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E – TENDER No.02/2023-24
FOR Authorizeduseonly B -1 TenderAgreement
No B-1/ For 2023-24


E-TENDER NOTICE No. 03/2023-24Dt.13.10.2023

Name of work :- Providing HT Power Supply Arrangement For EV

Bus Charging Station at Omerga Depot in Dharashiv
Amount puttoTender:- Rs. 2,53,68,484.00/-



NAME OF WORK:- Providing HT Power Supply Arrangement For EV Bus
Charging Station at Omerga Depot in Dharashiv Division.
. Description Page No
No From To
1. Face Sheet : Name of Work 01 01
2. Index Page 02 02
3. Disclaimer 03 03
4. Brief Tender Notice /Publications. 04 07
5. Detail Tender Notice . 08 14
6. Guidelines for e-tendering procedure / conditions. 15 20
7. Sample Form No. I to VI (to be submitted online in Tech. Bid Envelop duly filled)Annexure 21 28
No. I to III (to be submitted online in Tech. Bid Envelop duly filled)
B-1 AGREEMENT FORM - Percentage Rate Tender & Contract Work
8. (General Rules &Direction for Guidance of Contractor & 29 56
Conditions of contract.
9. Special Note 57 57
10. List of Apparatus Required. 58 59
11. Profarma for maintaining Cement /Asphalt Register. 60 60
12. Special Conditions and Technical Specifications. 61 63
13. General Instructions. 64 65
14. Additional Specification for Concrete Works. 66 69
15. Special Conditions of Contract. 70 73
16. List of Approved Makes. 74 76

19. 79 79
20. 80 82
21. 83 84
22. Quality Assurance clause. 85 85
23. Declaration of Contractor. 86 86
24. List of various Quality Control Test & their Frequencies - Annexure ―A‖ 87 94
25. General Conditions of Contract 95 96
26. Important Tender Notes 97 98
27. Instructions to person Tendering 99 114
28. Surety Bond for BBM /Asphalting 115 115
29. Schedule ―A‖ 116 116
30. Recapitulation Sheet 117 117
31. Royalty charges Statement Annexure ―D‖ 118 119
32. Schedule ―B‖ 120 153

Issued to :Shri/M/s Registered inapproaitedclass


OnDated Divisional Accountant

M.S.R.T.C. Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar.


1. Detailed time table for the various activates to be performed in e –tendering process by the
Tenderer for quoting their offer is given in this tender documents under ―TENDER
SCHEDULE‖ ,Contractor should carefully note down the cut –off dates for the carrying out each
e –tendering process/activity.

2. Every efforts being made to keep the website up to date and running smoothly 24 x 7 by the
M.S.R.T.C. and the service provider . However M.S.R.T.C. takes no responsibility, and will not
be liable for, the website being temporarily unavailable due to any technical issue at any point

3. In the event M.S.R.T.C. will not liable and responsible for any damages or expenses arising
from any difficulty, error, imperfection or in accuracy with this website, it includes ail
associated services, or due to such unavailability of the website or any part thereof or any
contents or any associatedservices.

4. The tenderers must follow the time table of e-tendering process and get their activities of e-
tendering process done well in advance so as to avoid any inconvenience due to unforeseen
technical problems if any.

5. M.S.R.T.C. will not be responsible for any incomplete activity of e-tendering process of the
tenderer due to technical error / failure of website and it can not be challenged by way of appeal,
arbitration and in the court oflaw.

Contractors must get done all the e-tendering activities well in advance.

Page 4 -


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1. रातयू वलबागातीर अशभदऩयू आगाय मेथे इरेक्ट्रीक फवेव चार्जंग स् े ळन करयता उच्च दाफ वलद्मत
ु लाशीनी ऩयू वलणे. १,७६,४०,७४४.४०
2 रातूय वलबागातीर औवा आगाय मेथे इरेक्ट्रीक फवेव चार्जंग स् े ळन करयता उच्च दाफ वलद्मुत लाशीनी ऩूयवलणे. २,०२,०७,०५९.००
3 नािंदेड वलबागातीर दे गरूय आगाय मेथे इरेक्ट्रीक फवेव चार्जंग स् े ळन करयता उच्च दाफ वलद्मुत लाशीनी ऩूयवलणे. ५६,३३,९९०.३०
4 फीड वलबागातीर गेलयाई आगाय मेथे इरेक्ट्रीक फवेव चार्जंग स् े ळन करयता उच्च दाफ वलद्मत
ु लाशीनी ऩयू वलणे. १,७८,१५,५७४.२०
५ र्जारना वलबागातीर र्जापयाफाद आगाय मेथे इरेक्ट्रीक फवेव चार्जंग स् े ळन करयता उच्च दाफ वलद्मुत लाशीनी ऩूयवलणे. २,५३,१६,१९४.००
६ धायाभळल वलबागातीर कऱिं फ आगाय मेथे इरेक्ट्रीक फवेव चार्जंग स् े ळन करयता उच्च दाफ वलद्मुत लाशीनी ऩूयवलणे. २,०९,८९,४०४.००
७ नािंदेड वलबागातीर किंधाय आगाय मेथे इरेक्ट्रीक फवेव चार्जंग स् े ळन करयता उच्च दाफ वलद्मत
ु लाशीनी ऩयू वलणे. ७३,८३,६७५.९०
८ नािंदेड वलबागातीर भुखेड आगाय मेथे इरेक्ट्रीक फवेव चार्जंग स् े ळन करयता उच्च दाफ वलद्मुत लाशीनी ऩूयवलणे. १,९४,६७,१८५.३६
९ धायाभळल वलबागातीर उभयगा आगाय मेथे इरेक्ट्रीक फवेव चार्जंग स् े ळन करयता उच्च दाफ वलद्मुत लाशीनी ऩूयवलणे. २,५३,६८,४८४.००
१० फीड वलबागातीर ऩयऱी आगाय मेथे इरेक्ट्रीक फवेव चार्जंग स् े ळन करयता उच्च दाफ वलद्मत
ु लाशीनी ऩयू वलणे. ४६,९०,४५३.५०
११ ऩयबणी वलबागातीर ऩाथयी आगाय मेथे इरेक्ट्रीक फवेव चार्जंग स् े ळन करयता उच्च दाफ वलद्मुत लाशीनी ऩूयवलणे. ७७,३५,२३९.६०
१२ रातूय वलबागातीर उदगीय आगाय मेथे इरेक्ट्रीक फवेव चार्जंग स् े ळन करयता उच्च दाफ वलद्मुत लाशीनी ऩूयवलणे. १,९५,९४,६८२.१०

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7 Page


(ãä¹ãÆŠ-¹ãÆñÔã •ã¶ãÃË Ìãð¦¦ã¹ã¨ãã¦ã ¹ãÆãäÔ㣪ãèÞãã ½ãÔãìªã)


Executive Engineer, S.T.Divisional Office Building, Samarth Nagar, Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar
E-TENDER NOTICE.03/2023-24, Dated. 27/10/2023.
Online percentage rate tenders (e-tenders) in B-1 Form in two Envelope systems are invited by the Executive Engineer,
M.S.R.T.C Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar, from Public Works Department of Maharashtra State Government Registered
Contractor's (For works upto 1.50 Cr.Works & Un-registered (for works above 1.50 Cr.) but experienced, technically and
financially sound contractors, for the following works.:-
The Details of works are as under
Sr.No. Name of work Est.Cost (Rs)
1. Providing HT Power Supply Arrangement For EV Bus Charging Station at Ahmadpur Depot in 1,76,40,744.40
Latur Division.
2. Providing HT Power Supply Arrangement For EV Bus Charging Station at Ausa Depot in Latur 2,02,07,059.00
3. Providing HT Power Supply Arrangement For EV Bus Charging Station in Depot Deglur at 56,33,990.30
Nanded Division.
4. Providing HT Power Supply Arrangement For EV Bus Charging Station in Georai Depot at Beed 1,78,15,574.20
5 Providing HT Power Supply Arrangement For EV Bus Charging Station at Jafrabad Depot in 2,53,16,194.00
Jalna Division.
6 Providing HT Power Supply Arrangement For EV Bus Charging Station at Kallam Depot in 2,09,89,404.00
Dharashiv Division.
7 Providing HT Power Supply Arrangement For EV Bus Charging Station at Kandhar Depot in 73,83,675.90
Nanded Division.
8 Providing HT Power Supply Arrangement For EV Bus Charging Station at Depot Mukhed in 1,94,67,185.36
Nanded Division.
9 Providing HT Power Supply Arrangement For EV Bus Charging Station at Omerga Depot in 2,53,68,484.00
Dharashiv Division.
10 Providing HT Power Supply Arrangement For EV Bus Charging Station in Parli Depot at Beed 46,90,453.50
11 Providing HT Power Supply Arrangement For EV Bus Charging Station at Pathri Depot in 77,35,239.60
Parbhani Division.
12 Providing HT Power Supply Arrangement For EV Bus Charging Station in Udgir Depot at Latur 1,95,94,682.10
Tender Schedule

Document Download start / Sale Start / Bid Submission Dt. 31/10/2023, 17.05 Hrs to 13/11/2023, 13.00 Hrs
( Start date / time & End Date / time)
Bid Opening ( if possible ) Dt. 16/11/2023, 13.00 Hrs
Note -1) For Further details, contact 0240-2350140, E-mail
2) Tender Details are available on

Executive Engineer(Elect.)
M.S.R.T.C Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar 8



Executive Engineer, S.T.Divisional Office Building Railway Station Road,
Samarth Nagar, Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar Phone No.0240-2350140
(03/2023-24) Date. 27/10/2023
Online percentage rate tenders (e-tenders) in B-1 Form in two Envelope systems are invited by the
Executive Engineer, M.S.R.T.C Chhatrapati Sambhajianagar, from Public Works Department of
Maharashtra State Government Registered Contractors (For works upto 1.50 Cr.Works & Un-registered
(for works above 1.50 Cr.) but experienced, technically and financially sound contractors, for the
following works.:-
1. The Details of works are as under.
Sr Name of work Estimate Cost Earnest Security E-Tender Time limit
No. (Rupees) Money Deposit Fee in
(Rupees) (Rupees)
1% 2%
(Including (Including
GST ) Mansoon)
1. Providing HT Power Supply 1,76,40,744.40 176450.00 352900.00 2000+GST 04 Months
Arrangement For EV Bus 2360.00 [120 Days]
Charging Station at Ahmadpur
Depot in Latur Division.
2 Providing HT Power Supply 2,02,07,059.00 202100.00 404200.00 2000+GST 04 Months
Arrangement For EV Bus 2360.00 [120 Days]
Charging Station at Ausa Depot in
Latur Division.
3 Providing HT Power Supply 56,33,990.30 56350.00 112700.00 1000+GST 04 Months
Arrangement For EV Bus 1180.00 [120 Days]
Charging Station in Depot Deglur
at Nanded Division.
4 Providing HT Power Supply 1,78,15,574.20 178200.00 356400.00 2000+GST 04 Months
Arrangement For EV Bus 2360.00 [120 Days]
Charging Station in Georai Depot
at Beed Division.
5 Providing HT Power Supply 2,53,16,194.00 253200.00 506400.00 2000+GST 04 Months
Arrangement For EV Bus 2360.00 [120 Days]
Charging Station at Jafrabad
Depot in Jalna Division.
6 Providing HT Power Supply 2,09,89,404.00 209900.00 419800.00 2000+GST 04 Months
Arrangement For EV Bus 2360.00 [120 Days]
Charging Station at Kallam Depot
in Dharashiv Division.
7 Providing HT Power Supply 73,83,675.90 73850.00 147700.00 1000+GST 04 Months
Arrangement For EV Bus 1180.00 [120 Days]
Charging Station at Kandhar
Depot in Nanded Division.
8 Providing HT Power Supply 1,94,67,185.36 194700.00 389400.00 2000+GST 04 Months
Arrangement For EV Bus [120 Days]
Charging Station at Depot Mukhed
in Nanded Division.
9 Providing HT Power Supply 2,53,68,484.00 253700.00 507400.00 2000+GST 04 Months
Arrangement For EV Bus 2360.00 [120 Days]
Charging Station at Omerga Depot

in Dharashiv Division.


10 Providing HT Power Supply 46,90,453.50 46950.00 93900.00 500+GST 04 Months

Arrangement For EV Bus 590.00 [120 Days]
Charging Station in Parli Depot at
Beed Division.
11 Providing HT Power Supply 77,35,239.60 77400.00 154800.00 1000+GST 04 Months
Arrangement For EV Bus 1180.00 [120 Days]
Charging Station at Pathri Depot
in Parbhani Division.
12 Providing HT Power Supply 1,95,94,682.10 195950.00 391900.00 2000+GST 04 Months
Arrangement For EV Bus 2360.00 [120 Days]
Charging Station in Udgir Depot at
Latur Division.

2. ÀŠ.1.50 ‡ãŠãñ›ãè ¹ã¾ãÃâ¦ã À‡ãŠ½ãñÞ¾ãã ãä¶ããäÌãªãâ‡ãŠãäÀ¦ãã ‡ãŠâ¨ã㛪ãÀ ¶ããñ⪥ããè [¹ãâ•ããè‡ãŠð¦ã] ‚ãÔ㥾ããÞããè ‚ã› ‚ããä¶ãÌãã¾ãà ‚ããÖñ.
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Tender Schedule

ãä¶ããäÌãªã ¹ãƇãŠãÎããè¦ã ‡ãŠÀ¥ãñ ãäª. 27/10/2023 ãä¶ããäÌãªã ¡ã…¶ã Êããñ¡ / ãäÌã‰ãŠãè ãäª. 31/10/2023
Ìãñß 17.00 Ìãã•ãñ¹ã¾ãĦ㠺ã⪠Ìãñß17.00
¡ã…¶ãÊããñ¡/ ãäÌã‰ãŠãè ÞããÊãî ãäª. 31/10/2023 ãä¶ããäÌãªã ÔããªÀ ‡ãŠÀ¥ãñ ãäª.13/11/2023
Ìãñß 17.05 ¹ããÔãî¶ã (¹ã¾ãĦã) Ìãñß 13.00 ¹ã¾ãĦã
ãä¶ããäÌãªã ÔããªÀ ‡ãŠÀ¥ãñ ãäª. 13/11/2023 ãä¶ããäÌãªã „Üã¡¥¾ããÞããè ãäª. 16/11/2023
(¹ããÔãî¶ã) Ìãñß 13.00 ¹ã¾ãĦ㠦ããÀãèŒã Ìãñß 13.00
(Îã‡ã‹¾ã ¢ããʾããÔã)
1) The documents submitted by the bidders shall be digitally signed using own DSC e-token of
the bidder and then uploaded. The DSC e-token, which is registered, should be used by the
bidder and should not be misused by others.

2) All eligible/ interested Bidders are required to be enrolled on portal

before downloading of tender documents and participate in e-tendering. Bidders are requested to
contact on following telephone numbers for any doubts/ information/difficulty regarding online
enrolment or obtaining digital certificate.

3) Bidders should view the information regarding revision / corrigendum / amendment in tender till
due date of on-line submission and thereafter, no separate correspondence will be done in this

4) For any further assistance regarding the process of Electronic Tendering System, the Bidders may

please contact the Helpdesk Support Team (Helpline) 24x7 TOLL FREE NO.:180030702232


AND MOBILE NO:91-7878007972&7878007973 For further information, please visit -

5) Tender Form Fees : (Non refundable in case of work is cancelled / rejected): as per details given
in Table, for all above work. The Tender form, Conditions of contract, Specifications etc. can be
downloaded, as per the details given in above Tender Schedule, from The e-tendering portal.

6) Earnest Money Deposit : as per details given in Table, online tender shall be accompanied
with Earnest Money Deposit, which shall be paid through via online payment gateway mode

7) Security Deposit (SD): as per details given in Table and as below.

(i) Initial 50% Security deposit to be paid through D.D. / R.T.G.S.
For accepted sanction offer of bidder E.M.D. paid online will be converted into S.D. if agency has
given consent for the same.
(ii) Balance 50 % Security deposit to be deducted from running account bills.

8) Validity period: The rates quoted by the contactor will be valid for 60 days from the date
of opening of Financial Bid Envelop. if the tenders are not finalized within validity period , it
is binding on contractor firm to extend tender validity period as per requirement of MSRTC.
After finalisation of tender EMD will be refunded.

9) Price variation clause is not applicable for this work

10) Right to reject / cancelled any one or all tenders without assigning any reason thereof is
reserved by MSRTC.

11) Conditional tender straightway will be rejected / cancelled & tender fees and E.M.D. paid by the
contractor will stand forfeited.

12) No any type of correspondence from bidders at its own side will be entertained.

13) It is binding on bidder to submit additional information to MSRTC required if any related to e-
tender of work.

14) Further information regarding the work can be obtained from the office of the Executive
Engineer, MSRTC, Division office building, 2nd Floor Samarth Nagar, Aurangabad.

15) The Tenders for the above project is processed using the Electronic Tendering System on in as per the key dates mentioned on the portal.

16) The various activities required to be executed by the Bidders to submit their online tender for this
work are time and date locked. The Bidders are requested to execute all the activities related to
their tender within the prescribed time limits (key dates) for each stage.

17) The tender rates are inclusive of all taxes, cesses exclusive of GST. Rate of Items in the tender

/schedule "B‖ are exclusive of GST (Goods and service Tax). However GST will be reimbursed /

payable to contractor on accepted contractual value as per rate in force and as amended from time


to time in future and as per rule/directives of MSRTC.

18) Contractor shall quote his tender offer considering the following terms & conditions regarding
payment of royalty charges.

a) Rate of Items in the tender/schedule "B‖ of this e-tender work are exclusive of royalty charges.
b) Royalty charges will be reimbursed to the contractor, as per conditions / Rule and taking into
account rate of royalty charges adopted in tender.
i) For sand = Royalty + surcharge (2%) + Distt. Mineral Foundation
Cess (10%) = 211.95+4.23+21.19 = 237.37 Per Cum
ii) For All Other Minerals = Royalty + surcharge (2%)
= 211.95+4.23 = 216.18 per cum
iii) For crushed metal aggregates separate royalty charges shall not be consider
Finished product.

or actually paid to Govt. whichever is less for actual material utilised at site of work, with
production of original Govt. challan / Receipts / bill paid in the name of bidder, showing location
of work, with Vahatuk Parwana etc.(duly certified by Revenue Dept.) and
c) If the contractor failed to produce required documents mentioned in (b) above then the Royalty
charges paid for actual material utilised at site will not be reimbursed & will be kept in deposit,
then contractor has no right to submit refund claim after expiry of three months from the date of
passing every bill.

Signature of contractor



E-Tender Documents shall contain Technical Bid Envelop & Financial Bid Envelop


a) Bidders should submit the document related to tender online only, however cost of tender
form and E.M.D.shall be paid through online payment gateway mode only, before due date
and time & specifically note that no any exemptions on account of payment of required EMD
will be allowed in MSRTC.

b) Scanned from original copy of Affidavit regarding completeness, correctness and

truthfulness of documents submitted on latest Rs. 500 /- Non Judicial Stamp Paper duly type
as per prescribed proforma given in Annexure-III, sworn before Executive Magistrate /

c) Scanned from original copy of valid GST Registration Certificate /Number.

d) Scanned from original copy of Professional Tax Certificate Number, in the name ofbidder.

e) Scanned from original copy of Pan Card in the name ofbidder.

f) Scanned from original copy of Latest Income Tax Return Certificate (for latest last two
financial years). If Latest Income Tax Return Certificate not available, supporting latest Tax
Audit Report duly certified by C.A. giving reasons for not submitting latest I.T.reurns.

g) Scanned from original copy of Valid Solvency Certificate latest issued maximum
OneYear old, Solvency Certificate of 20% of the cost of works, issued by Nationalized/
Scheduled Bank Only. Requirement of solvency certificate,/bank cash credit certificate
(issued by Nationalized /Scheduled Bank Only), in case of valid Govt. Registration certificate
produced by agency then will be decided by MSRTC. For exemption of Solvency certificate,
registration capacity will be up to tendered cost or more.

h) scanned from original copy of list of similar works in hand and works tendered at present,
out of which one work at least to the extent of (1) 50 % amount of Tender work, in the name
of bidder / firm, as per prescribed proforma given in Form no.- I along with supporting
certificates. (2) and in case of private work 100 % amount of tender work with valuation
certificate showing name of work & amount, from Govt. Approved Registered Valuer,
Architect with supporting documents related to work, (3) If there is no single work in hand to
the required extent then decision for qualifying the bidder will be taken on bases of
Registration certificate and solvency certificate / Bank cash flow certificate issued by
Nationalized /ScheduledBank. Also required Turnover and Bid capacity of firm.
i) Scanned from original copy of list of similar works executed in last five years, out of which
one work at least to the extent of (a) 30 % amount of Tender work, (for the work amounting to
Rs.1.0 to 10.0 Crores) & (b) 60 % amount of Tender work or 6.00 Crores whichever is more
(for the work above 10.00 Crores) (c) 50 % amount of Tender work (for the work amounting
below Rs. 1.0 Crores) in the name of bidder (firm), as per prescribed proforma given in Form
no.-III V & VI along with supporting certificates.
And in case of private work 100% amount of Tender work with valuation certificate
showing name of work & amount, from Govt. Approved Registered Valuer, Architect along

with supporting documents related to work.


j) Scanned from original copy of list of plants and Machinery required for this work as per


prescribed proforma given in Form no.-II & II (A), along with supporting certificates.
k) Scanned from original copy of List of Technical Persons / Employees, as per prescribed
proforma given in Form no.-IV, along with supportingcertificates.
l) Scanned from original copy of Registration of firm / Company / Partnership Firm with
supporting documents showing all partner with designation / post holding and with signature.
m) Scanned from original copy of latest Power of Attorney: If the tenderers are a firm or company,
they should in their forwarding letter (on latest non judicial bound paper) mentioning the name
of all the partners together with name of partner who holds the power of attorney authorizing
him (with signature of all partners) to conduct all transactions on behalf of company / firm
n) Scanned from original copy of hire agreement between machinery owner and the contractor for
hiring of required machinery on latest non-judicial bond paper (duly notarized) for this work.
o) Scanned from original copy of Valid Certificate of Registration under Contract Labour Act.
(R&A Act.1970) if available &if work allotted, required certificate /documents will have to be
submitted by the bidder.
p) In case of private work supporting certificate form concerned authority is essential. Necessary
certificate in case of won project will be accepted, but with commencement / occupation /
completion certificate from local authority, supported with Valuation Report form Govt.
approved Registered Architect‘s / Engineer‘s / Valuer‘s report with Balance Sheet / Tax Audit
Report /Annual Turnover duly certified by C.
q) Scanned from original copy of valid certificate as a Registered Contractor with the Government
of Maharashtra/ Central appropriate class for the work having amount put to tender
upto Rs.150 Lakhs
r) Site visit(Geo-Tag) & Scanned form original copy of Site Servey with Signature of JE(Ele)/DE (Ele)/EE(Ele) of MSRTC
Note:- Even though the bidders meet the above qualifying criteria, they are subjected to be
disqualifieif they have made misleading or false representation in the forms statement and
attachments submitted as proof of the qualification requirements and/ Or record of post-
performance such as abandoning the works, not properly completing the contract, inordinate
delay in completion, litigation history or finanacial failures etc.
s) For the work having amount put to tender above Rs.100 Lakhs. Post qualification, Eligibility
criteria for the bidder is as below.
ÀŠ¹ã¾ãñ 1.00 ‡ãŠãñ›ãè ¹ãñàãã •ããÔ¦ã À‡ã‹‡ãŠ½ãñÞ¾ãã ÔãÌãà ‡ãŠã½ããâÔããŸãè ŒããÊããèÊã ¹ããñÔ› ‡ã‹ÌãããäÊããä¹ãŠ‡ãŠñÍã¶ã ‡ãÆŠã¾ã›ñãäÀ¾ããÞããè ¹ãì¦ãæãã ‡ãŠÀ¥ãñ ‚ããÌã;ã‡ãŠ ‚ããÖñ.
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Üãñ¥¾ãã¦ã ¾ããÌããè.

2) FINANCIAL BID Envelop :- (CoverNo.2)

i) BOQ (Excel) File shall be uploaded as per given format online only. No hard copy shall be submitted.
ã䛹ã:- Ÿñ‡ãñŠªãÀãâ¶ããè ãä¶ããäÌãªã ºã⪠Öãñ¥¾ãã¹ãìÌããê •ããè ‡ãŠãØ㪹ã¨ãñ ½ãì߇ãŠãØ㪹ã¨ããÌãÁ¶ã ÔããªÀ ‡ãñŠÊããè ‚ããÖñ¦ã ¦¾ããÞããè ‚ã›ñÔ›ñ¡ Öã¡Ã ‡ãùŠã¹ããè ÔããªÀ ‡ãŠÀãÌããè¦ã ‚ãããä¥ã
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M.S.R.T.C. Chhatraapti Sambhajinagar Region,

Chhatraapti Sambhajinagar.


Tender Forms can be view on the e-Tendering Portal on
The tender submitted by the tenderer shall be based on the clarification, additional facility offered
(if any) by the Department, and this tender shall be unconditional. Conditional tenders shall be
All tenderers are cautioned that tenders containing any deviation from the contractual terms and
conditions, specifications or other requirements and conditional tenders will be treated as non-
responsive. The tenderer should clearly mention in forwarding letter that his offer (in envelope
No1& 2) does not contain any conditions, deviations from terms and conditions stipulated in


1. Enrolment
All eligible/ interested Bidders are required to be enrolled on portal downloading of tender documents and participate in e-
2. Recommended Hardware and InternetConnectivity:
To operate on the Electronic Tendering System, the Contractors are recommended to use
Computer System with at least 1 GB of RAM and broadband connectivity with minimum
512 kbps bandwidth.
3. Set up of Computer System for executing the operations on the Electronic

To operate on the Electronic Tendering System of Government of Maharashtra, the Computer

System of the Contractors is required be set up. The Contractors are required to install Utilities

available under the Downloads tab on the Home Page of thePortal.

The Utilities are available for download freely from the above mentioned section. The
Contractors are requested to refer to the E-Tendering Toolkit for Bidders available
online on the Home Page to understand the process of setting up the System, or
alternatively, contact the Helpdesk Support Team on information / guidance on the
process of setting up theSystem.
4. Online viewing of Detailed Notice InvitingTenders:
The Contractors can view the Detailed Tender Notice along with the Time Schedule (Key
Dates) for all the Live Tenders released by M.S.R.T.C. on the home page of e-Tendering
Portal on www. the section Recent Online Tender.Download of
TenderDocuments:The Pre-qualification / Main Bidding Documents are available for free
5. Short listing of Contractors for Financial BiddingProcess:
The Tendering Authority will first open the Technical Bid documents of all Contractors and
after scrutinizing these documents will shortlist the Contractors who are eligible for
Financial Bidding Process.
6. Opening of the FinancialBids:
The Contractors may remain present in the Office of the Tender Opening Authority at the time
of opening of Financial Bids. However, the results of the Financial Bids of all Contractors
shall be available on the e-Tendering Portal immediately after the completion of opening
7. Tender Schedule (KeyDates):
The Contractors are strictly advised to follow the Dates and Times allocated to each stage
under the column in the Time Schedule in the Detailed Tender Notice for the Tender. All the
online activities are time tracked and the Electronic Tendering System enforces time-locks that
ensure that no activity or transaction can take place outside the Start and End Dates and Time
of the stage as defined in the TenderSchedule.At the sole discretion of the Tender
Authority,the time schedule of the tender stages may be extended.
No. 1) For details please see Detail Tender Notice
The ‗Financial Bid Envelop‘, for Financial Bid Offers must be prepared & upload online
in BOQ Excel File Format which shall be digitally signed by the bidder‘s with own
digital signature.
i) Any bidder should not quote his offer anywhere directly or indirectly in Technical
Bid Envelop, failing which the Financial Bid Envelop shall not be opened and his
tender shall standrejected.
ii) During Online Bid Preparation stage, bidders are allowed to make any changes or
modifications in the Bid data uploaded by them in Technical Bid as well as
Financial Bid Envelope. untill the online submission endtime.

On the date, specified in the Tender Schedule, following procedure will be adopted for

opening of the Tender.


(A) ENVELOPE No. 1: (Technical bid;Documents)

First of all Envelope No. 1 of the tender will be opened online to verify its contents as per
requirements. If the various documents contained in this envelope do not meet the
requirements of the Department, a note will be recorded accordingly by the tender opening
authority and the said tenderers Envelope No. 2 will not be considered for further action and
the same will be recorded. The decision of the tender opening authority in this regard will be
final and binding on the contractors. If required the tenders must submit his original
documents for verification as & when called bydepartment.
(B) ENVELOPE No. 2: Tender (Financial Bid;Documents)
This envelope shall be opened online after opening of Envelope No.01, only if contents of
Envelope No.1 are found to be acceptable to the Department. The tendered rates in Schedule
‗B‘ or percentage above/below the estimated rates shall be declared at the time of opening of
02.EARNEST MONEYDEPOSIT:Earnest money deposit (as mentioned in detailed tender
Notice) shall be paid via online payment gateway mode only & specifically note that no any
exemptions on account of payment of required EMD will be allowed in MSRTC.
Earnest Money in the form of cheque or any other form except above will not be
(i) The successful tenderer whose tender is accepted will have to pay Security Deposit
Amount (as mentioned in detailed tenderNotice).
(ii) The initial Security Deposit Amount (as mentioned in detailed tender Notice) is to be
deposited in cash within the time limit (prescribed in clause 1 of B-1 Form, agreement) till
completion of defect liabilities period, failing which his earnest money will beforfeited.
(iii) In addition to the above, an amount of balance S.D. (as mentioned in detailed tender
Notice).will be deducted from the running bills towards balance security deposit. This is a
compulsory deduction.
Additional security deposit, Condition for payment of additional security deposit, if
offer quoted by the tenderer is more than 1 % below the cost put to tender
For details please see Tender Notice.
The work is to be completed within time limit as specified in the N.I.T. which shall be
reckoned from the date of written order for commencing the work and shall be inclusive of
monsoon period. (excluding asphaltingwork.
No alteration in the form of tender and the schedule of tender and no additions in the scope of
special stipulations will be permitted. Rates quoted for the tender shall be taken as applicable
for all leads and lifts, incidental charges.
The tenderers should particularly note the units mentioned in the Schedule ―B‖ on which the

rates are based. No change in the units shall be allowed.



Acceptance of tender will rest with the competent authority who reserves the right to reject
any or all tenders without assigning any reason there for. The tenderer whose tender is
accepted will have to enter in to a regular B-1 agreement within 10 days of being notified to
do so. Incase of failure on the part of Tenderer to sign the agreement within the stipulated
time, the earnest money paid by him shall stand forfeited to the M.S.R.T.C and the offer of
the tenderer shall be considered as withdrawn byhim.
The tenders who do not fulfill the condition of the notification and the general rules and
directions for the guidance of contractor in the agreement form or are incomplete in any
respect are likely to be rejected without assigning any reason therefore.
18. The Tenderers shall be presumed to have carefully examined the drawings, conditions and
specifications of the work and have fully acquainted themselves with all details of the site, the
conditions of rock and its joints, pattern, river, weather characteristics, labour conditions and
in general with all the necessary information and data pertaining to the work, prior to tendering
for thework.
19. The data whatsoever supplied by the Department along with the tenderdocuments
are meant to serve only as guide for the tenderers while tendering and the Department accepts
no responsibility whatsoever either for the accuracy of data or for their comprehensiveness.
20. The Contractor should examine quarries and see whether full quantity of materials
required for execution of the work strictly as per specification are available in these source
before quoting the rates. In case the materials are not available due to reasons whatsoever,
thecontractorwillhavetobringthematerialsfromanyothersourcewithnoextracostto M.S.R.T.C.
The rates quoted, should therefore be for all leads and lifts from wherever the materials are
brought at site of work and inclusive of royalty to be paid to the Revenue Department by the
If the tenderers are a firm or company, they should in their forwarding letter (on latest non
judicial bound paper) mentioning the name of all the partners together with name of partner
who holds the power of attorney authorizing him (with signature of all partners ) to conduct
all transactions on behalf of company / firm / body.
24. The tenderer may, in the forwarding letter, mention any points are may wish to make
clear but the right is reserved to reject the same or the whole of the tender if the same becomes
conditional tenderthereby.
25. The contractor or the firms tendering for the work shall inform the Department if
they appoint their authorized Agent on thework.
26. No foreign exchange will be released by the Department for the purchase of plantsand
machinery for the work by theContractor.Any dues arising out of contract will be recovered
from the contractor as arrears of Land Revenue, if not paid amicably. Moreover, recovery of
Government dues from the Contractors will be affected from the payment due to the
Contractor from any other Government works under execution with them.

