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BA'AMER ELEGTRTC Trading and Contracting

Jeddah, K.S.A.
Zelio Logic 2
Smart Relay
User's Manual

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@ Telemecanique
Table of Contents
Salety lnformation 7
Aboul the Book... ........9
Part I lnitaal Power up and Discovering 11
Presentation 1'l
Chapter 1 lnltlal Power up and Dlscoverlng 13
Presentation 13
safety ... .....::::.::::: 14
Presentation ol ths Smart Rslay Front Panel . . . . . . 17
Charactgristics and Connections. 20
Control Keys on the Front Panel oI the Smart Relay 21
Examples. 24

Part ll Functions Accessible from the Front Panel 29

At a Glance . 29
Chapter 2 Overvlew of the Functlons Accessible from the Front panel.31
Functions Accessible from the Front Panel of lhe Smart Relay . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Chapter 3 INPUTS-OUTPUTS Screen. 33

At a Glance .
TEXT and DISPLAY screen 36
Presenlation 39
Rules for Entering Ladder Diagrams. . . 41
Method for Entering a Contact or Coil. . 43
Entering a Link 45
Entry ot Function Block Parameters 47
Deletion and lns€rtion of Diagram Lines . . . . 49
Chapter 5 PARAMETERS Menu 51
PARAMETERSMenu...... 51

Chapter 6 MONITORING Menu 53
MON|TOR|NGMenu.... 53
ChapterT RUIUSTOP Menu 55
chapter I coNFIGURATION Menu 59
Presentation . 59
PASSWORDMenu....... 6o
FILTER Menu. 63
Zx KEYS Menu 64

Chapterg CLEAR PROGRAM Menu 67

CLEARPBOG Menu. ........ 67
chapter 10 TRANSFER Menu. . 69
Chapter 11 VERSION Menu 73
VERSION Menu. . .73
chaprerl2 LANGUAGEMenu 75
LANGUAGE Menu. . . . 75
Chapter 13 DEFAULT Menu 77
Chapterl4 CHANGEDATE/TIMEMenu 81

chapter 15 CHANGE SUMMER/W|NTER Menu 83


Part lll LD Language 85

At a Glance 85
Chapter 16 LD Language Elements 87
At a Glance .87
lntroduction .88
Oiscrete |nputs......... .89
Zx Keys . , . 9't
Auxiliary Relays........ .93
Discrere (DlscR) outputs .98
Timers . . . 103
Counters. 1't4
Fast Countsr 121
Countercomparator ... . '132

Analog Comparators 134
Clocks '139
Texts . 143
LCD Screen Backlighting 145
Change lo Summer / Winter Time. 146
Modbus lnputYOutputs 148
Message . . 149

Part lV Creating and Debugging an Application 151

Presentation 151

Chapter 17 lmplementing a Basic Application 153

Presentation . .. . I Ci'

Presentation o, Ladder Oiagrams . . , 154

UsingtheReverseFunction .. ... :...... 't
Notation Used bylhe Smart Relay . . ... .. . 159
Application: lmplementing a Two-way Switch 161

Chapter 18 Debugglng an Application ....169

Presentation 169
lntroduction 't70
Dynamic Mode Ladder Diagrams . . 172
Dynamic Mode Function Block Parameters 174
Oynamic Mode Menus...... . 175
Smart Relay Reaction lo a Power Failure. . 176
Chapter 19 Backup and Transfer of Ladder Diagrams" 179
Saving and Translening Ladder Diagrams. . . . . . . . . .

Chapter 20 Sample Applicatlon 18'l

Presentation....... 181
Specifications...... 't82
Specif icalion Analysis 183
lmplementing the Solution . 185

Part V Diagnostics. 189

Presenlation .. 189

Chapter 21 Diagnostics 191

Presentation 191
Smart Relay Messages.. .. 192
Frequently Asked Queslions 193

lndex 195

Safety lnformation

lmportant lnrormation

NOTICE Read these instructions carelully, and look at the equipment to become familiar with
the device before trying lo inslall, operate, or maintain it. The following special
messages may appar throughout this documentation or on the equipment to wam
ol potential hazards or to call attention to inrormation that clarifies or simplilies a

The addition of this symbol to a Danger or Warning salety labet indicates

A thai an eleclrical hazard exists, which will result in personal injury il the
instructions are not lollowed.
This is the safety alert symbol. lt is used to ale.t you to potential personal
injury hazards. Obey all salety messages that follow this symbol to avoid
poGsibl€ iniury or death.

an imminently hazardous situat ton, not avoided, will
resull in death, serious or equipment damaqe.

