Alarch llth, 1916).
Mr. Bagot went away I just happened to 1Ve were Interested xvhen xve read a paragraph
read it, what a great blessing I got through it ! there. This \ve now quote:-
The Holy Ghost gave me scores of passages, “SPECIAL REGUEST FOR PRAYER.
and I was fiiled with joy and peace through
Sister I’iirschner has been severely per.
secuted by Mohammedans aho have repeatedly
AT \VORli.
tried to poison her to death and kill her in
I went to \vorl; the nest \veck, and have other days, also to intimidate her and drive
worked ever since. Ali praise be unto Jesus ! her from the post to Lvhich God has called her
The devil has tried many times to knock me off to labour. So far as \ve can learn? none of her
the track, but as I take the sword of the Spirit friends in the United States have heard from
and believe it, he has to go. Just about three her since early in October, 1915. Registered
weeks ago the devii tried to make me believe I letters to her bring no repiy. Do pray for her
was not whole. I picked up one of Mr. Boddy’s and Sister Baker xvho returned to labour xvith
booklets on “Satan’s Devices and the Wonder- her eariy last fall. Both are so frail in body
Working Blood.” What a revelation I had they coxid not endure such severe triais as:in
through reading it, and again the devil had to former years and live through them.
retreat. The Holy Spirit has sholvn me that Pray also for the young converts in that
we have a new life in Jesus. Oid things have secluded field. They are in the mountains, 100
passed amay, behold all things have become miles from the railroad. Will anyone xvho
new. reads this aad knorvs anythin& aboilt them and
I pray that the ,Lord may bless this xvord of the Lvork there since early in October, 1915,
testimony for His Glory. please write to S. A. Jamieson, 3508 Grand
Yours in Jesus, Ave., Dallas, Texas, and to J. W. \Velch,
BRO. ARTHUR JOHSSOS. Treas., 2838 Easton Ave., St. Louis, AIo.”
New Silksworth, l x x
Co. Durham. “Before they ~5r*ny I will -cwsw*er’? -.ii
true for some of our readers, for the letter fol.
lbxving gives us reason to praise God. I _
JIv Dear Brother in Our Lord,
Our BRO. hf. BXOT writes- Greetings in His precious Same. I am so
Xt the beginning of last year Bra Andrew giad I get “Confidence” so regularly. .- It is a
Turnbull, late of Portobello, wvas led of the Loi-ti beip in this lonely place. I am sending yoti by
to remove to Glasgow, taking up his abode at 00s: n copy of the picture tskcn of myseif and
76 kmadaie Street, Dennistown. the four students of my Bibie Class nho were
As the otltcome of open-air meetings! conver- immersed in the Same of the Father, Son, and
sations in the streets and parks: and sick visita- Holy Ghost! in the River Bitai, on February
tions, people came to the house, meetings were 13th, thus taking their stand openly as soldiers
commenced, and the Holy Spirit witnessed to the of J~SLIS Christ. Praise His Holy Same for
preached word with ” sians followio~.” giving me the unspeal;able joy of seeing these
.The accommodation proving inwfficient, a hall four lads sten out boidly from the ranks of
was taken (Xo. 104 Port Dundas Iload) where Slohammedanism into the fainess of the liberty
services are held on Tuesday arId Thursday of Christ-the first-fruits from Punch. This
at 8 p.m., and on Sabbath at 2.30. to “remember has been such a difficult fieici,and it has seemed
the Lord’s dearh till He come”; 6.0: open prayer; so impossibie to break doxvn the prejudices,
6.30, preaching of the fuli gospel. but lye praise our God to-dqy that xhat is im-
The hall has. been appropriately named the possibic u-ith men is possible xvith God; :,-I
“Burning Bush,” and has proved to many a place kno\v vcrv many in England have been praying
of holy ground, where God has met them, saved anJ I do thank them in -Jesus’
for Punch,
their souls, healed their bodies, and baptiwd
i S:tme, for I realize that the victory has been
I them in the Holy Spirit with the scriptural sign
Lyon only through much prevailing prayer.
following. . _
-i- Visitors to Glasgow will be heartily welcomed. (Continuedon page72,)

d; -____- ---.___-
.I :