27. All pages of tender documents, conditions, specifications, correction slips etc. shall be
initialed by the tenderer. The tender should bear full signature of the tenderer, or his

authorized power of Attorney holder in case of afirm.


28. The Income Tax including surcharge or percentage in force from time to time or at the rate
as intimated by the competent Income Tax authority shall be deducted from bill amount
whether measured bill, advance payment or secured advance. Income Tax & Surcharge will be
deducted asapplicable.
29. The successful tenderer will be required to produce, to the satisfaction of the specified
concerned authority; a valid concurrent license issued in his favour under the provisions of the
Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970 for starting the work. On failure to do
so, the acceptance of the tender shall be liable to be withdrawn and also liable for forfeiture of
the earnestmoney.
30. The tenderer shall submit the list of apprentices engaged by the Contractorunder
31. Cess @ 1% (One percent) shall be deducted at source from every bill of the Contractor by
the Executive Engineer Under ―Building and Other Construction for workers Welfare Cess

32. The tender rates are inclusive of all taxes, cesses exclusive of GST and are also inclusive
of the leviable tax in respect if sale by transfer of property in goods involved in the execution
of a work contract under the provision of Rules 58 of Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act-2005
for the purpose of levy oftax.
The rates quoted by the contactor will be valid for 120 days from the date of opening of
Financial Bid Envelop. if the tenders are not finalised with in validity period , it is binding
on contractor firm to extend tender validity period as per requirement of MSRTC. After
finalisation of tender EMD will be refunded.
34. Works Insurance Policy :
i) The Contractor shall produce the Works insurance policy, the same will be
reimbursed to the contractor. if contractor fails to produce the works insurance policy,
Concerned Executive Engineer shall draw the policy, and 1% shall be recoverd
from the 1st R.A. bill of the contractor.
ii) If completion period of work is Extended, then period of works Insurance must be
renewed / extended as per requirement
35. Royalty charges:
Original receipt of the amount of royalty charges paid to Govt. against material brought on
site should be produced, if the receipts by name of concerned agency / contractor are not
found proper after verification then the amount of Royalty charges will not be reimbursed as
per rule. This is binding on agency.
36. Service Tax :- As per central Govt. / State Govt. if applicable will be recovered form thebills

37. Agreement will be executed and work order will be issued for work, as per stamp duty act
1958 article 63 stamp duty should be applicable at the time ofagreement.

38. If any difficulties during the executions of the above work, the contractor should sort out
i.e. encroachment , boundaries, court cases etc. Necessary documents will be produced by

MSRTC if required.

39. All the materials cement concrete / bituminous mix (B.M. /S.D.B.C./B.C. /B.B.M./M.P.M. bitumen
road metal) concrete used on site should be tested by agency, as directed by Engineer in charge from
Govt. Lab at his own cost and Test report shall be submitted.

40. The contractor shall have to submit a surety bond on Rs. 500/- stamp paper for minimum
period as specified with effect from the date of completion of work for a guarantee of the
work executed by him i.e. B.B.M./M.P.M./ Asphalting work,and as per details specified in
respective SSR item regarding guarantee period for like waterproofing / pipeline etc so on.

41. Maximum care is taken while preparing and printing schedule "B" of the Tender.
However if there is any variation found in rate of same item in various sub work‘s of this
project , then the lowest rate will be considered for payment of such item for all sub-works.



(To be uploaded online in ‗Technical Bid Envelop‘)



(A) Works inHand

Sr Name Agreement Tendered Date of Stipulated Value Value of Probable Rem- Give Page No. on
No.. Of No. Amount Commen - date of Of Work Balance Date of arks Witch supporting
Works/ cement Completion already work to be Compl- documentsrelated to
Done executed in etion work are
next 12 enclosedrequired
months for technical
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


(B) Works TenderedFor

Sr. Name of Name and Tendered Time Probable Other Give Page No. on
No. Work Address of Amount Limit Date when relevant Witch supporting
documents related to
Client decision is details if work are enclosed
expected any required for technical
envelope scrutiny
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Note : 1) This is only a standard form. Details are to be furnished in this

format in the form of type written statements which shall be
Scanned and Enclosed in Envelope No.1 dulysigned.

2) The documentary proof of work in hand, work tendered for

should be submitted with this statement dulyattested

Executive Engineer
S.T.Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar

(To be uploaded online in ‗Technical Bid Envelop‘)



Sr. Name of No. of Kind & Capacity Age & Present Remarks
No. Equipment Units Make Condition Location
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Note: This is only standard form. Details are to be furnished in this format in the form of type
written statements which shall be enclosed in EnvelopeNo.1


Sr. Name of Owner of Kind Units Capacity Age & Present Remarks
No. Equipment Equipment & or Condition Location
Make Nos.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Note : 1) This is only a standard form. Details are to be furnished in this

format in the form of type written statements which shall be
Scanned and Enclosed in Envelope No.1 dulysigned.

Executive Engineer
S.T.Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar

FORM No. - II (A)

(To be uploaded online in ‗Technical BidEnvelop‘)

(for work more than 50 lacks & except asphalting work) (To
be included in envelope No.1)

Proforma for information regarding availability/Procurement of machinery

1 Cement Concrete weigh-batchType

Mixer having minimum 15 Cu.m/Hour
out let capacity
2 Needle Vibrator
3 Acro steel centering Plates with
adjustable props
4 Truck/Tipper
5 Water Tanker (10000 Litres)
6 Surface Vibrator
7 Sand Screening/Washing Equipment
8 Generator 7.5 KVA
9 Lift Machine
10 JCB

If any wooden centering is observed to be use then whole concreting work will be rejected.

Type of Number Names of Location Output in Quantity in tonnes or

Machinery of Unit works on tonnes of cubic metre of balance
which mix per day for execution on works
deployed at or per hour in hand.
1 2 3 4 5 6

Sample Form

The contractor must own aforesaid machinery and be actually in his possession at the
time of submission of tender. The contractor must submit the ownership documents of
machinery to the satisfaction of the tender opening authority. And for Hired Machinery the
tenderer shall produce original agreement signed before Executive Magistrate with owner of
the machinery in Envelope No.1.

Signature of Bidder

Executive Engineer
S.T.Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar


(To be uploaded online in ‗Technical Bid Envelop‘)




Sr. Name Name and Place Agre- Date Tend- Total Date Principle Give Page No.
No. on Witch
of Adress of and ement of red Cost of features
Work the Country No. Com- Cost of Com- in brief documents
organis- menc- Work pleti- related to work
ation for ement Done on are enclosed
required for
whom the
work was envelope
done scrutiny
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

---------SAMPLE FORM-------

Note: This is only a standard form; details are to be furnished in this format in the form of
type written statements which shall be Scanned and Enclosed in Envelope No.1 duly signed.
The documentary proof of similar type and magnitude should be submitted with statement.

26 Executive Engineer(Elect)
S.T. Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

(To be uploaded online in ‗Technical Bid Envelop‘)




Sr. Name of Designation Qualification Whether Professional whichthe Rema- Give Page No. on
No. Person working Experience personis rks Witch supporting
in field of work working documentsrelated to
or in carries out with the work are
Office. tenderer. enclosedrequired
envelope scrutiny
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Sample from

Note : This is only a standard form. Details are to be furnished in this format in
the form of type written statements, which shall be Scanned and Enclosed
in Envelope No.1 duly signed. The documentary proof of his Technical
persons should be submitted with this statement.

Signature of Contractor

27 Executive Engineer(Elect)
S.T. Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

(To be uploaded online in ‗Technical Bid Envelop‘)

Statement showing work done in all classes of civil Engineering

Construction works during last Three years

Name of Contractor:

Sr. Name Amount Agreemen t Date of Amount of work done Amount Remarks Give Page
No. of Put to No. Commen during each of last of works No. on Witch
1 Work tender/ - Three years still supporting
tendere cement remaining documents
d to be related to
cost executed work are
in next 12 enclosed
(Twelve) required for
months technical
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Sample Form

Outward No. and date of certificate issuing Authority

Note: This is only a standard form. Details are to be furnished in this format in
the form of type written statements, which shall be Scanned and Enclosed in
Envelope No.1 dulysigned

28 Executive Engineer(Elect)
S.T. Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

(To be uploaded online in ‗Technical Bid Envelop‘)

Statement showing quantities of Work Executed during Last Three Years Name of


Year Reinforced Quantity of Work Performed Remarks Give Page No.

on Witch
Cement indicate contract
Burnt Water Number and supporting
Concrete Brick Proofing Flooring Plastering documents
name of work
Masonry/ related to work
Fly Ash are enclosed
Brick required for

Sample form

Note: This is only a standard form. Details are to be furnished in this format in
the form of type written statements, which shall be Scanned and Enclosed in
Envelope No.1 dulysigned.

27 Executive Engineer(Elect)
S.T. Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

(To be uploaded online in ‗Technical Bid Envelop‘)


This is to certify that I / We have studied in detail the plans, Specification,

local condition availability of labour and materials and I / We have quoted the

rates with dueconsideration.

Name and signature of Contractor:

With complete address

(To be uploaded online in ‗Technical Bid Envelop‘)


I/We have quoted my/our offer in percentage rate in words as well as in figures. I/We further
undertake to enter into contract in regular ―B-1‖ form in M.S.R.T.C.

Name and signature of Contractor:

Power of Attorney holder

with complete address

Sign of Contractor 27 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur CampChh.Sambhajinagar
28 Executive Engineer(Elect)
S.T. Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
(To be uploaded online in ‗Technical Bid Envelop‘)


(FormatofaffidavittobegivenonRs.500Non-Judicialstamppaperswornbefore Executive

I ............................................................. (Name of Contractor/Authorizedperson),

Age about……………..Years, residing at...........................................

.............. (Postal Address) do hereby swear this affidavit that, I am the proprietor/Partner
of............................................................. (Name of company/firm) Registered at.............

I do hereby swear that, the documents submitted in envelope No. 1 of the tender
document forthework are
true, correct and complete. In case the contents of envelope No. 1 and other document
pertaining to the tender submitted by me are found to be incorrect or false, I shall be
liable for action under the relevant provision of Indian Penal Code and other

Signature of Authorised person

Applicant/Contractor Name..............






Sign of Contractor 28 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur CampChh.Sambhajinagar
- 29 - Executive Engineer(Elect)
S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

( 510 111 1038)

CodeNo.72219 B - 1No.
Form E- 18



Percentage Rate Tender & Contract for Works

General Rules and Directions for theGuidance ofContractors

1. All work proposed to be executed by contract shall be, notified in a form of

invitation to tender pasted on a board hung up in the office of Executive Engineer and
signed by the Executive Engineer M.S.R.T.C.Aurangabad.

This form will state the work to be carried out, as well as the date for submitting and
opening tenders, and the time allowed for carrying out the work, also the amount of
earnest money to be deposited with the tender, and theamount of the security deposit to be
deposited, by the successful tenderer and thepercentage, if any, to be deduced from bills.
It will alsostate whether a refundof quarry fees, royalties, octroi dues and ground rents
will be granted. Copies of the specifications, designs, drawings shallbe open for
inspections by contractors at the office of the executive engineer during office hours.
Copies of the specifications, designs, drawings, estimated rates, scheduled rates and
any other documents required in connection with work shall beopen for inspections by
contractors at the office of the Executive Engineer, during officehours.

Where the worksare proposed to be executed according tothe specifications

recommended by a contractor and approved by a competent authority on behalf of the
Corporation such specifications with designs and drawings shall form part of the

2. A. In the event of the tender being submitted by a f irm, itmust be signedby each
partner thereof, and in the event of the absence of any partner, itshall be signed on his
behalf by a person holding a power-of-attorney authorizing him to doso.

2. i) The contractor should pay,asper e-tendering schedule the earnest money. The
contractor shall pay the said amount via online payment gateway

(ii) In the event of his tender being accepted, subject to the provisions of sub- clause

(iii) Below, the said amount of earnest money shallbe appropriated towards the amount
of security deposit payable by him under condition of General conditions ofcontract.

Sign of Contractor - 29 - Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur CampChh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 30 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

(iii) If after submitting the tender, the contractor withdraws his offer, ormodifies the
same after the acceptance of his tender the contractor fails or neglects to furnish the
balance of security deposit without prejudice to any other rights and powers of the
M.S.R.T.C. hereunder, or in law, Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation shall be
entitled to forfeit the full amount of the earnest money deposited byhim.

(iv) In the event of his tender not being accepted, the amount of earnest money deposited
by the contractor shall, unless it is prior thereto forfeited under the provisions of sub-
clause (iii) above, be refunded to him on his passing receipt therefor.

3. Receipts for payment made on account of any work when executed by a f irm
should also be signed by all the partners, except where the contractors are described in
their tender as a f irm, in which case the receipts shall be signed in the name of f irm by
one of the partners, or by some other person having authority to give effectual receipts
for the firm.

4. Any person who submits online a tender shall f ill upthe online usual form,stating
at what percentage above or below the rates specified in Schedule ‗B‘ ( memorandum
showing items of work to be carried out ) he is willing to undertake the work. Only one
Rate or such percentageon allestimated Rate Schedule Rates shall be named. Tenders
which propose any alteration in the works special in the said form of invitation totender
willbe liable to rejection. No printed form oftender shallinclude a tender for more than
one work, but if contractors wish to tender for two or more works, they

5. The Executive Engineer or his duly authorised assistant will open tenders inthe
presence of any intending contractors who may be present at the time and will enter the
amounts of the several tenders ina comparative statement in a suitable from. In the event
of a tender being accepted, the contractor shall thereon for the purpose of identification,
sign, copies of specification and otherdocuments mentioned in Rule 1. In the event of a
tender being rejected, the Divisional Officer shall authorise the Divl. Acctts. Officer
concernedto refundthe amount of the earnest money deposited by thecontractor.

6. The officer competent to dispose of the tenders shall have the right of rejecting
all or any of thetenders.

7. No receipt for any payment alleged to have been made by a contractor inregard to
any matter relating to this tender or the contract shall be valid and binding on
Corporation unless it is signed by the ExecutiveEngineer.

8. The memorandum of work to be tendered for and the schedule of materials to be

supplied by the Divisional Stores and their rates shall be f illedin and completed by the
office of the Executive Engineerbefore the tender from is issued. If a form issued to
an intending tenderer has not been so f illed in and completed, he shall request the said
office to have this done before he completes and delivers histender.

Signature of Contractor 30 ExecutiveEngineer

S.T.Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 31 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

9. All work shall be measuredonly by standard measure and according to the rules
and custom of the Public Works Department, without reference to any localcustom.

10. Under no circumstance shall any contractor be entitled to claim enhancedrates

for any items in thiscontract.

11. Every contractor shall produce a solvency certificate from a scheduled bank of
his f inancialstability.

12. All corrections and additions or pasted slips should beinitialed.

13. The measurements of workwill be taken according to the usual methodin use in
the P.W.D. and no proposals to adopt alternative methods will be accepted. The
Executive Engineer‘s decision as to what is the usual method inuse in the P.W.D. will bef

14. The tendering contractor shall furnish a declaration along withthe tender
showing all works for which he has already entered into contract, and the value of the
work that remains, to be executed in each case on the date of submitting thetender.

15. Every tenderer shall submit along with the tender information regarding the
income-tax circle, or ward of the district in which he is assessed to income- tax, the
reference to the number of the assessment and the assessmentyear.

16. In view of the difficult position regarding the availability of foreign exchange no
foreign exchange would be released by the Maharashtra StateRoad Transport Corporation
for the purchase of plantand machinery required for the execution of the work

17. The contractor will have to construct shed for storing controlled and valuable
materials issued to him under Schedule ‗A‘ of the agreement, at work site having double
locking arrangement. The materials willthen betaken for use in the presence of the
Departmental person. No materialswill be allowed to be removed from the site

18. The contractors shall also give a list of machinery in their possession and
which they propose to use on thework.


I/We hereby tenderfor the execution for the M.S.R.T. Corporation (Hereinbefore and
hereinafter referred to as ―Corporation‖) ofthe work specified in the under writing
memorandum within the time specified in suchmemorandum at such percentage as quoted
by me/ us in Schedule 'B" (memorandum showing items of work to be carried out) and
in accordance in all respects with the specifications, designs, drawings and
instructions in writing referred to inRule 1 hereof and in Class 13 of the annexed
conditions of contract and agree that when materials for the work are provided by the
Corporation such materials and the rate to be paid for them shall be as provided in
Schedule ‗A‘ hereto.

Signature of Contractor 31 ExecutiveEngineer

S.T.Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 32 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar


a) If several sub-
General Description : Providing HT Power
works included
Supply Arrangement For they should be
EV Bus Charging Station detailed in
at Omerga Depot in separatelist.
Dharashiv Division.

Estimatedcost : Rs.2,53,68,484.00/- b) The amount of

earnest money to
( Amount as quoted in Tender Notice ) be deposited shall
bein accordance
(a) Earnestmoney : Rs.253700.00/- with the provision
of paras 204 and
( Amount as quoted in Tender Notice ) 205 of the P.W .D
(b) Securitydeposit : Rs.507400.00/-

( Amount as quoted in Tender Notice )

[i] cash (not less than the amount of earnest money) Amount (As
quoted in Tender Notice ) Rs. 507400.00/-

[ii] tobe deducted from currents bills. Amount (As quoted in

Tender Notice) Rs.253700.00/-

(c) Percentage, if any to be deducted from bill so as to make upthe total amount
required as security deposit by the time, half the work, as measured by

(d) Time allowed for the completion of work from date fixed in written order to
commence 120 (Days) (As quoted in Tender Notice)

Should this tender be accepted I/We hereby agree to abide by and fulfill allthe terms
and Provisions of the condition of contract annexed here to so far as applicable and in
default thereof to forfeit and pay to Corporation in office the Earnest Money Deposit the
sum of money mentioned in the saidconditions
ReceiptNo dated forRs.————————-

The earnest money to be absolutely forfeited to Corporation should I/We not deposit the
full amount of security deposit specified in the above memorandum, in accordance with
Clause 1 (A) of the said conditions otherwise the said sum of Rs._____________
Earnest money Deposit shall be refunded.)

I have fully studied and understood the said ‗B‘ form and itsconditions and Ihave
specifically noted clauses 14 , 15, 15-A, 31, 32, 37 &39 Thereof, I also hereby declare
that I have made myself thoroughly conversant with the local conditions regarding all the
materials (such as stone, murum brick, sand cut teakwood etc.), and labour and all other
requirements and circumstances connected with and affecting the work on which I have

Signature of Contractor 32 ExecutiveEngineer(Elect) S.T.Nagpur

Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 33 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
based my rate for the abovework.

The specifications and leads for the above workhave been carefully studied and
understood by me before submitting the Schedule of rates attached hereto, undertake to
use only the best materials approved by the Executive Engineer,

* Signatureofcontractor Contractor
oftender Address–

Datedthe of 2023

* Signature ofwitnessto (Witness)

Contractor‘ssignature (Address)


Signature of Contractor 33 ExecutiveEngineer

S.T.Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 34 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

Conditions of Contract
Clause 1– The PERSONwhose tender may be accepted (hereinafter called Security Deposit.
PERSONS the contractor which expression shall unless (Please see tender
excluded by or repugnant to the context include his heirs executors, Notice)
administrators, and assigns shall (A) (within one day for a contract of
Rs. 1000 or less or two days for a contract of more than Rs. 1.000 but
less than Rs. 2,000 and so on up to a limit of ten days for contract of Rs.
10.000and over of the receipt by him of the notification of the
acceptance of his tender) deposit with the Executive Engineer in cash a
sum sufficient which will make up the full security deposit specified in
the tender, or (B) [permit Corporation at the time of making and payment
to him for work done under the contract to deduct suchsum as will
amount to Five per cent of all moneys so payable, such deduction to be
held by Corporation by way of security deposit] Provided always that in
the event of the contract or depositing a Iump sum by way of security
depositas contemplated at (A) above then and in such case if the sum so
deposited shallnot amount to. four percentof the total estimated cost of
the work, it shall be lawful for Corporation at the time of making any
payment to the contractor for work done under the contract to make up
the full amount of Four percent by deducting a sufficient sum from every
such payment at last aforesaid until the full amount of the security
deposit ismade up. All compensation or other sum of money payable by
the contractor to Corporation under the terms of the contract may be
deducted from, or paid by sale of a sufficient partsecurity deposit, of
from the interest arising there from or from any sums which may be due
or any become due by Corporation to contractor on any account
whatsoever, and in the event of his security deposit being reduced by
reason of any such deduction or sale as aforesaid the contractor shall
within ten days thereafter make good in cash as aforesaid any sumor
sums which may have been deducted from or raised by sale of his
security deposit or any partthereof.

If the amount of the security deposit to bepaid in Iumpsum withinthe

period specified at (A) above is not paid the tender/contract already
accepted shall be considered as cancelled and legal steps taken against
the contractor for recovery of the amounts. The security deposit lodged
by a contractor shall be refunded after the expiry of defect liability

Signature of Contractor 34 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 35 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

Clause 2 - The time allowed for carrying out the work as entered in Compensation per day
the tender shall be strictly observed by the contractor and shall be
reckoned from the date on which the order to commence work is given
to the contractor. The work shall throughout the stipulated period of the
contract be proceeded with, with all due diligence (time being deemed
to be ofessence of the contract be on the part of thecontractor) and the
contractor shall pay as compensation an amount equal to one percent or
such smaller amount as the Dy. General Manager (CE) Whose decision
in writing shall be f inal may decide, of the amount of the estimated cost
of the whole work as shown by the tender for every day that the
work remains un-commenced, or unfinished, after the proper dates. And
further to ensure good progress during the execution of the work the
contractor shall be boundin all case in which the time allowed for any
work exceeds one month tocomplete.

* 1/4 of the work in * 1/4 of thetime

Work is to be completed within time limit
Mentioned in Tender Notice.

1/2 do 1/2 Do

3/4 do 3/4 Do

NOTE :— The quantity of work to be done within a particular time to

be specified above shall be f ixed by the officer compe- tent to accept
the Contracts after taking into consideration the Circumstance of each
case and inserted in the blank space kept for the purposeand abide by the
program of detailed progress laid down by the ExecutiveEngineer.

The following proportion will usually be found suitable : - Reasonable

progress of earth work in

1/4 1/2 3/4 of the time

1/8 1/2 3/4 of thetotal

value of the
work to be
Domasonrywork 1 4 8
———— do do. 10 10

Signature of Contractor 35 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 36 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

In the event of the contractor failing to comply with these conditions

he shall be liable to pay as compensation an amount equal to one per cent
or such smaller amount as the Dy. General Manager (CE) (Whose
decision in writing shall be f inal) may decide of the said estimated cost
of the whole work for every day that the due quantity of work remains
incomplete : Provided always that the total amount of compensation
tobe paid under the provision of this clause shall not exceed 10percent
of the estimated cost of the work as shown in the tender.

Clause 3 - In any case in which under any clause or clausesof this

contract the contractor shall have rendered himselfliable to pay
compensation amounting to the whole of his security deposit ( whether
paid in one sum or deducted by installments) or in the case of
abandonment of the work owing to serious illness or death of the
contractor or any othercause the Executive Engineer, on behalf of the
Corporationshall have power to adopt any of the following courses as
hemay deem best suited to the interests ofCorporation.

(a) Torescind the contract of which rescission notice inwriting to Action when whole of
the contractor under the hand of the Executive Engi- neer, shall be security deposit is
conclusive evidence, and in that case the security deposit of the forfeited.
contractor shall stand forfeited and be absolutely at the disposal

(b) To employ labour paid by the Civil Engineering Department

and to supply materials to carry out the work, or any part of works
debiting the contractor with the cost of the labourand the price of the
materials (as to the correctness of which cost and price the
certificate of the Executive Engineer shall be f inal and conclusive
against the Contractor) and crediting him with the value of the work
done, in all respects in the same manner and at the same rates as if it
had been carried out by the contractor under the terms of his contract
and in that case the certificate of the Executive Engineer as to the value
of the work done shall be f inal and conclusive againstcontractor.

(c) To order that the work of the contractor be measured up and to

take such part thereof as shall be unexecuted out of his hands, and to give
it to another contractor to complete, in which case any expenses which
may be incurred in excess of the sum which would have been paid to the
original contractor, if the whole work had been executed by him (as in
the amount of which excess expenses the certificate in writing of the
Executive Engineer shall be f inal and conclusive) shall be borne and
paidby the original contractor and shall be deducted from any money due
to him by corporation under the contract or otherwise or form his
security deposit or the proceeds of sale thereof or a sufficient

Signature of Contractor 36 Executive Engineer (Elect)

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In the event of any of the above courses being adopted bythe

Executive Engineer the contractor shall have no claim to compensation
for any loss sustained by him by reason of his having purchased or
procured any materials, or entered into any engagements, or made any
advances on account of, or with a view to the execution of the work or
the performance of the contract, and in case the contract shall be
rescinded under the provision aforesaid, the contractor shall not
beentitled to recover or be paid any sum for any work therefore actually
performed by him under this contract unless and until the Executive
Engineer shall have certified inwriting the performance of such work
and amount payable to him in respect thereof and he shall only be
entitled to be paid the amount so certified.

Clause 4 - If the progress of anyparticular portion of the work Action when the
inunsatisfactory the Executive Engineer shall not with- standing that the progress of any
general progress of the work is satisfactory in accordance with clause2, particular portion of the
be entitled to take action under clause 3 (b) after giving the contractor work is
10 day‘s notice in writingand contractor will have no claim for
compensation, for any loss sustained by him owing to suchaction.

Clause 5 - In any case in which any of the powers conferred upon the
Contractor remains
Executive Engineer by clauses 3 and 4 hereof shall have become liable to pay
exercisable and the same shall not have been exercised, the non-exercise compensation if
thereof shall not constitute a waiver of any of the conditions here of and action not taken
such powers shall not withstanding be exercisable in any future case of under clause 3.
default by the Contractor for which by any clause or clauses hereof he
isdeclared liable to pay compensation amounting to the whole of his
security deposit and the liability of the contractor for past and future
compensation shall remain unaffected. In the Event of the Executive
Engineer taking action under sub-clause (a) or(c) of clause 3 he may, if
he so desire take possession of all orany tools, plant, materials and
stores in or upon the work or site thereof or belonging to the contractor,
or procured by him and intended to be used for the Execution of the work
or any part thereof, paying or allowing for the same in account at rates to
be certified by the Executive Engineer whosecertificate thereof shall be

Signature of Contractor 37 Executive Engineer (Elect)

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In the alternative the Executive Engineer may by notice in writ- ing to Power to take
the contractor, or his clerk of the works, foreman or other authorised possession of or
agent require him to remove such tools, plant materials or stores from removal of or
the premises within a time to be speci- f ied in such notice, and in the required sell
event of the contractor failing to comply with any such requisition, the contractor' s plant.
Executive Engineer may remove them at the contractor‘s expense or sell
them by auctionof private sale at the risk and account of the contractor in
all respects and the certificate of the Executive Engineer as to the
expense of any such removal, and the amount of the proceeds and
expense of any such sale shall be f inal and conclusive against
Clause 6 - If the contractor shall desire an extension of the time for
completion of the work on the ground, of his having been unavoidably Extension of time/
hindered inits execution or on any other ground he shall apply in writing Provision
to the Executive Engineer before the expiration of 30 days from the date Compensation
on which he was hindered as aforesaid or on which the cause for
asking for extension occurred whichever isearlier and the Executive
Engineer may, if in his opinion there are reasonable grounds for granting
an extension. grantsuch extension, as he thinks necessary or proper. The
decision of the Executive Engineer in this matter shall bef inal.

After expiry of original time limit, competent Authority may grant

extension inT/L, pending decision, Provisional compensation will

i) For works costing up to 5.00 Lacs:- @Rs.10/- per day for f irst Further the
month, Rs.20/- per day, for second month and Rs-50/- per day thereafter competent Authority
will be deducted from the amount of bill and will be kept in deposit may approve rates or
(with-held). whilerecommending proposal for imposing compensation or change the rates
extension in time limit, to Competent Authority Executive Engineer may
per day depending upon
change the rate of compensation considering overall circumstances circumstances
regarding the work. The chief civil Engineer will review the same &on
his decision, matter will be settled (either refund orrecovered).

ii) For works costing above 5.00 Lacs up to 20.00 Lacs :-The rate of
compensation will bedoubled.

iii) For works costing beyond 20.00 Lacs :-The rates of compensation
will be f ivetimes.
Further the competent Authority may approve above rates or change the rates of
compensation per day depending upon circumstances.

Signature of Contractor 38 Executive Engineer (Elect)

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Clause 7 - On completion of the work the contractor shall be Final Certificate

furnished with a certificate by the Executive Engineer (hereinaf - ter
called Engineer-in-charge) of such completion, but no such certificate
shall be given nor shall the work be considered to be complete until the
contractor shall have removedfrom the premises on which the work shall
have been executed all scaf - foldings, surplus material and rubbish and
shall have cleaned of the dirt from all woodwork, doors, windows, walls,
f loors, or other part of any building, in or upon which the work has
been executing or of which may have had possession, for the purpose of
executing the work, nor until the work shall have been meas- ured by the
Engineer-in-charge, or wherethe measurements have been taken by
hissubordinates until they have received the approval of the Engineer-
in-charge, the said measurements to comply with the requirements of
this clause as to the removal of scaffolding being binding and
conclusive against the contractor. If the contractor shallfail to comply
with the requirements of this clause as to the removal of scaffolding
surplus materials and rubbish, and cleaning of dirt on or before the date
f ixed for the completion of the work, the Engineer-in- charge may, at the
expense of the contractor, remove such scaffolding, surplus materials
and rubbish and dispose of the same as he thinks f it and clean off such
dirt as aforesaid and the contractor shall forthwith pay the amount of
all expenses so incurred, but shall have no claim inrespect of any such
scaffolding or surplus materials as aforesaid except for any sum
actually realized by the salethereof.

Clause 8 - Nopayment shall be madefor any work, estimated to cost Payments on

less than rupees one thousand, till after the whole of the said work shall intermediate
have completed and a certificate of completion given. but in the case of certificates to be
works estimatedtocost more than rupeesone thousand, the contractor regarded as
shall, on submitting a monthly bill, therefor be entitled to receive
payment proportionate to the part of the work then approved andpassed
by the Engineer-in-charge, whose certificate of such approval and
passing of the sum so payable shall be f inal and conclusive against the
contractor. All such intermediate payments shall be regarded as
payments by way of advance against the f inal payments only and not as
payments for work actually done and completed and shall not preclude
the Engineer-in-charge, from requiring any bad, unsound imperfect or
unskillful work to removed and taken away and reconstructed, or re-
erected, nor shall any such payment be considered as admission of the
due performance of the contract or any part thereof in any respect or
the acquiring of any claim, nor shall it conclude determine or affect in
any way thepower of the Engineer-in-charge as to the f inal settlement
and adjustment of the accounts or otherwise, or other way vary or affect
the contract. The f inal bill shall be submitted by the contractor within
one month of the date f ixed for the completion of the work otherwise
the Engineer-in- charge‘s certificate of the measurement and of the
total amount payablefortheworkshallbefinalandbindingonallparties.

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Clause 9 - The rates for several items of works estimated to cost more Payment at reduced rates
than Rs. 1,000 agreed to within, shall be validonly when the item on account of items of
concerned is accepted as having been completed fully in accordance with work not accepted as
the sanctioned specification. In cases where the items of work are not completed to be at the
discretion of the
accepted as so completed the Engineer-in-charge may make payment
Engineer-in- charge.
onaccount of such items

Clause 10 - A bill shall be submitted by the contractor each month on Bill to be submitted
or before the date f ixed by the Engineer-in-chargefor all works executed monthly
in the previous month and the Engineer-in- charge shall take or cause to
be taken therequisite measurement for the purpose of having the same
verified and the claim, so for as it is admissible, shall be adjusted if
possible within ten days from the presentation of the bill, If the
contractor does not submit the bill within time as f ixed as aforesaid, the
Engineer-in-charge may deputea subordinate to measure up the said
work inthe presence of the contractor or his duly authorised agent whose
countersignature to the measurement list shall be sufficient warrant,
and Engineer-in-charge may prepare a bill from such list which shall be
binding on the contractor in allrespects.