WARNING indicaies a potentially hazardous situation, which, il not avoided, can result
in death, serious injury, or equipment damage.

CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, can result
in injury or equipment damage.

sFuMANol EN 1 112@5 7
Sarety lnformation

PLEASE NOTE Electical equipment should be seMced only by qualified personnel. No responsibility is
assumed by Schneider Electric for any conssquences aising out of the use of this
material. This document is not intended as an instruction manual for unlrained persons.
@ 2005 Schnsider Electric. All Rights Ressrved.

8 SR2MANoTEN 11,200s
About the Book .fl

At a Glance

Document Scope This manual describ€s the use of ,unctions accessible from the tronl panel o, the
smart relay.
This document is divided into 5 parts and addresses the following topics:
. Parl l: Powering up and Discovering lhe Sman Relay.
. General presentalion ofthe smart rolay.
. Part ll: Functions Accessible lrom the Front Panel.
. Description of the interfac€ and the menus ol the smart relay.
. Part lll: LD Language.
. Oescription ot automation lunctions available ror programming in LADDER.
. Part lV: Creating, D6bugging and Saving an Application.
. Example o, programming
. Pres€ntalion ot tools tor debugging and saving an application.
. Part V: Diagnostics.
. Help ,or finding solutions to op€rating problems.

Validity Note The information in this manual applies only to smart relays of the Zello 2 series.

User Comments We welcome your commsnts about this d@ument. You can reach us by e-mail at
techpub@ schneider-€lectric.c!m

SR2MANoIEN 112005 I
About the Book

10 SFUMANo1EN 1 ,2005
lnitial Power up and Discovering


Sublect ot this This section presents the operation and main characteristics of the smarl relay.

Whst's ln this This part contains the tollowing chapters:

Chapter Chapter Name Page
1 lnitial Power up and Discovering 13

SR2MANo1EN 11/2005
lnitial Power up and Discovering

12 SR2MANOIEN I112005
lnitial Power up and Discovering


Sublect ot this This chapter presents the operation and main characteristics ot the smarl relay.

What's ln this This chapter contains the lollowing topics:

Topic Page
Safety 14
Presentation ol the Smart Relay Fronl Panel 17
Characteristics and Connections 20
Control Keys on the Front Pan€l ol the Smarl Retay 21
Examples 24

sauMANolEN 11/?@5 13
lnitial Power up and Discovering


Prellmlnary Preliminary advice and general safety precautions relating to installing smart relays
Advlce . Remomber that only qualified personnel are authorized to implement the smart relay
. Read this instruction sheet and the User Guide to leam the procadures prior to
installing, wiring, operating, maintaining of controlling the smart retay.
. The end user should kaep lhis User Guide and the poduct instructions sheet.
. lnstall the smarl relay by following the inslruclions in lhe instruction bullelin and the User
Guide. lmprop€r installalion may rasult in failure or malfunction ol the smart relay.
. Make the necessary ground and short circuit lhe mnnections.
. Check the op€rating condhions, as described in the User Guide. lI you are unsure
of the technical characteristics, contacl Schneider Electric.
. Fluctuations or variations in the power supply voltage should not exceed the
tolerance thresholds sl,ated in the lechnical characteristics, as they may lead to
operadng Iailures and potentially dangerous situations.
. Take any stsps ne@ssary to ensure that an application interrupted by a power
failure continues to operate correctly after restorinq power and make sure also
that no dangerous situalion whatsoever arises.
. Take any steps necessary to prevent involuntary activation o{ the relay.
. Automation and control devices must be installsd in areas whers they are
protactsd against any risk of involuntary activation.
. Ensure that all conneclions to the control system meet applicable safety standards.
. Ensure that you comply with all applicabls standards for emergency stop systems in
order to avoid potentially dangerous situations. Ensure that releasing the em€rgency
stop system does not cause the automated system to suddenly restart.
. lnstall the sma.t relay only in environments described in the User Guide. Do not
use the smart relay in environments subject to ex@ssive tamperatures, elavated
relative humidity, condensation, corrosive gases, or excessive shocks.
. The sma.t relay should be us€d in 'Pollution level 2' environments. This lsvel
delines the effsct of pollution on the insulalion.
. Delinition ol lovel 2 Pollution: Only non-conductive pollution arises, except for
occasional temporary conductivity caus€d by condensation. Do not use smart
relays in environments lower than those specifiod in IEC Standard 60664-i.
. Use appropriate wires according to current and voltage requirements. Tighten the
screws ol the terminal according lo the specified torque.
. Use an IEC 60127 approved fuse, in conformity with the raquirements for current
and vollage, to protect the powar line and output circuits. This is not required
when a device including a smart relay is intended lor Europe.
. Use an Eu-approved switch. This is not required when a device including a smart
relay is intended for Europe.