; !
46OWFIDENCP _-. ^_ _ _ ... - L -. AijRk, iwi
/.*: ._P_
)ij/ .
M.A., has drawn unceasing attention ‘to-
“CONFIDENCE," this need by lip and pen. The National
Church Mission of Repentance and Hope,.
APRIL, 1916.
at one of its large Committee meetings,
agreed that without the restoration of men
Editor- with the old apostolic and prophetic gifts,
Alex..A. Boddy, Vicar of All Saints’, such a Mission would be worthless and a
Sunderland. Ji asco. They have now appointed the
ASsistants- Rev. cqril Bardsley to be one of the three
The Hon. Secretaries, All Saints’ Vicarage, organlslng secretaries of the Mission,
Sunderland. evidently intending that the subject of
revival should occupy one, if not the im-
portant, consideration for the preparation
Terms :-This paper is supported by Sub- of all who are to take part in the Mission
scription-Gifts,payableyearly,half-yearIy, next October.
or quarterly, and is sent to any who order The leading article in this week’s
it. Address the Secretaries, All Saints’ “ Christian ” contains the followin- *--
Vicarage, Sunderland. (All correspondence
:‘It is quite easy to detect a grok;ng
shouldbeaddressedtotheSecretaries. The Editor wistfulness amongst Christian people (so
has’very many other duties.) far as they voice their feelings in Confer-
ences and letters to the Religious Press)
in the direction of a deep and widespread
Pentecostal Revival of Religion. The need for it is
London. no longer even questioned. There must
-- come speedy revival or speedy decay all
This Convention will be held (D.v.) at round. Se\.eral of the larger Churches
the Westminster Central Hall from Mon- have appointed special committees to face
day, June 12rh, to Friday, 16th (inclusive). the entire question of the spiritual state
Meetings each day at 11, 3, and 7. of the people. The Sunday School Union
has embarked upon a year’s campaign,
The subject will be “ TKUE SCRIYTUH~L
having for its object the impressing of
REVIVAL: WHAT IS IT?” (1) Revival of
Sunday School workers with a deeper
Prayer. (2) Revival of knowledge of God.
sense of their personal responsibility for
(3) Revival of Holiness. (4) Revival of
bringing their scholars to Jesus Christ.
Power. (5) Revival of Soul Winning.
And thereisthe National (Church) Mission,
(6) Revival extending to all Nations.
which promises to be a larger thing than
was at first dreamed of. This manifest-
How EXTEKn IT? ation of anxiety, if history be a true guide,
The speakers expected are :-Rev. A. A. is a prelude to a new manifestation of the
Boddy, Revs. E. Bacon and A. E. Saxby, power of God in conversion. Revivals of
Mr. E. W. Moser and Mr. T. H. Mundell, Religion have always commenced in this
Mrs. Crisp, Mrs. Walshaw and -Mrs. way. The immediate need, it seems to us,
Hodges, Messrs. Stephen and George is for pastors to prepare their people for
Jeffreys, Mr. Smith Wigglesworth, Mr. what is coming, so that the preparation
E. J. G. Titterington, M.A., Mr. W. itself shall become a prophecy.”
Glassby, and others. We believe that the Lord has poured
That the subject of this year’s Conven- and is pouring out upon us the showers
tion is one upon which all the .hopes, of latter rain ; and in such a Convention
desires, and thoughts of Christians of all as this it behoves us to come together in
denominations throughout the Country the spirit of great exoectation, humility,
are increasingly directed, is each day confession, and putting away of every
becoming more apparent. It is referred hindrance and barrier, that the Lord may
to as the essential need each recurring still more mightily flood the land with
Day of Prayer arranged at the Queen’s refreshing revival showers. There are
Hall by the Evangelical Alliance, with already indications of this from many
ever more insistence, by various speakers quarters of the globe.
and prayers. If in our case any of us feel, in the
The General Secretary of the Church words of the prophet Jeremiah (Lam. iv.,
PIissionary Society, Rev. Cyril Bardsley, 1 and 2), ;( HOW is the gold beconle ditn ?
How is the mostpure gold chnged? The ore so strmg-ely crimsdrted, fhese v~ho surely belotq
to n victorious host? Why we fheir tijs so red?”
precious sons of Zion, iompauable to $ne
go~a--how are they esteemed as earfhen THE As&JER.---"T~~~~~LG-~ theymho ofteuspeak
of the precious Blood of Jesus. These are they
pifchers, the work of the timis of f?2e -whose Eves proclninr fhe Vicfory of the crimson-
potter ?” Our object in meeting together Blood. They procinim it, nad devils fear andflee.
will then be that the gold becomes polished They plead it, and Victory is assured.“*
‘<after the similitude of a palace,” Ps.
cxliv., 12. May I suggest that every In these blessed Pentecostal days the
leader of a Pentecostal Centre should, as merits of the precious shed Blood of the
suggested in ‘<The Christian,” prepare Lord Jesus are being gratefully remem;
for a new manifestation of the power of bered, and often sincerely, earnestI>;, and
God in conversion. . intelligently pleaded (and “in the Spirit”).
A most earnest and cordial invitation When, alas, many in these days are
is extended td all leaders and elders of minimising the Atonement, those who are
Ce.ntres, and Pentecostal sympathisers seeking or enjoying ‘LPentecost” are
and friends, and, without any exception, realising that :-
all who are interested in the absorbing “There is power, power, wonder-working power,
and intensely interesting and practical In the Blood of the Lamb ;
subject of Revival. There is power, power, wonder-:vorking power,
In the precious Blood of the Lamb.”
In the minds of some there is the dif- (1 Peter i., 19.)
ficulty of obtaining accommodation in
London. Will any who have the thought Our Heavenly Father will never turn
or hope of coming, kindly ‘communicate away from any who gratefully. honour
with the Secretary, 10 York Terrace, Calvary. It is the lnost powerful plea
Regents Park, London, N.W., and they any human being can present before the
can rest assured that Ihe best will be done Throne of God. It is the precious Blood
to’find suitable rooms as near the meetings of His dear Son. The Life-blood of His
as possible, and at as reasonable rates as Christ, poured out for us.
can be managed. * x *
In conclusion, the earnest, prevailing, Now the Blood and all it means may be
continued prayers of all will be greatly pleaded by-(l) The Penitent Sinller ; (2)
valued. The Born-again Child of God ;- (3) The
CECIL POLHILL, Convener. Sanctified Christian ; and (4) The Pente-
costal Disciple.


The Bradford .Convention. BLOOD.
At the Bowland .Street Mission, from It is his only plea. When the Holy
Good Friday on to Easter Monday, Brother Ghost, in mercy, shews anyone his utterly
Smith Wigglesworth holds his Annual lost condition, and lovingly points him to
Convention. the all-sufficient Saviour, how thankful
then he is to plead the precious Blood.
Visitors should write for accommoda-
There goes up a trembling cry like this :-
tion. His address is 70 Victor Street,
Manningham, Bradford, Yorlcs. “0 my Father, I see now that I have sinned
sadly, grievously. agajn and again. Thou hast
said that ‘the soul that sinneth it shall die.’ If
it was not for the all-efficacious Blood of Jesus
The Precious Blood of Christ. (His loving death for me, the jtlst for the unjust),
-- I should be lost for ever; but, dear Father, I
Thoughts for Passion-tide. do now rest on the very words of Thy Blessed
Crucified So11Himself, as He said, ‘NV Blood is
*‘ Ye al-e con,e to . . . the Blood of Sprinklitlg.” shed ior jrort . . . for the remissibn of sins.”
(Heb. xii., 21.) (Matt. xxiv., 25.)
“hlv Father, the preciolls Life-blood has been
“And Moses took half of the Blood and put it in shed. ’ One drop ot the Blood of Thy Divine Son
basins, and half of the Blood he sprinkled on the wotrld ransom the whole universe. I praise Thee
Altar. . . and Moses took the Blood and sprinkled for the shed Blood. That Blood now covers my.
it on the people and said, ‘Behold the Blood of the sins. As I plead the Blood and have faith in the L
Covenant which the Lord hath made with you.“’ Blood (Ram. iii.. %), I have m-ace throllgh this :-
(Exod. xxiv., 6-S.) precious Blood of Jews (Cal. i:? 20).