Clause 11 - The contractor shall submit all bills on theprint- ed Bill to be on printed
forms to be had on application at the office of the Engineer- in-charge
The charges be made inthe bills shall always be entered at the rates
specified in the tender or in the case of any extra work ordered in
pursuance of these conditions, and not mentioned or provided for in the
tender at the rates hereinafter provided for suchwork.

Clause 12 - If the specification or estimate of the work provides for the Stores supplied by
use of any special description of materials to be supplied from the
Divisional Store, or if it is required that the contractor shall use certain
stores to be provided bythe Engineer-in- charge (such material and
stores, and the prices to be charged therefor as hereinafter mentioned
being so far as practicable for the convenience of the contractor but not
so as in any way to control the meaning or effect of this contract
specified in the schedule or memorandum hereto annexed) the contractor
shall be supplied with such materials and stores as may be required from
time to time, to be used by him for the purposes of the contract only, and
the value of the full quantity of materials and stores so supplied shall be
set off or deducted from any sum then due, or thereafter to become due
to the contractor underthe contract or otherwise or from the security
deposit, or the proceeds of sale thereof, if the deposit is held in
Corporation securities, the same or a sufficient portion thereof shall in
that case be sold for the purpose. allmaterials supplied to the

Signature of Contractor 40 Executive Engineer (Elect)

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Executive Engineer (Elect)
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shallon no account be removed from the site of the work, and shall at all
times be open to inspection bythe Engineer-in- charge. Any such
materials unused and in perfectly good condition at the time of
completion or determination ofthe contract shall be returned to the
Corporation if the Engineer-in- charge so require by a notice in writing
given under the hand but the contractor shall not be entitled to return any
such materials except with suchconsent and he shall have no claim for
compensation on account of any such materials supplied to him as
aforesaid but remaining unused by himor for any wastage in or

Clause 12 - A - The recovery from contractor on account of materials

issued from the f irst works should ordinarily bemade by deduction from
the f irst bill authorising and advance payment or on account payment to
him for the work should however a lump-sum recovery be undesirable in
any case the Executive Engineer may permit for recorded reasons the
recovery to be effected gradually as the materials issued to the
contractor are actually used in construction and the items of work in
which they are used are paid for whether by an advance payment or by an

Clause 13 - The contractor shallexecute thewhole and every part of Works to be executed in
the work inmost substantial and workman like manner, and both as accordance with
regards materials and in every other respect in strictaccordance with the specifications,
specifications. The contractor shall also conform exactly, fullyand drawings, orders etc.
faithfully to designs, drawings and instruction in writing relating to the
work signed by the Engineer-in-charge and lodged in his office and to
which the contractor shall be entitled to have access for the purpose of
inspection at such office or on the site of the work during office hours,
and the contractor shall, if he so requires, be entitled at his own
expense to make or cause to be made copies of the specifications and of
all such designs drawings and instructions asaforesaid.

Clause 14 - The Engineer-in-Charge shall havepower to make any Alteration in

alterations in or additionsto the original specifications, drawing,
specification and
designs and instructions that may appear to him to be necessary or
advisable during theprogress of the work and the contractor shall be designs not to
bound to carry out the work inaccordance with any instructions in this invalidate contracts.
connection which may be given to him in writing signed by the
Engineer-in- charge and such alteration shall not invalidate the contract,
and any additional work which the contractor may be directed to do
inthe manner above specified as part of the work shall be carried out by
the contractor on the same conditions inall respects on which he agreed
to execute themain work, and at the same rates as are specified in the
tender for the main work. And if the additional and altered work includes
any class of work for which no rate is specified in this contract, than such
class of work shall be carried out at the rates entered in theSchedule of

Signature of Contractor 41 Executive Engineer (Elect)

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Rates of the Division or at the rate, mutuallyagreed uponbetween the

Engineer-in-charge and the contractor, whichever are lower. If the
additional or altered work for which no rates is entered in the Schedule
of Rates of the Division, is ordered to be carried out before the rates
are agreed upon then thecontractor shall, within seven days of date of
receipt byhim of the order to carry out the work, inform the Engineer-
in-charge of the rate which it is his intention to charge for such class of
work, and if the Engineer-in-charge does not agree to his rates he shall
by notice in writing be at liberty tocancel his order to carry it out class
of work and arrange to carry it out in such manner as he may consider
advisable, provided always that if the contractor shall commence work
or incur any expenditure inregard thereto before the rates shall have been
determined as lastly hereinbefore mentioned then in such case he shall
only be entitled to be paidin respect of the work carried out or
expenditure incurred by him prior to the date of the determination of
the rate as aforesaid according to such rate or rates as shall be f ixed by
the Engineer-in-charge. In theevent of a dispute, the decision of the Dy.
General Manager (CE) of the S.T. will bef inal.

The time limit for the completion of the work shall be extended
inproportion that the increase in its cost occasioned by the alterations or
additions bears to the cost of the original contract work and the
certificate of the Engineer-in -charge as to such proportion shall

Clause 15 - If at any time the execution of the contract docu- ments, Extension of time in
the Engineer-in-charge shall for any reason whatsoever, require the consequence of addition
whole or any part of the work as specified in the tender, to be stopped
for any period, or shall notrequire the whole or part of the work to be
carried out at all or to be carried out by the contractor, he shall give
notice in writing of the fact to the contractor who shall thereupon
suspend or stop the work totally or partially as the case may be, in any
such case, exceptas provided hereunder, contractor shall have no claim
to any payment or compensation whatsoever on account of any profit or
advantage which he might have derived from the execution of the
work in full but which he did not so derive in consequence of the full
amount of the work not having been carried out or on account of any loss
that he may be put to on account of materials purchased, or agreedto be
purchased or for unemployment of labour -recruited by him, he shall
not also have any claim for compensation by reason of any alterations
having been made in the original specifications, drawings, designs and
instructions which may involve any curtailment of the work as
originally contemplated where however materials have already been
purchased or agreed to be purchased by the contractor before receipt by
him of the said notice the contractor shall be paid for suchmaterials at the
rates determined by the Engineer-in-charge provided they are not in
excess of requirements, and or of approved quality and or shall be
No compensation for
compensated for the loss, if any that he may be put to inrespect
alteration in, or
restriction of work tobe
carried out.

Signature of Contractor 42 Executive Engineer (Elect)

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Executive Engineer (Elect)
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of materials agreed to be purchased by him, the amount of such

compensation to be determinedby theEngineer-in-charge whose
decision shall bef inal if the contractor suffers any loss on account of
his having to pay labour charges during the period during which the
stoppage of work has been ordered under this clause, the contractor
shall, on application, be entitled to such compensation on account of
labour charges as the Engineer-in
-charge whose decision shall be f inal, may consider reasonable;
provided that the contractor shall not entitled to anycompensation on
account of labour charges if , in the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge,
the labour could have been employed by the contractor elsewhere for
the whole or part of the period during which the stoppage of the work has
been ordered as aforesaid.

Clause 15.A - The contractor shall not be entitledto claim any

compensation from corporation for the loss suffered by him on account No claim to
of delay by Corporation in the supply of materials entered in Schedule A compensation on
Where such delay iscaused by.
account of loss due to
(i) Difficulties relating to the supply of railwaywagons. delay in supply of
(ii) Force Majeure. materials by
(iii) Act ofGod. Corporation.
(iv) Act of the Indian Nations enemies or any other
reasonable cause beyond the control of the Corporation.

Clause 15.B - The contractor shall not be entitled to claim any

damages or compensation whatsoever from the Corporation, if fresh
tenders are required for work with changed designs and the contractor
has not incurred any expenditure on that account against the contract
already entered into where however the contractor has incurred any
expenditure the amount of compensation to be paid shall be determined
by the Executive Engineer or Engineer-in-charge whose decision shall
be f inal and binding on thecontractor.

Clause 16.- Under no circumstances whatsoever shall be the Time limit for
contractor be entitled to any compensation from Corporation on any
unforeseen claims.
account unless the contractor shall have submitted a claim in writing to
the Engineer-in-charge within one month of the course of such

Clause 17.- If at any time before the security deposit is refunded to Action and
the contractor it shall appear to the Engineer-in- charge or his compensation payable in
subordinate-in-charge of the work, that any work has been executed case of bad work
with unsound, imperfect or unskillful workmanship or with materials of
inferior quality, or that any materials or articles provided by him for
execution of the work are unsound, or of a quality inferior to that
contracted for or are otherwise not in accordance with the contract, it
shall be lawful for the Engineer-in-charge to intimate this fact in
writing to the contractor and then not withstanding the factthat the work,
materials or articles complained or mayhave been inadvertently

Signature of Contractor 43 Executive Engineer (Elect)

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passed, certified and paid for the contractor shall be bound forthwith to
rectify, or remove and reconstruct the work so specified and provide
other proper and suitable materials or articles at his own charges and
cost and in the event of his failing so within a period to by specified by
the Engineer-in-charge in the written intimation aforesaid, the contractor
shall be liable to pay compensation at the rate of one per cent on the
amount of the estimate for every day not exceeding ten days, during
which the failure so continues and in theevent of any such failure as
aforesaid the Engineer-in-charge may rectify or remove, and re-execute
the work or remove and replace the materials or article complained of as
the case may be at the risk and expense inall respects of the contractor.
Should the Engineer-in-charge consider that any such inferior work or
materials as described above may be accepted or made use of it shall be
within his discretion to accept the same at such reduced rates he may f
ofworks as shall appear to the Executive Engineer to be reasonable in
accordance with the Circumstances of the case. The decision of the
Executive Engineer as to the extensionof time shall be accepted as f inal
by thecontractor.

Clause 18 - All work under or incourse of execution or executed in Works to be open to

pursuance of the contract shall at all times be open to the inspection inspection.
and supervision of the Engineer-in-charge and his subordinates and the
contractor shall at all times during the usual working hours, and all other
times at which reasonable notice of the intention of the Engineer-in-
charge or his subordi- nates to visit the work shall have been given to the
contractor either himself be present to receive orders and instruction, or
have a responsible agent duly accredited in writingpresent for that
purpose. Orders given to the Contractor‘s duly authorized agent shall
considered to have the same forceand effect as ifthey had been given to
the contractorhimself.
Clause 19 - The contractor shall give not less than f ive daysnotice in
writing to the Engineer-in-charge or his subordinate in charge of the Notice to be given before
work before covering up or otherwiseplacing beyond the reach of work is covered up.
measurement any work in order that the same may be measured and
correct dimensions there of taken before the same is so covered up or
placed beyond the reach of measurement and shall not cover up or place
beyond the reach of measurement and work without the consent in
writing of the Engineer-in-charge or his subordinate in charge of the
work; and if any work shall be covered up or placed beyond the reach of
measurement without such notice having been given or consent
obtained, the same shall be uncovered at the contractor's expense, and in
default there of no payment or allowance shall be made for such work,
or of the materials with which the same wasexecuted.

Signature of Contractor 44 Executive Engineer (Elect)

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Clause 20- If during the period of as specified below from the date of Contractor liable for
completion as certified by the Engineer incharge pursuantto Clause-7 of damage done and for
the contract. The said work is defective inany manner whatsoever, the imperfection for defect
contractor shall forthwith on receipt of notice inthat behalf from the liability period
DivisionalEngineer, dully commence execution andcompletely carry out aftercertificate.
at his cost in every respect all the work that may be necessary for
rectifying&setting right the defects specified therein including
dismantlingand reconstruction of unsafe portions strictly in accordance
with and in the manner prescribed and under the supervision of the
Executive Engineer. In the event of the contractor failing or neglecting
to commence execution of the said rectification work within the period
prescribed there for in the said notice and/or to complete the same as
aforesaid as required by the said notice, theDivisional Engineer got the
same executed and carried out departmentally or by any other agency at
Contractor or responsible
the risk on account and at the cost of the contractor. Thecontractor
shall forthwithon demand pay to the MSRTC the amount ofsuch costs, agent to be present.
charges and expenses sustained or incurred by the MSRTC of which the
certificate of the Divisional Engineer shall be f inal and binding on the
contractor. Such costs, charges and expensesshall be deemed to be
arrears of Land revenue and inthe event of the contractor failing or
neglecting to paythe same on demand as aforesaid without prejudice to
any other rights and remedies of the MSRTC; the same may be recovered
from the contractor as arrears of land revenue. The MSRTC shall also be
entitled to deduct the same from any amount which may then be payable
or which may thereafter become payable by the MSRTC to the Contractor to supply
contractor either in respect of the said work or any otherwork whatsoever plant, ladders,
or from the amount of security deposit retainedbyMSRTC. scaffolding etc.
The defect liability period for various types of works shall be as under: -
i) Re-Construction / New construction / Renovation : -10 years .
ii) Hardening / MPM /BM :-2 year ,
iii) Water proofing :-10years iv) Current Repairs :- 1 year.
v) Re-Ashphalting, Asphalting with H.M.H.L. :- 5 Years
vi) Special Repairs :-2 years vi) Rigid Pavements:- 10 years

Clause 21(A) .- The contractor shall supply at his own cost all materials
(except such special materials, ifany, as may be supplied from the
Divisional stores in accordance with the Con-tract), plant, tools,
appliances, implements, ladders, cordage, tackle, scaffolding; and any
temporary works which may be re- quired for the proper execution of the
work, in the original, altered or substituted form and whether included in
the specifi- cation, or other documents forming part of the contract or re-
ferred to in these conditions or not, and which may be necessary for the
purpose of satisfying or complying with the requirements of the
Engineer-in-charge as to the any matter on which under these conditions
he isentitled to be satisfied, which he is entitled to require together with
carriage therefore, to and from the work. The contractor shall also supply
without chargethe

Signature of Contractor 45 Executive Engineer (Elect)

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requisite number of persons with the means and materials necessary for
the purpose of setting out work, and counting weighing and assisting in
the measurement or examination at any time and from time to time or
the work or materials. Failing thisthe same may be provided by the
Engineer-in-charge at the expenses of the contractor and the expenses
may be deducted from any money due to the contractor under the
contract, or from his security deposit or the proceeds of sales thereof or
a sufficient portionthereof. The contractor shall provide all necessary
fencing and lights required to protect the public from accident, and shall
also be bound to bear the expenses of defence of every suit, action or
other legal proceedings, at law, that may be brought by any persons for
injury sustained owing to neglect of the precautions and to pay any
damages and costs which may be awarded in any such suit, action or
proceedings to any such persons, or which may with the consent ofthe
contractor be paid incompromising any claim be any such person.

Clause 21, B - The contractor shall provide suitable scaffolds and

working platforms, gangways and stairways and shall comply with the
following regulation connection therewith: -

(a) Suitable scaffolds shall be provided for all work that

cannot besafely done from ladder or byother means.

(b) A scaffold shall not be constructed, taken down, or

substantially alteredexcept.
(i) Under the supervision of a competent and responsible
(ii) As far as possible by competent workers possessing
adequate experience in this kind ofwork.

(c) All scaffolds and appliances connected herewith and all


(i) be soundmaterial

(ii) be of adequate strength having regard to the loads and

strains to with they will be subjectedand

(iii) bemaintained in propercondition.

(d) Scaffolds should be so constructed that no part thereof can be

displaced in consequence ofnormal use.

(e) Scaffolds shall not be over-loaded and so practicable the load

shall be taken be evenlydistributed.

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(f) Before installing lif ting gear on scaffolds specialprecau

- tionsshall be taken to ensure the strength and stability of

(g) Scaffolds shall be periodically inspected by a competent


(h) Before allowing a scaffold to be used by hisworkmen

thecontractor shall, whether the scaffold has beenerected by his
workmen or not, take steps to ensure that it complies fully with the
regulations hereinspecified.
(i) Working platforms, gangways and stairways shall be so
constructed that no part thereof can stay unduly or
(ii) be so constructed and maintained having regardto
prevailing conditions as to reduce as for as practicable risks of persons
tripping and
(iii) bekept free from any unnecessaryobstruction.

(j) In the case of working platforms, gangways, working

places and stairways at a heightexceeding.

(To be specified)
(i) Every working platform and every gangway shall be
closely boarded unless other adequate measures are taken
to ensuresafety.

(ii) Every working platform, and gangway shall have

adequate widthand

(iii) Every working platform, and gangway working placeand

stairway besuitablefenced.

(k) Every opening in the f loor of a building or in aworking platform

shall except for the time and to the extent required to allow the access of
persons or the transport or shifting of mate- rial, be provided with
suitable means to prevent the fall of persons ormaterial,

(l) When persons are employed on a roof where thereis a danger of

falling from a height exceeding suitable precautions shall be taken (To
be prescribed) to prevent thefall of persons ormaterial.

(m) Suitable precautions shall be taken to prevent persons being struck

by articles whichmight fall from scaffolds or other workingplaces.

(n) Safe means of access shall be provided to working platforms and

other workingplaces.

Clause 21 C - The contractor shallcomply with the following regulations as

regards the Hoisting Appliances to be used byhim

Signature of Contractor 47 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 48 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

(a) Hosting machines and tackle, including their attachment,

anchorages and supports,shall:-

i) Be of good mechanical construction, sound material,

adequate strength and free from patent defect,and

ii) Bekept in good repair and in good working order.

b) Every rope used in hoisting or lowering materials or as

ameans of suspension shall be of suitable quality and
adequate strength and free from patentdefect.

c) Hoisting machine and tackle shall be examinedand

adequately tested after erection on the site and before use and re-
examined in position at intervals to be
prescribedby theCorporation.

d) Every chain, ring hook, shackle, swivel and pulley block used
in hoisting lowering materials or as a meansof
suspensionshall be periodicallyexamined

e) Every crane driver or hoisting appliance operator shall be


f) No person who is below the age of 18 years shall be in control

of any hoisting machine, includingany.

g) In the case of every hoisting machine and of every chain ring,

hook, shackle swivel and pulley block usedin
hoisting or lowering or as means of suspension the safe working
load shall be ascertained by adequate means.

h) Every hoisting machine and all gear referred to in the

preceding regulation shall be plainly marked with the safe

i) In the case of a hoisting machine having a variable safe

working load each safe working load and the conditions
under which it is applicable shallbe
clearly indicated.

j) No part of any hoisting machine or any gear referred to in

regulation7 above shall be loaded beyond the safe working load
except for the purpose oftesting.

k) Motor gearing, transmission, electric wiring andother

dangerous parts of hoisting appliance shall be provided with efficient

Signature of Contractor 48 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 49 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

l) Hoisting appliances shall be provided with such means as well

reduce to a minimum the risk of theaccidental descent of theload.

m) Adequate precautions shall be taken to reduce to a minimum the risk

of any part of a suspended load become accidentally displaced.

Clause 22 - The contractor shall not set f ire to any standing jungle, Measures for
trees, brush wood or grass without a written permit from theExecutive
prevention of fire.
Engineer. When such permit is given, and also inall cases when
destroying out or dug-up trees brushwood, grass etc, by f ire, the
contractor shall take necessary measures to prevent such f ire spreading
to or otherwise damaging surroundingproperty.

The contractor shall make his own arrangements for drinking water for
the labour employed byhim.

Clause 23 - Compensation for all damage done unintentionally or

intentionally by contractor labourers whether in or beyond the limits of Liability of contractor
corporation property including any damagecaused by the spreading of f for any damage done in
ire mentioned in clause 22 shall be estimated by the Engineer-in-charge
or outside work areas.
or suchother officer as he may appoint and the estimate of the
Engineer-in-charge. subjectto the decision of the Dy. General Manager
(CE) on appealshallbe f inal and the contractor shall be bound to pay the
amount of the assessed compensation on demand failing whichthe same
will be recovered from the contractor as damage in the mannerprescribed
in clause 1 or deducted by the Engineer-in-charge from any sums that
may be due to or become due from corporation to the contractor under
this contract orotherwise.

The contractor shall bear the expenses of defending any action or other
legal proceeding that may be brought by any person for injury sustained
by him owing to neglect of precautions to pre-vent the spread of f ire and
he shall also pay any damages and cost that may be awarded by the
courtin consequence.

Clause 24 - The employment of female labours on works in the Employment of female

neighborhood of soldier‘s barracks should be avoided as far as possible.

Clause 25 - No work shall be done on a Sunday without the sanction in

writing of the Engineer-in-charge. Work on Sunday.

Signature of Contractor 49 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 50 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

Clause 26 - The contractor shall not be assigned orsublet withoutthe Work not to be sublet.
written approval ofthe Engineer-in-charge. And ifthe contractor shall
assign or sublet his contract or attempt so to do, or becomeinsolvent
commence any proceedings to be adjudicated and insolvent or make any
composition with his creditors, or attempt so to do, the Engineer-in- Contract may be
charge may, by notice in writing, rescind the contract. Also if any bribe, rescinded and security
gratuity, gift, loan requisite, reward or advantage, pecuniary or deposit forfeited for
otherwise, shall either directly or indirectly begiven, promised, or subletting it without
offered by the contractor or any of his servants or agents to any public
approval or for bribing a
officer or person inthe employ of Corporation in any way relating to
his officer of employment, or if any such officer or person shall become public officer or if
in any way directly or indirectly interestedin the contract, the Engineer- contractor becomes
in-charge man by notice in writingrescind the contract. In the event of a insolvent.
contract being rescinded thesecurity deposit of the contractor shall
thereupon stand forfeited and be absolutely at disposal of Corporation,
and the same consequences shall ensure as if the contract had been
rescinded under clause 3 hereof and in addition the contractor shall not
be entitled to recover or be paid for any work thereto actually performed
under thecontract.

Clause 27 - All sums payable by a contractor by way of compen- sation Sum payable by way of
under any of these conditions shall be considered as a reasonable
compensation to be
compensation to be applied to theuse of Corporation without reference
to the actual loss or damage sustained, and whether any damage has or considered as reasonable
has not been sustained. compensation without
reference to actual loss.

Clause 28 - In the caseof a tender by partners any change in the Change in the
constitution of a f irm shall be forthwith notified by the contractor to the constitution of firm to
Engineer-in-charge for hisinformation. be notified.

Clause 29 - All works to be executed under the contract shall be Works to be under
executed under the direction and subject to the approval in all respects of direction of G.M. (CE)
the General Manager (CE) of the S.T. for the time being, who shall be
entitled to direct at whatpoint or points and in what manner they are to
be commenced and from time to time carriedon.

Signature of Contractor 50 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 51 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

Clause 30 - Except where otherwise specified in the contract and Decision of General
subject to the powers delegated to him by the Corporation under the code
Manager (CE)
rules then in force, the decision of the General Manager (CE) of the S.T.
for the time being shall be f inal, conclusive and binding on all parties to
the contract upon all question relating to the meaning of the
specifications, designs, drawings and instructions herein before
mentioned and as to the quality of workmanship, or materials used on
work, or as to any other question claim, right, matter or thing
whatsoever,in any way arising out of or relating to the contract designs
drawings specifications, estimates, instruction, order, or these
conditions or otherwise concerning the works or the execution or failure
to execute the same weather arising, during the progressof the work or
after the completion orabandonment thereof.
Note :Read C.C.E. (Chief Civil Engineer ) in case of vacant

Clause 31 - The contractor shall obtain from the Divisional stores and
articles of European or American manufacture which may be required Stores of European or
for the work, or any part of the work in making up any articles required American manufacture
thereof in connection therewith, unless he has obtained permission
to be obtained from
inwriting from the Engineer-in- charge to obtain such stores and articles
elsewhere. The value of such stores and articles as may be supplied Corporation.
tothe contractor by the Engineer-in-charge will be debited to the
contractor in his account at the rates shown in the schedule in form ‗A‘
attached to the contract and if they are not entered in the said schedule
the same shall be debited tohim at cost price with the purposes of this
contract shall include the cost of carriage and all otherexpenses
whatsoever, which may have to be incurred in obtaining delivery of the
same of the storeaforesaid.

Clause 32 - When the estimate on which a tender is made in- cludes lump
sum in respect of parts of the work, the contractor shall be entitled to
payment in respect of the items of works involved or the part of the work Lump sums in
in question at the same rates as are payable under this contract for such estimates.
items, or if the work in question is not in the opinion of the Engineer-in-
charge capable of measurement, The Engineer-in-charge may at his
discretions pay the lump sum amountentered in estimate, and the
certificate in writing of the Engineer-in-charge shall be f inal and
conclusive against the contractor with regardto any sum or sums
payable to him under the provisions of thisclause.

Clause 33 - In the case of any class of work for which there is no such Action where no
specifications as is mentioned in the rule I such work shall be carried specification.
out in accordance with the divisional specifica- tions, and in the event of
there being no divisional specifica- tions, then in such case the work
shall be carried out in all respects in accordance with the instructions
and requirements of theEngineer-in-charge.

Signature of Contractor 51 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 52 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

Clause 34 - The expression ―works‖ or ―work‖ where used in these Definition of works.
conditions shall unless there be something in the subject or context
repugnant to such construction be constructed to mean the work or the
works constructed to be executed under orin virtue of the contract,
whether temporary or permanent and whether original, altered,
substituted oradditional.
Clause 35.- Contractor shall quote histender offer considering the Refund of quarry fees
following terms &conditions regarding paymentof royaltycharges.
and royalties
a) Rates of Items in the tender/schedule "B‖ of this e-tender work are exclusive
of royalty charges. However royalty charges will be reimbursed / payable to
contractor as per rate of royalty charges adopted in tender (in Annexure ―D‖)
or actually paid to Govt. which ever isless.
b) Prevalent royalty charges Rs. 600/- Per Brass (i.e. Rs.211.95/cum.) & the
surcharge levied on Royalty shall also be payable to the contractor in
following manner, for various building / road materials are adopted a) For
sand = Royalty + surcharge (2%) + Distt. Mineral Foundation Cess (10%) =
211.95+4.23+21.19 = 237.37 Per Cum b) For All Other Minerals = Royalty +
surcharge (2%) = 211.95+4.23 = 216.18 per cum as per Government of
Maharashtra, Revenue and Forest Departments Gazette No. 146 Dt.04 June
2021.Details are separately given in Annexure “D‖ (as Royalty-Charges
Statement),as part of tenderdocument.
c) Rate of completed item which are inclusive of material i.e. Rubble, Murum,
Soil, 60mm./ 40mm. metal (Hand broken) for such items royalty charges are
not included in schedule "B‖ rates .(Ref.:-e-S.S.R.), and hence royalty
charges for such items are considered separately & details are given in
Annexure ―D‖, on the basis of quantities of item mentioned in ―Schedule-B‖.
Royalty charges for such items will be reimbursed as per rate of royalty
charges adopted in tender or actually paid to Govt. by the contractor,
whichever is less, subjected to fulfillment of requireddocuments.
d) For the items of sand, rates are exclusive of royalty charges in schedule "B‖
rates .(Ref.:-e-S.S.R.), and hence royalty charges for such items are
considered & details are given in Annexure ―D‖ . Royalty charges for such
items will be reimbursed as per rate of royalty charges adopted in tender or
actually paid to Govt., whichever is less. subjected to fulfillment of
e) For Crush metal, the Royalty Charges are not leviable,as it is manufactured
product from stone .(Ref.:-e-S.S.R.), and hence royalty charges for crushed
metal is notconsidered in Annexure ―D‖ & accordingly royalty charges for
such items will not be reimbursed.
f) Royalty charges will be reimbursed to the contractor as per rate of
royalty charges adopted in tender or actually paid to Govt. whichever is less
and on the basis of actual material utilised at site of work and on
production of original govt.challan
/receipts / bill paid in name of bidder, showing location ofwork,
with Vahatuk Parwanaetc.(certified by revenue dept.)and
g) Ifthe contractor failed to produce required documents mentioned in
(e)abovethen the Royalty charges paid for actual material utilised at
site will notbe reimbursed &will be kept in deposit then contractor
has no right to submit refund claim after expiry of three months
from the date of passing everybill.

Signature of Contractor 52 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 53 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

Clause 36 (A) - The contractor shall be responsible for and shall pay any Compensation under
compensation to his workmen payableunder the Workmen‘s Workmen's
Compensation Act, 1923 (VIII of 1923) (hereinafter called the said act)
Compensation Act.
for injuries caused to the workmen. If such compensation ispaid by
Corporation as principle under sub- section I of section 12 of the said
Acton behalfof the contractor, itshall be recoverable by Corporation
from the contractor under sub-section (2) of the said section. Such com-
pensation shall be recovered in the manner laid downin clause

Clause 36.(B) - The contractor shall be responsibleforand shall pay the

expense of providing medical aid to any workman who may suffer a
bodily injury as a result of an accident. If such expenses are incurred
byCorporation the smallshall be recoverable from the contractor
forthwith and be deducted without prejudice to any other remedy of
Corporation from any amountdueorthatmaybecomeduetothecontractor.

Clause 36 (C) - The contractor shall provide and necessary per- sonal
safety equipment and f irst aid apparatus available for the use of the
persons employed on the site, shall maintain the same condition
suitable for immediate use at any time and shall comply with the
following regulations in connection therewith:-

(a) The worker shall be requiredto the equipment so provided by the

contractor and the contractor shall take adequate steps to ensure proper
use of the equipments by thoseconcerned.

(b) When work is carried on in proximity to anyplace where there is a

risk of drawing, all necessary equipment shall be provided and kept
ready for use and all necessary steps shall be taken for the prompt rescue
of any person indanger.

(c) Adequate provision shall be made for prompt f irst aid treatment of
all injuries likely to be sustainedduring the course of thework.

Clause 37 - Quantities shown in the tender are approximate and no claim Claim for quantities of
shall be entertained for quantities of work executed being either more work entered in the
or less than those entered in the tender or estimate. tender of estimate.

Clause 38 - The contractor shall employ any famine, convict or other

labour of a particular kind or class if orderedin writing to do so by

Clause 39 - No compensation shall be allowed for any delay caused in Employment of famine
starting of the work on account of any acquisition of land and in the or other labour.
cause of clearance works, for any delay in ac- cording sanction

Signature of Contractor 53 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 54 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

Clause 40 - No compensation shall be allowed for any delay in execution Claim for
of the work on account of water standing in borrows pits or compensation for delay
compartments. The rates are inclusive for hardor cracked soil, in starting the work
excavation in mud, sub-soil water or standing in borrows pits and no
claimfor and extra rate shall be entertained, unless otherwise

Clause 41 - The contractor shall not enterupon or commence any Claim for
portion of work except with the written authority and instruction of the compensation for delay
Engineer-in-charge or his subordinatein charge of the work. Failing in the
such authority the contractor shallhave no claim to ask for measurements executionofwork
of or payment forwork.
Clause 42 - (i) No contactor shall employ any person whois under the
age of 12years. Entering upon or
(ii) No contractor shall employ donkeys or other animals with breeching
commencing any
of string or thin rope. The breeching must be at least three inches wide
and should be of tepa(Nawer). portion of work
(iii) No animals suffering from stones, lameness or emaciation or which
is immature shall be employed on thework.
(iv) The Engineer-in-charge or his Agent is authorised to remove from Minimum age of person
the work any person or animals found working which doesnot satisfy
employed / In the
theseconditions and no responsibility shall beaccepted by Corporation
for any delay caused in the completion of the work by suchremoval. Employment of donkeys
(v) The contractor shall pay fair and reasonable wages to the workmen and / or other animals
employed by him in the contract undertaken by him. In the event of any and the payment of fair
dispute arising between the contractor and his workmen on the grounds wages.
that the wages paid are not fair and reasonable the dispute shall be
referred without delay to the Executive Engineer, who shall decide the
same. The decision of the Executive Engineer shall be conclusive and
binding on the contractor, but such decision shall not in any way affect
the condition regarding the payment to be madeby Corporation at the
sanctioned tenderrates.
(vi) The contractor shall provide drinking water facilities to workers,
similar amenities shall be provided to the workers engaged on large work
in urban areas.
Clause 43 - Payment to contractors shall be made by cheques drawnon
S.B.I. or any bank selected by the M.S.R.T. C., thorough the Divisions
convenient to them, provided the amount exceeds Rs. 10.Amounts not Method of payment
exceeding Rs. 10 will be paid incash.