14 SFi2lviANol EN 11/2005
lnitial Power up and Discovering

Tum power off before insialling, removing, wiring or maintraining.
Fallute to tollow this lnstructlon wlll result in dealh, serlous lnlury, or
oqulpm€nl damage,

. Compliant with standard CSA C22.2 No 213: This equipment is designed for
use in Class 1, Oivision 2, GroupsA, B, C, D orin nondangerous locations only.
Replacement of components may compromise the suitability to this specifed
. Ensure lhat the power voltage and its tolerancss are compatible with those of
the smart relay.
. Oo not disconnec{ the equipment as long as the power supply has not been cut
off or the zone is not safe.
. This product contains a battery. Do not place the smart relay in fire.
Fallure to lollow thls lnstruction can rBsult ln doath, serlous lnlury, or
aqulprr€nt damage.

. The smart relay is solely intended for installation in an enclosure. Do not install
the smart relay outside of an enclosure.
. Ensure that no metal fragment or wiring material falls into the enc{osure of the
smart relay. Foreign bodies may lead to fire, material damage or malfunction.
Fallure to tollow this lnslruction can rcsult ln d6ath, serlous lnlury, or
equlpment d.mage.

sFi2MANolEN 112@5 15
lnitial Power up and Oiscovering

A wlnnrruc
. Power ofi the smart relay prior to installation, deinstallation, wiring,
maintenan@ or operation of the unit.
. The emergency stop and the locking circuits should be configured in the
soft^,are program of the smart relay.
. ln the event of failure of the relays or transistors in the output modules of the
smart relay, the outputs should remain activated or deactivated. For output
signals that might lead to serious accidents, install a control circuit extemal to
the smart relay.
. lnstall the modules according to the environmental operation conditions
specified in the instruclion bulletin.
. Do not attempt to dismantle, repair or modify the smart modules.
. Use an IEC 60'127 approved fuse, in mnformity with the requirements for
cunent and voltage, to protect the po,ver line and output circuitrs.
Fallure to lollow thls lnslructlon can rcsull ln death, serlous inlury, or
equlpm6nt damage.

Sp€cial case ofthe use of the SR2COM01 modem communication extension.
Sending commands may lead to modification of the stiatus of smart relay outputs
or accidental snabling of controlled equipment.
It is important to:
. Knorr/ how the commands will afiec1 the process or the controlled equipment,
. Take any prevenlive measurss necessary to ensure safety when making
Fallure to tollow thb lmtructlon wlll .esult ln doath, sarious lnlury, or
aqulpment damage.

16 SFUMANoIEN 11,200s
lnitial Power up and Discovering

Presentation of the Smart Relay Front Panel

lnlroduction Smart relays are designed to simplily the elaclrical wiring o, intglligent solutions. A
smart relay is very simple to implemant. lts llexibility and its high pertormance allow
users to save significant amounts of time and money.
This Us€/s Guide is intended for people who do not have an in-depth knowledge of
automation systems and who would like to be abl6 to implement smart relays.

sFt2MANorEN 112005 17
lnitial Power up and Discovering

Descriptlon of The illustration below presents the elements of the front panel of the smart relay:
the Smart Relay 4
Front Panel 1-->
t1 t213 l4 tB tctD tE
OO,@G O@@,,,G;
24 VOC Analog or 24 VDC