(ThePreek Bloodof Christ-cantimed.) l * *

“Therefore again it1 Faith I offer the Blood, and

“I praise Thee for the Blood of Sprinkling, the I praise Thee for the Blood. The Blood brings
shed Blood which has redeemed me for ever, even Victory. Glory to Jesus!
! and I gladly avail myself of the Fiood of
Smriokling. 0 Lamb of God, I come to Thee, this I conquer,
In the fiercestfight;
whose Blood doth cleanse each spot.” Sin and Satan orercoming
Just as I am, Thou wilt receive, By its might.
Precious.preciousBloodof Jesus,everflaying free,
Wilt welcome, pardon. cleanse, relieve; I b&err it, I receiveit, ‘tis for me.
Because Thv Promise I believe;
Amen. “Blessed Lord, I not only reckon myself dead
0 Lam6 of God, I come.
unto sin, but to-day I am alive unto God in Jesus
Z.--THE SAVED CHILD OF GOD ALSO Christ my Lord. I welcome Thee into my heart
(Rev. iii., 20), and place Thee on the Throne
PLEADS THE BLOOD FOR HIS there, because the Blood cleanses, and therefore
SASCTIFICXTION. Thou art willing to come into my heart: cleansed
this moment by faith in the efficacy and cteansin,g
When’the sinner has turned to God,
power of Thy Biood.”
when he really trusts Jesus’ Blood for
l l l
complete and present forgiveness, then
>le has entered! He has e:itered!
the Holy Spirit graciously shews him his Ever)- guestmay no\\’depart;
further pressing need. He is shewn that He has taken all the “cbnmber”
Of my oncedividedheart.
Calvary is a glorious place of VICTORY as He has entered! He has entered!
well as a place of forgiveness. The Blood- \.nnish e~ervdoubtand sill ;
He has taken &,I1possession,
shedding is a means of Separation through He is Lord of all within.
the death of our Divine Representative and The Lord Jesus enters to bring the
our death in Him. The redeemed sinner Clean Heart. He is the Clean Heart.
now feels his need of a deeper work. tie We must not stop at forgiveness of sins
gets a vision ot Christ as his Sanctificatioo or convet-sion, we must be sanctified
(1 Cor. i., 30). The Holy Spirit shews him (made holy) aud kept holy by His presence
that “if One died for all, then all died” recognised daily-“Christ liveth in me.”
(2 c or. v., 1-l). The shed Blood speaks He comes wiliingly to the heart,
of separation from the old Creation and the cleansing of the precious Blood.
all the powers of evil. Our sinless Jesus
+ + +
was sent forth by His Father in the iike-
ness of sinful flesh. Our old man was But the power of the precious Blood is
with Him crucified (Rom. vi., 6) with the not exhausted in Conversion, Regenera-
affections and lusts (Gal. v., 21). The tion, or even in Sanctification.
- poured-out Blood speaks to us of complete
Victory over sin. “He loved us and
pleads the Blood as he seeks the full
loosed us from our sins in His own Blood.”
Baptism of the Holy Ghost with. f‘.$crip-
(R ev. i., 5, R.V.) tural Signs.” He will not be frightened
\VVouldvou be free from your passionand pride?
TherCs powerin the Blood,powerin the Blood: by mixture or counterfeits. .4s he tarries
Comefor a cleansingto Calvary’s tide, he pleads the finished work of Jesus. He
There’s wonderfulpower in the Blood.
pleads the Blood-price, which was paid
Yes, again we may plead the Blood, for this great gift of the Holy Ghost,
perhaps in words like these:- and trusts his Great High Priest to plead
“Blessed Lord, I do thank Thee with all my it for him at the Throne of God. Perhaps
heart that I was chosen in Thee, the slain Lamb,
he will be overwhelmed bv the blessed
before the foundation of the world. I was in Thee
at Calvary, and therefore I plead the Blood, and Holy Spirit and anointed again and again,
beseech Thee to offer it for me. In Thee I died to and with a full heart mill praise .the
the old life when Thy Blood was poured out. Thy wonder-working Blood which makes
Blood was the Life, and tny old life was in that Pentecost with the Scriptural .Signs a
sacred Blood.
‘l ThoL, through Thy precious Blood shedding, reality. The Comforter comes -and an-
didst die unto sin once, and I therefore reckon nounces in other Tongues His arrival and
mvself dead indeed lo sin (Ram. vi., 11). Lord, I His Presence.
olkad the Victory of the outpoured Blood for my
\Vhar_doth bring me Pentecost?nothing but the Blood of
“I read that Thou didst sanctify Thy people What’h?::rought the Holy Ghost? nothing but the Blood
with Thine own Blood (Heb. xiii., 12). I shelter of Jesus.
. again under the sanctifyin.g Blood, the BIood of Oh, preciousis the flow that makesme whiteas snow,
Xo other fount I know--nothing but the Bloodof Jesus.
Sprinkling. I shall now overcome my untiring
cunning adversary becatise of the Blood (Rev. * + t
xii., ll).” In the Levitiqal days the Oil followed
Oft as it is sprinkledon our yearning hearts,
Sa+ in confusion,terror-struck,departs. on the Blood (Lev. xiv., 17), and this was

k__& _..= .-.- I..~_.__c~__~_~__--__--.~ . .
---__- .-. -. -.