Clause 44 - Any contractor who does not accepts all the conditionsof
this B-1 tender form shall not be allowed to tender forworks.

Acceptance of
conditions compulsory
before tendering for
work Employment of

Signature of Contractor 54 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 55 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

Clause 45 - If Government declares a state of scarcity of famine to exist

in any village situated within 19 miles of the work, the PIECE-WORKER
/CONTRACTOR shall employ upon such part
of work, as are suitable for unskilled labour, any person certified to him
by the Executive Engineer or by any person to whom the Executive
Engineer may have delegated his duty in writing to be in need of relief
and shall be bound to pay to such person wages not below the minimum
which Corporation may have f ixed in this behalf, any dispute which
may arise inconnection with implementation of this clause shall be
decided by Executive Engineer whose decision shall be f inal and

Clause 46 - The price quoted by the contractor shall not in any case
exceed the control price if any f ixed by Govt. or reasonable price which
it is permissible for him to charge a private pur- chaser for the same
class and description of goods under the provision of hoarding or
profiteering Prevention Ordinance 1943as amended from time to time if
the price quoted exceeds the controlled price or the price permissible
under Hoarding and Profiteering Preventing Ordinance, the contractor
will specifical- ly mention this fact in his tender along with reasons for
quoting such higherprice.

The purchaser at his discretion will in such caseexercise the right of

revising the price at any stage so as to conform with the controlled
priceon the permissible under the Hoarding and Profiteering Prevention
Ordinance. This discretion will be exercised without prejudice to any
other action thatmay be taken against thecontractor.

Clause47(A)- - Rates of Items in the tender /schedule "B‖are

exclusive of GST (Goods and service Tax).

Clause 47(B)-GST will be reimbursed / payable to contractor on accepted

contractual value as per rate in force and as amended from time to
time in future and as per rule/directives of MSRTC.

Clause 48 - The contractor should as far as possible obtain his requirement of

labour skilled and unskilled from the nearest Employment Exchange.

Clause 49 - The Contractor shall arrange at his own costthe water

required for the work and it is notobligatoryon
M.S.R.T.C. to supply water to the contractor. Water charges will be
recovered from the contractor at 1 % on the cost of waterconsuming
items, if the contractor uses water available inS.T

Signature of Contractor 55 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
ExeExecutive Engineer (Elect)
- 60 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Clause 50 -The Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation reserves
the right for themselves to recover amount ifany due to cutiveEngineer
the M.S.R.T.
S.T.Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar
Corporation, against the contract from any amount that may be due from
the M.S.R.T. Corporation to contractor.
Clause 51 - The successful tenderer will be requiredto produce to the
satisfaction of the specified concerned authority, the valid and
concurrent license issued in his favour under the provision of the
contract labours Regulation and Abolition Act 1970 before starting the
work. Failure to do so shallresult in the tender liableto be cancelled
and earnest money thereof will be forfeited.
Clause 52 - It ishereby agreed between MSRTC and the
contractors as under :-
(a) Wherever words Civil Engineering DepartmentStores or
C.E.D. Stores occurring in this agreement shall be read as S.T. Stores at
respective Divisional H.Q.
(b) In the Vacant post of Dy. G.M. (CE), G.M. (CE) wherever
occurring in this agreement, shall be read as ChiefCivil
(c) ―B-2 Agreement‖ &―Item Rate Contract‖ wherever occurring shall
be as ―B-l Agreement‖ &―Percentage RateContract‖.

(d) The words P. W.D. or ―Public Works Department‖ wherever

occurring the agreement shall be read as‖ Maharashtra State Road
Clause 53 - “Price Variation Clause” is not applicable and the contractor
is not entitled to claim enhanced rates for any items in this contract.
Clause 54 - Contractor whosework is satisfactory and in proportion to
the time limit in case of works already entrusted to him and who
produces appropriate certificate that he is professionally, f inancially
&technically capable, is only considered for issue of blank tenderforms.

Clause 55 - Contents of Tender Notice attached to this tender, form a

part &parcel of this tenderagreement.
Clause 56-The contractor will make all the necessary formalities
pertaining to the drainage and water supply for the works as per rules
and by-laws of the governing bodies and shall pay the charges ifany.

Clause 57:- The contractor shall obtained temporary electric supply

from M.S.E.B. or license for the purpose of fabrication, polishing etc. at
his cost by observing all necessary formalities including concerned of
the unit head for tapping the connection (whererelevant). The contractor
will responsible for safety against any kind of damages to property or
lives arising from mishaps cause to suchinstallation.
Additional Condition about availability of funds

The budget provision for this work is less at present. The payment of bills will be made as
per availability of funds. No claims will be entertained for delayed payments.
If situation arises, the work will be stopped at safe stage and will be withdrawn under
clause-15 for which no compensation will be allowed.

Signature of Contractor 60 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
ExeExecutive Engineer (Elect)
- 61 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

1.SPECIAL NOTICE cutiveEngineer

S.T.Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar
It is particularly requested thatno person will propose to undertake works
provided for the and described in the following contract and specification unless he
is fullyqualified and has good practical experience as a MasterContractor in the
construction of works of Similar kind and is likewise in all other respectfully
competent responsible to and for the performance of the contract. It must be distinctly
understood that the conditions of the contract are intended to be rigidly enforced and any
contractors, who does not accept these conditions in to shall not be considered for
Extra charges or claims in respect of extra works will not be allowed unless
either the work to which they related are clearly without the sprit and meaning of the
specifications or unless such works are ordered in writing bythe Chief Civil Engineer /
Executive Engineer and approved by the Corporation and are claimed for in the

All materials shall be of the best quality of their respective kindand

described in detail in the "Specification" and schedule of "Quantities" and shall
inter alia, fulfill and Municipal requirements and any deviations from will not
The works provided forthiscontract shall be carried out to the entire
directions issuedby the Corporation in all matters, pertaining to the contract shall be
binding on thecontractor.

Signature of Contractor 60 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
ExeExecutive Engineer (Elect)
- 62 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

S.T.Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar




FOR THEMONTH OF ............................ 2019

Sr Name Approximate Quantity of cement which Quantity Deviation, Remarks

No of the quantity of should have been used of cement if any between
item work done (in bags) which was Column No.
actually 7&8
Slandered Per
used (in bags)
Quantity Unit Quantity
Consum- Unit (in bags)
in bags

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


(for Tack Coat / B.B.M. /Liquid Seal Coat / B.M. / SDBC/B.C./M.P.M/etc.)

Date Bouzer Gate pass of Refinery. Net weight Net weight Balance weight of
No. of asphalt. of used used asphalt at end
Number Name asphalt. of day
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Signature of Engineerin charge Signature ofAgency

Signature of Contractor 60 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
ExeExecutive Engineer (Elect)
- 63 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar


(Civil Work & Electrical Work) S.T.Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar

1. General Technical Specification shall comprise the specifications containing in the

Standard Specifications mentioned hereinbefore. The I.S. specification contained in P.W.D.
Hand Book of Government of Maharashtra and Indian Electricity Rules framed under
Indian Electricity Act for Electrical Works, also be considered as part ofthese


In the event that no specifications. Instruction or guidelines are available in Standard

Specifications or Annexure, for carrying -out particular item or work or testing of
materials as relevant specification and standards laid down in the codes of Practices listed
below shall be applicable and binding on the Contractor.

Abbreviations Code ofPractice.

IS Indian Standard of the Bureau of Indian Standard BS

British Standard of British StandardsInstitutions.

ASTM American Standard of the American Society of Testing


ACI American ConcreteInstitution

DIN Deutscher Normenausschuss ( Germanlspetons ) SP

Special Publication of Bureau of Indian Standard NBC

National Building Code of India.

IRC Indian RoadsCongress.

MOST Ministry of Surface Transport (Roads Wings)

Specification for Road and Bridge Works1988
MORTH Ministry of Road Transport & Highways.
CPHEEO Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering
Organization Drainage and per Manuals-Govt., ofIndia

4. In so far any stipulation made herein conflicts or is inconsistent with any of the
Provision of the standard specifications. the stipulation made herein shall

Signature of Contractor 61 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
ExeExecutive Engineer (Elect)
- 64 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

5. cutiveEngineer
The codes of Practices would always mean the latest editions of codes of Practices
current on the day. 30 days prior to the last date ofS.T.Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar
receipt of tender and. only the
Standards and specification mentioned therein shall be applicable.
6. The Contractor shall to responsible for the quality of work in the entire construction
work within the Contract. The Contractor shall therefore have his own independent
and adequate set up for ensuring thesame.

7. The Contractor shall carryout modification in procedure of work, if any, as directed

by the Engineer during his inspection. Contractor shall keep a book called Work
Order Book on site Engineer will enter his observation i this book whenever
necessary. Contractor's representative shall sign below the remarks in token of
acknowledgement. Works falling short of quality directed by the Engineer shall be
rectified immediately the Contractor as his cost. For cement mild steel, High Tensile
steel, Concrete and similar other materials where essential test are to be carried at
the manufacturers Plants or at laboratories other named laboratory the cost of
samples, sampling forwarding, testing and furnishing of test certificates, shall also
be borne by the Contractor. The test certificates shall be furnished to the Engineer
in- charge

8. Unless specified otherwise, the method of sampling and testing of materials shall be
as per the relevant IS and special publications. In the absence of relevant Indian
standards the sampling and testing procedure to be used shall be as prescribed by
9. The Materials to be incorporated in the building for various items of works shall be
procured by the Contractor in advance and samples thereof got approved from the

10. The approved samples shall be retained in a sample room constructed at site of work
till completion of work. No deviation in size, grade and quality of the material shall
be made by the Contractor during the construction on any Plea/ground that the large
quantity of such material is not available or otherwise.

11. The contract rates quoted for various items of work in the Bill of Quantities shall be
deemed to be inclusive of the cost of the provisions indicated in the above

12. Equipments for surveying, leveling, lining out and measurement on the work shall
be procured at his cost by the Contractor for his use. The same shall also be made
available to the Engineer at site for any work connected with the Contract without
any charge. Maintaining the instruments in proper working condition shall be the
responsibility ofContractor.

Signature of Contractor 62 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

S.T.Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar
ExeExecutive Engineer (Elect)
- 65 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

13. cutiveEngineer
The equipment such as spirit level, plump bob, log and short right angles steel tapes
of different lengths, nylon thread plastic transparent Sambhajinagar
water tubes etc. shall be
procured and Kept indimensions.
14. The contractor shall have to construct and provide laboratory cum sample room and
site office with toilet for the supervisory staff of the Engineer-in- charge in addition
to his site office, go-downs etc. all these structures shall of semi permanent nature
and shall be constructed by the Contractor at his own cost as per the plan repaired
and approved by theEngineer-in-charge
15. This site office, laboratory cum sample room shall be Independent structures or shall
be housed under oneroof
The site office shall have a cabin for the Engineer and /or his authorised
representative and a meeting shall which will also serve as place for supervisory
staff of the Engineer-in-charge Suitable land if available with the, Department will
be made available to the Contractor for this purpose.
16. The sample room shall be meant for keeping the sample of materials approved by
the Engineer and the same shall be the sole property of the Department to be
supplied free of cost by theContractor.
17. A room for site laboratory shall be provided by the contractor and equipped by the
18. On completion of the entire work the temporary structures shall be dismantled by the
Contractor, if so ordered by theEngineer.
19. However, in case the Engineer desires to retain these structures for his use for some
time more, even after completion of work the Contractor shall retain these structures
and the ownership of the same shall deemed to be transferred to the Engineer-in-
Charge. In such event the Contractor shall have no financial claim against
20. Obtaining the water supply and electric connection for above structures from the
concerned local authorities and payment of water supply and electric energy charge
to concern authorities shall be the responsibility of the Contractor which he shall
discharge at his own cost, for the entire contract period.

21. The Contractor intending to use particular equipments, plants and machinery on
work, shall inform the Engineer about such intention one month in advance. He shall
clarify the purpose utility and mode of operation etc. to the Engineer and get the
22. During the course of construction unusual situations and typical problems may arise
in which case the Engineer may demand the methodology of construction, the
contractor intends toadopt.
In such an event the Contractor shall furnish the same and adopt the methodology
duly modified if so ordered by the Engineer. In order to achieve quality,
workmanship and constructional effect the Engineer shall also propose particular
methodology which shall be adopted by the Contractor.

Signature of Contractor 63 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
ExeExecutive Engineer (Elect)
- 66 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

S.T.Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar

1. In the absence of any definite provisions on any particular issue in the aforesaid
"Standard Specification" reference may be made to the Volume-II Codes of practice
and in case of any dispute arising out of interpretation of the above the decision of
the Engineer shall be final and binding on theContractor.

2. In so far as any stipulation made herein conflicts or is inconsistent with any of

provision of the "Standard Specification" I.S. Codes of practice, the stipulation made
herein shall alwaysprevail.

3. The special stipulations which are in addition and over and above the specifications
contained in "Standard Specification " are given in foregoing clauses and shall be
binding on the Contractor without any claim for extra labour and material therefor.

4. The purpose o this stipulation is to achieve good workmanship and the work done in
an Engineer-like-manner in part as well as in the totality at every proper stage of
work. This necessitates and becomes binding on part of the Contractor to obtain
written approval and acceptance of the work done under different stages from the

5. Not obtaining the written approval/acceptance of the work done from the Engineer-
in-charge at a particular stage of item of work stipulated and proceeding ahead of the
next stage of work under the same or different item may viewed as serious lapse on
part of the contract. In such an event the work done not proved by the Engineer-in-
charge may be summarily rejected similarly wherever work done which converts the
unapproved work may also be rejected Such rejected work shall be removed by the
Contractor at his own cost.

6. Acceptance of work done and granting permission to the Contractor to proceed with
further stage of work as per the stipulations made herein shall be done by the
Engineer by such mentions in Work Order Book or by letter in writing. the
Contractor shall have to note and sign such remarks and certifications made in the
work order book maintained at the site ofwork.

7. In case the Contractor finds that part of whole of the excavated material is such that
it is not useful for refilling the excavated pits and trenches and /or plinth or land
development of site of work, he shall inform in the initial stage only. In case the
Engineer approves of his fact and such proposal he shall order for final disposal of
excavated unuseful material beyond thepremises.

8. As soon as the excavation in pits and trenches partly or fully by the Contractor he
shall get the same approved in writing from the Engineer and shall not proceed with
next item of work such as laying of sailor bed concrete etc. without complying with
his requirement.
9. As soon as the excavation for foundation is approved he levels of these same shall
be taken and recorded by the Engineer in a separate book known as field book which
will be signed by the Contractor in token of acceptance of thesame.

Signature of Contractor 65 Executive Engineer (Elect)

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ExeExecutive Engineer (Elect)
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10. The depths and heights of work done different hidden items of work in foundation
shall be determined from difference of levels ofcutiveEngineer
top and bottom Hence it will be
S.T.Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar
bindingupontheContractortoarrangeforleveltakingatintervalsoftopandbottom. Hence
it will be binding upon the Contractor to arrange for level taking at intervals and sign
the levels record in field book by the Engineer in token of acceptance of the same.
The Contractor shall not proceed with next item unless this bedone.

11. The plinth level i.e. floor level of the ground floor shall be got predetermined by the
Contractor from the Engineer inwriting.

12. The floor level shall be fixed in the form of reduced level with reference to the level
of permanent or temporary bench mark. The bench mark fixed shall be properly
secured, constructed protected, and maintained by the Contractor at one or more
locations as ordered by theEngineer.

13. For fixing the plinth level the Contractor shall get the made up or the developed
ground level decided before hand in writing from theEngineer.
For this purpose the Engineer & the Contractor shall take account for
following consideration.
a) Contours and slope of natural ground of workssight.
b) Level of top of adjoining public road.
c) The length and gradient of approach road from the public road to the
entrance of thebuilding.

14. The plinth level shall be in accordance with the height of plinth shown on
Architectural drawing measured above the made up or developed ground level
decides and fixed in advance asabove.

15. On the basis of reduced levels of made up or developed ground level in plinth the
Contractor shall submit the Sectional drawings of plinth in to copies to the Engineer
duly signed by him. He shall clearly show thereon the reduced level of flooring at
plinth, top of bed concrete below flooring, top of plinth filling based on the
predetermined reduced level of the made up or developed ground level. The
sectional drawing shall show the sections through internal wall and external walls
distinctly duly indicating top of R.C.C. plinth beams in case of frame structure and
offsets of walls at plinth level and at ground level and inside the foundation, in case
of load bearingstructure.

16. The Engineer shall scrutinize the sectional drawings submitted by the Contractor;
modify the same if necessary and return one copy of approved drawings to the
Contractor duly signed in token of approval and acceptance of the contents of the
drawing. The contractor shall strictly adhere to the reduced levels involved in
different items of work in plinth as shown on approvedplan.

Signature of Contractor 65 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
ExeExecutive Engineer (Elect)
- 68 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar


S.T.Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar
1.0 For all items of concrete works in any structural portion or its components only
Design Mix concrete shall be used. For grade of concrete less than M- 15 Nominal
mix concrete may beused.

2.0 NominalMix

In case of nominal mix concrete is not required to be designed by preliminary tests.

The proportion of cement, fine aggregate sand coarse aggregates specified by

3.0 Design Mix

3.1 Concrete of specified grade shall be designed on the basis or preliminary tests. The
Contractor shall make trial mixes using samples of aggregate and cement typical of
those to be used in the works, if possible the concreting plant and the methods of
transporting and depositing the concrete to be employed in the work shall be used to
stimulate working conditions with the trialmixes.
Design mix shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions laid in 18.10262

3.2Preliminary tests strength requirements of controlled concrete shall conform

to requirements ofIS.456

3.3 All these preliminary tests approvals etc. shall be got done well in advance by the
Contractor before any concreting is contemplated Failure on the part of the
Contractor to do so and the consequent delay in the work will not entitle "him to any
compensation whatsoever. either financially, or by way of extension oftime.

4.0 Cement Content

Minimum cement content of various grades of Design mix concrete shall be as per

4.1 Water CementRatio

Water cement ratio in all elements shall be as low as practicable in conformity with
requirement of workability as per I.S.456

4.2 Water Quantity andSlump

Water quantity and slumps for all reinforced (ordinary and controlled concrete) and
Plain concrete work shall conform to IS 456 specification unless otherwise directed
by the Engineer.

Signature of Contractor 66 Executive Engineer (Elect)

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ExeExecutive Engineer (Elect)
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S.T.Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar
4.3 Admixtures
Use of super plasticizers in concrete shall be permitted Admixtures shall
comply with IS 6925 The cost of admixtures shall be borned by the
5.0 Workmanship

5.1 Proportioning Concrete

Proportioning of concrete shall conform to IS: 10252 unless otherwise

directed by theEngineer.

5.2 Mixing ofConcrete

Design mix concrete as well as nominal mix concrete shall be mixed
following the provisions in standard specifications unless otherwise
directed by the Engineer Unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer concrete
shall be mixed in a batch type mixer which shall comply with IS: 1791, IS :
4935 or such other types as the Engineer mayapprove.

When swing type weight batcher are used they shall comply with IS 2722
Batch mixers shall be tested and perform in accordance with IS: 4634 or
such other tests as the Engineer may require.

During hot weather the Contractor shall ensure that the constituent
materials are sufficiently cool to prevent the concrete from stiffening in the
intervals between its discharge from the mixer and as final position.

5.3 Transportation, Placing and Compaction ofConcrete

The method of Transportation, Placing and compaction of concrete shall be
followed as-per Standard Specifications unless otherwise directed by the
Engineer. The Compaction shall be done with surface float vibrators for
slab and with pin vibrator for columns and beams.
Vibrators of adequate capacity shall be employed of the all types of works.
5.4 Curing

Curing shall be done following provisions of Standard Specifications and as

directed by the Engineer, Approved curing compounds may be used in lieu
of moist curing with the permissions of the Engineer. such approved
compounds shall be applied to all exposed surfaces of concrete as soon as
possible after the concrete hasset.

5.5 Working in ExtremeWeather

During windy weather efficient protection shall be provided to prevent the

cement from being blown away during the process of proportioning and

Signature of Contractor 67 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
ExeExecutive Engineer (Elect)
- 70 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

mixing. During wet weather, the concrete shall becutiveEngineer

adequately protected as soon as it
S.T.Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar
is in position No concreting shall be carried out during period of continuous heavy
rain unless, it is completely covered during mixing transportation and placing. in
extreme hot weather, concreting shall be restricted to mornings and evenings, Time
between mixing and placing of concrete shall be kept to the minimum and formwork
shall be cooled by sprinkling with water starting curing before concrete dries out.

5.6 Finishing
Finishing work shall comply with requirements of Standard Specification
unless otherwise specified herein below.

Immediately on removal of forms, the RCC work shall be examined by

Engineer before any defects are made good.

a) The work that has sagged or contains honey combing to an extent

detrimental to structural safety or architectural concept shall be rejected.
Surface defects of a minor nature shall be rectified generally as indicated
below by the ContractorSurface defects which require when form are
removed usually consists of bluges due to movement of forms, ridges at
form joints, honey combed areas, damages resulting from the stripping of
forms and bolt hole Bulges and ridges shall be removed by careful chipping
or tooling and the surface is then rubbed with a grinding stone. Honey
combed and other areas shall be chipped out, the edges being cut as straight
as possible and perpendicularly to the surface, or preferably slightly under
cut to provide a key at the edge of the patch, bolt holes shall be closed by
cement mortar to ensure through filling.
Shallow patches shall first be treated with a coat of thin grout composed of
one part of cement and one part of sand and then filled with mortar similar to
the used in concrete.

The mortar is placed in layers not more than 10mm thick and each layer
shall be given is scratch finish to secure bond with the succeeding layer. The
last layer shall be finished to match the surrounding by floating. rubbing or
cooling formed surfaces by the pressing the form material against the patch
while the mortar is stillplastic.

Large and deep patches require filling up with concrete held in place by
forms. Such patches shall be reinforced and carefully dowelled to the
hardened concrete.
The same amount of care to the material in the patches shall be taken as

Signature of Contractor 68 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
ExeExecutive Engineer (Elect)
- 71 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

with the hole structure Curing shall be started as soon as possible after the
patch is finished to prevent early drying, dampS.T.Chhatrapati
hessian maySambhajinagar
be used.
Constructions joints shall be provided and treated following the provisions of
specification and as directed by the Engineer.

6.0 Durability
Minimum cement contents for different exposures and sulphate attack are
given in Tables 19 and 20 of IS 456 shall be followed for design mix.

7.0 Tests and Standard ofAcceptance

7.1 Test and Standard of acceptance criteria of design mix concrete and
nominal mix concrete shall be as follows Sampling and testing of concrete
shall be as done as per provisions of Standard Specification Acceptance
criteria for strength of concrete shall be asbelow.

a) Design MixConcrete
Full payment shall be made when 80% of the test cube results are equal to
and above the minimum specified strength and the remaining 20% on the
results are above 80% of the specified strength.

b) Nominal MixConcrete
Full payment shall be made when 70% of the test cube results are equal to
and above the minimum specified strength and the remaining 30 % of the
results are above 75% of the specified strength.
Case falling outside the above limit shall be examined by the Engineer
on merits in each case.

7.2 Defective Concrete

Any concrete which give sub standard results, or is severally damaged due
to cracking or shows excessive honey combing and exposure of
reinforcement of if and fault, which in the opinion of the Engineer,
seriously impairs its function may be declared as defective concrete
Acceptance of such concrete shall be covered by IS 456, such non
acceptable concrete shall be cuts out /removed from the site and replaced by
fresh concrete of the specified quality by the Contractor at his own cost.
Alternatively in case of acceptable concrete, the Contractor shall carry out
whatever other remedy the Engineer may reasonably required having regard
to all the circumstances at expenses of theContractor.

7.3 Keeping Records

The records of mix design slump testing of CC cubes etc. shall

be maintained in accordance with standard specification.

Signature of Contractor 69 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 70 S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar



The drawings and specifications, laid down minimum standards of equipment and
workmanship shall be observed. Should the tenderer wish to depart form the provisions of
the specifications and drawings either on account of manufacturing practice or for any other
reasons, he should clearly draw attention in his tender to the proposed points of departures
and submit such complete information, drawings and specifications as well enable there
lattice merits of the deviations to be fully appreciated. The contractor shall prepare
fabrication and working drawings and be got approved by the Engineer. Approval of
drawings does not believe the contractor of his responsibility to meet with the intents of the
specifications. All such drawings of approval shall be in duplicate.
All tools, tackles scaffolding and staging required for erection and assembly of the
equipment and installation covered by the contractor by the contract shall be obtained by the
Contractor himself. All other materials such as foundation bolts, nuts, etc. required for the
installation of the plant shall also be supplied and deem to be included in thecontract.


Successful tenderer shall co-ordinate his work with other agencies engaged in, the
construction of building.


All fittings, unit, assemblies, accessories, hardware, foundation bolts, terminal lugs for
electrical connection, cable glands and miscellaneous materials or accessories or items of
work which are useful glands and necessary for efficient assembly and working of the
equipment shall be deemed to be included in the tender within the over-all cost quoted the
equipment shall be completed in all details whether such details have been mentioned or

The entire work of fabrication, manufacture assembly and installation of equipment shall
conform of high grade workmanship. All the equipment supplied and erected must be able
to withstand the Atmospheric condition of
A) Maximum ambient temp. 45C

B) Maximum relative humidity98%

C) Corrosive atmosphere

D) Hot and humid climate close to sea coast.

Signature of Contractor 70 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 71 S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar


The contractor shall carry out tests on different equipment as specified in various standards
in the presence of representatives of the Engineer in order to enable him to determine
whether the plant, equipment and installation is in general, complying with the

The installation shall be taken over by the Engineers after satisfactory testing along with four
sets of documentation each consisting of:-

i) Detailed equipment data as approved by theengineer.

ii) Manufacturer's maintenance and operatinginstructions.

iii) Set of drawings, showing plant layouts, piping ducting,etc.

iv) Approved test readings and certificate of statutory authorities.

v) Test report of the contractor as per I.E.Rules.

Submission of the above documentation shall form a precondition for the final acceptance of
the plant and installation and final payment.


All equipment and the entire installation shall be guaranteed to yield the specified ratings
and design condition plus / minus 3% tolerance. Any equipment found short of the specified
ratings by more than the allowable tolerance as determined by the test reading shall be
rejected. The tenderer shall guarantee the following.

a) Quality, strength & performance of materials used.

b) Mechanical & electrical strength of all parts under all specified conditions of
operation shall withstand for safeoperation.

c) Satisfactory operation during the maintenanceperiod.

d) Performance figures and other particulars as specified by the tenderer as per


e) Quick free of change service during guarantee period for repairs and breakdowns.

Signature of Contractor 71 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 72 S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar


The contactor shall be fully responsible for meeting all the statutory obligations and local
inspectorates pertaining to the works carried out by them. The contractor should prepare all
working drawing and obtain approval of competent authority and also have the equipment
and installation inspected and get approved. All official fees will be borne and paid by the
contractor and if paid by the Department to avoid delay directly against demand in writing
from the appropriate authority the Department will recover the same form the contractor.
All other expenses for submission and approval of the various and relevant statutory bodies
including the above shall be deemed to have been embodies in the tender prices.


The insurance for the equipment shall be effected by the contractor with the Govt. Insurance
fund with director of Insurance, Govt. of Maharashtra, 16/17 floor, New Administrative
Building M.G. Road Mumbai 400 032 or any other Nationalized insurance company on
behalf of the department covering the risks toward handling transit storage at site,
transporting, erection testing and commissioning of the equipment at site. Insurance shall be
full and shall cover any loss or damages in accordance with clause 11 of General conditions
of contract of electrical works in the Public Works department (special Elcct. Form 180.)
The damaged materials will be set right or replaced by the contractor free of cost. The
claims arising OUT of the composite Insurance policy shall be dealt with or handled by the
contractor. The contractor shall take a separate M.C.E. Composite policy for these purposes


Successful tenderer shall ensure compliance with statutory provision of safety regulation
and departmental requirements of safety codes in respect of labour employed on the work
by the department will be at liberty to make the necessary arrangement at the cost of the
contractor and recover this cost form him The contractor shall be responsible for any
compensation to the workmen payable under the Workmen compensation Act 1923 duly
amended as on date or any other statutory regulations inforce.

A competent authorised and licensed supervisor shall be on the site whenever the
contractor's men are at work. The supervisor should ensure that all plant and machinery
used on the site are rendered safe for working and meets with the Indian or International
safety standards applicable for the use and operation of such machinery. The supervisor
should also ensure hat the workmen are supplied with and made to use safety appliances
such as safety belts, life lines helmets etc. and those prescribed as per I.E. Rules, 1956.
It is entirely the responsibility of the contractor to practice the principles of 'Safety First'
during the entire tenure of work with adequate comprehensive insurance

Signature of Contractor 72 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 73 S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

covering injury or death to workmen or any other persons on site loss by theft, or damage to
materials and property in position or not. The contractor should clear the site of all debris
very day to avoid accidents.

In case this is not done, the Department may engage necessary labour to maintain the
cleanliness of the premises and removal of debris, and debit all or part of the expenditure so
incurred to the Contractor.

The contractor shall here to, at his own expenses make all preliminary arrangement as
indicated below immediately after the contract is awarded without any loss of time.
A) He shall construct necessary store sheds with double locking arrangement for
the storage of the materials required on the work The material brought at site for execution
of the work shall not be removed without specific permission is obtained form the
competent authority inwriting.

B) He shall at his own expenses engage watchman for guarding the materials
and the work during day and night against any pilferage or damage and also for prohibiting
any tress passers till it is finally handed over to the building authority.

Note: All codes and standard referred in the specific action are latest where not
specified otherwise the installation shall generally follow the Indian Standard codes of
Practice or the relevant British standard codes of practice in the absence of corresponding

Signature of Contractor 73 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
-1 S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar


1 SCOPE OF WORK:-The contract will cover the work of electrical install with fittings and fixtures as
described in Schedule 'B' accompaning this contract.


The general conditions of the contract and the labour condition are part of these specifications and shall
govern the work of all trades.


1) All Electrical Installations etc.

All Electrical Installations shall be carried out in a manner complying within all respects with the
requirements of the relevant bye-laws of the Bombay Municipal Corporation and according to the rules and
regulations laid done by the Indian Institutes of Engineering (Electrical Relevant I.S.I. Specifications/I.E.
Rules 1956)

2) Electrical works shall be supervised by Licenced Electrical Supervision and carried outby Licenced
Electrical Contractor. The contract shall submit a list of liceanced Wireman to be engaged by him on the
work to the Ex Engr. (Electrical)


All the materials shall be of the best of their respective kind. All work shall be done by first class experienced
electrical in accordance with the best standard practice. all materials to be use on work should be get
approved from the Ex.Engineer-In-Charge.

The contractor shall install his work in accordance with the city laws, rules and regulations and shall take-out
and pay for all permits

All work shall be guaranted in sriting to be free for defective materials and workman ship and any defects
showing that time shall be made good to take satisfaction, of the electrical Engineer and Corporation in
accordance with the clause of conditions of contract.


a) Making connection to equipment installed by the control
b) Making connection to equipment supplied & installed by other traders but
wired by the contractor.
c) Storage of material at site.
d) Supplying, transporting to site, unloading, protection and installation of materials in
accordance with the speited qation.
e) Insurance of material at site.
f) Final tests of all wiring and satisfactory working of various system and equipment specified hereinafter.

Signature of Contractor 82 Executive Engineer (Elect)

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Executive Engineer (Elect)
-2 S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
g) Cutting away making good:-
The tender is to include all necessary cutting away and making good for purpose of contract will held
responsible for and will have to make good at his own expenses to the satisfaction of the Elect. Engineer any
damage by the acts of omissions of himself of his servants or agents.

Necessary precautions to be taken to cause least inconveniences to the occupants of the
neighbouring properties.


a) Time shall be essence of the contract and the work to be completed as stated in the tender, subject to the
condition of the contract.
b) Maintain progress of work throughout with that of the general building contractor and other associated

a) Provision to be made for payment at own cost the wages of the watchman for effec tive protection of the
materials to be used in the Electrical works:
b) Liability to be accepted for loss and replacement of the same at own cost.

