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Biology project – CT2

-by Muhammad Ayan Kaleem

Year 10-D 21344

Part 1: The effect of exercise on breathing

Breathing is the process of respiration, during which air is inhaled into the lungs
through the mouth or nose due to muscle expansion and then exhaled due to
muscle contraction. We are going to investigate and experiment the effect of
exercise on breathing.

1)measurements to be taken
The measurements will be taken as rate of breathing and measured as
breaths per minute (bpm).

2)Levels of exercise to be experimented

- running up and down the stairs (2 minutes)

- run as fast as possible (2 minutes)

- jogging (2 minutes)

- walking (2 minutes)
- cycling (2 minutes)

3) how long each level of exercise will be conducted

Each level of exercise will be conducted for 2 minutes after each measurement
because 2 minutes will stimulate the cardiac muscles.

4)When the measurements will be taken after the exercise

As soon as the exercise is done after the given time, the breaths per minute
will be measured and recorded.

5)How long to wait between levels of exercise

For our body to be fully recovered for the next exercise, an average human being
will take at least 5-7 minutes of rest to be fully recovered and continue other
exercises, but an athlete will take 2-3 minutes of rest to be fully recovered and
continue its exercises because they do it daily and build more stamina than the
average human being but for the relevancy of the experiment the resting time
will be 5 minutes.

6)Weather needed to repeat measurements at each level of

Measurements are not needed to be repeated as the experiments will be done

7)record of data in a table

Exercises Initial bpm Bpm after exercise
Walking 20 23
Jogging 20 47
Running up and down the 20 52
Running as fast as possible 20 74
Cycling 20 78

9)results represented as a graph

Shape of the graph and patterns in the results

The breaths per minute after each exercise is increasing and energizing the
cardiac muscle, as we can see in the graph it has a gradual increase of breaths
per minute after each individual exercise, as the exercises get more vigorous the
bpm increases moderately usually over 10-20 bpm as the average pattern, we
can conclude that there is an average increase of 27.5 bpm after each activity
by finding the average between all the differences from each exercise.
During exercise there is an increase in physical activity and muscle cells
respire more than they do when the body is at rest. Bpm is directly
proportional to exercise if we do more vigorous exercise then bpm will also
increase and makes sure that more oxygen is absorbed into the blood, and more
CO₂ is removed from it also, making a quicker pulse resulting in heavier

WHY we need to rest between exercises

After each vigorous exercise, our heart cannot provide oxygen to our muscles as
fast as the muscle requires so the muscles respire anaerobically and produce lactic
acid and energy. And after the exercise, we need oxygen to break down the
lactic acid in the muscle and thus, breath heavily.

Problems in the investigation and how they affected the

The problem in the investigation was lack of apparatus and doing a little
inaccurate recording of the breaths per minute and developing a faulty result and
not an exact result and not repeating the investigations for a more valid result.
How the Investigations could be adjusted to avoid these
We can have more reliable apparatus for the investigations and avoid inaccurate
recordings by repeating the experiments to know the more explicit values and
emerging into a more sustainable and logical result of the investigations and

method to make the exercise levels quantitative, so that

the conclusion produced is more authentic
To make the results quantitative we can use devices from reliable and trusted
companies such as mi bands or apple watches as they accurately measure the
breaths per minute of the human body by the pulses on our wrists and produce
a more genuine and reliable result which is precise and not semi-quantitative.

Part 2: Investigating phototropism

phototropism is the ability of the plant to redirect the shoot growth towards a
direction of light source. Phototropism is important to plants as it enhances the
ability of plants to optimize their photosynthetic capacity.

Results for the shoot in the dark box

The growth of the shoots in the dark box was very less and the shoot had
withered, rotted, and was also wilting.

Results for the shoot in the windowed box

The shoot in the windowed box had grown more than the shoot in the dark box
and was bending towards the window and looked more healthy.

Results using the knowledge of tropism

The windowed shoot had re-oriented its growth towards the direction of the
light which is the growth response of plant parts to the stimulus of light,
producing a bending towards the light source and obtaining the ideal amount of
light for its growth.

The survival advantage of a plant by responding to light

like that
It allows plants to optimize their use of light and space by making the plants
grow towards the light source and can be more efficient in producing its own
energy in the form of sugar and absorb nutrients by photosynthesis and allow
for a healthy development and induce the growing cycle.

Making the inside of the box black may have improved

the response of the seedlings in that box
It may have upgraded the response of the seedling because as its surroundings
are black, so the excess of light gets absorbed in and release very little warmth
to the seedling increasing its photosynthesis, transpiration, and respiration.And
germinates safely into a healthy plant.

The End
-By Muhammad Ayan Kaleem

Year 10-D 21344

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