1231 BCDE
THU 25 SEP 16:40 6

:l o

rEn oo
1 L..-J 2 TET, rY.-Yz
ol Q2 o3 Q4

I <F I

Prompt Elem€nt
1 Rgtraclable mounting feot.
2 Screw terminal block for the power suppty.
3 LCO display, 4 lines, '18 characiers.
4 Screw leminal block for discrote inputs.
5 Screw tgrminal block for analog inpub.
G10 Volts, usabl€ in discrete input modB depending on modet.
6 Slol for backup m€mory or PC conn€ction cable.
7 Shlfl key (while).
I Monu/OK key (green) for seleclion and conlirmation
s Relay output screw terminal block.
,0 Navigation ksys (gray) or atter conriguring Z pushbuflons.

lnitial Po\,ver up and Discovering

Descriptlon oI The illustration below presenls an example ot LCD display elements when
the LcD displaying the INPUT-OUTPUT screen:

1 1234 BCDE
3 THU 25 SEP 16:40
1 1231
5 1231
> Menu / OK

P.ompt El€ment
lnpd status' disphy (8...E repres€nt fi€ analog inpub, also nay be us€d as DISCR).
2 Oisplay of the operating mode (BUiI/STOP) and programming mode (LD/FBO)
3 Display ol the dalo (day and tim€ for products wiul clock).
4 Output status display
5 ContExtual menus / pushbuttons / icoos indicatirE tho op€rating modes.

. An ACTIVE input or output is

displayed in reverse video

sli2MANolEN 112005 19
lnitial Power up and Discovering

Characteristics and Connections

lntroductlon Here is detailed information on the characteristics ol DC smart r6lay connections.

Recommended It is recommended lo connecl the smart relay to a regulated DC power supply:




Posslble It is possible to connect the smart relay to a rectitisd filtered regulated power supply
Rectified and filtered
U max

U n

Provided that it veify the following characteristics, according to the type of smart
sR2 ... BD sR2... JD
Umax<30V U max < 14,4 V
u min > 19-2 V U min > 10.4 V

Prohiblted It is prohlblted to connect the smart relay to a reclified non-filtered power supply
Rectified non filtered

20 SR2MANo1EN 11,2005
lnitial Power up and Oiscovering

Control Keys on the Front Panel of the Smart Relay

Descrlpllon The keys located on the iront panelol the smart relay are used to configure, program
and control the application and monitor the application's progress.

a! i OK
,.J .l l O c
Note: The LCD screen is lit for 30 seconds when the user presses any of the
buttons on the front panel.

Shift Key The Shltt key is the white key located on lhe right sid6 ot the LCD screen.
When tha Shlft key is pressed, a contextual menu is displayed above the Z keys
(lns, Del, Param, etc.).

Menu/OK Key The Menu/OK key is the green key located below the LCD screen on the right side.
This key is used for all conrirmations: Menu, sub-menu, program, parameter, etc.

Zx Keys The Zx keys are the gray keys aligned from left (Zl) to right (24) and locatad under
the LCD. The anows indicaling the movemant direc.tion associated wilh navigation
are marked above the keys.
The navigation keys ars used to move laft or right, down or up.
The posilion on the scresn appeaB as a flashing zone:
o Square lor a position that corresponds to a contact (only in programming mode),
. Round for a link (only in programming mode).

Note: When the keys may be used for other aclions apart from navigation, a
contextual menu bar is displayed (e.9.: 1,2,3 and4 as Zx-type keys).

SR2MANoIEN 11t2005 21
lnitial Power up and Oiscovering

Contextual When the cursor is placed on a modifiable parameter, iI the Shlft key is pressed, a
Menus contsxtual menu appears.

tns. + Param Dol.

> Menu / OK
Using the conlextual menu Iunctions:
. + / -: Used to scroll through the various possable values oI the s€lected field (types
of inputs, ouFuts, automation funciions, numb€ni, numerical values, etc),
. lns.: lnserts a line,
. Dgl,: Deletes the sslected elemenl, or the entire line if it is empty,
. PaEm.: Displays the specific parameter screen tor the automation tunclion
(visible only il the automation func.tion contains a parameter),
. e 1 J r: Dir€ction of the clnnection (visible only if the cursor is placad over a
link box),
. 1 2 3 4: This line appears r,t/hen the keys are us6d as Zx key-type inputs in a

> lilenu / OK

The kay indicates that the program is password-protec,ted.