To submit samples of all materials proposed to be used for approvals & as directed by the Electrical

The vouchers to be furnished on request to electrical Engineer to provide this the materials
are as specified.


The contractor shall include in his rates for all wastes of materials during installation and
shall now be liable for extra payment, on this account.


Detailed drawings and notes apponed there on shall be deem to for part of specification and
to supercede the specific considered mutually explanatory.


An order book shall be maintained in the work and contractor shall sign the orders issued therein by the
electrical engineer.


The contractor shall provide and labour page, strings plump both and other materialsas required for lining
and setting out the work without any payment.


Workers of the contractor will not be under any circumstances be allowed to stay in the premises of the
building during the course of work.

Signature of Contractor 82 Executive Engineer (Elect)

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Executive Engineer (Elect)
-3 S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar


Every position of the works shall be kept clean of accumulation from time to time deliveredup clean and free
from all defects if every kind at the conclusion of the works.

19) MEASUREMENTS:- The measurements for the various items of electrical fittings on fodtures will be in
accordancewith the standard mode of measurement of electrical work as adopted by the Indian Instituteof
engineers (Electric 1.S. Specifications).

All materials incl. fittings and fixtures etc. to be used for electrical installation shall be of
approved make and size No. points in the wires shall be allowed.

21) The wiring shall be carried-out with looping in system at the switch.

22) Conduit pipes and accessories shall be of heavy guage, screwed type ECW knandelwal, pannalal Hiralal,
National Hindustan and Asian make.Conduit pipes ahll be electrically and Mechanically continuous through.
These shall be clipped at suitable intervals and on either side of joints using proper size of allum. earthing
clips. wires passing through floors and walls are to be carried porcelain tubes adequate length and diameter
and are to be fixed on walls and floors with cement finish with wall or floor.

23) Angle iron frame as far as possible of slotted angle iron.

24) Brass screws should be used for fixing fittings, accessories and cover

25) all armoured cable and conduit pipes shall be run of M.S. spacers 1/r inch. thick.

26) Earthing continuity shall be maintained through out the installation and terminated at the panel board
secured by G.I. nuts, bolts 12 mm. dia, andwashers.

27) The B.W. Batten to be used on the work shall be uniform thickness standard length, vamished and free
from knots crocks etc.

28) The contractor shall be required to produce a test renort of the E.I. work in thestandard form.

29) The contractor shall prepare a list of dismantled materials with the quantities and hand-over to the
representative of Electrical Engineer.

30) The contractor shall carry-out the E.I. work without roasting inconvenience to theoccupants.

31) G.I. wire shall be soft hot dip processed.

32) Colour and quality of sunmica shall be as approved by the Electrical engineer.

33) Piano type switches and plugs shall be of Anchor, Veto, Majaj, Standard, Jagmag, Roshni, Reashmi, kalki
and Recold make.

34) All battan/ Slanting holders. Pondent holders/Ceiling rose shall be of Khosla, Sopher, Bajaj, Anchor,
GNE make.

Signature of Contractor 82 Executive Engineer (Elect)

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Executive Engineer (Elect)
-4 S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

35) All metal clad accessories shall be securely earth and the entry and exhaustopening for wires shall be
provided with insulated approved type bushing. 36) Distribution boards of all ratings shall be of Stanley,
Bosma, Lason& Tubro make.

37) Metal clad switch fuse units of all rating shall be of GEC, Crompton, Lerson & Tubro, Stanley, Bajaj

38) All PVC wires and cables shall be of NICO. Paramite, Siemen, Alindi, Hanley, Glostar, Bhilco make.

39) All Bulk head fittings shall be of Bajaj, Glolite, Daylight make.

40) Emergency tube light fitting shall be of Instalite, Glolite, Bajaj, Ashida, Bismen.

41) Exhaust fan shall be GEO, Crompton, Bajaj make.

42) Geyser shall be of Ketco, Homa, Bajaj, Spherhot, Samart make.

43) Energy meter shall be of jaipur. 44) Deo flux flood light and MVL fitting shall be of Philips, GEC,
Glolite, crompton,Bajaj, Daylight make.

45) Water meter shall be of Jyoti, Kirloskar, GEC Myars, Crompton Nasp, P.S.C.P.E.G. Taxtus E.A.E.C.

Electric Motor shall be of crompton, GEC, GES, Jyoti, Kirloskar, seimens make.

Starter for Motor shall be of crompton LT/TK Seimer cutter, Hame Jyoti make.

Signature of Contractor
Executive Engineer (Elect)
S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

Signature of Contractor 82 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
-5 S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar


General Rules and direction for the Guidance of the contract.

1) Any authorised representative of the Dy.Gen.Manager (CE) / Executive Engineer Give Notice to the
Contractor or to his foreman of non approval of any work of materials and such works shall of suspended of
use of such materials shall be discontinued untill the decision of the Dy. Gen. Manager (CE) is obtained. The
work will from time to time be examined by the Dy. Gen. Manager (CE) / Ex. Engr./ Divi. Engineer.

2) The work proposed to be executed by the Corporation shall be posted on notice board in
the office of the Ex.Engineer, S.T.S. A'bad under his signature besides it is advertised in
newspaper in this case.

3) This form will state the work to be carried-out as well as the date for submitting and opening the tenders
and the time allowed for carrying out the work also the amount of Eamest Money deposit to be deposited with
the Tender and the amount of Security Deposit to be deposited by the successful tender and the percentage if
any, to be deducted from the bills. Copies of the specifications, designs and drawings and any other
documents required in connection with the work which will be signed by the Dy. Gen. Manager (CE) /Ex.
Engineer/ Divi. Engineer of the corporation for the purpose of identification shall also be opened for
inspection by contractors at the office of the Ex. Engineer, S.T. Aurangabad during office hours on working
day only.

4) No tender will be considered which is not accompanied by knowledge of the understanding that in the
event of the tender of with drawings, his tender be fore expiry of the 90 days from the date of opening the
tender would be cancelled and the earnest money deposited there with forefeited to the Corporation and that if
the tender is accepted, the Security Deposit mentioned in the conditions of contract hereinafter will be
furnished. The earnest money must be paid in cash to the Division Controller, S.T. Aurangabad and receipt
here of produced and attached to the tender otherwise the tender will be returned un- opened, marked as
"REFUSED" The earnest money will be returned to the unsuccessful tenderers.

5) MARKING:- The tender should be addressed to the Ex.Engineer S.T. Aurangabad Division, Opp.
Puspanagari, A'bad - 431001 marked on the outside of the envelope (Tender).

and delivered in the office of the Ex. Engineer, S.T. A'bad.

6) Signature of Tenders: - In the event of the tender herein after submitted by firm it must be signed by each
Partner of the Firm and in the event of the absence of any Partner it must be authorised him to do. Such
singnature should be duly witnessed by another person whose name profession and address should be clearly

Signature of Contractor Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

Signature of Contractor 82 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
-6 S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

7) Receipt of payment :- Receipt for payments made on Account of any work, when executed by a firm
should also be signed by all the partners except where the contractors are described their tender as a form, in
which case the receipts shall be singed in the name of the firm by one of the Partners or by other persons
having authority to give effective all receipt for the firm.

8) Filling of tenders: - Any person who submits a tender shall fill up usual printed firm incl. the column
total according to the estimated quantities stating at what rate he is willing to undertake the respective items
of the work. The tenders which purpose any alternation in the work specified in said form of invitation to
tender, or in the time allowed for carrying out the work of which certain any other consideration of any sort
will be liable for rejection. The tender shall have the name and number of work to which it refers written
outside the envelope.

9) Clarify :- Filling all the blanks completely, state number in words and figures. No
measures or alternations will be accepted.

10) Firm tenders:- Tenders containing "ESCALATOR" or print adjustment provision will not be
considered. The rates quoted are to be final and binding on the contractor and no claims for provision or
change in nomenclature and or rates would be entertained.

11) Tenders:- Ex. Engineer/Divl/Accounts Officer or his representative will unless otherwise specially
directed by the Corporation open tenders in the presence of such intending contractors who may be present at
the time and will enter the amounts of the several tenders in comparative statements in the appropriate form.
In the event of a tender being accepted by the Corporation the contractor shall there upon, for the purpose of
identification and other documents mentioned in Rule No. 2 In the event of a tender being rejected, the
corporation shall refund the amount of the deposited to the contractor making the tender, on his giving
acquaintance for the receipt of such money.

12) Rejection of tender: - The corporation shall have the sole right of rejecting all or any of the tenders
without assigning any reason.

13) Receipt of payment:- No Receipt of any Payment allowed to have been made by the Contractor
directly to the Corporation in regard to any matter relating to his tender or the contracted shall be valled and
binding on the corporation unless it is signed by the divl. Account Officer, S.T. A.bad.

14) Schedule 'A' and 'B' of the tender:- The Schedule of Material to be supplied by the Corporation
and their rates and the Memorandum of items of work to be tendered for shall
be as specified in Schedule 'A' and 'B' respectively, attached to these tender papers.

15) Discripancies and omissions :- Should a Tenderers find any discrapancy or omission in the drawing or
specifications or should be/they be in doubt as to their meaning he/they shall apply in writing to the Ex.
Engineer, S.T. A'bad who will give written reply thereto. The corporation in any way will not held
responsible for oral communication made to any tenders's
16) Examination of drawing and specification and site:- The fact of tendering shall be taken as certifying the
Tenderer / Tenders has/havecarefully examined the plans and specifications and the site and has/have
examined and satisfied imself/them selves as to the nature of the work and of the materials to be removed
means of access, condition nature and position of existing buildings, side walls, obstructions sewers gas,
water system, telephone and electric system, service. Poles and every other condition which may effect

Signature of Contractor 82 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
-7 S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

his/their tendering of the execution of the work, both within the site and the adjoining areas, lanes and streets,
No. after claim, will be allowed or entertained for any work or material that may be requisite or necessary for
the tenders's failure, error or negligence in this connection. The Corporation does not Guaranted to furnish
any in formation regarding the nature amount and class of material to be excavated or removed The plans and
specifications and schedule 'A' and 'B' are complementary, and what is called for by one shall be as binding as
if called for by all. The Tenders / Tenders is/are particularly cautioned that the conditions contained in the
form of contract and the General specification supply to all sections of the work and it will be his/their
responsibility/responsibilities to ensure that all his / their subcontractor /contractors are familiar with the

17) Revised offer :- Tender/Tenderers should refrain from sending revised or amended
offers after closing date and time of the tender shall be exclusive of all and

18) Load lift and freight and taxes: - The tenderer's rates freight charges and sales tax, general tax, income tax
and all other taxes payable to the central and state Govt. or local bodies as may be inforce from time to time
and no claim on this account shall be entertained by the corporation.

19) Method of Measurement: - Measurement of work shall in all cases in the absence of
the special provision to the contrary in the contract, be made in accordance with the
standard made of measurement of building works as adopted by building and
communications deptt. of the Govt.. of Maharashtra.

20) A) Production of solvency, Banker's certificate etc :The contractors should submit along with their tender
the following Certifications inoriginal along with a copy of the same:
1) Income Tax Clearance certificate.
2) solvency certificate issued by the Collector or Mamalatdar within whose jurisdication the contractor
resides or as scheduled banks Certificate to the extent of 20% of the estimated amount put to tender. IF the
contractor/Contractors fail/Fails to submit the same along with his/Their tender, his/ their tender will not be
accepted, this being breach of the tender conditions.
3) A list of works executed by the contractor in the past together with their amounts and the his hands with
their amount of tender: -
i) Serial number. ii) Name of work.iii) Situation.iv) Amount of work tendered for.
v) Name of the work for which the work is being executed.
4) Technical sanction.
A) These certificates are to be produced along with tenders only. If the said certificate are not attached with
the tender at the time of submitting they are liable to be reject
B) The contractors should quote their rates in rupees and paise only and should be quoted in INK only and
not in "Pencil" or a Ball Pen. The tenders are liable to be rejected if the requirements are not complied with.
The rates should also be quoted in words and figures in any of the three languages viz. Marathi, Hindi and
English. If any change of addition or conditions is found in the schedule the tenders of the contractors, the
same will be rejected.
C) The contractors are strictly prohibited from changing or adding to the description of the
item in the schedules. If any change or addition or condition is found in the schedule,
the tenders of the contractor will be rejected.
D) The contractors are further requested to observe all the conditions, carefully and com ply with them
strictly at the time of submitting the tender as in their absence his/their/ tenders, the same will be rejected.
E) The contractor will have to produce the power of attorney as and when required.

21) Corrections: - All corrections in entries made by the Tenderer/Tenderers should be initialled by him/them.

Signature of Contractor 82 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
-8 S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar



1.Wiring rules of the I.P.A. and I.E.S. the installation probably shall be carried-out in conformity with the
IEA and the latest edition of the Wiring rules of the Institution of Electrical Engineers (London), hereinafter
referred to as "IRA Wiring Rule", but where the specification differs from those rules, the specification shall
be followed.

2. Definations:-
The definations of terms in the I.S.E. wiring Rules, 8th Edition shall apply.

3.Pressure and frequency of supply: - All current consuming devices shall be suitable for.

4. System of wiring :-

1) The wiring shall be carried out as per Schedule :- "Power" Wiring must be in screwed conduit and shall be
kept separate and sistinct from lighting wiring. All wiring must be done on the distributing system with main
and branch distribution boards at convenient centres and without insolate fues. All contractors shall be run as
far as possible along the walls and coilings so as to be easily accessible and capable of being before hand by
the Executive Engineer Division.Executive Engineer

2) Within one month of the taking over of installation the contractor shall supply to the Divn., a complete set
of wiring diagrams of the same on drawing to be supplied when available, by the Executive Engineer
Division, and to the satisfaction of the Executive Engineer Division and the wiring plans shall be deemed to
be drawings within the meaning of the tarms as used in the General conditions of Contract.

5. Conductors: -
All conductors to be of copper in accordance with the resolutions of Engineering Standard Committee as set
4th the I.E.E. Wiring Rules 8th edition No. 72, except as provide in clause 18, no insulated conductor shall
have a cross section less than that of 1/.044 and every such conductor of greater cross section shall be
stranded, but 3.3/8.029 only shall be used for wiring of lightly fans and plug points

6.Cable: -
i) All cables including flexible cables shall be "Association Cable" of the British cable Makers Association
and each coal must be accompanied by the makers test certificate to that effect stating the "Class" and give
the road of insulation tests. The declectic to be valconised rubber per I.E.E. Wiring Rules No. 48.
ii) Twin Flexible cable shall have a sectional and of 14/0076 or larger, insulated with one layer of pure and
two layers of vulcaised rubber, a lapping of good proof linen tape-over the vulcanised India Rubber, and
braided over all.
iii) all typed cables shall have the makers Names of other means of identification printed on the tape.
7. Full of potential:-
The cross sectional area of all conductors inside building shall be so proportioned to their lengths that the
drop pressure between the main fuses and the further or any lamp not exceed two percent, with all consuming
devices in use.

Signature of Contractor 82 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
-9 S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
8.Rating of lamps of fans: -
The estimating the current to be carried by any conductors glow lamps are to be rates as of 4 and 1.25 Watts,
per caddle power for carbon and metalic filament lamps respectively where the conditions are known,
otherwise at 60 Watts except in the case of gas filled lamps. Ceiling fans are to be rates at 150 Watts, table
fan at 60 Wattsunless valves are known or specified.
9.Test: -
The installation with fittings complete shall, before currents is switched on satisfactorily pass the following
tests The whole of the lamps and appliances have been connected to the conductors and all switches and fuses
being on a pressure not less than twice the intended working pressure (Subject to a limits of 500 Volts) shall
be applied and the insulation resistance of the whole of any part of the installation to earth m not be less in
Mecohms than 25 divided by the number of points defined above. with all limps and appliances removefrom
the cicadas a similar test between poles may be demanded. Provided during the rainy season, or in new
buildings at any seasons, half the above test valve will be accepted. Where any appliance referred to is a
meter larger that one- half B.H.P. the insulation resistance of that particular circuit must be greater that one
10. Joints and looping black: -
Unless with the sanction of the executive Engineer Divn., all joints in conductors shall be made by means of
approved mechanical connectors in suitable and approved joint boxes but "Looping Back" is preferable.
11. Switches: -
i) All mains switches (Other than those of Iron clad Pattern) Carrying over ten
ampheres shall be fitted for construction.
ii) Switches and circuit breakers shall be construction in accordance with IEE Wiring Rules 8th Edition No.
67, providing all that /springs shall be either of phospher branze, or if or steel, shall be copper or nickel
plates, and that handles shall be so fastened they do not attend the insecure or (see also clause - 16),
12. Control at point of entry of supply:-
There shall be one main switch and the fuse on each per of each main circuit (other that linked. -neutral
conductor of circuit) at the point of only or use supply. The switch be.

13. Distribution boards :-

1) Main distribution boards shall be of marble state on skeleton frame for iron clad switch gear and shall be
provide with switch and fuse on case pole of each circuit. 2) Branch distribution boards shall be provided
with one fuse on each pole of each circuit. One spare circuit of distribution board. No. final fan circuit
rediating from board shall carry more that four fans. Incandascan lighting sub circuits shall comply with the
limits specific in I.E.I. Wiring Rules.

3) switches and fuses of opposite polarity shall be mounted on separate bases with a chield of non-linitable
insulating material between bases when placed one above theother

4) In wiring a branch distribution boards the total number of lamps shall be divided as far as possible evenly
between the number of ways of the board. A spare circuit shall be left for future extentions.

5) In the construction and fixing of main and branch distribution boards the following requirements shall be
fulfiled: All fuses shall be of Home Office Pattern.
Connections shall be arranged as far as possible to confirm with the diagram.
Connections of all circuits carrying more that 10 amps., shall be made by means of cable sockets, ained in the
AMP, shall be made by means of cable sockets, ained in the form of contract and the General specifications
apply to all sections of the work and it will be his/the responsibility/ responsibilities to ensure that all his /
their sub- contractor/contractors are familiar with the specifications.

Signature of Contractor 82 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 10 S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

14. Revised offer: -

Tender / Tender should refrain from sending revised or amended offers after closing date and time of the

15. Lead, lift, fright and taxes: -

The tendered rates tax, general tax, income tax and all other taxes payable to the Central and State
Government or local bodies as be in force from time to time and no claim on this account shall entertained by
the Corporation.

16. Method of measurements :-

Measurements of work shall be in all cases, in the absence of special provision to the contract in the contract,
be made in accordance with the standard mode of measurement of building works as adopted building and
communications Department of the Govt. Of maharashtra.

16-A) Production of solvency, Banker's certificate etc. : . The contractor should submit along with their
tender following certificates in originalalong the any of the same.
1) Income tax clearance certificate:-
2) Solvency certificate issued by the collected or Mamletdar within whose jurisdiction the contractor resides
or a scheduled bank's certificate to the extent of 20% of the amount put to tender. If the contractor/contractors
fail/fails to submit the same alongwith his / their tender will not be accepted, this bring breach of tender
3) A list of works executed by the contractor in the past together with their amounts and the works which are
now in his he with their amount as under:-
i) Serial Number iii) Situation.
ii) Name of work iv) Amt. of work tender for
v) Name of party for which the work is being executed.
4) Certificate from Govt. or non-Govt. Department.
5)Technical standing :-

A) These certificates are to be produced alongwith tender only if the said certificates
are not attached to the tenders at the time of submitting the tenders are liable to
be rejected.

B) The contractor should quote their rates in rupees, pain only and should be quoted in INK only and not in
pencil or ball pen. The tenders are liable to be rejected if the requirements are figures in only of the three
languages Viz. marathi, Hindi and Engilish if any change or addition or condition is found in the Schedule the
tenders of the contractor will be rejected.
C) The contractors are strictly prohibited from changing of adding to the description of the item in the
schedules. if any tenders of the contractors will be rejected.

17) Ceiling rose and wall sockets:

Ceiling roses and wall sockets shall not contain fuse terminals, wall sockets comply with the requirement of
the British engineering standard committee.

Signature of Contractor 82 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 11 S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
18) fittings:-
Where conductors are required to be threaded tubes or channels formed in the metal work of fittings, these
must be free from sharp angles or projecting edges of and of such a size as will enable them to be wired with
the conductors used for the final sub- circuits without removing the braiding taping or outer covering. As far
as possible, all tubes or channels should be of sufficient size to permit of "looping back". Where with the
value of the Ex.Engineer from wiring, which these wire will be carried into the fittings, all fittings must have
not less than a half inch female nipple fittings and lamp holders for gas filled lamp hall be adequately

19. Lamp holders :-

Lamp holders for use on brackets shall have less than half inch female nipple and all these for use with
flaxseed pendants shall be provided with cord grops. All cases must solid and substantial thin case except
type being admission Edison screw, holders will not be accepted for lamps below 100watts.

20. External and road lamps : - External and road lamps shall have weather proof fitting of approved design
so as to effectually prevent this admission of moistures proof materials must be inctead between the lamp
holder nipple and that of the fitting. Flexible cord conductors and congers lamp holders must be exposed to
the weather. In varnished and similar exposed situatices rod pendants or ceiling plates shall be used.

21. Lamps :-
All glow lamps unless otherwise specified in the special conditions contract shall be hang at a height of nine
feet above the floor level. Metal filament lamp shall be made of down wireonly.

When carbon filament lamps are used, they shall comply with the engineering standardCommittee's
specification for carbon filament glow lamps.
22. Fans and regulators :-
a) All ceiling fans shall be suspended from a hook or a shackle and insulated from the same. All joints in the
suspension rod shall be screwed and all joints or bolts in connection there with shall be additionally secured
by means of split pins (b) the canopy and wood block at the top of suspension rod shall effectually hide the
suspension. (c) The leading in wire shall be not smaller than 3/32 SWG and shall be protected from being out.
(ii) (a) all fans shall be hung nine and half feet above the floor or as directed by the Supervising officer. (b)
All fans shall be capable of running at full speed at one more without additional oiling and shall not ever over
heat after eitht hours continuous run at full speed. (c) each for shall have a speed regulator which shall have a
cover and an "Off" position and shall be so designed as to be capable of reducing the normal speed of fan by
not less than 60 percent with all resistance in circuit. The regulator shall be capable of continuous use on any
contact without burning or overheating.
23) Attachment of fittings and accessories : -
i) In other than conduit wiring all ceiling roses, wall sock switches, regulators, brackets, pendants and
accessories attached to walls to ceiling shall be mounted on substantial teak wood block wise varnished after
all fixing holes are made in them. Brass screws only are to be used for attaching fittings and accssories to
their base blocks.

ii) All attachment blocks and shall have solid blacks not less than aue-eight of one inch thick.

Signature of Contractor 82 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 12 S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
24) Interchangeability: -
Similar parts of all the switches lamp holders distribution boards, ceiling roses, brackets, pendant fan and all
other fittings of the lamp types shall be interchangeable.


25) Materials and pattern of casing:-
All casing shall be of teak wood or to approved hard wood, free from knots, sap or other defects and shall
have a smooth finish. The casing shall have grooved body with a simple readed plain moulded covers.

26) Dimensions of casing and capping etc. :- The scantling casing and capping shall be to the satisfaction of
the engineer The grooves shall be and in no case shall be width of the fil..... between the groves be less than
half an inch, or the thickness of the back under the groves or capping over the groves to less than one fourth
of an inch, dimensions of groves shall be such that the wires will not require any force to put that in place.
Were capping is attached to the outer wall of the casing by screws at the side the thickness of the outer wall
of the casing shall be less than three-eight of an inch.

27) Bunching of circuits;-

Wires of opposite polarity shall not be bunched,but wires of the same polarity may with the permission of the
Engineer be bunched.

28) Attachment of casing and walls and ceiling ;- All casing battens shall be fixed by means of screws to
plugs at intervals of fast arranged as provided for in clause 15. Unless other wise specified all casing shall be
spaced from the walls or cailing by means of moisture provide distance pieces not less than one eighth of an
inch thick. All screws shall be spaced so as not to break the wall of the grooves. Casing shall be particularly
sunk in a chase in permanent dry wall it must be painted externally with atleast two costs of oil paint and be
allowed to dry through before fixed in position.

29) Passing through floors :-

Where conductors pass through floors, conductors shall be carried in approved heavy Iguage conduit or
porcelain ducts, the floor conductors shall be carried 12 inches above the floor line at one inch below the
ceiling line and neatly entered into the casing which shall, if required by Engineer by suitably protected at the
floor line. Where the supply is alternating current, the conductors of the circuit must be bunched in the tube.

30) Joints in casing and capping: -

Casing and capping shall be run in lenghts as long as possible. All points shall be scarfed or out diagonally in
longitudinal section. Capping shall be secured at the joint with two or more screws as may be necessary joints
in capping must break joints with these in thecasing.

31) Conductors carried round moulding and angles : - In order to avoid carrying casing round wood
mouldings or beams, holes should where practicable be pierced through the same provided that the piercing
of such holes does not appreciable weaken the structure. A separate hole should be pierced for each grooving
in the casing. Where casing forms an angle on a wall of calling the corners of the grooves must be properly
round. In all other inside angles where casing attached to a ceiling.

32) Casing to harmonies with decorations :- When writing is to be carried over ornamental work, with which
it is required to harmonise the design of any special casing any be necessary shall be submitted to the Ex.
Engineer Division. For approval Casing attached to the cailing shall be carried completely across the cell.
When ever required by the Executive Engineer, Division. Instead of boing stopped at the fitting and in all
cases where it is required but the Executive Engineer used. division., dummy casing must be

Signature of Contractor 82 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 13 S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
33) Painting and varnishing:-

All casing and capping shall served before erection internally and on the back with two coats of varnish
made-up of not less than 3 labs. Of pure shall as per gallon of spirit. In addition, all casing, together with
capping after erection shall be painted or varnished in such a manner as may be ordered by the executive
engineer division.

34) Attachment of capping:-

Capping shall be attached to casing by round headed brass screws placed in such edge at intervals not
exceeding twelve inches, in all sizes of and above inches in width and along the contro in smaller sizes. In
casing, having more than two grooves, screws for fixing the capping shall be placed in the fillets between the
conductors as well as in the outer walls of the casing if so required by the Executive EngineerDivision.

35) Inspection: -

Unless with the section of the Ex. Engineer division capping shall not be put on until the work has been
inspected with the wires in position and approved by the Ex. Engineer Division. This inspection will be done
from time to time as the work progress, on the application of the contractor.

C: Conduit System
36) Conduit to be continuous: -
Conduit shall be of approved pattern and manufacture and in accordance with the specified of British
Engineering Standard Committee. It shall be supplied without insulating lining. The conduit shall be
electrically continuous from distribution to outlet boxes for fittings, switches and other appliances, no conduit
tube shall be used six tenths of an inch in diameter, measured inside the metal tube shall be used.

37) Bunching of wire : - The wires of circuit may be bunched together in a conduit and if the supply it
alternatingcurrent they must be bunched.

38) Bunching of junctions in conduct : .

the lengths of conduit shall be jointed by means of screwed socket of other approved joints. Threads shall be
free from grease or oil and no material of this nature shall be allowed to come in contract with the conductors.
The greatest care shall be taken in preparing the

conduit that on sharp edges or burrs left which could damage the insulation. The Ex Engineer Division with
view enquire (if he should consider necessary) that the separate lengths of conduits etc. after they have been
prepared shall be submitted for inspection before being fixed.

39) Precaution against insects and lamps :- The tubes, all outlets of conduit system shall be properly in order
to minimise condensation or sweating inside drained and vartilated but in such manner as to prevent the entry
of insects.

Signature of Contractor 82 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 14 S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
40) Protection of conduit against rust :-
tees, junction boxes etc, forming partThe outer surface of conduits incl. All bends, unions, of the conuit
system shall be protected from rust by being galvanised, or enamelled, or bytwo coats of iron oxide paint
applied before they are fixed. If so required by the ExEngineer as may be directed.

Division. All conduits shall be painted after fixing in such manner

41) Fixing of conduit:

The conduits shall be fixed to be surface of walls, secured to plug, arranged as in clause 15 by saddles and
rounded screws. No conduit shall be burried beneath the surface of the masonry unless so specified or
approved by the executive Engineer.

42) Bands on conduit :-

The conduits shall be brought round the angle of walls by means of bends or inspection elbow as be directed.
angle on the face of the wall shall be arranged for by means of iron inspection boxes, with suitable inlet and
outlet sockets and screwed joints. Each box shall be provided with a cover properly secured by means of
which access the conductor may be obtained. The radius on the inner side of any bend shall not be less than
there inches and no length of contract shall have more that the equivalent of four quarter bends from outlet to
outlet the bends at the outlets not being connected.

43) Outlets:-
All outlets for fitting, switches, etc. shall be equipped with an approved outlet box.

44) Conductors: -
All conductors used in conduit wiring shall be stranded.

45) Erection and earthing of conduit: -

The whole system of conduit shall be erected and completed before the conductors are drawn in the whole
metal system of the conduit shall be electrically continuous through out and shall be permanently & efficient

Signature of Contractor 82 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 15 S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

D: Cleated wiring system,

46. Accessibility: -
All cleated wiring shall be run as far as practicable so as to be visible and accessible.

47. Cleats :-
All cleats shall be of procelain of approved design and must consist of two pacts, a base piece and a cap A
special patern of cleat should be used if necessary where conductors pass round corners, so that there may be
no risk of the conductors touching the walls owing to sagging or stretching. Cleats shall be fixed at distance
not greater than two feet apart and at regular intervals. There must be no apparent sag of the conductors.

48. Fixing of cleats :-

i) In ordinary cleats shall be attached to arranged as provided for in Clause 15.

ii)Where proctificable the same method shall be adopted in the case of stone walls, but when, owing to
irregular coursing or other reason it is impracticable to fix the cleats in a regular and workman like manner,
wood batten shall be provided and fixed with not less than one plug per three foot run. The batten shall be of
teak or other suitable hard wood three-fourth of an inch and one inch wider than the cleat used, it shall be
chamfered or the edges, and varnished with two coats of varnish (prepared as specified in Clause 34) or
painted as may be ordered by the Engineer..

Whether reasons exist which prevent the use of either plug or battens, cleats must be attached to the wall or
ceiling in a manner approved by the Ex. Engineer Division.

49. Distance apart of wires :

1) The pressures upto 250 Volts cleats shall be of such dimensions that in the case of

branch leads, conductors shall not be less than one inch apart centre in the case of mains not less than two and
three-eights inches apart centre to centre. ii) Provided that this sub-clause shall not apply to twin conductors
used with the approvalof the Ex. Engineer Divn..

iii) where the pressures exceeds 250 Volts clouted..................... shall not be used.

50. Crossing of conductors :-

Where cleated conductors cross each other they are to be fixed to an insulating bridging piece, which will not
rigidly maintain a separation of atleast one-half inch between the poleg. Provided that this clause shall not
apply to twin conductors used with the approval of theEx. EngineerDivn.

51. Protection near floors: -

No elected wiring shall be left unprotect within five feet of a floor. Wire brought through the floor shall be
enclosed in conduit in the manner specified in Clause 29.

Signature of Contractor 82 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 16 S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

E: Metal sheathed wiring system

52. Plain or braided wire :-

Plain or baraided metal sheathed wire may be used according to which is specified by the Executive Engineer

53. Attachment to walls and ceiling:-

All conductors fixed to teak wood battens must be supported on walls and ceiling set
intervals as per Clause 28, the conductors to be fixed to the battens by means of clip spaced at intervals not
exceeding nine inches horizontally and one foot vertically. The bead of all scre or pins shall be set level with
the surface of the clips, so as not to injure to metal sheathing. The clips shall be of sub-charactor as not to
lead to corresion of electrolytic action form contract salles may be used if specified by the Ex. Engineer bend
shall have a radious of less than three inches. Division.

54. Plugs:-
With Executive EngineerDivn's permission Rawl or other special plugs maybe used. In other respects, clause
51 shall apply.

55. Wiring on rolled :-

Steel joints where wiring is to be carried along with the face of rolled steel joints a wooden backing shall be
first laid on the joints and fixed it as inconspicuously as possible. The wiring shall be fixed to this backing in
the ordinary way.

56. Joints:-
Joints shall be made be made by means of brass connectore porcelain insulated, or otherapproved material
enclosed in joint boxes approved by the Ex. EngineerDivn. Thejoint boxes shall be so constructed as to
prevent insects entering them and to allow of thewhite washing of the walls without water having access to
the connectors. All wires shallbe bonded through or across these boxes, bonding connections shall be so
arranged as notto come in contact with the plaster.