to teach us that, in our experience, the oil as ourselves. We plead the Victory of
of the Spirit comes where the Blood of Calvary for the perishing Heathen, and
Calvary has been trusted, honoured, and for those who follow other false Religions.
applied. At Calvary itself, when the Jesus has shed His Blood for them. He
soldier pierced the side of our Beloved is the Lamb of God, which beareth away
Redeemer, there came out r!ot only Blood, the sins of the worM. The World in-
but Blood and Water. The living water cludes Asia (India, China, Japan, etc.) and
which flows from the Baptised IMembers Islands of the Sea, and the Americas, and
of Christ is the overflow from the Holy by pleading the all-powerful Blood we
Ghost. So the Sanctified one seeking may hasten their evangelisation. Let ~1s
Pentecost may cry in words like these:- uphold the Lord’s Missionaries in fre-
quent, prevailing prayer. Also the native
:;O my Father, I thank Tiiee for the willing Christians too.
.sacrifice of the Lord Jesus, and for rhe shed Biood.
I thank Thee for the forgiveness of all my sins,
through the precious Blood of Christ.
“I praise Thee for the continuous cleansing of
the Blood, that, as I walk in the Light as Thou
.art in the Light, I have fellowship with Thee and
Thine, and the Blood of Jesus Christ, Thy Son,
Xs TO DITXE HEALrsti-disease was
cleanses from all sin. also dealt with at the Cross. When He
“Lord, it is mv heart’s desire to be useful to crucified the flesh, the old man, we read
Thee in Thy kinidom on this earth. I cannot be He bare our sicknesses (Isa. Iii;.). He
an effective witness without the power from 011 separated us from the things of the old
high. I want ever to be a vessel meet for the
Master’s use, sanctified, cieansed, and filled to
Creation, old things passed an-?? (2 Cor.
overflowing. v., 17). But we must believe It and ap-
.“Father, I plead the precious Blood of Jesus, propriate the separating pan-er of the
mv Redeemer. Fat. His sake and for His glory Blood; for Calvary did it, the Victory was
do Thou fulfil Thv Promise. I know that the
gained for us there.
promised Gift of th’e Holy Ghost is for me, and I
trust the Blood of Jesus which has completely * * *
purchased it for me. 1 praise Him who has shed
The Word of God, of co:lrse, speaks
forth this which in these days we see and hear.
much of the Lamb of God. The last Book
‘Look Father. look on His anointed face,
And onlr look on me as found in Him.’ (Revelation) twenty-eight times speaks of
“0 B!essed Spirit, energise. aud increase the the Lamb, or “the Lamb had been
pbwer of the Chl’ist-life in my heart. slain,” referring to the Rlan of Calvary
.:I’0 Lord, I thank Thee for the Blessed Com- now in Glory, but pleading His Blood,
foiter-. I receive Him br faith, and I ask Thee, His death for us on the Cross.
because of rhe Victors o? the Blood, to remove all
hin.drances, all unbel&f, to rebuke all evil powers. As Revelation looks back to Calvary, so
!.“?-T>-a%:=Thee again for the .1’iclory of the the Old Testament writings look forward
Blood. I praise Thee for % ful~“~Pentecostal’
to this Divine Sacrifice. We read, for
Baptism, and trust this Hoi? Ghost to manifest
Himself in Signs, in Fruit, ana in’such Gifts as He instance, in Leviticus iii., concerning the
alone can bestow. I praise Thee for ‘Pentecost’ Lamb of the peace-offering:-
tl&ough the I;lood. Hallelujah ! Hallelujah !”
I.----“He shall offer it >vithout blemish”
% ic )i (v. 6). “He shall offer it before the Lord”
---Expect the Blesskd Holv Ghost, who (v. 7). God’s Lamb was to be spotless.
comes and takes full posse&ion, to speak
through you, and to piaise through you 2.--L’He shall lay his hand upon the
in a Heavenly Tongue. :,“;N ~~I;~n;~~;~~:‘,{v. 8). There was
a deep, true union
4.-THE ASOIZTED PEXTECOSTAL Drs- between the sinner a)ud the Lamb slain.
CIPLE willstill plead the precious Blood. 3.--‘:He shall kill it before the Taber-
No one can plead it with such power. nacle of the Congregation, and Aaron’s
“I praise Thee with all my heart, 0 my Father, sons shall sprinkle the blood, thereof
for the full Pentecostal Baptism (with Signs) round about upon the Altar” (v. S). The
which Than hast so lovingly given me because of
I ask Thee ever to keep me under its
sinner has caused the death of the Lamb,
the Blood.
shelter. I realise rhat now I shail be a special so he now pleads the divine sacrifice before
object of attack by the Enemy, but I thank Thee the Lord.
that I can ever overcome, because of the Blood of * * *
the Lamb.” (Rev. xii., 11.)
We lay our on Jesus our
We have now to plead for others as well Lamb and say :-
APRIL. 1x6.

(The PreciousBloodof Christ-continued.) “For Thou wast slain and hast redeemed
“Ldrd? I thank Thee that I may identify mvself’ us to God
with Tnee in Thy -death. In Thy poured-out BP THY BLOOD" (Rev. v., g-18):
Blood I see my old life poured out. I pr&e Thee
that a s‘ eparation has been mxde by the Cross, The reverent, truthfkll mention of the
and that Thou didst bare ail my sins, and didst Blood stirs: all Heaven. It is hateful to
bear away my sin.
“I thank Thee, 0 Lamb of God, that Thou hast the Hosts of Hell. Victory is ours through
separated me from the Old Creation with its sin the ever precious Blood of our Lord Jesus
and sickness. I have healing and health in Thee, Christ. Amen.
for Thou hast borne my sicknesses 011the Cross
of Calvary, Hallelujah ! I sprinkle Thy Blood 011 U s~bianr of fltc ~Xorlb, tilt0 bg ‘ir,h@ 63~~s
the lintel and the doorposts of rn!. heart. afld I ;\nb $.lrccionu $loob-4hcbbi119 husf rcbccluc~ 119.
am safe from the destroyer. I thank Thee again s;;tbc ,LS n~tb ltclp 11s. tic lu~lnbl~ bcuecclt Wwc,
for this sign of Victory and this crimson mar-k of
@ sorb. gLlllCll.
ownership. I belong to. Thee, my Crllcified
za$,our, Thou whose Blow cleanses me from aii

Dear, dying Lamb, Thy

precious Blood
Shall never lose its
Till all the ransomed
Church of God
Be saved, to sin no
I do believe. I will believe.
that Jesus died for me.
That on the Cross Hc shed
His Blood, from sin to
set me free.

