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The ladder of participation by Arnstein

Participation as a method for delivery

Towards co-production

Co -production allows for a better balance of power relations and move beyond participation
and agenda setting by externals.

What’s very interesting specially in the global south, co-production often takes place outside

Co-production of services, it was developed in the, aiming in including citizens in the delivery
of services, this type that is initiated by state has a collective dimension. And is the most classic
in the global south. Joint action of citizens to support

Co-production of knowledge in Urban development

Is a learning process who produces knowledge through community interactions grounded in

the realities of addressing urban poverty. An alternative way is

An example is about Shack Dwellers international (SDI) their core methods is savings, they
focus on slum upgrading and improving conditions, they mobilize their savings, to co-create
knowledge and data. The tool is joint enumerations and they used knowledge as power

Example 2. Know your city. Dr. showed us a video by Cities Alliance that showed the specific
steps they propose to research enumerate and map and also for local governments the first
one was ….4 use technology, 5 speak up, 6 Use data triangulations. SDI worked in a local and
national and international level.


There’s is a strong focus in

Is mainly initiated by civil society by the state for example, the main aim is to empower and

Co-production of knowledge in Urban Research, she remarked the difference between

academia…..transdisciplinary research:
Co-production or cocreation of knowledge transcend the boundaries of academia and includes
civil society and actors. A crucial part and its seen in a very

Example: Real Lab “Sustainable Mobility Cultures” where they implemented, claiming parking
spaces, they had a lot of confliction with residents, civil society, the aim of the experiment was
to push for transformation and to crate knowledge for change. we saw an actors mapping that
is broken down into more interfaces.

Relation ship between science and civil society. They use workshops, co defining the problem
they were working for, selecting the ideas, implementing and evaluating, barcamp generate ids
around sustainable open up the process of co defining and co, it focuses on issues like mobility,
energy, land use and anything that… to push

Different types:


Co-production of knowledge

And co-production of urban research

Co-production is at the limit of loosing its power as a critical alternative to mainstream

because it has become a mainstream buzz.

Co-production of knowledge understood as empowerment of local groups – runs the risk of

falling into the same traps as means of participation

Crucial requires a requestioning of roles and power relations within and beyond knowledge
domains. A single perspective is not going to find adequate solutions about how to deal to
particular situations, the need different types of knowledges together finding solutions.

Outlook Citizens assemblies

Co-production of knowledge in a deliberate democracy

How can we overcome to not reach the right persons,

Incorporates co production of knowledge in a democracy mainly in the focus of climate but

other fields, interesting about this format is that is a random sample of participants a lottery is
done, stretching over 6 months, the aim of develop solutions for a specific topic, these results
are handed over to policy makers and the process is initiated by the state. The main focus is
climate related issues, the states initiates the process, people are involved in the beginning but
not so involved in the policy making.

To conclude she thinks that this co production process

Both --- and in the individual level which we need in order to move forward

In the lower Germany, states at the level of informing, the community is asked and invited but
no sharing of power and the possibility of including knowledge diversity

She said that they have found people who would never have participated……broader

The process itself, power relations at place, expert knowledge means more that, that if we
want adequate solutions for this is a first step incorporate different knowledge domains,
training on listening, getting people to listen and give every one the space they need. There are
different layers. Who can decide on the experts, still a lot of force in it for she is a new way

She also mentioned that showcasing the results, financial support, and systems for facilitating

Sdgs helps how to achieve these goals, one way citizens assemblies, carried by the majority of

In the global south you see civil society pushing for change for access to services

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