57. Stripping of insolution :-

Then V.I.R. insolution has to be stripped for joints etc. the metal sheathing must be hacked only not cut, and
the insolution between the metal sheath and the conductor shall be ofrubber only. All tape shall stripped off.

58. Where paper insulated metal:sheathed cable is used all openings in the same shall be efficiently sealed.

59. Protection of wiring :-

i) When so required by the Executive Engineer must be covered when a sheath metal protective covering to
protect it from damage and the

Divn.metal sheathed wiring base of the protective covering to protect it from damage and the base of the
protective covering shall be flush with plaster or brick work as the case may be. Such protective covering
shall in all cases be fitted on all down drop within such distances from the floor as may to specified by the
Executive Engineer Divn.

Signature of Contractor 82 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 17 S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

60. Passing through floors:

All wires taken through floors shall be on closed in a heavy guage steel conduit entering specified by the
executive Engineer Divn.

61. Passing through walls:-

The method to be adopted be either that laid down in clause 14 (1) (a) or shall be singe to that in that in clause
61, the conduit to extent one inch. beyond the wall be on each side, if the wire is taken through the wall
straight and to be flush with the wall if the course of the wire is right angles to the wall.

62. Burried wires :-

Metal sheathed wire shall in no case be burried directly in plaster.

63. Metal sheathing to be bounded and earthed :-

All metal sheathing shall be well bounded through out the whole of its length and efficiently connected with
earth and shall pass the test specified in Clause 66. The earthing shall extend to the metal frame of all main
and branch switch and distribute boards.

64. Earth wire and plates :-

1) The earthing wire and the connect earth shall be of copper and shall be so constructed and laid as to avoid
to formation of any electrolytic couple.

ii) The size of earthing wire shall be not less than No. B.S.G. or equivalent strandedcable.

65. Painting :-
All metal sheathed wiring or the protective covering of the same when fitted shall be neatly painted after
erection with to coats of the zinc paint to the satisfaction of the Ex. Engineer ................................Division.

66. Testing:-
Every circuity of metal sheathed wire shall be tested to earth by the contractor with a pressure not exceeding
4 volts, which shall ring a bell requiring not less than half an ampere to accurate it alternately a low reading
ammeter may be used.

Signature of Contractor 82 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 18 S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

F: Cab-Tyre system
67. Attachment to walls and ceilings:-
All conductors shall be supported on walls and ceiling at intervals not exceeding six inches horizontally and
nine vertically and special clips fixed by brass screws shall be used for their attachment. The bends of such
screws shall be set level with the surface of the clips so as not to injure the sheathing the clips shall be of
tinned brass or of such character as not lead to corresion or electrolytic action from a contact. Saddles may be
used. No bent shall have redius of less than three inchres.

68. Plugs: Rawal plugs may be used for fixing the clips
69. Wiring or rolled steel joints :-
Where the wiring is to be carried along the face of rolled steel joints, a wooden backing preferably the full
width of joints and fixed at it is inconspiously as possible. The wiring shallbe attached to this backing in the
ordinary way.

70. Joints:-
Joints shall be made by means of brass concourse porcelain insulated or other approved material enclosed in
joint boxes approved by the Ex. Engineer -------------- Divn. The joint boxes shall be so constructed as to
prevent insects entry in and to allow of the white washing of the walls without having access to the

71. Protection wiring :-

Cab tyre sheathed wiring must be covered a sheathed metal casing to protect it fromdamage on down drops
from switches or regulators to the floor level on brass of the protective covering shall be flush with the plaster
of brick work as the case may be.
72. Passing through floors :-
All wires taken through floors, shall be enclosed in steel conduit extending four feet six inch along the floor
and flush with the ceiling below of protected in such other manner as the Ex.Engineer --------------- Divn.
shall approve. The ends of all conduits of pipes shall be neatly bush with porcelain, wood or other approved

73. Passing through Walls:-

The method to be adopted shall be laid down in Clause 14.
74. Burried wires: -
Cab tyre sheathed wire shall in no case be burried directly in plaster without the permission of Executive
Engineer (Elect), S.T. Bombay Division.

75. Painting :-
The cab tyre wiring shall be neatly painted after erection with tow coats of paint to the colour of walls to the
satisfaction of the Ex. Engineer (Elect), Divn., S. T. Bombay.

Signature of Contractor 82 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 19 S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

1. All works shall be carried out as per relevant Bureau of Indian Standard and specifications. The method of
constructions shall be as per PWD hand book for Electrical works and instructions issued by Electrical
Engineer, S.T. Bombay time to time..

2. While carrying out the Electrical works provisions of 1.E. Rules 1956 must be observed.

3. All materials used on works shall confirm to relevant B.I.S. specifications and shall have the approval of
the Electrical Engineer, S.T. Bombay.

4. The wiring shall be carried out with looping in system at the switches.

5. Conduit pipe shall be electrically and mechanically continuous throughout.

6. The items of hidden nature such as Earthing pole foundations underground laying of cable, laying of hum
pipe etc. shall be carried out in presence of J.E. (Ele.) D.E. (Ele) and Earth results recorded in the
Measurement Book. The contractor will adopt necessary measures to reduce the Earth resistance to a
maximum permissible limit of 8 ohms.

7. M.S. Box for switches to be used against item of point wiring shall be provided withmachine screws,
washers at corners of box and duly approved before use on work. Theyshall be fabricated in an approved
manner and shall have earthing terminal with nuts/poles,washers etc.

8. All fittings to be erected on trusses or girders of shall be provided with clamps made out of 25 x 4 mm.
M.S. flat (and necessary materials) duly painted as directed by the Engineer - in-charge.

9. The choke box with in built clamping arrangement shall be erected on pole withnecessary materials at a
height of 3 or above as may be directed by the Electrical Engineer-in approved manner.

10. All the fittings and fixtures to be installed by the contractor shall be provided withadequate capacity of
wires and duly connected with the installation in an approved manner.

11. Iron frame work to be used form metal clad switches/D.E. shall be of size 25 x 6 mm.M.S. flat duly
painted With one coat of red oxide and 2 coats of enamel paint and duly thed.

12. All switches to be used for panel board shall be of same make and type as approvedfrom the Electrical

13. Angle iron frame shall be of slotted... required by the Engineer - in - charge.

14. Brass screws should be used for fixing fittings required by the Engineer - in- charge.

15. All armoured cable and conduit pipes shall be run on M.S. a spacers: 1/8" thick and duly painted.

Signature of Contractor 82 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 20 S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

16. Earthing continuity shall be maintained throughout the installation and terminated at thepanel board
secured by G.I. nuts bolts 12 mm. dia. and washers.

17. The T.V. batten to be used on the work shall be of uniform thickness, standard length, varnished and free
knots, cracks etc.

18. The contractor shall be required to produce a test report of the E.I. work in standard form as also furnish
the results of earthing tests and insulation tests of installation separately.

19. The contractor shall prepare a list of dismantled materials (where relevant) with their quantities and hand
over to the representative of the Executive Engineer.

20. The Contractor shall carry out the E.l. work without causing inconvenience to the occupants. 21. The G.I.
wires shall be soft not dip processed.

22. All metal clad accessories shall be securely earthed and the entry and exits opening forwires shall be
provided with insulated approved type bushing.

23. The main switches with capacity of 200 amps. and above shall be heavy duty and conforming to relevant
I.S. specifications.
24. The Contractor shall be required to produce the Certificate from the supplier / manufacturer to know the
genuineness of materials used, if asked by the Electrical Engineer, S.T. BBY

25. The approved sample of each type of material shall be preserved by the contractor onsite still the
completion of the work.

26. All the metal clad accessories shall be securely earthed and the entry and exit openings for wires shall be
provided with an insulated approved type bushing.

27. Wire passing through floors and walls are to be carried through porcelain tubes ofadequate length and
diameter and are to be fixed in walls and floors with cement.

28. Earthing:- The method and system shall comply with 1.S. and I.E.E. rules and regulations. Two G.I.
wires not small than 8 S.W.G. shall be bolted to the earth plate and borough and through a G.I. pipe 3/4"
diameter and 1" above ground level. The resistance to earth from any metallic part of installation shall not
exceed 8 Ohms.

29. Fitting supplied by S.T.: All fixtures, given under senedul 'A' will be supplied by S.T.The installation and
of these fitting will be carried out by the Contractor.

30. The Contractor shall hand over the guarantee cards electrical equipment such as gey sons water pumps
etc. to the Electrical Engineer.

31. The G.I. earth wire run on pole shall be tightened to the pole with drilled holes and secured by nuts bolts,
washers and lugs.

Signature of Contractor 82 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 21 S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

32. The cable termination boxes shall have proper hinges and suitable locking arrangements.

33. In case of items where fittings are supplied by Department the Contractor shall erect the same with
necessary materials.

34. The fittings such as fluorescent tube lights, Mercury Vapour lamps fittings, control gear boxes to be
supplied and used by the Contractor at site shall be complete with all original components assembled by the
Manufactures in their factory. A certificate to this effect from the Manufacturer or the dealer, if demanded,
shall be produced by the Contractor.

35. A record plan should be prepared and jointly signed by DE (Ele) and Contractor aftercompletion of work
for reference of the office.

D) G.I. Pipe Pole (OH-PL7GIP)

Specification No (OH-PL/GIP)

Supply and erection of IS1 mark G.I. Pipe Pole 'B' Grade 75/80 mm dia, 6 m long including painting in
provided foundation as per method of construction.

Pole: ISI mark G.I. Pipe Pole 'B' Grade 75/80mm dia. of total length 6 meter Base plate: CI/MS Base plate of
30x30x0.6 cms. Pole Cap: Pole cap 4 mm thick with inside diameter equal to outside Dia, of the pole and
minimum height shall be 75 mm shall be welded or fixed with set screws. Earth Stud Earth stud 5/8"mm Dia.
size bolt welded to pole with required size nut and double G.I. /M.S. washers Paint: Bituminous paint,
Aluminium paint/ any other paint as per the instructions of engineer-in-charge, Red oxide paint.

Method of construction:
Before erection of pole base plate of size 30x30x0.6 cm shall be full length welded or fixed with 4 set screws
at the bottom of pole, a suitable hole of required diameter and at specified height shall be drilled and welded
with knock out nipple for laying wires of street light. The pole shall be then painted by 2 coats of red oxide
paint as primer and one coat of bituminous paint before erection for 1/6 length which is to be buried in
ground & after erection remaining portion to be painted by two coats of aluminium paint. The pole shall be
erected in provided pit with cement concrete foundation and muffing in perfect plum. (As per drawing no.....)

Mode of Measurement:

Executed quantity will be measured on number basis, (i.e. each)

8.2 PSC Poles (PSC)

Specification No (OH-PUPSC)
Supply and erection of PSC Rectangular pole in provided foundation as per IS 13158 1991, an as per method
of construction mentioned below.

Signature of Contractor 82 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 22 S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar


PSC Rectangular Poles as per Specifications in Table 8/3 and as per satisfactory tests minimum required as
per IS.
Table 8.2/3
Specifications for PSC Poles

Top Cross section in mm Bottom Cross section in mm Length in metre Weight in kg

90x275 90x102 8 140

105x115- 105x315 9 200

Method of construction:
The pole shall be erected in provided pit with cement concrete foundation and muffing or as instructed by
site-in-charge in perfect plum. 1/6" of the total length of pole shall be buried in ground The poles shall not to
be used for end pole, large angle pole (angle more than 30"), cut point or span length more than 65 mtr
length, where heavy vehicular traffic exists and to be used for straight poles or small angle pole. (As per

Mode of Measurement:
Executed quantity will be measured on number basis, (i.e. each)
8.3 Hot dipped Galvanized poles & High Mast (HM)
A) High Mast (OH-PL/HM)
Specification No (OH-PL/HM)
Supplying and erecting 12.5 m/16 m/24 m high-mast, and its accessories as specified below.
Hot dipped galvanised pole with details as given in the Table below: (Refer drawing no. OH-PL-1 & OH-PL-
2) The design life of high mast shall be minimum 25 years.

Signature of Contractor

Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

Signature of Contractor 82 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 23 S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

Height 12.5m without paower 2.5m with 16m Power 20m Power Remarks
Tool Power Tool Tool Tool
1.Material Hot dipped Hot dipped Hot dipped Hot dipped Each section
galveanised as per galveanised as galveanised as galveanised as shall 3e
specification BSEN per per per fabricated
ISO specification specification specification out of
1461 1461 plates duly
olded and
welded. There
shall be only
seam weld per
section. Hot-
deep nternally
and externally
thickness of
85 microns
for jottom
section and 65
microns for
top and
Top and 110mm and 242mm 150mm and 150mm 150mm
Bottom Dia thickness 3/3mm 360mm (thickness (thickness
Thickness thickness 3mm)and 3mm)and
3/3mm 460mm 460mm
(thickness (thickness
4mm) 4mm)
Overlap 1.5 times the Dia 1.5times the 1.5 times the 1.5 times the At site
Dia Dia Dia sections shal
be joined
together by
fit method.
No site
welding or
bolted joints
shall be done
to the mast.
Max. As per IS 875 part 3 As per IS 875 As per IS 875 As per IS 875 Max Dynamic
Dynamic part 3 part 3 part 3 loading to
loading to withstand
withstand Max wind
Signature of Contractor 82 Executive Engineer (Elect)
S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 24 S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
max Wind pressure
Opening of 175x500mm 225x1050mm 1200x250mm 1200x250mm
base door
Double yes 20mm thick 320 x yes 25mm thick yes 25mm thick yes 30mm thick The welding
internal 320mm 520 mm Dia 670mm Dia 670mm Dia connection of
lock Base the base
plate flange shall be
developed to
the strength of
the entire
section. The
base flange
shall be
provided with
y gussets
between the
bolt-holes to
elimination of
helical stress
Anchor 3mm 5mm 8mm 8mm
2.Accessori 12.5m 12.5m 16m 20m
Lantern HexagonalLanterCarri Lantemcarriage Lantemcarriage Lantemcarriage Hot deep, in
Carriage age for 6fittings of 50 NB ERW of 50 NB ERW of 50 NB ERW two halves
arrangement symmetrically with
Class-BMS Class-BMS Class-BMS stainlesssteel
pipe covered pipe covered pipe covered bolts and-
withPVC withPVC withPVC locktype
sleeve suitable sleeve suitable sleeve suitable stainless stont
to carry 250kg to carry 250kg to carry 250kg nuts to ensure
load upto load upto 8 load upto 8 easyinstallatio
6fittings fittings fittings n, lining with
PVC weather
Raising and ------- yes yes yes Completely
lowering self
mechanism sustaining
Winch fixed
at the base
without the
need of brake
shoe spring or
Signature of Contractor 82 Executive Engineer (Elect)
S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 25 S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
pawls Gear
ratio 53:1,
with self
lubricating oil
Head frame yes yes yes yes Galvanised
MCB yes yes yes yes OF Suitable
erected on rating.
PVC board

3. Lighting protection- -By G.L single spike"! 200mm at top

4. Trailing - -2 x PVC 5 X 2.5 Sq. mm copper cable
5. Winch- -Double drum, oil bath (SAE 90/140) with
lubrication arrangement
6. Wire rope- -2 Nos stainless steel wire rope 7/19, 6mm dia.
Breaking load capacity 2400 Kgx2
7. Integral power tool- - 3 Ph HP 2m/ min ringle speed,
8. Jerque limier -Upto 500Kg adjustable
9. Aviation obstruction light -Twin dome with 2 Nos 100W GLS/LED lamp

Standards applicable:
a) I.S. 875 (part-III) 1987-Code and practice for design for structures
b) BSEN10-025/DIN17100 - Grades of M.S plates
c) B.S5135/AWS -Welding
d) B.S. 1SO1461 -Galvanising
e) TR. No.72000of ILEUK -Specification for Wiast and foundation
Manufacturer of the Mast must have conducted wind tunnel test on their Mast sample.
Mode of Measurement:

Executed quantity will be measured on number basis (i.e. each) -



1. FormWork:
Form work shall include all temporary forms of moulds required for forming the
concrete which is cast-in-situ together with all temporary construction required for
their support. Unless otherwise stated all formwork shall conform to

2. Design of Formwork: Formwork including complete false work shall be designed by

the Contractor in accordance with IS:2750,4041 and all other relevant I.S. Codes

Signature of Contractor 82 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 26 S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
without any extra cost to the Employer and these shall be got approved from the
Engineer before any formwork is takenup.

2.1 The contractor shall entirely be responsible for the adequacy and safety for
false work notwithstanding any approval or review by the Engineer of his drawing
and design property, system of formwork, if used detailed information shall be
furnished to the Engineer forapproval.
3. Quality ofshuttering:
The shuttering shall have smooth and even surface and its joints shall not permit
leakage of cement slurry.

3.1 Ply-board shuttering material to be used for sides of beams and columns shall be
marine or laminated plywood well seasoned free from projecting nails. Splits or
other defects that may mark on the surface of concrete. It shall not be so dry as to
absorb water from concrete and swell and bulge, or as green of wet as to shrink
after erection. Mild steel plates or ply wood shall be used for slab and

3.2 The timber shall be accurately sawn and planed on the sides and the surface coming in contact

3.3 So far as practicable clamps shall be used to hold the forms together. Where use of
nails is unavoidable minimum number of nails shall be used and these shall be left
projecting so that they can be easily with drawn. Use of double headed nails shall

4.1 The formwork shall be made so as to produce finished concrete true to shape,
lines, levels, plumb and dimensions as shown onthe
Drawings, subject to the following tolerance unless otherwise specified in
these documents or drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
a] Section dimensions = 5 mm
b]Plumb = 1 in 1000 inheight
c]Levels = 3 mm before any deflection has been takenplace.

4.2 Tolerance given above are specified for local aberrations in the finished concrete
surface and should not be taken as tolerance for the entire structure taken as a whole
or for the setting and alignment of formwork, which should be as accurate as
possible to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer. Errors of noticed in any lift/tilt of
the structure after stripping of forms, shall be corrected in the subsequent work to
bring back the surface of the structure to its truealignment.

5. SpecialProvisions:
Whenever the concreting of thinner members is required to be carried out within
shutters of considerable depth, temporary openings in the sides of the shutters shall,
if so directed by the Engineer be provided to facilitate the pouring and consolidation
of the concrete. Small temporary openings shall be provided as necessary at the
Signature of Contractor 82 Executive Engineer (Elect)
S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 27 S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
bottom of shutters of walls and deep beams to permit the expulsion of rubbishetc.
6. Removal offormwork:
The formwork shall be so removed as not to cause damage to concrete. Centering
shall be gradually and uniformly lowered in such a manner as to avoid any shock or
vibration. Supports shall be removed in such a manner as to permit the concrete to
take stress due to its own weight uniformly and gradually.

The whole of the formwork removal should be planned and definite scheme of
operation worked out. Under no circumstance should forms be struck until the
concrete reaches a strength of at least twice the stress to which the concrete may be
subjected at the time of striking but not before the period as mentioned in IS:456
where ordinary Portland cement is used.

1. WorkInclude:

Erecting steel centering with contractor's material comprising of standard steel

adjustable props and standard steel trusses/ joists/ spans, centering plate for bottom
of slab and steel plates for bottom of beams etc. of adequate strength properly
balanced for obtaining adequate rigidity to withstand all loads coming on it
including permanent and temporary fixtures and fastenings etc. complete for R.C.C.
members like beams, slabs and canopy including its removal after the specified
period stacking, making good the damaged parts/ its replacement before its next use
with all leads and lift (all centering material shall be of contractor).

1.1 For R.C.C. beams, lintels, arches etc. formwork shall be of plywood of adequate
thickness and grade only. The centering/ supporting arrangement such as standard steel
trusses/ joists/ spans as standard adjustable/ fixed props. H type frames etc. shall be
designed by the Contractor and got approved from the Engineer before commencement of
its erection. The contractor with the prior approval of the Engineer shall use standard steel
centering arrangements which may be manufactured by the reputedfirm.

1.2 The supporting arrangement designed by the contractor shall be conform to the relevant I.S.
code and Standard practice adopted in this type of work. The centering arrangement shall be
adequately braced and properly secured by using appropriate type of fastenings and fixtures to
ensure stability and rigidity of the centering to withstand all leads coming on it. The entire
responsibility for design, erection, maintenance and safety etc. will exclusively rest with the
contractor. The Engineer reserves right to call detailed design calculations of the entire centering
or part thereof to verify its stability and also reserve right to reject entire centering arrangement or
part thereof and any material used for the centering in the event of which the contractor shall have
to arrange for its replacement at his owncost.

2.Item toinclude:
2.1The item shall include erection of centering with M.S. props, struts with all bracing, fastening
Signature of Contractor 82 Executive Engineer (Elect)
S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 28 S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
and fixtures, its removal after the specified period and its safe maintenance during the above
period, cost of safety precautions required to be taken for the workmen and Govt. property,
stacking of material after removal at suitable place, replacement of damaged / worned out parts,

2.2 The material used for centering shall be property of contractor and shall be allowed to be
taken away after completion ofwork.
2.3. The centering, supporting arrangement should be designed by the contractor. He
makes use of the standard centering arrangement made by standard manufacturer such as
Acro blue bird. All the relevant codes etc. will be followed and appropriate centering may
be suggested. The rate should all include temporary/ permanent arrangement including
temporary fastening and fixtures. The centering material should be of contractor and he
should take away from the site of work after completion of work. Isolated lintels less than
two meters in length chajja and plinth beam shall not be paid for centering under this item.
The payment irrespective of quantity of centering material procured by the contractor at
the work site

Signature of Contractor 82 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 83 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar



1. All materials such as cement, Mild Steel, HYSD bars Bulk Asphalt, etc. required for
execution of work shall be brought by Contractor at his owncost.

2. The Contractor shall maintain the record of these materials (Cement, Bulk Asphalt etc.) in
the prescribed proforma and registers as directed by Engineer-in- charge. The sample of
prescribed proforma is attached.These registers shall be signed by both contractors and
representative of Engineer-in-charge. These registers shall be made available for
inspection, verification for the Deptt. as and when required. These registers shall be in the
custody of department and shall be maintained by thedepartment.

3. The material required only for this work shall be kept in the go-down at site. No material
shall be shifted out side except for the work for which this agreement is entered, without
prior approval of theEngineer-in-charge.

4. The material i.e. cement, steel / Asphalt etc. brought on the work site shall be
accompanied with the necessary Company/ Manufacturing firm's test certificates. In
addition these material shall be tested as per frequency prescribed by the Department and
the cost of such testing shall be borne by the Contractor. If the test results are satisfactory,
then and then only the material shall be allowed to be used on the work. If the test results
are not as per standards these materials shall be immediately removed from the work site
at Contractor's cost. In case of cement, if so requested by the Contractor in writing
material will be allowed to be used before receipt of test results but this will be entirely at
the risk and cost of the Contractor.

5. The Contractor shall produce sufficient documentary evidence i.e. bill for the purchase,
octroi receipts etc. for the purchase of material brought on the work site at once, if so
requested by thedepartment.

6. All these material i.e. cement, steel / Asphalt etc. shall be protected from any damage,
rains etc. by the contractors at his owncost.

7. The Contractor will have to erect temporary shed of approved specifications for storing of
above materials at work site having double lock arrangements (By double lock it is meant
that go-down shall always be locked by two locks, one lock being owned & operated by
Contractor and other by Engineer-in-charge or his authorised representative and the door
shall be openable only after both locks are opened.
8. If required, the weightment of cement bags/ steel / Asphalt etc. brought by the Contractor
shall be carried out by the Contractor at his owncost.

Signature of Contractor 83 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 84 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

9. The Contractor shall not use cement and other material for the item to be executed outside
the scope of this contract except for such ancillary small item as are connected and
absolutely necessary for execution of this work as may be decided by theEngineer-in-

10. The Deptt. shall not be responsible for the loss in cement, steel, bulk asphalt etc. during
transit to work site. The cement brought by the contractor at the work site store shall
mean 50 kg., equivalent to 0.0347 cubic metre per bag by weight. The rate quoted should
correspond to this method of reckoning. In case of ordinary/ controlled concrete, if
cement is found short, the shortage/ shortages will be made good by the contractor at

11. Indemnity:

The condition regarding indemnity as defined will apply mutatis-mutandis in case of

material brought by Contractor at the site for the execution of the work being executed
under this contract.

12. In case the materials brought by the contractor become surplus owing to the change in the
design of the work, the materials should be taken back by the contractor at his own cost
after prior permission of Engineerincharge.

13. All empty bags or empty asphalt drums shall be the property of contractor and the same
shall be removed immediately after completion ofwork.

14. RCC Hume Pipes of ISI Mark required for the construction of C.D. Work (whichever in
this work) should be purchased by the contractor from MSSIDC Only.

Signature of Contractor 84 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 85 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar


Annexure to the Public Works Department Circular No CAT-1091/CR-60/Bldg.2 Dated 14th October
1991 regarding incorporating additional conditions for Quality assurance and maintenance manual

1. To ensure the specified quality of work which will also include necessary survey,
temporary works etc. the contractor shall prepare a quality assurance plan and get the
same approved from the Engineer in charge within one month from the date of work
order. For this, the contractor shall submit an organisation chart in his technical personnel
to be deployed on the work along with their qualifications, job descriptions defining the
functions of reporting, supervising, inspecting and approving. The contractor shall also
submit a list of tools, equipments and machinery and instrumentation which he proposes
to use for the construction and for testing in the field and/ or in the laboratory and
monitoring. The contractor shall modify/ supplement the organisation chart and the list of
machinery; equipments etc. as per the directions of Superintending Engineer and shall
deploy the personnel and equipment on the field as per the approved chart and the list
respectively. The contractor shall submit written method statements detailing his exact
proposals of execution of the work in accordance with the specifications. He will have to
get these approved from the Engineer in charge. The quality of the work shall be properly
documented through certificates, records, checklists and log books of results etc. Such
records shall be compiled from beginning of the work and be continuously updated and
supplemented and this will be the responsibility of the contractor. The forms should be
got approved from the Executive Engineer incharge.

2. Where the work is to be done on lump sum basis on contractor's design the contractor
shall also prepare and submit a maintenance manual giving procedure for maintenance
with the periodicity of maintenance work including inspections, tools and equipment to
be used, means of accessibility for all parts of structure. He shall also include in the
manual, the specifications for the maintenance work that would be appropriate for the
design and technique of construction. This manual shall be submitted within the

Signature of Contractor 85 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 86 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar


I/We hereby declare that I/we have made myself /Ourselves thoroughly conversant with
the Sub-soil conditions, the local conditions regarding all materials (such as stone, murum and
etc.) and labour of which I/We have base my/our rates for this work. The specifications,
conditions and lead of materials for this work have been carefully studied and understood by
me/us before submitting this tender. I/We undertake to use only the best materials approved by
the Engineer in charge, or his duly authorised representative assistant, before starting the work
and to abide by his decision.
I/We shall maintain / rectify the entire work as per as per standard specification of
P.W.D. (Red Book) I.R.C. Codes and M.O.R.T.&H. specification as soon as damage occurs
upto the expiry defect liability period without putting forth any reasons.

I hereby undertake to pay the laboures engaged on the work as per Minimum Wages Act
1948 applicable to the zone concerned.

Signature of Contractor
Seal &Address

Signature of Contractor 86 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 87 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar


(1) Contract drawing, specification, and location of worksetc.
(A) One set of Contract drawing will be kept in the office of the Executive Engineer, for reference and
study of the Contractor / Contractors which will be made available to the intending Contractor /
Contractors during office hours on all workingdays.

(B) The above drawings show the work to be done in as many details as possible at present stage. This
may be supplemented or supersedes by such additional detailed drawing, as may be necessary as the work
progress, the Contractor / Contractors shall perform the work on these reargues and in accordance with the
revised or additional drawings as the case maybe.

(C) Statement as to the conditions under which the work is to be carried out including plans, surveys,
measurements, dimensions, calculations, estimates, billing etc, are made solely to furnished a basis
comparison of tenders. The Contractor / Contractors shall check all drawing, estimates carefully and also
satisfy himself themselves by his / their own investigations regarding all conditions effecting the work to
be carried out and labour and material needed and make his / their own bid on sole reliancethereon.

(D) The Contractor / Contractors shall advise the Engineer – In – charge immediately advantage of any
errors of omission if discovered. The Contractor / Contractors shall not take advantage of any kind of
errors of omission his drawing and specificationssupplied.

(E) In all cases of omission and or double in description of dimensions of any items reference shall be
made to the General Manager (CE), M.S.R.T.CORPORATION, MUMBAI whose clarifications,
elaboration, or decision shall be considered authentic Contractor / Contractors shall be held
responsible if any error that may occur in the work due to lack of such reference andnegligence.

(2) Treasuries andtrove.

In the event of discovery by the Contractor / Contractors or his / their employees during progress of the
work of any treasure, fossils, minerals or any other articles or things of value interest, the Contractor /
Contractors shall give immediate notification thereof to the Executive Engineer or his representative and
forth with handover to Engineer – In charge such measures of things which shall be the property

(3) Employ of ResidentEngineer.

(A) Contractor / Contractors must employ a qualified skilled and fully authorized Engineer for carrying
out the work. His resident Engineer will be considered at any time to be acting for the Contractor /
Contractors with fully responsibility in every respect. It must be seen that persons having previous
experience in this type arepreferred.

(B) Contractor / Contractors shall intimate the name of his / their agent to M.S.R.T. Corporation duly
authorizing him to carry out and legal affairs in connection with the contract also he / they shall
communicate the name of the person appointed by him them for supervising of the work on his their
behalf sufficiently in advance to the Engineer – In – Charge who is empowered fully to disallow the
above mentioned person or persons, on the work without giving any reasons thereof. No compensation
shall be payable to the Contractor / Contractors in case he / they is / are advised and required to change his
/ their Engineer agent /representative.

Signature of Contractor 95 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 88 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

(4) Testing OfMaterials:

(A) All materials to be used in the work such as lime, sand, cement, crushed metal, aggregate, bricks,
M.S. Bars, concrete tiles, structural steel, cast iron etc, shall comply the tests and analyses as per
standard specifications for the item concerned.

(B) Contractor / Contractors shall at his / their risk and cost make all arrangements and shall provided
for all such facilities as may be required by the Engineer – In – charge for collecting, preparing and
forwarding required number of sample for testing for analysis at such time and to such place as may be
directed by the Engineer – In –charge.

(C) Test of materials will be made regularly and also whenever specifically called up to by the
Department. The Contractor / Contractors in all cases shall furnish the required samples without changes.

(D) In case of major items of cement concrete such as R.C.C. slabs, beams and columns etc., the
Contractor / Contractors shall field arrangement for slump intensity and bulk age test and also prepare
concrete cubes as per I.S. Specifications for testing it tensile and compressive strength at his / their own
cost. These shall be got tested by the Contractor / Contractors in any Govt. testing laboratories at his /
their cost, payments to the R.C.C. items will not be made till the results are furnished by the Contractor

(E) All relevant test for developing & hardening work (including site and laboratory test) will be made
regularly and also when ever specifically called upon by the department. The Contractor / Contractors in
all cases shall furnish the requiredsample.

(F) Test of precast concrete blocks (Compressive test etc.) will be made regularly and also when ever
specifically called up to by thecontractor.

(G) The contractor / contractors shall conduct all relevant test as prescribed in the D.S.R. for various
building and road material in laboratory and submit the test report with department at the cost of
contractor /contractors.

Signature of Contractor 96 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 89 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar


1. All taxes will be applicable / recovered as per Government rate in force and as
amended from time to time infuture.
2. Rates of Items in the tender /schedule "B‖ are Exclusive of GST (Goods and service
Tax) and will be reimbursed to contractor as per GST rate in force and amended form
time to time infuture.
3. It is responsibility of the Contractor to pay Royalty charges to concern Revenue
Department. Contractor will have to produce documentary evidence of payment of such
royalty charges, issued by the competent revenue authority for specified work for
reimbursement . In absence of such documentary evidence, it will be with-held & kept
4. Testing of materials: -It is mandatory on the contractor to submit test reports of materials
obtained from government laboratory. Various materials used in construction work shall
be get tested before its use and testing charges should be borne by contractor. Schedule of
testing and frequency of testing will have to be done as per e-S.S.R. (State Schedule Rate)
Published by Public Works Department Government of Maharashtra for Year. Schedule
of testing, frequency and specified limits of various construction materials is enclosed in
tender set as "AnnexureA".