CalvAyLati never
be forgotten in Hea-
ven. The Victory
on the “Green hill
far away” only took
place fhe dny be/ore
yesterday by Divine
reckoning. (“A
thousand years in
Thy sight are but as
yesterday,” Psalm
XC. ,4. “One day is,
with the Lord, as a
thousand years, and
a thousand years as
one day, 2 Pet. iii.,
8.) Rightonthrough
the Millennial Age,
right on through the
Ages of the Ages,
right on through
Eternity, Calvary
will be the greatest
of all events ever
* l (Kashmir-continued from page67,)
known. l

We shall never cease to rejoice, and to POUR COSVERTS.

delight in the sevenfold ascription :- Sow, please, ask prayer that they may
“Worthy is. the Lamb that was slain receive the Baptism of the Holy
to receive- Ghost and Fire, for nhlch thev are eaeerlv
tarrying, and that the two who feel calleduou’t
(1) POWER and to preach the Gospel may step out in simple
(2) RICHES and faith, trusting God to meet their temporal
(3) WISDOM and needs. They are well educated lads in the
vernacular and peculiarly fitted to reach their
(4) STRENGTH and
own people, and can be mightily used of God ,
HONOUR and if fully fitted and equipped by the Holy Spirit.
.I:)) GLORY and It has been a great pleasure to me to teach
“(7) BLESSIXG. them, and I do pray they wiil be faithful and

true in spite of the great persecution against to send us out to take them the message of life.
them. It’s a very difficult and perilous task;entailing
much physical hardship and many privations,
Pray also for the girls’ school. There are and the want of even necessary:things ; withal,
41 on the roll now, and an average attendance it requires money to penetrate into these
of 35 to 38 daily. Scripture reading, memoris- recesses of the mountains, but we have proved,
ing texts, and learning Gospel hymns are my thank God, that He is able to supply all our
principal subjects for the two hours I spend needs, and so we ask that every necessary thing
with them daily. Do pray for these little girls may be provided, and we may be enabled to go
and Purdah women that they may find Christ out this summer and stay through the autumn.
and know the joy of belonging to His fold. Pray for us !
The work among the women is increasing
daily, and, praise Jesus, we belie\:e there are TVe again thank all who have prayed and
many secret believers. God is blessing. and we held the ropes and prevailed before God for
are so glad to be the ambassadors of Christ in these dear Punch lads. God bless you, each
this dark place. one. With much love in our Jesus to dear
Airs. Boddy and se!f.
Yours in the hope of our soon coming King.:
Ere I close, 1 would like to put in a plea for
the village work. Hundreds of villages lie EDITH G. KIRSCHBER.
hidden away in these mountains. Thousands Bethel,
have never heard the message of God’s love to Punch,
them in Christ Jesus. We want to go, and we Kashmir,
would ask you to pray the Lord of the harvest 24th Feb., 1916.


(‘Other sheep lhnve mhich me not of tltis fold; them aim 2 MUST bring.” (johm z., 16.)

The Pentecostal Missionary C:nion (or “ P.M.U.“) for Great Britain and Ireland dates its commence-
* ment from a meeting held in XII Saints’ ITicarage, Sunderiand, on January 9th, 1909, when a Council
was formed. Mr. Cecil Polhill, of Howbury Hall, Bedford, was chosen as President, Mr. T. H. Mhndcll,
30, Avondale Road, Croydon, is Hon. Sec., Mr. W. Glassby, “Ladyfield,” Renhold, Bedford, is Hon.
Treasurer and Missionary Box Secretary). the Rev. A. A. Foddy is Editorial Secretary, and other acting
members of the Council are Mr. John Leech, K.C., 11, Herbert Street. Dublin; Mr. Ernest TVm.
Moser, Hebron. St. David’s Road, Southsea; Mr. H. Small, East n’emyss, X.B. ; Mr. Smith
Wigglesworth, i‘0. Victor Road, Bradford; Mr. Ed. J, G. Titterington, M.A., Hon. Principal of the
Men’s Training H.ome ; and Mrs. Crisp, Lady Principal of the Women’s Training Home.
There is a P.1I.U. Home for \Vomen Candidates at 116, King Edward Road, S. Hackney,
and the Candidates are prepared by Mrs. Crisp (of 19. Gascoyne Road, S. Hackney, London, N.E.).
The Male Candidates are prepared at the Men’s London Trainin, o- Home at 60, King Edward’s
Road, S. Hackney, N.E., by Mr. Titterington. Missionaries in the Field :-In INDIA-_BTo.
J. H. Boyce, c/o Pastor A. Xorlon, Dhond, near Poonah ; Miss Constance Skarratt, Apostolic
Faith Mission, Pare1 Hill, Bombay; >Iiss Elkington and Miss Jones, Goshainganj Station,
U.P. ; Miss Catherine C. 1fThite and Miss Minnie Augusta Thomas. c/o Miss Herron, Saranpore.
In CHINA-?dr. & Urs. F. Trevitt and Mrs. ;\. L\Xliams, c/o Rev. David TornvaIl, Ping-Liaug. Kansu,
China; Mr. and Mrs. A. Kok, Miss Eliz. Martha Biggs, Miss Corneiia E. Scharten, Likiang, China,
via Rangoon and Bhamo ; Pastor Allan Sxvift and Mrs. Swift, Miss Fanny E. Jenner, Miss Ethel Cook,
Miss Nellie Tyler & Miss Rose Waters, Brothers Alfred Lewer, James Boyd, David Leigh and P. Klaver,
Pentecostal Mission, Yunnan-fu, Yunnan Province, IVest China. JAP.QI-M~. and Mrs. W. J. Taylor,
10 of 24 Yamamoto Dori, 4 Chome. Kobe. Also holding P.M. L:. Certificates : John Beruldsen
and Christina Beruldsen (now S!rs. Gulbrandsen), at Lungmen-hsein, oin Pekin, X. China. CENTRAL
AFRIca-Brother F. D. Johnstone, care of Kongo Inland Xlission, Kalamba, Mukenye, Kasai, vrn
Kinshasa, Belgian Congo. SOUTH AFRIc.%-Holding P.M. U. Certificate : Mr. James A. Roughead,
Stellenbosch, Cape Colony. Appiications for Candidates’ forms to be made to Mr. T. H. Mundell,
Hon. Secretary, 30, Xvondale Road. Croydon. Send a post-card for a P.M.U. Missionary Box to
Mr. W. Glassby, “Ladyfield,” Renhold, Bedford.
Continued prayer is asked for the Home Base, viz. :-_(l) P.1I.L’. Council Meetings, (2) P.M.U.
Missionary Meetings, (3) Box Holders and Donors, (4) Students-the Brothers, (5) Students-the
Sisters, (6) Those helping in their Training. Then let us aiso constantly uphold our Missionaries on
the Field, at work, or learning their new language. 11:ednesday in each week has been suggested as
a special dav of prayer for P.M.U. Let us also pray that enough money may always be given to
supply our Missionaries’ necessities.

