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Rhialyn Valdez
Ms. Judy Sibayan


Moore, wanting to tell Emily's story, gives his testimony when he is called to
the witness stand. Bruner begins experiencing supernatural phenomena at
home, waking up at 3:00 am. to the smell of burning material. Moore warns
her she may be a target for the demons, revealing he too has experienced
similar phenomena on the night he was preparing the exorcism. Bruner
supports Moore by summoning anthropologist Sadira Adani to testify about
the beliefs surrounding spiritual possession from various cultures, but Thomas
dismisses her claims as nonsense. Graham Cartwright, a medical doctor who
attended the exorcism, gives Bruner a cassette tape on which the exorcism
was recorded, and Moore presents the recording as evidence. Cartwright's
testimony to authenticate the exorcism and refute the prosecution's medical
case is prevented when he is suddenly struck and killed by a car. A distraught
Bruner retreats to her office, where her boss threatens her with termination if
she allows Moore to testify again. Bruner visits Moore in his jail cell, where he
convinces her to allow him to tell the rest of Emily's story despite her boss's
The next day, Moore takes the witness stand again and reads a letter that
Emily wrote before she died. On the morning after the exorcism, Emily was
visited by the Virgin Mary in a field near her house and was permitted the
choice of ascending to Heaven. However, Emily chose to endure her suffering
and later received stigmata on her hands. Thomas does not interpret the
markings as a divine sign, but rather as traces of self-inflicted injuries. The
jury ultimately reaches a verdict of guilty but surprises the court by asking
Judge Brewster to give a sentence of time served. Although momentarily
shocked by the suggestion, Brewster ultimately accepts it, and Moore is free
to go. Bruner is offered a partnership in her firm, but declines. Later, Moore
and Bruner pay a visit to Emily's grave, and More states that the time will
come wherein Emily will be declared a saint.

This story was real because evil existed in this world. So many people
experience what Emily experienced in her life, evil does so many things for
destroying the life of humans and God created. When Emily died, the Virgin
Mary appeared to her and asked her if she wanted to become a martyr or
experience life in the world. And it was said by dear Mary because she told
people that the devil and God really exist because they really exist in human
life but it is God who continues to lead us on the right path because he wants
us to return to him as his children in this world

Activity I.3 Fallacies

Fallacies Meaning Movie Scene

1. Presence Love from the Father Based on the movie the

unconditional situation. Father didn’t tell the truth
because he’s worried for his
daughter that they might
harm her. The Father
sacrifices himself for the sake
of her beloved daughter.

2. Absence A true heart felt comedy A connection between the ill

Father and his daughter is
loving and adorable to each
other. The Father gives all
what he can do for her

3. Oxygen Heartwarming story inside the She depicts how her father
prison cell
was mistreated by the
police and prison
authorities and how he was
bullied in jail but slowly his
innocence and fondness
for his daughter placed him
in everyone's heart. Out of
emotions, other inmates
planned to smuggle his
daughter into the prison to
reunite the father-daughter
4. Materials The Father was falsely It doesn’t matter what a
accuse person’s physical condition is
as long as he is able to love
for his daughter.

5. Result The conflict in cell no.7 a mentally challenged man

wrongfully imprisoned for
murder, who builds
friendships with the
hardened criminals in his
cell, who in return help him
see his daughter again by
smuggling her into the

1. What is the importance of knowing the different fallacies?

Understanding fallacies will help you see these mistakes in other people's arguments
and steer clear of them in your own. Understanding the definitions and classifications of
the various frequent fallacies will also give you a useful tool for evaluating and describing

2. Give an example of fallacies that you were seeing in pandemic time and then explain.
Fallacies: The pandemic cannot occur.
Fallacies: Vaccines will not prevent the Covid19 from spreading
Fallacies: They are not all vaccinated

The pandemic was not occur because this disease continues to spread to the world of human
beings. But the vaccine helps us from the disease and the fronliner’s in our country continue to
continue to help the person afflicted.

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