5. Engineer in charge will decide with prior approval of Executive Engineer to conduct
required test from "Annexure A". For these tests only , It is responsibility of contractor to
make arrangement for forwarding test sample to Govt. Lab. for testing and testing
charges should be borne by contractor initially, on production of original receipts/bills
along with test report, the testing charges as per government receipts will be reimbursed
to contractor.

6. As per Govt. circular No.SSR - 1090/cr - 6453/PLN-3 Dt. 14-7-1993, 1% for labour
amenities is considered in the Rates of Items in the tender /schedule"B‖

7. As per G. R. of Industries and power Department No. BCA – 2009 /CR - 108 /
Labour 7-A dated 17/06/2010.1%(one Percent) cess for labour welfare is considered
in the Rates of Itemsin the tender /schedule"B‖

8. Labourcess,labour welfare will be recovered through bills of contractor at the rate in


9. Works Insurance Policy :

The Contractor shall produce the Works insurance policy, the same will be
reimbursed to the contractor. if contractor fails to produce the works insurance policy,
Concerned Executive Engineer shall draw the policy, and 1% shall be recoverd from
the 1st R.A. bill of the contractor.
If completion period of work is Extended, then period of works Insurance must
be renewed / extended as per requirement

Signature of Contractor 98 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 90 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

10. For concrete grade M-20 and above, GSB, WMM, B.M. , SDBC/B.C. (Asphalting Item)
mix design shall be obtained with material to be used at site of work by the contractor
form Govt. Lab / Govt. Engineering collage at his own cost well in advance and mix
design report shall be submitted to Executive Engineer. Prior approval of Executive
Engineer for Mix Design is must before using it at site of work.

11. Quantities shown in schedule ‗B‘ may vary i.e. may be less or more than tender
quantities and in that case contractor will not be liable for any claim for variation in

12. Maximum care is taken while preparing and printing schedule "B" of the Tender.
However if there is any error in printing of Quantity, wording of Item, Unit ofItem, then
Executive Engineer is authorize to make correction for such error at any time prior to
starting of work or during Execution of work, in that case contractor will not be liable
for any claim in any court of law arising out of such correction. Decision of Executive
Engineer will be final & binding onContractor.

13. Rates of all removing / dismantling items of this tender are inclusive of removed /
dismantled /serviceable material is to be deposited in the nearest Divisional/Depot stores
with receipt voucher as directed by Engineer incharge.

14. Maximum care is taken while preparing and printing schedule "B" of the Tender.
However if there is any variation found in rate of same item in various sub work‘s of this
project , then the lowest rate will be considered for payment of such item for allsub-

Signature of Contractor 98 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 99 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar



Save in so far as it is legally or physically impossible, the contractor shall execute complete and
maintain the works in strict accordance with the contract under the directions and to the entire
satisfaction of the Engineer - in - charge and shall comply with and adhere strictly to the Engineer - in
- charge instructions and directions on any matter (Whether mentioned in the contract or not)
pertaining to this work. The Engineer - in - charge shall decide all questions which may arise as to
quality and acceptability of materials furnished and work executed, manner of executions, rate of
progress of work, interpretations of the plans and specifications and acceptability of fulfillment of the
contract on the part of contractor. He shall determine the amount and quality of work performed and
materials furnished and his decision and measurements shall be final. In all such matters and in any
technical questions which may arise touching the contract, his decision shall be binding on the
The engineer in charge shall have power to enforce such decisions and orders if the contractor fails to
carry out them promptly. If the contractor fails to execute the work order by the engineer in charge, the
engineer in charge may give notice to the contractor specifying a reasonable period therein and on the
expiry of that period proceed to execute such work as may be deemed necessary and recover the cost
thereof from the contractor.


The duties of the representative of the engineer in charge are to watch and supervise the work and
to test and examine any material to be used or workmanship employed in connection with the

1.2 The Engineer in charge may from time to time in writing delegate to his representative anyof the
powers and authorities vested in the Engineer in charge and shall furnish to the contractor a copy of
all such delegations of powers and authorities. Any written instructions of the approval given by the
representative of the engineer in charge to the contractor within the terms of such delegations (but
not otherwise) shall bind the contractor and department as though it had been given by the Engineer
in charge provided always asfollows.
(a) Failure of the representative of the engineer in charge to disapprove any work or
materials shall not prejudice the power of the engineer in charge. Thereafter to
disapprove such work or materials and to order pulling down, removal or breaking
(b) If the contractor is dissatisfied with any decision of the representative of the engineer
in charge he shall be entitled to refer the matter to the engineer in charge who shall
thereupon confirm reverse or vary suchdecisions.


2.1 The contractor shall be deemed to have carefully examined the work and site conditions including
labours, the general and he special conditions, the specification schedule and drawing and shall be
deemed to have visited the site of the work and to have fully informed himself regarding the local
conditions and carried out his own investigations to arrive at the rates quoted in the tender. In this
regards he will be given necessary information to the best of the knowledge of Department but
without any guarantee aboutit.
2.2 It is presumed that the contractor has carefully gone through the worksspecifications.
P.W.D. Hand Book and the Schedule of rates of the division and as per norms of M.S.R.T.C.
and studied the site conditions before arriving at the rates quoted by him.

Signature of Contractor 99 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 100 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

In the event of discovery by the contractor or his employees during the progress of the works of the any
treasure, fossils, minerals or any other article of value or interest, the contractor shall give immediate
intimation thereof to the Engineer. And forth with mark over to the Engineer his representative such
treasure or things, which shall be the property of Government / M.S.R.T.C.

Layout of the work will be done by the contractor in consultation with the Engineer in charge or his
representative. Some permanent marks should be established to indicate the demarcation of the structures
or any component thereof made to these permanent marks in measurement books and drawing, signed by
the contractor and the departmental officer. Preparation of layout plan and marking it on site will be the
responsibility of contractor. Once the layout plan is prepared he should submit it to Engineer in charge or
his authorized representative for approval and get it approved from the Engineer in charge. Once the
layout plan is approved contractor shall proceed with marking it at site of work.


4.1 The contractor shall himself engage an authorized all time agent on the work capable of managing
and guiding the work and understanding the specifications and contract conditions. A qualified and
experienced Engineer shall be provided by the contractor as his agent for technical matters. Site
engineer can also be designated as an agent of the contractor. Agent will take orders as will be given
by the Executive Engineer or his representative and shall be responsible for carrying them out. This
agent shall not be changed without prior intimation of the Executive Engineer and his representative
on the work site. The Engineer-in-charge has the unquestionable right to ask for changes in the quality
and strength of supervisory staff of contractor and to order removal from work of any of such staff.
The contractor shall comply with such order and effect replacements of the satisfaction of the

4.2 A work order book shall be maintained on site and it shall be the property of M.S.R.T.C. and the
contractor shall promptly sign orders given therein by the Executive Engineer or his representative
and his superior officer, and comply with them. The compliance shall be reported by contractor to the
Engineer in good time so that it can be checked, the blank work order book, with machine numbered
pages will be provided by the Department free of charge for this purpose. The contractor will be
allowed to copy out the instruction therein from time totime.


Where for proper measurements of the work it is necessary to have an initial set of levels or other
measurements taken the same as recorded in the authorized field book or M.B. of
M.S.R.T.C. by the Engineer or his authorized representative will be signed by the contractor who will
be entitled to have a true copy of same made at his cost. Any failure on the part of the contractor to get
such level etc. recorded before starting the work will render him liable to accept the decision of the
Engineer as to basis of taking measurements and will be binding on contractor Likewise the contractor
will not carry out any work which will render its subsequent measurement difficult or impossible
without first getting the same jointly measured and recorded by himself and the authorized
representative of the Engineer. The record of such measurement maintained by M.S.R.T.C. shall be
signed by the contractor and he will be entitled to have a true copy of the same made at his cost.

Signature of Contractor 100 Executive Engineer (Elect)

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Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 101 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar


All work and materials before being finally taken over by M.S.R.T.C. will be the entire liability of the
contractor for guarding, maintaining and making good any damages of any magnitude. It is however to
be understood that before taking over such work, M.S.R.T.C. will not put it to its regular use as distinct
from casual or incidental use except as specially mentioned elsewhere in this contract or as mutually
agreed to.

When several agencies for different sub works of the project are to work simultaneously on the project
site, there must be full co-ordination between the contractors to ensure timely completion of the whole
project smoothly. The scheduled dates for completion specified in each contract shall, therefore be strictly
adhered to. Each contractor may make his independent arrangements for water, power, housing etc. if
they so desire. On the other hand the Contractors are at liberty to come to mutual agreement on his behalf
and make joint agreement with the approval of the Engineer. No contractor shall take or cause to take any
steps or action that may cause destruction, discontent or disturbance to work, labour or arrangements etc.
of other contractors in the project localities. Any action by any Contractors which the Engineer in his
unquestioned discretion may consider as infringement of the above code would be considered as a breach
of the contract conditions and shall be dealt with accordingly.

In case of any dispute or disagreement between the various contractors, the Engineer‘s decision regarding
the co-ordination, co-operation and facilities to be provided by any of the contractor shall be final and
binding on the contractor concerned & such a decision shall not vitiate any contract nor absolve the
contractor of his obligations under the contract nor form the grounds for any claim or compensation.


Whenever the contractor desires to use any designed device, materials or process covered by letter of
patent or copyright, the right for such use shall be secured by suitable legal arrangement and agreement
with patent owner and the copy of their agreement shall be filed with the Engineer-in-charge, if so
desired by the later.


The contractor shall comply with all rules, regulations, bye-laws and directions given from time to-
time by any local or public authority in connection with this work and shall him-self pay all charges
which are leviable on him without any extra cost of Government.

The contractor shall indemnify the M.S.R.T.C. against all actions, suits, claims, and demands brought or
made against it in respect of anything done or committed to be done by the Contractor in execution of or
in connection with the work of this contract and against any loss or damage to the M.S.R.T.C. in
consequence to any action or suit being brought against the contractor for anything done or committed to
be done for the execution of this contract. The
M.S.R.T.C. may at its discretion and entirely at the cost of the contractor defend such suit, either jointly
with the contractor or single in case the latter chooses not to defend the case.


11.1 The stacking and storage of building materials at site shall be in such a manner as to prevent
deterioration or inclusion of foreign materials and to ensure the preservation of the quantity,
properties and fitness of the work, suitable precautions shall be taken by contractor to protect the
materials against atmospheric action,fire and other hazards. The materials likely to

Signature of Contractor 101 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 102 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

be carried away by wind shall be stored in suitable stores or with suitable barricades and where
there is likelihood of subsidence of soil, heavy materials shall be stored on paved platforms,
suitable separating barricades and enclosure as directed shall be provided to separate materials
brought by contractor and from different sources of supply.

11.2 Thecontractorshallathisown expenses,engage watchmanforguardingthe Materialsand plant and

machinery and the work during day and night against any pilferage or damage and also for
11.3 No Materials brought to site shall be removed from the site without prior approval of the


12.1 The contractor shall inform the Engineer in charge in writing when any portion of the work is
ready for inspection giving him sufficient notice to enable him to inspect these without affecting
the further progress of thework.

12.2 The contractor shall provide at his cost necessary ladders and such arrangements asare
considered safe by the Engineer in charge for proper inspection of all parts of thework.

12.3 The contractor shall extend his full co-operation and make all necessary arrangementwhen needed
for carrying out inspection of the work or any part of the work by the local representative, M.L.A‘s
M.P.‘s and officers and dignitaries / delegates of various Government department, local bodies,
private sectors AND M.S.R.T.C. Officials. etc. no compensation shall be paid to the Contractor on


13.1 The work shall be carried out by the contractor without causing damage to the existing Govt.
property M.S.R.T.C. property ,and / or private property. If any such damages are caused the
contractor shall pay for restoration of the property to the original condition and any other

13.2 In the event of an accident involving serious injuries or death of any persons, at site ofwork or
quarry or at place in connection with the work the same shall be reported in writing within 24 hours
of the occurrence to the Engineer in charge and the Commissioner of workmen‘s compensation.


The contractor after completion of work shall clean the site of all debris and remove all unused materials
other than those supplied by the department and all plant and machinery equipment, tolls, etc. belonging
to him within one month from the date of completion of the work, or otherwise the same will be removed
by the department at his cost or disposed off as per departmental procedure. In case the materials are
disposed of by department, the sale proceeds will be credited to the contractor‘s account after deducting
the cost sale incurred. However no claim of the contractor regarding the price or amount credited will be
entertained afterwards.


All constructional plant, provided by the contractor shall when brought on the site be deemed to be
exclusively intended for the construction and the contractor shall not remove the same or any part thereof
(Save for the purpose of moving it from one part to the site to another) without the consent in writing of
the engineer in charge who shall record the reasons for withholding the consent.

Signature of Contractor 102 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 103 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar


As there is local traffic by the side of construction of the work, the contractor will have to take proper
precautions such as proper barricading, fencing, lighting, information and cautionary boards for safe and
smooth flow of traffic, and keeping the concerned authorities informed about the work in progress.


17.1 The work shall not be considered to have been completed in accordance with the terms of the
contract until the Engineer in charge shall have certified in writing to that effect. No approval of
material or workmanship or approval of part of that during the progress of execution shall bind the
engineer in charge or any way prevent him for even rejecting the work which is claimed to be
completed and to suspend the issue or his certificate of completion until such alterations and
modification or reconstruction have been effected at the cost of the contractor as shall enable him to
certify that the work has been completed to hissatisfaction.

17.2 After the work is completed, the contractor shall give notice of such completion to the Engineer in
charge and within 30 days of receipt of such a notice the Engineer in charge shall inspect the work
and if there is no defect in the work, shall furnish the contractor with a certificate indicating the date
of completion. However, if there are defects which in the opinion of the engineer in charge are
rectifiable he shall inform the contractor the defects noticed. The contractor after rectification of
such defects shall then inform the engineer in charge and engineer in charge on his part shall inspect
the work and issue the necessary completion certificate within 30 days if the defects are rectified to
his satisfaction, and if not he shall inform the contractor indicating defects yet to be rectified. The
time cycle as above shallcontinue.

17.3 In case defects noticed by the Engineer in charge which in his opinion are not rectifiable but
otherwise work is acceptable at reduced payment, work shall be treated as completed. In such
cases completion certificate shall be issued by the Engineer in charge within 30 days indicating
the un rectifiable defects for which specified reduction in payment is being made by him.

17.4 The issue of completion certificate shall not be linked up with the site clearanceon
completion of thework.

17.5 Should regular, public traffic be allowed on the bridge, road at any stage prior to being taken over
then the maintenance period shall be deemed to commence from the date of such traffic passing
over the bridge, road & shall be upto 30 days after the date of issue of completion certificate by
Engineer in charge but not more than 12 months after opening totraffic.

The contractor shall submit to Engineer in charge in writing the details of all ancillary works including
layout and specifications to be allowed for its constructions. Ancillary work shall not be taken up in hand
unless approved by Engineer in charge. The Engineer in charge reserves the right to suggest modification
or make complete changes in the layout and specifications proposed by the Contractor at any stage to
ensure the safety on the work site. The contractor shall carry out all such modifications to the ancillary
works at his own expenses as ordered by the Engineer in charge.

The contractor shall at his own expense maintain sufficient experienced supervisory staff etc., required
for the work and shall make his own arrangements for housing of such staff with all necessary
amenities. General layout plan for such responsibility of the contractor to get his layout plan of
temporary structure approved from the local competent authorities.

Signature of Contractor 103 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 104 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

The contractor shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of the workers and preserving their
health while working on such jobs as required special protection and precaution wherever required. The
following are some of the requirements listed though not exhaustive. The contractor shall also comply
with the directions issued by the Engineer in this behalf from time to time at all times.

The following are some of the requirements (The list is not exhaustive)

(1) Providing protective footwear to workers in situations like mixing and placing of mortar of concrete,
in quarries and place where the work is to be done under too much wet conditions as also for
movements over surfaces tested with oystergrowth.

(2) Providing protective headwear to workers in quarries etc. to protect them against accidental fall of
materials fromabove.

(3) Providing handrails to the edges of the loading platforms of barrages ropeways, ladders not allowing
rails of metal parts or unless timber to spread aroundetc.

(4) Providing workmen with proper safety belts, ropes, etc. when working on any masts, cranes, circle
hoist, dredgesetc.

(5) Taking necessary steps towards training the workers concerned of the use of machinery before they
are allowed to handle it independently and taking all necessary precautions in and around the areas
where machines, hoists and similar units are working. Wherever required by the law the persons
handling the machinery shall have the required license, certificateetc.

(6) Preventing over loading and overcrowding of floating the land based machinery and

(7) Providing life belts to all men working at such situations from where they may accidentally fall into
water, equipping the boats with adequate number of life boatsetc.

(8) Avoiding bare live wires etc. as would cause electrocution toworkers.

(9) Making all platforms, stagings and temporary structures sufficiently strong and notcausing the
workmen and supervisory staff to take unduerisks.

(10) Providing sufficient first aid trained staff and equipment to be available quickly at the work site to
render immediate first-aid treatment in case of accident due to suffocation, drowning and otherinjuries.

(11) Taking the all-necessary precautions wherever divers are engaged onwork.
(12) Providing full length gum boots, leather hand gloves, leather jackets withfireproof aprons to cover
the chest and back reaching upto knees, plain goggles for the eyes to the labour working with hot asphalt,
handling, vibrators in cement concrete and also where use of any or all these items is, essential in the
interest of health and well-being of the labourers in the opinion of the Engineer-in–charge

Signature of Contractor 104 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 105 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

21. Medicalandsanitaryarrangementstobeprovidedforlabouremployedinthe construction

by thecontractor.

(a) Thecontractorshallprovideanadequatesupplyof pureandwholesomewaterfortheuseof labourers on

works and incamps.

(b) The contractor shall construct trenches, semi permanent latrines for the use of labourers. Separate
latrine shall be provided for men andwomen.

(c) The contractor shall build sufficient number of huts on suitable plot of land for use of the
labourers according to the followingspecifications.

(1) Huts of bamboos and grass may beconstructed.

(2) There should be no overcrowding. Floor space at the rate of 3 Sqm (30 Sq.ft.) per head shall is
provided. Care should be taken to see that the huts are kept clean and in goodorder.

(3) The contractor must find his own land. If he wants Govt. land he should apply for it. Assessment for
it if demanded will be payable by contractor. However the Department does not bind itself for making
available the requiredland.

(4) A good site not liable to submergence shall be selected on high ground remote from jungle but well
provided with trees; shall be chosen wherever it is available. The neighborhood of tank, jungles, trees or
woods should be particularly avoided. Camps should not be established close to large cutting of

(5) The lines of huts shall have open space of at least 10 meters between rows. When a good natural
site cannot be procured particular attention should be given to thedrainage.
(d) The contractor shall construct sufficient number of bathing places, sufficient numberof
washing places also be provided for the purpose of the washingclothes.

(e) The contractor shall make sufficient arrangement for draining away the surface and sewage water as
well as water from the bathing and washing places and shall dispose of the waste water in such away as
not cause anynuisance.

(f) The contractor shall engage a medical officer with a traveling dispensary for a camp containing
500 or more person if there is no Government or other dispensary situated within eight Kilometers
from the camp. In case of an emergency contractor shall at his cost, free transport for quick medical
help to his sickworkers.

(g) The contractor shall provide the necessary staff for affecting the satisfactory conservancy and
cleanliness of the camp to the satisfaction of the Engineer -in charge. At least one sweeper per 200
person shouldengaged.

(h) The Assistant Director of public health shall be consulted before opening a labour camp and his
instruction on matters such as water supply, sanitary, convenience, the camp site, accommodation and
food supply shall be followed by thecontractor.

(i) In addition to above all provision of the relevant labour act pertaining to basic amenities to be provide
to the labour shall be applicable which will be arranged by thecontractor.

(j) The contractor shall make arrangement for all anti malaria measures to be provided for the labour
employed on the work. The anti malaria measures shall be as directed by the Public HealthOfficer.

Signature of Contractor 105 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 106 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

22. The contractor except as provided in special conditions which follow shall if necessary construct at
his cost temporary roads and maintain these in proper conditions till completion of the work at his

23. The contractor except as provided in special conditions which follow shall have to at hisown
expenses make all preliminary arrangements for labour, water, electricity and material etc. immediately
after getting the work order. The M.S.R.T.C. may render necessary assistance in this regard by way of
letters of recommendations, if so requested by the contractor. No claim for any extra payment or
applications for extension of time on the grounds of any difficulty in connection with the above matters
will beentertained.


24.1 The contractor shall submit within the time stipulated by the Engineer-in-charge in writing the
details as actual methods that would be adopted by the contractor for the execution of any items as
required by Engineer at each of the location supported by necessary detailed drawing and sketches
including those of the plant and machinery that would be used their locations arrangement for
conveying and handling materials etc., and obtain prior approval of the Engineer-in-charge well in
advance of starting of such item of works. The Engineer-incharge reserves the right to suggest
modifications or make corrections in the method proposed by the contractor whether accepted
previously or not at any stage of the work to obtain the desired accuracy, quality and progress
which shall be binding on the contractor no claim on account of such change in method of
execution will be entertained by Government so long as specification of the item remain unaltered.

24.2 The contractor shall furnish within one month of the order to start the work programme of work in
quadruplicate indicating the date of actual start, the monthly progress expected to be achieved and
anticipated completion date of each major item of work to be done by him also indicating dates of
procurement of materials and setup of plant and machinery. The programme is to be such as
practicable of achievement towards the completion of whole work in the time limit and of the
particular items; if any of due dates specified in contract, planning and programme of work should
be done by the mature decision between the Executive Engineer. and the contractors
representative in charge of work. The progress of work shall be reviewed in every two months and
revised programmes shall be drawn if necessary. No revised programme shall be operative without
the approval of engineer in charge in writing. The Engineer is further empowered to ask for more
detailed schedule or schedules say weekly for any item or items. In case of urgency of work as will
be directed by him and the contractor shall supply the same and when asked for. Acceptance of the
programme or the revised programme by the Engineer in charge shall not relieve the contractor of
his responsibility to complete the whole work by the prescribed time or the extended time if any.

24.3 The contractorshallemploysufficientplant,equipmentandlabourasmaybenecessaryto maintain the

progress schedule. The working and shift hours restricted to one shift a day for operations to be
done under the M.S.R.T.C. supervision shall be such as may be approved by the Engineer in
charge. They shall not be varied without prior approval of the Engineer. Night work which requires
supervision shall not be permitted except when specially allowed by Engineer on each item if
required by contractor. The contractor shall provide necessary lighting arrangement etc. for night
work as directed by Engineer without extra cost toM.S.R.T.C.

24.4 The contractor shall submit reports on progress of work in forms and statements etc. at periodical
intervals in the form of progress chart, forms, statements and / or reports as may be approved by
the Engineer in charge. Forms for the sending reports about the progress will be supplied by the

Signature of Contractor 106 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 107 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

24.5 The contractor shall maintain proforma, charts, details regarding the machinery, equipments,
labour, materials, periodical returns thereof, proforma to be got approved from the Engineer


The contractor must understand clearly that the rates quoted are for completed work and include all
cost due to labour, all leads and lifts involved and if further necessitated, scaffolding, plants,
machineries, supervision power, service works, octroies, taxes, etc. and should also include all
expenses to cover the cost of lighting, night works if and when required & no claim for additional
payment beyond the rates quoted will be entertained and the contractor will not be entitled
subsequently to make any claim on the ground of any representation or on any promise by any person
(whether member in the employment of any M.S.R.T.C. or not) or on the ground of any failure on his
part to obtain all necessary information for the purpose of making his tender and fixing the several
prices and rates therein relieve him from any risks or liabilities arising out of or consequences upon
submission of the tender. Payment to the contractor will be made by the cheque drawn on any treasury
within the division provided the amount to be paid exceeds Rs.100/- shall amount will be paid in cash.


26.1 One running payments in the month are permitted shall be submitted by the contractorby the 10th
day of Month. Second bill, if necessary, shall be submitted by the 25th day of the month.

26..2 The format of the running bill on which the bills are to be submitted by the contractor shall be
supplied to the contractor by the department. Printed copies of the bills forms as per his format
shall be arranged by the contractor at his cost. The bills in five copies shall be submitted to the
concerned engineer‘s representative in the standard proformaonly.

26.3 The final bill shall be submitted by the contractor within one month of the date of issueof
completion certificate. The final bill shall be paid within six months of initialsubmission.

26.4 Recovery of secured advance shall be affected through bills proportionately as per
consumption of materials in the work billedfor.

26.5 The contractor can have true copy of the bills paid to him after paying chargesfor
photocopying the same.

Acceptance criteria shall be as per IS : 456 – 2000 (With latest amendments)


Acceptance criteria shall be as per IS : 456 – 2000 (With latest amendments)


27.1 The engineer on written request by contractor, will if in his opinion the request is reasonable and
in the interest of work and its progress, assist the contractor in securing, the priorities for
deliveries, transport, permits for controlled materials etc. where such are needed. The department
however will not be responsible for the non-availability of such facilities or delays in this behalf
and no claims on account of such failure or delay, shall be allowed by the Department.

Signature of Contractor 107 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 108 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

27.2 The contractor shall have to make his own arrangement for machinery required for the work.
However if same is conveniently available with the department it may be spared as per rules in
force on recovery of necessary security deposit and rent at the rate approved fromtime to time by
the independent to this contract and the supply or non supply of machinery shall not form a ground
for any claim or extension of time limit for thiswork.

28.1 Availability of adequate water for work and sources thereof shall be confirmed by the
contractor before submitting thetender.

28.2 The contractor shall make his own arrangements at his own cost for entering into contract with
concerned authority for obtaining the connection and carry the water up to the work site as
required by him. The location of the pipeline with respect to the road shall be decided by Engineer-
in-charge and shall be binding on the contractor. The department shall not bear any responsibility
in respect of any problems and contractor shall not be liable for getting the any compensation on
any ground. The progress of work shall not hamper for theabovereasons.

28.3 The contractor is advised to provide water storage tanks of adequate capacityto take care of
possible shut down of water supply system.

28.4 The contractor shall have to supply water required by the department for itsestablishment at work
site free ofcost.

28.4 If the water supply made by department then water charges will be recovered @ the rate 1% or @
the privilege rate is in force whichever is higher.

29.1The contractor will have to make his own arrangement at his own cost for obtaining or providing electric
supply at work site. The department shall not bear any responsibility in respect of any problems and
contractor shall not be liable for getting any compensation on any ground. The progress of work shall not
hamper for the abovereasons.

29.2 Electrical supply for the Department‘s use at work site shall be provided by the contractor on
mutual agreed terms. The contractor may not abide by these conditions when power supply at the site

29.3 If the electric supply provided by the department, electricity charges will be recovered @ the rate is
in force as decided bydepartment.

The contractor will have to make his own arrangement at his own cost for a telephone
connection at work site if required.

31.1 The contractor shall make their own independent investigation as to the availability as well as
suitability of various materials required for construction as referred to in theseparas.

31.2 If any quarry is in the possession of the department the contractor will be allowed to use the same
on usual condition. In other cases, the contractor will have to make his own arrangement for
procuring quarries or the quarry permits, necessary assistance for which will be given by

31.3 Lime stone shall not be permitted for any concretework.

Signature of Contractor 108 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
- 109 - S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

32. LAND:

32.1 The contractorshallmakealleffortstoobtainland requiredfortheancillaryworks.Incase the contractor

is unable to obtain land and if requested, then the department may requisitioned land at his

32.2 Land as available with department for requisitioned by the department at the request of a
contractor will be handed over to the contractor for such use as will be necessary for ancillary
works, on payment of rent to the department. Plot development if any will have to be done by the
contractor at his own cost. The development shall be in conformity with the regulations with the

32.3 If for the purpose of construction of the work it becomes necessary for the contractors to occupy
land not in possession of the department, the contractors will have to make his own arrangement
with the land owners, and pay such compensation as a mutually agreed between them. on
completion of work , all land mentioned inpara

32.1 , 32.2 and 32.3 shall be handed back to the owners or the department as the case may be after
cleaning the land as directed by the Engineer in charge.

32.4 Dismantling of building on a Govt. or department land shall be done only after the approval of


The contractor shall take all precaution against damages by floods or from accidents etc. No compensation
will be allowed to the contractor on this account or for correction and repairing any such damage to the
work during construction. The contractor shall be liable to make good at his cost any plant or material
belonging to the Govt. loss or damaged by floods or from any other cause while in his charge. The proof
of occurrence of flood report with flood level will have to be furnished by the contractor .No
compensation will be allowed for damages on ancillary items and equipments etc which are brought to the
site by the contractor for effecting execution of Work.

If any ―Urgent Works‖(In respect where decision of the Engineer –in –Charge shall be final and binding)
become necessary and contractor is unable or unwilling to carry it out at once, the Engineer in charge by
his own or through the other people have it carried out as he may consider necessary. If the Urgent Work
shall be such as in the opinion of the Engineer in charge the contractor is liable under the contract to carry
out at his expenses. All expenses incurred on it by the department shall be recoverable from the
contractor, and be adjusted or sets off against any sum payable tohim.


As per standard specifications/e-S.S.R.
Note : (i) The weight per bag of Cement is considered as 50 Kg.
(ii) If contractor desires to use any other type of cement, he should obtain permission for same from
Engineer in charge. In the event he is permitted to do so, contractor should obtain mix design for the
same from the laboratory approved by Engineer in charge. No payment will be made to contractor for
obtaining the mix design. No extension will be given to contractor for the time lost in getting mix

Signature of Contractor 109 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

The rate of consumption of cement for various grades of concrete referred above is a theoretical rate of
consumption assumed for the estimate purpose. The contractor will have to obtain an economic mix
design for grades of concrete M-20 and above and get it approved from the Engineer-in-charge. The
specification for controlled cement concrete shall be as per standard specification No. B-7 Page 38, and
IS 456-2000 (with latest amendments).

Immediately upon the receipt of the award of the contract, the contractor shall inform the Engineer the
exact location of the sources of the acceptable material. The concrete mix to be used shall be got
designed by P.W.D. laboratory or any other laboratory fully approved by Engineer in charge, by the
contractor with a optimum quantity of cement to give the specified strength in the preliminary tests
and the proportion got approved by the engineer in writing.
These proportions shall be used so long as the materials continue to be of the same quality and from
the same sources subject only to slight changes in the relative quantities of fine and course aggregate
for the purpose of promoting workability provided the work tests also shows the required strength. No
adjustment of the cost shall be made for a change of proportions of cement fixed in the original
preliminary tests. For all concrete items only trap metal shall be used.


The contractor shall be deemed to have carefully examined the work and site conditions including
labours, the general and the special conditions, the specifications schedule and drawing and shall be
deemed to have visited the site of the work and to have fully informed himself regarding the local
conditions and carried out his own investigations to arrive at the rates quoted in the tender. In this regards
he will be given necessary information to the best of the knowledge of Department but without any
guarantee about it. If he shall have any doubt as to the meaning of any portion of these general conditions,
or the special conditions to the scope of working of the specification and drawings, or any other matter
concerning the contract, he shall in good time before submitting his tender set forth the particulars thereof
and submit them to the Engineer in writing in order that such doubt may be clarified authoritatively
beforetendering.Once a tender is submitted the matter will be decided in accordance to the tender
conditions in absence of such authentic clarification.


a) In case of errors, omissions and / or disagreement between written and scaled dimensions in the
drawing or Between the drawing and specifications etc., the following order of preference shallapply.

(i) Between actual scaled and written dimensions or description on a drawing the latter shall be adopted.

(ii) Between the written description or dimensions in the drawing and the corresponding one in the
specifications, the latter shallapply.

(iii) Between the quantities shown in the schedule of quantities and those arrived at from the drawing
the latter shallpreferred

b) In all cases of omissions and/or doubts or discrepancies in the dimensions or of any itemor
specification a reference shall be made to the engineer, whose elucidation, elaboration or decision shall
be considered as authentic. The contractor shall be held responsible for any errors that may occur in the
work through lack of such reference andprecautions.

c) The contractor should not sublet any part of work without written permission of the Engineer

Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar


(i) All materials to be used on work, such as cement, steel, stones, bricks, aggregates, asphalts / bitumen,
wood, various types of tiles etc. shall be got approved in advance from the Engineer in charge and shall
pass the test and analysis required byhim.