Our P. M.U. Missionaries appreciate post a copy to one or more of the P.M.U.
“Confidence” when they get it. L’n- Alissionaries? Their names and addresses
fortunately we have no fund for supplying ’ be found at the head of this section
them regularly. Will some of our readers of the paper. They might write across the
APRIL, 1916.

PentecostaMovement-eontlnued.) (g) Divine Healing.

“ Divine Healing for the body is a part of
lamer c&ner: CcFrom --_“(giving their the redemption purchased for us by Jesus
name and address). Christ. It can bereceived throuzh faith.
by the laying on of hands, or azointing
* -x -E wvlth oil in the Xame of the Lord. Isaiah
In reading a Candidate’s “Application liii., 5; Mark xvi., IS; James Y., 14.”
Foim” we were struck with the wav in (12) Baptism &cl the Lord’s Supper.
which a sister responded to the direct:on: “Baptism is the outward sign of the be-
liever’s identification with Christ in His
Give, brie$y, 2.7~
yozr OWHworris, ruhnt you death and resurrecrion (Remans vi., 3-4;
zrnderstnd by, nnd Scrij5tziml priofntions Gal. iii., 27; Cal. ii., 1.2). The Lord’s
for your faith respectbg the following Supper was instituted by Christ, and is
(we print her answers here in full) :- a memorial of His death and Pas&n.
6~ partaking of it we have communion
(n) Salvation. \vjrh Christ till He comes. Luke xxii.,.l9;
(I) Atonement. 1 Car. xi., 26.”
CcThe provision made bv God, whereby the (z’) Eternal judgment on the un-penitent.
claims of Divine just& have been met ” i\ll who rqject or neglect the great saiva-
rhrongh [he sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the tion offered throuph Christ will be lost,
Lamb of God, making a fuil atonement and go into everiasting punishmen!.
for Sill. Remans v:, 11; Romnns iii., 24; Matt. xxv., 46; John v., 29; Heb. ii., 3;
Heb. is., *%.” Psalm ix., 17.”
(2) Justification.
“Justification is the act of God’s free grace
in pardoning the sinner who trusts in
Jesus, and gives him the power 01 I‘NDIA.
aurhoritv to become a child of God.
Romansiv.. 25; Remans v., 1.” Bra, Boyce at Dhond.
(3) Regeneration.
I think in my last letter I wrote of my visiting
:: Regeneration is that moral change in
on Sunday evenings with the young men of the
man wrought by the Holy Spirit by which
mission different villages in the surrounding dis-
be is saved from the love, practice, and
trict. \!~ell, the fourth Sunday it was arranged ,
dominioo of sin, and enabled to love God.
for me not to go with them in the Tonga or bul-
’ The Life of God inbreathed is the soul lock cart, and It, unfortunately for them, that night
through the Holy Spirit. 1 John i., 9;
upset and threx all out violently to the ground,
1 Peter i., 23.”
going down a sharp hill, and all received some
(6) Sanctification. hurt and shock, but Mr. Sorton’s son, “John,”
“Sanctification is the work of grace it1 was rather badly injured. receiving hurt to his
freeinK the soul from illdwelling sin. It left leg so much that he could not lift himself up
is subsequent to regeneration and is to walk? and thus they had to return and bring
received instantaneouslv bv faith in the him home, and he has been in bed since, hardly
cleansing Blood of Christ. -Remans vi., 6; able to move because of his injured leg; to-mor-
Heb. xiii., 12; 1 Thess. v., 23.” rO\V, the 27th. it will be a fortnight since it
(c) The Baplism of the IJoly Spirit. happened. Whilst I praise the Lord for HiS
:;The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is the mercy towards me, yet I must help to bear his
promise of the Father (Joel ii., 2%29) burden. He, the Lord, worketh all things after
which was shed forth on the disciples at the counsel of His own will, and His will for us
Pentecost, giving them power to witness, worketh together for our good if we love God
and accompanied by speaking in tongues. and are called according to His purpose.
It is received through waiting on God h! I am glad to be able to say that I am making a
faith. Acts i., 8; Acts ii.: 4.” little progress in the study of the language, as I
(d,) Our Lord’s second comin.g. keep at it week by week, and I might say it needs
‘:The Lord’s coming is the glorious hope a tot of keeping at day after day with little result
of the Church. Even as Christ was re- when at the Iveek-end one takes a review of his
ceived up into glory, so shall He return labours to see how much further on he is this week
in the air for His waiting children, and than he was last week. and so on, but with prayer,
the dead in Christ will be caught up patience, and perseverance, I trust to soon over-
together with Ihose that are alive. Acts come all the difficulties. and by His grace be able
i., 11; 1 Thess. iv., 16.” to be usable ibr Him in this needy land of India.
Many times have I spoken by interpretation to the
(e) The Divinity of Christ. Indians in the Mission, but I do not care for that
:: The Lord Jesus Christ is the eternal Son stvle of speaking. I don’t understand what the
of God, born of the Holv Ghost. and One inierpreter is saying and I don’t know if he ii
with the Father. Luke’i., 32; John i., 14; giving the right thoqht or not, so I am not going
Phil. ii., 6.” to stay upon that method, although I felt the
(f) The Inspiration of the Word. Lord’s presence even in. my efforts that wa.y, but
“The Holv Scriptures were given by in- I prefer the more excellent .way of speaking to
spiration’of God through the Holy Ghost. them in their own language,. and with my under-
Holy men of old were used as channels to standing that I have endeavoured to be simple
transmit God’s will to man. Acts i., 16; and talk and shoot straight for the heart and not
2 Timothy iii., 16.” the head.
1: ~~CONFIDENCE.~~ APRIL, 1916.

