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Hi, I can’t add any text to the refund process so I write here.

Below you can find the full reason

Brazilian Customs gave to me for returning the package (google translated – original in brazilian
portuguese – I added the screens of brazilian customs system with this full text (4 hard copiesss
of screen).

RFB OTHER REASONS RETURN 07/01/2022 Unresolved occurrence RETURN - GENERIC


- Dear Taxpayer, The international postal shipment was returned to the sender, due to the
document/postal bill (CN22/23) having been completed:

1) with ABSENCE OF INFORMATION, as there is not enough data to allow the CORRECT
IDENTIFICATION of the goods; and/or

2) with an ERROR as to the taxable amount, with the intention of avoiding the payment of taxes
due. Anyway, whatever the case, there is a failure to comply with the determination brought in
Article RC 146 of the Regulation of Postal Parcels combined with art. 56, §1, C of COANA
Ordinance No. 82/2017 and with article 15.1.1 of Decree No. 9,358/2018.

This return stems from the need to curb ILLEGAL PRACTICES COMMITTED repeatedly by the
SENDERS of the remittances, as verified in our systems. So that future imports are not returned
to the country of origin, the recipient must determine to the SENDER to describe the CONTENT
of the shipment in detail (description, brand and model) with a VALUE that reflects the actual
PRICE of the operation, consistent with that practiced in the international market, as well as the
respective FREIGHT, INSURANCE and other services related to the shipment of the remittance
to BRAZIL. This information must appear on the document/postal bill (CN22/23) or, if applicable,
on a detailed invoice indicated and attached on the outside of the package.

It is important to note that this return does not constitute punishment to the recipient. On the
contrary, the return: - allows the SENDER TO CORRECT ALL THE MANDATORY INFORMATION
required above and prevents the recurrence of these errors in future shipments; - avoids the
imposition of PENALTIES on the RECIPIENT for errors made by the sender; and - prevents the
RECIPIENT's name/CPF from appearing as a repeat recipient of remittances with illegal practices
in the Risk Management Database of the Federal Revenue Service of Brazil. The rule is also valid
for goods sent as gifts by individuals, such as clothes, food, toys, etc. Finally, we inform you that
it is not possible to later rectify or supplement the data contained in the DIR after the return has
been determined. The complementation or rectification of the DIR data must occur before the
declaration is registered, according to §3 of the aforementioned art. 56. ---------- For more
information, access: Manual of International Remittances of the Federal Revenue Service of
Brazil: comercio-
exterior/manuais/remessas-postal-e-expressa Correios - Contact Us:

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