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Why Parents Should Have a Good Parenting Skills

Have you ever read a bedtime story to your child? If you haven’t, then read this passage
and I bet you will start doing it once you finish reading. You probably never know why you have
to read bedtime stories to your kids. Here are the reasons why.

Do you want to fire up the imagination by taking a fantastic journey with your child all
without needing to step out the front door? All you need is a bedtime story session. Reading
stories to your child helps develop their imagination. By listening to the story and looking at the
pictures, their little brains receive so many ideas, and they are able to predict what is going to
happen next or come up with their own endings. Imagination helps to create and to dream.
Albert Einstein once said that “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is
limited. Imagination encircles the world.”

Moreover, reading bedtime stories promotes bonding between you and your child. After a long
hectic day when children are busy with school, play, television, and parents are busy attending to
household chores and professional commitments, bedtime story session gives parents and
children a chance to strengthen their relations and bond with each other. When you are cuddled
up together and you are reading to your child and they respond back to you, you can interact and
engage in conversations that you may not otherwise have.

Besides, this fun activity enhances child’s vocabulary and communication skill. During these
story sessions, parents and children get a chance to interact and discuss the characters and the
story line. Many new words are read and discussed. This results in improved communication
skills and enhanced vocabulary which are fundamental to future reading success. There is
evidence to suggest that bedtime stories can rewire the brain to accelerate their mastery of

Last but not least, reading bedtime stories also creates child’s love of reading. Reading is an
important skill in life. The sooner your child gets into a routine of reading every day, the better.
Reading bedtime stories every night can create a love for books and a love for reading which can
then help them later in life.
A love of reading is one of the best gifts you can give your children. Whether a story is funny,
sad, scary or strange, they give children food for thought. There are so many benefits to reading
bedtime stories that can go on for years.

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