* -INTBRPR+4T16N; j out here is exceedingly hard sometimes, almost

\Ve had a grand testimonv meeting to-night,
and one felr the glory of God’s piesence upon the A BRICK HOUSE.
people, so much so that I got up to give my testi- TVith the help of Mr. Karlbson, who is a builder,
mony and kept on in English until I remembered our brethren at Djoko Punda have now conlpleted
that I was not in an English meeting, and of course their first brick house. IVe value this S\vedish
had to retrace my steps and begin again ill shorter brother very much at this time, and now that he
sentences. \XTe, by giving our testimony, are a and Miss Lundberg hare come to Kalamba, you
help to the Indian Christians, and then they are can be sure we rejoice greatly. Since their
much more bold to follow us in testimony. I arrival, t\vo !veeks ago, we have had some very
counted 21 who stood up to testify, and also the blessed times ot fellowship together. They are
heartv- singing of choruses enabled one to think both getting on well with the language and are
of similar meetings in the homeland. a great help to us.
The spiritual reaching received in the training Mr. ;\ndwson, who came to Congo with me,
homes is a great help fo one out here, as portions was married to bliss Kroekcr last September.
of the M’ord come up and remembrances of what Mr. Herr left for his furlough two weeks ago,
one has been taught upon it becomes food for and Mr. and Mrs. Janzen hope (I>.\..) to leave
the strengthening of faith and encouragement, when Mr. Haigh returns ill llarch.
remembermg that the future is as bright as the
i\s this will naturallr make a bi_g shortage in
promises of God.
our staf?! may I therefore appeal to our Pente-
This is a hard field of Inbour for missionaries costal people to see to it that this shortage shall
here at Dhond. .There is no mass movement here, not impoverish the blessed
‘ work begun, but that
neither do I see any individual movement towards you will all pr-av more vigorou5l~ rhan ever, and
the acceptance of the Christ of God-thev are send us more spirit-filled \vo!-kers to fill it] this
ready to ar=ue but not accept. “Show us vo111 great gau in our rallks. I know the cry jusr now
Jesus,” saiasome, I‘, and then we will believe {ishat through ;hr war is ” \Ve wust curtaii expenses,”
you sag, we cannot see Him”; but they ended 0~ but to quote the words ofSi>rer Doering: Ii Shall
oy saying, “Come a,&n and tell us your sto?y;’ God’s work give way to Satan’s ravages? So,
as if we had nothing else to do but come at their never ! ” Ler us then, beloved! rise.[p the occa-
convenience; but truly, “Their servants we are sion without delay and re.echo the cry, ccSo-
for Jesus’ sake,” and go again we will, and glad it shall not _give way !”
of the opportunity.
One realises that preaching alone is not going
IVeIl, to conrinue the accoulnt of our itineration
into the Bampende tl-ibe, x\ hich I spoke of in my
to deliver these people: it must be prayer and the
last ietter, we arrived at our first Bampende
ministry of the 11Tord. ” Two are better than one,”
village of Kasange’s on September- 11th. Xs this
says the Scripture, and rhe Lord at the back of
tribe have quite a different language to the Lulua
them makes the three-fold- cord which is not
the oeopie were very eager to InsrrucT ~1sin manv
quickly broken.
worhs. The chief was greatly delighted with 1,;s
\Ve.shall soou be in the hot season; it is hot new visitors and -gave us a pwssext of a goat and
enough to please me now, the glass reci<tering five epgs. OF coul’e we knew that a presenthad
95 in the shade. I will nom close with kind to be given in return, so we gave him salr to the
regards. same value. He was not, however, satisfied
Yours in Christ, with this! but wanted cloth besides, as he said
J. H. BOYCE. he was a big chief. He certainly was, for he
c/o Mr. Albert Xorton, had many wives, and had about twenty heavy
B.C.H. Mission, Dhond, brass rings on both his arms.
Poona District. India,
Feb. P&h, 1916.
-After a blessed time of ministry to him and his
people, next day we struck camp and arrived at
WEST AFRICA (THE CONGO). a very 1arge vilia.ze calied Mukaix’s, about noon.
11,-e were told !he following day that quite a
A WOXD~RF~L ITISERATIOX. number of people had fled with fear as we ap-
(BRo. JOHXSTOSE.) proached the viliage, and had been caught and
tied up bv another hostile one. This Chief
BELOVED PASTOR BODDI-, Mukala h&i a very large idoi on one of his houses
Greetings of peace to you and n2l the saints in which looked very ugly. The Lulua people
our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. generally only have smali ones, and these are in-
side the house or at the door.
Tou will note from the date below that we have
just got Christmas over! so are once again settling Xext day we arrived at a small State post at
down to manual work again in the way of joioer- Xtumba’s. after several hours’ march and crossing
ing and making bricks, etc., for our permanent the River Lona. n-e had great difficulty (0 get
houses, which we hope to be able to soon com- our box-carriers to cross, a~ they were all fiiled
mence. This kind of work out here is very slow with fear, and said %veshould ail get killed as the
compared with the way it is done at home, as at people on the other side were very savage. Thev
present we have no saw mills, etc., for cutting our simpiy refllsed ali our persuasions, and left thei’r
iimber and planing the boards. All this we have loads. Mr. Janzen and I, however, feeling sure
