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Name: Glazel V.

Gonzaga Subject: ENG 100

Date: September 8, 2022 Schedule: TTH 1:30-3:00 PM

Part I.

Directions: Explain each quote in 4-6 sentences.

1. “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.”

My Answer: Both listening and understanding are necessary for communication. In order for you to
comprehend, you should also be quick and ready to listen under any circumstances. In the context of
being angry, our feelings may overwhelm us. According to this saying, words are like daggers, thus we
should constantly use caution and kindness, especially when we're upset. Hence, it is always essential to
listen, comprehend, and have empathy. Additionally, we need to be cautious of the way we speak and the
words we use.

2. “The biggest communication problem is we do not listen to understand. We listen to reply.”

My Answer: Barriers to communication are present when one party chooses not to understand. Especially
when we are disagreeing with someone, we do this frequently. We can't make sense of what they're
saying. Instead, we are more concerned with how we will respond in order to win the argument. The
communication barrier starts to show up at this point. Instead of defending our arguments, we should
always exercise critical thought, listen intently, and attempt to understand. We must constantly be
understanding rather than trying to change other people's perspectives because we are all aware that not
everyone's ideas are compatible with ours.

3. “The quieter you become, the more you can hear.”

My Answer: This implies that in order for thoughts to flow freely, your mind must be clear. This saying
suggests that maintaining silence helps the brain process ideas. Quietness improves your ability to focus
and absorb information. It is difficult and confusing to think while your mind is occupied by unimportant
thoughts. When the thoughts deteriorate, you become quiet in the purest sense, and in this state of
silence, you get direct connections to your inner intellectual capacity. This also applies when you are
talking to someone. You comprehend someone better the more attentive you are to what they have to
say. In other words, think instead of speaking.
Part II.


 Copy the URL in your browser, the website must contain an English listening level test.
 There are six parts in this listening test, and four questions for each part.
 You can listen to the recordings more than once if you need to. However, you shouldn’t listen
more than three times. The test is here to find your natural listening level. Ideally, you should
listen only once or twice.
 You will get your results after you have answered all the questions.
 SCREENSHOT the result of your listening level test.
 Paste the screenshot below.
 URL:


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