(ii) The necessary job mix formula required for asphalting work, concreting work shall be got
approved in advance from the Engineer incharge.

(iii) The contractor shall at his risk and cost make all arrangement and / or shall provide for all such
facilities as the Engineer in charge may required for collecting, preparing and forwarding required
number of samples for test or for analysis to the nearest approved laboratory when ever available or
from the well known College of Engineering and bear all the charges andcost of testing. Such samples
shall also be deposited with Engineer in charge tills fortesting.


39.1 ERASER:

Person tendering are informed that no erasers or any alteration by them in the text of the documents set
herewith will be allowed and any such eraser or an alteration will be disregarded. If there is any error in
writing no overwriting should be done but the wrong words or figures should be struck out and the correct
one written above or near it in an unambiguous way. Such correction should be initialed and dated.

Intimation of acceptance of tender will be given by a e-mail, fax (both if available) or by a letter sent by
registered post to the address given below the signature of the tenderer in the tenders. The tenders which
do not Fulfill any of the above conditions or those in the form and which are incomplete in any respect
shall be liable for rejection.


The work will be awarded only to those contractors who are considered to be responsive bidders, capable
of performing the class of work to be completed. Before passing the finalaward any or all bidders may
have to show that he has the necessary experience, facilities, ability and financial resources to execute the
work in satisfactory manner and also within the stipulated time. The bidders may also be required to
furnish to the Department a statement in respect of their experience and financialresources.


1) No live electric line should be allowed to run along the ground in the blasting zone and they should
be at least 3 m above ground if notmore.

2) The wiring cable should not be taken near the live electric line and it should be preferably shot
firing cable as supplied by the supplier of explosives. If such a cable is not available a substitute
cable made up of several pieces jointed and tapped should beused.

3) The blasting shed from where the exploder is to finally operate should be at least 150 m. away from
the area to be blasted. It should have a strong roof, which can withstand the impact of flying stones at

4) Only trained hands shall be allowed to handle explosive cable detonatorsetc.

Signature of Contractor 111 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar


For the police protection of the camp of the contractor‘s work, the Department will help the contractors
as far as possible to arrange for such protection with the concerned authorities ,the cost shall be borne
by the contractor.

39.6 For providing electric line and water line etc. recesses shall be provided. If necessary, through
walls, slabs, beams, etc., and later on refilled it with a bricks or stones, chipping cement mortar
without any extracost.

39.7 In case it becomes necessary for the due fulfillment of the contractor for contractor to occupy land
outside the department limits, the contractor will have to make his own arrangement with the land
owners and pay such a rents, if any, which are payable as mutually agreed betweenthem.

39.8 The contractor shall duly comply with the provisions of the Apprentices Act. 1961 (iii of 1961)
and the rule and orders made there under from time to time under the said Act and the said Rules
and on his failure or neglect to do so he shall be subject to all the liabilities and penalties
provided by the said Act andRules.

39.9 It is presumed that the contractor has gone carefully through the standard specification (Vol. I & II
1981 edition) and the schedule of rate of the Division, and studied of site conditions before arriving
at rates quoted by him. The special provisions and detailed specification of wording of any item
shall gain precedence over the corresponding contrary provisions (if any) in the standard
specification given without reproducing the details in contract. Decision of Engineer-in charge
shall be final in case of interpretation ofspecification.

39.10 If the standard specifications fall short for the items quoted in the schedule of this contract
reference shall be made to the latest Indian Standard Specifications, I.R.C. codes, and MOST
specification if any of items of this contract do not fall in reference quoted above, the decision and
specifications as directed shall befinal.


1. In case of doubts regarding grade of concrete used either due to poor workmanship orbased on results
of cube strength tests, the load testing of any part of the structure will have to be carried out by the
Contractor at his owncost.

2. Before carrying out load test, the Contractor shall carryout the suitable non destructivetesting of the
structure which is in doubt, at his own cost. Non destructive testing is fully optional and at the discretion
of the Contractor.

3 In such cases the Engineer-in-Charge shall inform the Contractor sufficiently in advance in writing
along with the reasons for carrying out the load test, during execution of work or during maintenance
period of the Contract.

4. The load test will have to be carried out as per the provisions contained in IS :456-2000.

5. If the load test results do not meet the requirements as stipulated in relevant I.S. code the Structure
shall be deemed to beunacceptable.

Sign of Contractor 112 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
The contractors should ensure that all safety precautions are observed by their labours, working
closed to the State Highway and while closing the state Highway precautions are taken including
insurance etc., for their labour at the cost of the contractor etc. if any accident occuthe labour etc.,
no claim in this regard on whatsoever account shall be entertained and the decision of the
Department will be final and conclusive.
41.2 During the execution if there is any change in:
(i) SpanArrangement.
(ii) Height of substructure and superstructure above groundlevel.
(iii) Change in the depth of foundation, tendered rate for respective items will hold good and no extra
claims shall be entertained on thisaccount.
Contractorshallobservethe rulesand regulationsempoweredbytrafficpoliceforsmooth flow of traffic on the
diversion road and shall not be entitled for claim any compensation arising thereof.


(a) M.S.R.T.C. : Unless included by or repugnant to the contents the expression ―M.S.R.T.C.‖ as used in
the tender documents shall mean the M.S.R.T.C. Mumbai,Maharashtra.

(b) Chief Engineer: The expression ‗The Chief Engineer‘ as used in the tender papers shall mean
Chief Engineer M.S.R.T.C. Mumbai.

(c) Engineer-in-charge : The expression Engineer or Engineer-in-charge as used in the tender paper
shall mean the Engineer-in-charge of the work.

(d) Contractor: The expression ‗Contractor‘ as used in the tender papers shall mean the successful
tenderer that is the tenderer whose tender has been accepted and who has been authorized to proceed
with thework.

(e) Contract: The expression ‗Contract‘ as used in the tender papers shall mean the deed of contract
together with all its original accompaniments and those later incorporated in it by mutual consent.

(f) Plant: The expression ‗Plant‘ as used in the tender papers shall mean every temporary accessory
necessary or considered necessary by the Engineer to execute, construct, complete and maintain the
work and all altered, modified, substituted and additional works ordered in the time and the manner
herein provided and all temporary materials and special and other articles and appliance of every sort
kind and description whatsoever intended or usedtherefore.

43.1 The following instructions shall be followed as regards preliminary design of mix and methods of
batching of plain cement concrete and reinforced cement concrete. These instructions should be
treated as supplementary to the relevant provision in the specifications for the respective items
contained in the book of standard specifications and will override the provisions contained therein
wherever they are contrary to the followinginstructions.
The preliminary mix design and batching for various grades of concrete shall be governed by the
following guidelines.

Sign of Contractor 113 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Concrete Grade Guidelines
1) Up to M-15 : This should only be ordinary concrete. No change may be prescribed in the present
practice as regards preliminary design of mix and permitting volume batching. Only cement to be
2) M-20 to M-25 : Preliminary mix design must be carried out for these mixes. However, weight
batching shall be insisted for cement .only for concrete M-20 andabove
3) M-25 and above : Preliminary mix design must be prepared for such mixes weigh batching shall be
insisted for cement fine aggregate and courseaggregate.

43.2 For the grades of concrete M-20 and above the preliminary mix design shall be carriedout from the
(1) The charges for preliminary design, of concrete mix shall be entirely borne by thecontractor.
(2) For grades of concrete M-20 and above where cement is to be used by weight, the costof extra
cement required to make-up the under-weight bags shall be borne by thecontractor.
(3) For the items of concrete of grades lower than M-20 and other items in the agreement, where
cement is not to be used by weighment, the cement bags as received from the manufacturer and
supplied to the contractor under Schedule ‗A‘ shall contain cement of 50Kg. netweight.

43.3 The admixtures such as plasticizers/super plasticizers for concrete grade M-20 and above shall be
used as directed by Engineer in charge depending upon specific requirements. No extra payment on
this account will beadmissible.


(1) After award of contract, contractor will have to provide and fix the information boards showing
name, tender cost, period of completion, name and telephone number of agency and Executive
Engineer and other details as directed by Engineer in charge. No extra payment is admissible on this
account. (such Item in schedule ‗B‘ will be not operated, ifproposed)

(2) Insurance of Contract Work:

Contractor shall take out necessary insurance Policy/Policies (viz Contractor‘s all risk Insurance Policy,
Erection all risk insurance policy etc as decided by the Directorate of insurance) so as to provide adequate
insurance cover for execution of the awarded contract work for total contract value and complete contract
period compulsorily from the ―Directorate of insurance, Maharashtra State, Mumbai‖ only. Its Postal
address for correspondence is 264, MHADA, First floor,Opp.Kalamagar,Bandra(E),
Mumbai400051(TelephoneNos.26590403/26590690and Fax No. 26592461 / 26590403). Similarly all
workmen‘s appointed to complete the contract work are required to insure under workmen‘s
compensation Insurance policy. Insurance Policy/Policies taken out from any other company will not be
accepted. If any Contractor has effected Insurance with any insurance company, the same will not be
accepted and the amount of premium calculated by the Government Insurance fund will be recovered
directly as specified in earlier conditions from the amount payable to the contractor for executed contract
work and paid to the Directorate of Insurance Fund, Maharashtra State,Mumbai.

The Director of Insurance reserves the right to distribute the risk of Insurance among the other insures.

(3) A board 0.90 m x 0.60 m showing information shall be provided by contractor at no extra cost to the
Government. (such Item in schedule ‗B‘ will be not operated, ifproposed

Sign of Contractor 114 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar


1 PVC Insulated Copper Wires of Finolex /Havells / KEI/ Gloster/Polycab
All Sizes
2 T. W. Boards and Blocks Double folding polished board made from good
teak wood and from plank in one piece block
upto 8‖x10‖ in three pieces
3 All types of switches, sockets, GM, Legrand, Havells,ABB
holders and accessories
4 Voltmeter IMP/ Victo/Jaipur/Nasda mico
5 Rayrolled I. C. plugs Havells / Ajmera / Jaisons
6 Musical Bell Anchor / cona / Sharp / Roma
7 Bell Indicators Anchor / cona / Sharp / Roma / Glolite
8 HRC Fuses Mazda / Bajaj / Crompton / L&T/C&S
9 Bulkhead Fittings Bajaj/Crompton/Pressfit
10 Gas Filled Lamps Philips/Crompton/GEC/Bajaj/Surya
11 M.V. / S.V./ M.H.Lamps of all Bajaj/Crompton/Philips /Havells/Surya/HPL
12 M.V. / S.V./ M.H.s of all wattages
Bajaj/Crompton/Philips /Havells/Surya/HPL
13 LED Fittings of all wattages Philips/Crompton/Bajaj/Surya/Havels/C&S/SY
14 Fitting gear boxes Bajaj/Crompton/Philips /Havells/Surya
15 Inspection pit lights 2x36/40 w Rayon as approved by Central Office
16 LED Inspection pit lights Kalki/Shakti/Rayon
17 Fluorescent tube light fitting Philips/Crompton/Bajaj/Wipro/Surya
18 I.C./M.C. DP Switches Ashok/Havels
19 Heavy duty I.C./M.C. Switches Ashok/Havels
Switches and distribution boxes /Indoasian/L&T/Siemens/C&S/KEW
20 Bus-bar Fabricated in approved manner similar to
ATLAS, Stanley with earth terminals
21 Steel Conduit pipes GB /Vimco/National rust proof by thick coat
of paint
22 Casing-n-caping Modi /Diamond/Pressfit
23 PVC conduit & accessories Super plast/Precision/Asian/Diamond/ Pressfit
24 Submersible Pumps Kirloskar/Crompton/KSB/Waterman/Texmo
25 Starter for Motor LT-LK/ Siemens
26 Centrifugal monoblock pumps Kirloskar/Crompton/KSB/Waterman/Texmo
Sign of Contractor 115 Executive Engineer (Elect)
S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
27 Exhaust Fans GEC/Crompton /Bajaj/Almonard/Chetena/
28 Air Circulator Crompton/Almonard/Chetana
29 Ceiling Fans Crompton/Orient/Havells/Usha
30 Cabin Fan Crompton/Bajaj/Cinni/Usha
31 Water Heater storage type Bajaj/Vinus/Usha/Crompton
32 Geysers Bajaj/Vinus/Usha/Crompton
33 Tubular Poles Tubit/Tata/Surya
34 Transformers [Cu. Winding] Crompton/Pattson/Pactil/Kirloskar/Trans-
35 Single phasing preventor Minilec / L&T
36 MCB,MCBDB,MCCB and ACB Legrand/Havells/C&S
37 Flameproof fitting Crompton /Bajaj/GEC
38 RCCB Legrand/Havels/C&S
39 Air Conditioner Voltas/Bluestar
40 Floor mounting MCCB panel ABB/Snider/SiemensL&T/C&S/Indoasian/HP
41 Octogonal / Conical /Highmast Bajaj /Surya/Crompton
42 HVLS Fans Kelley/Humongous/Golden/Havells/Usha/Macr
43 Tower Clock Perfect/Balaji Time Square/Ganesh
44 Tubular Batteries Exide/Luminius/Micrtech/Okkya

45 Inverter / Ups Michrotec/Luminius

46 Copper/Allu. Arm Cable Polycab/Finolex / KEI

(1) The Contractor shall use materials of makes listed herewith after obtaining approvals to samples from the
Executive Engineer (Electrical) S. T. Nagpur.
(2) The makes for material which are not covered herewith shall be got approved from the Executive
Engineer, (Elect), S.T. Nagpur before collectin / using on site of work.

Sign of Contractor 116 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
1. The wiring shall be carried out with looping in system at the switches.
2.)Conduit pipe shall be electrically and mechanically continuous through, & Clipped atsuitable intervals
with saddles on M.S. Spacers and provision of earth clips of proper size.
3.The items of hidden nature such as Earthlings, pole foundations, underground laying of cable, laying of
Hume pipe, etc. shall be carried out in presence of J.E. (Elect) D.E.(Elect).
4.M.S. Box for switches to be used against item point shall be provided with machine screws & washers at
corners of box and duly approved before use on work. They shall be fabricated in an approved manner and
shall have earthlings terminal with nuts/ poles washers, etc.& duly painted.
5.All fittings to be erected on trusses or girders shall be provided with clamps made out of 25x 3 mm M.S.
flat (X and or necessary materials) duly painted as directed by the Engineer- In-charge.)
6.The choke box with in built clamping arrangement shall be erected on pole with necessary materials at a
height of 5 or above as may be directed by the Electrical Engineer in an approved manner.
7.All the fittings and fixtures to be installed by the contractor shall be provided with adequate capacity of
wires and duly connected with the installation in an approved manner.
8.Iron frame work to be used for metal clad switches/ D.B. etc. shall be of size 25 x 3mm.M.S.flat duly
painted and properly earth terminal and 50 x 6 mm. for panel Board.
9.All switches to be used for panel board shall be of same make and the entire structurebefore fabrication
shall be got approved from the Electrical Engineer, ST, Mumbai.
10.Angle iron frame as far as possible of slotted angle iron.
11.Brass screws should be used for fixing fittings, accessories and covers.
12.All armored cables and conduit pipes shall be run on M.S. spacer 1/8" thick.
13.Earthlings continuity shall be maintained through out the installation and terminated atthe Panel
BoardSecured by G.I. Nuts bolts of 12 mm dia. and washers.
14.The T.W. Batten to be used on the work shall be of uniform thickness, standard lengthvarnished and free
from knots, cracks etc.
15. The contractor shall be required to produce a test report of the E.I. work in standard formas also furnish
the results of earthlings tests and insulation tests of installation separately.
16. The Contractor shall carry out the E.I. work without causing inconvenience to the occupants.
17.The contractor shall prepare a list of dismantled materials (where relevant) with their quantities and hand
it over to the representative of the Electrical Engineer.
18.The G.I. wire shall be soft and hot drip processes.
19.All the metal clad accessories shall be securely earthed and the entry and exists opening for wires shall be
provided with insulated approved type bushing.
20. The main switches with capacity of 20 Amps. & above shall be heavy duty andconforming to relevant I.S.
21.The contractor shall be required to produce the certificates from the supplier/ manufacturer to know the
genuineness of materials used if asked by the Electrical Engineer, ST, Mumbai.
22.The approved sample of each type of materials shall be preserved by the contractor on site till the
completion of the work.
23. The quantity and color of the sun mica shall be as approved by the Electrical Engineer.
24. Wires passing through floors and walls are to be carried through porcelain tubes of adequate length and
diameter and are to be fixed in walls and floors with cement.
25.Earthlings: The method and system shall comply with I.S.I. and I.E.E. Rules and regulations. Two G.I.
Wires not smaller than 8 S.W.G. shall be bolted to the earth plate and brought out through G.I. Pipe "
diameter and 1" above ground level. The resistance to 2 earth from any metallic part of the installation shall
not exceed 8Ohms.
26. Fitting supplied by S.T.: Only the fixtures given under Schedule 'A' will be supplied by S.T. Their
installation with sundry materials and wiring will be carried out by the contractor.
27. The contractor shall hand over the guarantee cards of electrical equipments such as Geysers, Water
Sign of Contractor 117 Executive Engineer (Elect)
S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
pumps, etc. to the Electrical Engineer.
28. The G.I. Earth wire on pole shall be tightened on the pole with drilled holes and secured by nuts, bolts,
washers & lugs.
29.The cable terminating boxes shall be made out of M.S. sheet of adequate gauge dulypainted & with panel
type locking arrangement.
30.The PVC pipe shall be of approved make and shall be erected with necessary junction boxes at suitable
locations & erected with PVC saddles and spacers.
31.the fittings such as fluorescent tube lights, Mercury Vapor Lamp fittings, control gear boxes to the
supplied and used by the contractor at site shall be complete with all original components assembled by the
Manufactures in their factory. A certificate to thiseffect from the Manufacturer or the dealer is demanded,
shall be produced by the contractor.
32.Where specific brand is mentioned in the Schedule B', no other brand is allowed.
33. The G.I. earth wire of prescribed gauge should be run along with the cable and terminated at proper
location & tightened by nuts - bolts
34. All items of the tender must be executed.
35.Variation in quantity is not allowed without prior approval.

Signature of Contractor

Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

Sign of Contractor 118 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

NAME OF WORK :- Providing HT Power Supply Arrangement For EV Bus
Charging Station at Omerga Depot in Dharashiv Division. particulars of Quantity Rate at which Remarks
materials material will be
charged to
Nill Nill Nill Nill


1. Permission will be given to the contractor for allowing him to bring cement at site of work from local
market at his risk and cost. However, difference in cost of cement (Schedule A Rate / Market Rate), if found
on lower side will be recovered, at the same time if it is on higher side, difference in amount will not be paid
to the contractor Contractor should produce cement Receipt & Test report to Executive Engineer in original
duly certified by the concerned authority time to time & before actual utilization of cement. Transportation
charges will have to be borne by the contractor.
2. As regards cement consumption following consideration on total consumption will be adopted on the basis
of standard cement consumption given in DSR.
a) Upto (-2%) variation, over standard cement consumption will be accepted as it is
b) Beyond (-2% ) upto (-5%) variation, recovery of cement atdouble the rate of Schedule "A rate will be
made from the contractor.
c) Beyond (-5%) variation, at Reduced rate or Rejection of particular item
d) Upto (+5%) variation, accepted as it is.
e) Beyond (+5%) variation, Recovery of cement at double the rate of Schedule 'A' rate will be made from the

Signature of Contractor Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

Sign of Contractor 119 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

NAME OF WORK :- Providing HT Power Supply Arrangement For EV Bus
Charging Station at Omerga Depot in Dharashiv Division.
SCHEDULE - ‘’ B ’’ (without GST)
1 1 No Supplying, erecting, testing and commissioning of Power 5717103.00 Each 5,717,103.00
transformer 33/11 KV , 5 MVA.
2 2 Nos Supplying, erecting, 33 KV Indoor GIS Switchgear I/C) 2140380.00 Each 4,280,760.00
1250A as per specification.
3 1 No Supplying, erecting, 33 KV Outdoor GIS Switchgear I/C) 2140380.00 Each 2,140,380.00
1250A as per specification.
4 300 Supplying , erecting & terminating XLPE insulated, 3980.00 Mtr 1,194,000.00
m galvanised steel formed wire armoured (strip) cable 33
kV(E), 3 x 300 sq. mm. aluminium conductor laid in
provided trench / pipe as per specification no. CB-HT(7-
5 15 Supplying, erecting, 33KV Silicon coated touchproof 95640.00 Each
Nos Indoor termination joint (Al) kit for XLPE 3 C X300 1,434,600.00
6 1 Nos Supplying, erecting, 33KV VCB Complete 1600A. 317746.00 Each 317,746.00
7 3 Nos Supplying, erecting, 33KV Lighting Arresters (Station 15928.00 Each
Type). 47,784.00
8 1 Nos Supplying, erecting, 33KV Isolator with EB(800 A) 93381.00 Each 93,381.00
9 1 Set Supplying, erecting, Earthing complete as per MSEDCL 131671.00 Set 131,671.00
sheet no. 2 which include MS Flat (500Kg), Earthing set
HT of GI pipe 150mm 3 mtr , Coal (300Kg), Salt(300Kg)
and Sundries .
10 6 Nos Supplying and erecting porcelain post type insulator with 967.00 Each 5,802.00
nut bolts suitable for 33kV line, complete as per
specification no. OH-INS/PST(8-5-14)
11 1 Set Supplying, erecting 11 KV VCB 400A Indoor (O/G) as 456203.00 Set 456,203.00
per MSEDCL Specification.
12 1 No Supplying, erecting Clamps amd Connector as per 443117.00 Each 443,117.00
MSEDCL Specification sheet no. 4
13 1 No Supplying, erecting Take off strecture as per MSEDCL 375700.00 Each 375,700.00
Specification Table no.2.
14 1 No Supplying, erecting 11 KV VCB 800A Indoor (I/C) as per 468318.00 Each 468,318.00
MSEDCL Specification.
15 1 Set Supplying, erecting Armoured Copper control cable for 154827.00 Set 154,827.00
Sign of Contractor 120 Executive Engineer (Elect)
S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
S/S as per Specification sheet no 7.
16 1 No Supplying, erecting Battery set 30 Volt , 100 AH with 116748.00 Each 116,748.00
battery charger.
17 1 Set Supplying, erecting AC Distribution Board 'B' Type. 34298.00 Set 34,298.00
18 1 Set Supplying, erecting S/S Yard lighting as per as per Sheet 98087.00 Set 98,087.00
no. 5.
19 400 Supplying , erecting & terminating XLPE insulated, 3251.00 Mtr 1,300,400.00
m galvanised steel formed wire armoured (strip) cable 11
kV(UE), 3 x 300 sq. mm. aluminium conductor laid in
provided trench / pipe as per specification no. CB-HT(7-
20 20 Providing and erecting Heat shrinkable straight through 51671.00 Each 1,033,420.00
Nos joint kit for 11 kV (UE)/22 kV ( E ) XLPE HT cable
3x240 to 300 sq. mm. with necessary material as per
specification no. CB-JT/HT(7-5-20)
21 2 Set Supplying, erecting, testing and commissioning of 11 KV 2056.00 Set 4,112.00
Lightning Arrestors (Gapless Type) with disconector.
22 1 Set Supplying, erecting, Civil work for 33/11 KV Sub-station 2557411.00 Set 2,557,411.00
Including Land Development(As per table no A)
,Electrification , WBM Road (As per table no D), Chain
link fencing and Barbed wire fencing(As per table no E),
Metal Spreding (As per table F of Cost data of
MSEDCL) , Equipment Foundation for 1X5 MVA or
1X10 MVA (1+3 Bay) + STN Transformer (As table G )
Outdoor and construction of cable trench with covers in
S/Yard light (As per table I).
23 4 Nos Supplying, erecting, testing and commissioning of 11 KV 50802.00 Each 203,208.00
isolators with EB (800 A)
24 1 set Supplying, erecting,foundation of Isolators as per table 21639.00 Set 21,639.00
no 5. as per MSEDCL specification.
25 10 Providing earthing with copper earth plate size 60 x 60 x 15734.00 Each 157,340.00
Nos 0.315 cm with funnelwith a wire mesh for watering and
brick masonry block C.l. cover with minimum 25 kg
Carbon based environment friendly back fill Ground
Enhancing compound complete with all materials, testing
& recording the results as per specification no ESE -LA .
26 300 Supplying and erecting copper strip of high purity 883.00 kg 264,900.00
kg required size used for earthing on wall and/or any other
purpose with necessary copper clamps fixed on wall
painted with bituminous paint with joints required. As
per specification no. EA EP. (9-2-2)
27 1 No Supplying, erecting, Marshalling Box. 8155.00 Each 8,155.00
28 500 Supplying and erecting iron work, sheet metal work 186.00 kg 93,000.00
kg consisting of CRCA sheets, various sections of iron,
plates, chequered plates, rods, bars, MS pipes, etc. for
panel board or any other purpose with bending, cutting,
drilling and welding complete erected at the position with

Sign of Contractor 121 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
necessary materials duly painted with one coat of red
oxide and two coats of enamel paint to match the
switchgears or as per directions by the authority. (6-1-19)
29 5 Nos Supplying and erecting integrated LED street light fitting 13799.00 Each 68,995.00
160-170W IP65 & IK08 class having single piece pressure
die-cast aluminium housing, having system lumens
output of Min. 19000 Lumens, min. efficacy of 120
lumen/W, CRI>70, CCT upto 6500K, THD<10%, p.f.
>0.95, operating range of 140- 270V, inbuilt surge
protection of 10 kV. (2-4-11)
30 6 Nos Supplying and erecting integrated LED flood light fitting 12646.00 Each 75,876.00
Max. 155W IP65 & IK07 class having pressure die-cast
aluminium housing, having system lumens output of Min.
18600 Lumens, min. efficacy of 120 lumen/W, CRI>70,
CCT upto 6500K, THD<10%, p.f. >0.90, operating range
of 140-270V, inbuilt surge protection of 4 kV. (2-4-17)
31 200 Supplying and erecting metal work in CRCA sheet 249.00 kg 49,800.00
kg including Iron work for supports with fabrication of
boxes, panel boards, etc. including cutting, bending,
drilling, welding, riveting, treated with anti-rust
treatment and duly powder coated or painted with one
coat of red lead paint and 2 coats of enamel paint
complete. (6-1-1)
32 5 Nos Providing and erecting Indoor joint kit for 11 kV (UE)/22 10989.00 Each 54,945.00
kV ( E ) XLPE HT cable 3x up to 95 sq. mm. with
necessary material as per specification no. CB-JT/HT (7-
33 5 Nos Providing and erecting Outdoor joint kit for 11 kV 22737.00 Each 113,685.00
(UE)/22 kV ( E ) XLPE HT cable 3x up to 95 sq. mm.
with necessary material as per specification no. CB-
JT/HT (7-3-12)
34 1 Set Supplying and erecting 11 kV outdoor type gang 15900.00 Set 15,900.00
operated air break, triple pole switch 400 A capacity with
3 post pin type insulator per phase, mounted in
horizontal or vertical position with necessary channels on
provided cross arm with adequate length of "C" class
G.l. pipe for operating handle erected on extended square
shaft. The operating handle provided with lock and key
at suitable height from ground level with necessary
clamp. (10-6-2)
35 200 Supplying & laying (including excavation) reinforced 569.00 Mtr 113,800.00
m cement concrete pipe of IS 458:2003 NP-2 class of 150
mm internal diameter in proper line, level and slope
including providing and fixing collars in cement mortar
1:2 and curing etc. complete. (7-6-5)
36 60 m Supplying & laying (including excavation) half round 508.00 Mtr 30,480.00
reinforced cement concrete pipe of IS 458:2003 NP-2
class of 150 mm internal diameter in proper line, level
and slope including providing and fixing collars in

Sign of Contractor 122 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
cement mortar 1:2 and curing etc. complete. (7-6-6)
37 300 Sand. 255.30 Cmt 76,590.00
38 6 LS Misc for XLPE U/G cable. 1150.00 LS 6,900.00
39 10 Supplying and erecting porcelain pin type insulator with 283.00 Each 2,830.00
Nos GI pin suitable for 11kV line, complete as per
specification no. OH-INS/PN. (8-5-9)
40 20 Providing earthing with galvanized iron earth plate size 6055.00 Each 121,100.00
Nos 60 x 60 x 0.6 cm with funnel with a wire mesh for
watering and brick masonry block C.l. cover complete
with all materials, testing & recording the results as per
specification no. EA-EP. (9-1-3)
41 200 Supplying and erecting GI strip of high purity required 222.00 kg 44,400.00
kg size used for earthing on wall and/or any other purpose
with necessary GI clamps fixed on wall painted with
bituminous paint with joints required. As per
specification no EA-EP. (9-2-3)
42 400 Supplying and erecting GI wire of high purity of 155.00 kg 62,000.00
kg required sizes used for earthing or any other purposes on
wall with necessary G. I. Clamps fixed on wall/cable/
conduit with screws complete. (9-2-5)
43 12 LS Sundries. 885.50 LS 10,626.00
44 1 No Supplying and erecting 50 kVAr, 3 phase, 50 Hz., Power 277552.00 Each 277,552.00
contactors Derated for microprocessor APFC controller
with MPP / APP type capacitor with 525 V and having
minimum overcurrent capacity of 1.8 In, peak inrush
current capacity 300 In and minimum life 150000 hours
with , consisting of suitable steps of MPP / APP type
capacitor units with detuned aluminium filter 7%
reactors with circuit breaker as main incomer and
MCCB for each branch protection, as per specification
no CP-ED/APFC. (6-7-12)
45 200 Supplying, erecting & terminating FR XLPE insulated, 2578.00 Mtr 515,600.00
m galvanised steel formed wire armoured (strip) cable 1100
V, 4 core 50 sq. mm. copper conductor complete erected
with glands & lugs, on wall/ trusses/ pole or laid in
provided trench/ pipe as per specification no. CB-LT/CU.
46 10 Supplying and erecting G.I. pipe pole „B‟ class 80 mm dia 5540.00 Each 55,400.00
Nos 6 m long with pole cap, base plate in provided foundation
as per specification no. OH-PL/GIP. (8-1-16)
47 200 Supplying & erecting barbed wire two ply with 12 SWG 136.00 kg 27,200.00
kg ply and 12 SWG barb with a gap between two bars of 75
mm. firmly fixed on provided angle supports with
necessary materials complete. (6.044 meters/kg.). (10-6-
48 50 Providing printed instruction chart for treating persons 151.00 Each 7,550.00
Nos suffering from electric shock, printed in English &

Sign of Contractor 123 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Executive Engineer (Elect)
S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar
Marathi and duly laminated complete. (10-6-22)
49 10 Making cement concrete foundation in 1:2:4 cement 5011.00 cmt 50,110.00
cmt concrete with foundation bolts and nuts complete. (cost of
wooden box is included). (16-3-5)
50 2 set Supplying, erecting, testing and commissioning 11 KV 152280.00 Set 304,560.00
HT ID Type Metering Equipment(Cubical) having CT
and PT 1without meter of size 100/5A.
51 3 cmt Supplying and erecting Plinth for Metering cubical Box. 35250.00 Cmt 105,750.00
52 1 No Providing & erecting 3 Pole MCCB, 415V, 200A, rated 12725.00 Each 12,725.00
short-circuit breaking capacity 25 kA (Ics=100% of Icu),
adjustable thermal (overload) setting and adjustable
magnetic setting with provided leads, provision for
installation of shunt/UV/trip alarm contact and MCCB
should have phase barriers both sides, with insulation
withstand capacity 800V, no line-load bias in provided
enclosure/panel as per specification no. SW-
SWR/MCCB. (5-5-2) Note- For use of 4 pole MCCBs in
place of 3 pole MCCBs add 20% in rate of 3 pole MCCB.
53 1 Job Modem Installation charges 10000.00 Job 10,000.00
Total 25368484.00
TOTAL RS.= 2,53,68,484.00

Signature Of Contractor Executive Engineer(Elect)

ST Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhaji Nagar


Sign of Contractor 124 Executive Engineer (Elect)

S.T.Nagpur Camp Chh.Sambhajinagar

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