to do bv hand, and alrhough most of it is done by that God had senr us into this tribe and would
the naiives yet a great amount of it has to be certainlv protect us, simply left our carriers and
done by our own hands, with a scorching sun descended the hill to the river. This evidently
above us which taxes our strength more than I put coura,ge into our men, for soon after they ap-
can describe on paper. Then again, this timber peared wth their loads.
Not far from ihis State post was a village
called Cisankankas. This chief had just been (At least %200 is required each month in aider to
takeo captive by the State for having many provide an allowance for each P.M. U. Missionary
human skulls on his fence. When Mr. Janzen and in the Foreign Field.)
I went down to the river to bathe, thenatives were s s. d.
greatly afraid we should not return alive unless Coatbridge Assembly . .. . . . 1 14 0
we took our guns along with us. Keedless to say Receipt No. 1575 (Proceeds of sale of
we did not take them, for our faith was not in odd Post Cards)... 1 1 0
weapons of war, but in the living God. Next Receipt No. lZ9 .. . ... .. . .. . 0 5 0
morning we struck camp early, and, after crossing >, ISSO . . . . . ... ,.. 0 2 6
another river, arrived at Makomba’s about 9 a.m. ,? 15Sl .,. ,.. ,.. . . 1 I4 ‘i
This was a very large viliage, ad we had a II 15%” ... . . . 60 0 0
blessed time with the people in telling the old, I, 1,533 . .. 1 7 0
old story of Jesus’ love. During the night another ,I 158-l . . 0 2. 7
heavy storm arose, tearinp the verandah of our ,I 1585 . . .. . .. .. . 1 0 0
tent and almost taking it away. ,, 15% . . . .,. 20 0 0
15si 0 5 6
Georgz St. Pentecostal %sion,“Derl;i 1 0 0
The following day was a very trying one, fol Sion College Own hlissionary Fund ._. 4 .lO 0
all our carriers again refused to ,go any further Receipt ho. 1590 ,.. ,.. 0 10 0
inland ; most of them ran away with their poles Holiness Mission, Croydon .., ._. 0 10 0
for their loads, and left us with onl,y about eight Birmingham (towards support of Miss
men. -4s we could not get carriers from this N. Tyler) ,.. : .. .. 3 7 0
village, wejust sat there and committed ourselves Hackney (towards support of hIiss Ku.
onto the Lord. In about an hour our rtmamavs Tyler and Miss R. Waters)... .. . 2 10 0
returned, but only to take us to surroundiog Receipt No. 1592 .<... ... 5.10 0
villages. Our desire was to go to a post across All Saints’ Church, Sutiderland (P.M.Li,
the River Loange, but, as nothing couid persuade Boxes) . .., . . ... .:. 13-19 5
them to go? we turned around and visited many Emsworth .4ssembly ... . . . 010 0
villages near’ the river LOWR. Xot content with Receipt Ko. 1593 (for a substitute ii;
reftlslng to go further, they iied to us at nearly India) . 16 0 0
every viiiage, and persuaded the people to say ,I :, (for an Evailgelist in
that such and such a village was very far. n-e India) .. 2 10 0
finally came to a place called Citangaas, and had ?I 1596 . . ... .. . ..- 0 10 0
a wonderful time of ministry to the people. At 1597 . .. . 10 0 0
bedtime we could not send them away as they Birmingham and Smethwick Assemblies
wanted to hear more. They desired us to stay SpZcial Missionary Collection ..I 9 7. 0
several days, but me felt it best to push on, and Receipt No. 1599 (for Mr. Kok & Misses
next day made for Ciboduas, where we again Biggs, Jones, and -. ,.
pitched camp. 1Ve had a fearful swamp to go Scharten) . .. . 4 0 0
through for over half-an-hour, and the smell was 2, 1600 . . i.. . 10 0 0
terrible. II 1601 . . .l 0 0
1602 . . . ::: ::: ::: 2 0 0
After many days of such, we came to a river Sion C’&lege Own Missionary Fund 1 1s 0
called the Lunsasa. Here we had great difficttlty Receipt No. 1604 . ... 0 5 ..O
to cross, as there was no boat nor long enough 1605 .., .,. . . :_. :O: 2 6
trees to reach to the other side. The river \yas 1,
I$ 1606 .,. ,.. 1 12 0
running very s+tly and aimost carried off one or lGO7 . . . . ... .i. 1 0 0
two ot the smaller. feliows with their loads as ,,
160s . . . 0 2 6
they had to just wade through it, although it was iVemy& Christian Assembly (for ai;:
up to their necks. Mr. Janzen and I were carried Kok’s work) 2 0 0
across shoulder-high but pot our feet wet. From Receipt No. 1610 . . . .. 1 4 0
here we made for a village where they were 1611 (towards support of
pounding rubber, and after several other ex- Mr. Leigh) . . . .. . 2 0 0
periences, including being nearly caught by a 1612 1 0 0
crocodiie while bathing, finally arrived home Leeds ” Assembly-ipe&i hIi&&ma$
again, after visiting the Cikapa Forminiere Offering .. . . 117 &
Diamond Co. on our way. Bowland Street Mission, Bradford- “’
We blessed God for His tender mercv to us, Special Missionary Offering .. . 1 0 0
and felt that OUTvisit was not in vain bit that a --
hunger for the white man’s God had been created. jt;17s 7 1
May God water the seed. --
Must now conclude, trusting this finds you Xs many of our friends desire their gifts to be
quite well. With loving fellowship. anonymous, the receipt number alone is given.
Yours in His love and service for Congo, Hon. Treasurer (P.M.U.),
F. D. JOHSSTONE. ” Ladvfield,”
Kongo Inland Mission, kenhold, Beds.
Kalamba Mukenye,
Printed by R. \I’. Wiliiams. Sunderland.
Congo BeIRe, Published by Samuei E. R&errs. Zion Houre. 5, Patereo*ter
‘-1 Dec. 2&h, 1915. Row. London, E.C.

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