> Menu / OK

1: lndicates lhe slate ol the smart relay. ln RUN it is in motion, in STOP it is immobile
2: lndicales lhat laults have appeared (see FAULT msnu).
3: The smart relay is physically connected to the programming software.

22 SR2MANoiEN 112005
lnitial Power up and Discovering


lnlroduction We will now see two examples of how lo use the smart relay,s ksys_

Language Example 1: Here are details on how to sslect lhe language of the smart rslay:
Slep Action
I Powering up
On inilial po\,vering.up, the INPUT-OUTPUT scr66n is displayed (See: INqUTS-
OUTPUTS Sqeen, p.34). By defautt, the s€tgctsd tanguage is Engtish.

1234 BGDE
FRI 25 NOV l6:40

Msnu / OK the INPUT-OUTPUT screen, entsrthe MAIN then go to the

CONFIGURATION menu LANGUAGE, by pressing 7 times on lhe down navigation



Nols: the selecled command tlashes

lnitjal Power up and Discovering

Step Action
3 Enter in the language selection menu

Menu OK

ESG#ffi a l

Note: The aclivated option flashes and il is also indicaled by a black diamond
4 Select and conlirm lhe language (lhe selection is shown in llashing text).

/l Menu
o then

The ]rlenuDK button is used to conlirm the seleclion ol lhe new language. The
display returns to the MAIN menu when the smart relay is in STOP mode.


24 SR2MANOI EN 112005
lnitial Power up and Discovering

Step Actlon
5 Relum lo the INPUT-OUTPUT screen using the Iefl navigation key

1231 BCDE
FRl25 NOV l6:40
1 231

Modlflcatlon of Example 2: Here are details on procedure lo lollow to modify ths date and time of
Dale and Hour the initial power up or tollowing a long lasting power tailure.
Slep Action
1 Frorn the INPUT.OUTPUT screen, €nter th€ llAlN menu, then go to the CHANGE D/
H menu:

Menu / OK v

tJ then
o I times in LD mode
7 times in FBD mode


sFl2MAN0rEN 11/2005 25
lnitial Power up and Discovering

Step Acllon
2 Enl6r tha dal8 and hour conllgurallon msru:


16 : 27 30 s
CAL t 2

3 S€lscl lho parameler to modity using the anows (the selection is highlight8d by the
blinking ol the paramsler):

Modily tie parameler using the navigation keys:
----- --=r

Thsn confirm with the Monu/OK key:

Tho t snu/OK butloo is used to conlirm the modifications. Th€ display retums to the
MAIN menu when lhe smart relay is in STOP mode).


26 SFI2MANOlEN 11,2005
lnitial Power up and Discovering

Step Action
4 Retum to the INPUT-OUTPUT screen


1231 BCDE
FRl25 NOV l6:40

SR2MANo1EN r12005
lnitial Power up and Discovering

SR2MAN0lEN 112005
Functions Accessible from the
Front Panel

At a Glance

Subiect ol this This section describes the Iunctions thatcan be accessed trom the front panelolthe
Section smart relay.

what's in this This part contains the tollowing chapters:

Chapter Chapter Name Page
2 Overview of the Functions Accessible from the Front Panel 31




7 RUN/STOP Menu 55



10 TRANSFER Menu 69

11 VERSION Menu 73
12 LANGUAGE Menu 75
13 DEFAULT Menu 77



Functions Accessible from the Front Panel

30 sFt2MANo1EN r 1/2005
Overview of the Functions
Accessible from the Front Panel

Functions Accesslble from the Front Panel of the Smart Relay

Descrlptlon From the tront panel of the smart relay, you may:
. Program (in LD mode),
. Configure,
. Contol the application,
. Monitor the perlormance of the application.

at i >

Menu / OK

The line flashes to indicate where you are positioned.
The up triangle A on the right side ol the LCD screen indicates thal possible up
options exist. The down triangle y indicates that possible down options exist.
To retum to the previous menu, press lelt navigation key.

l{ote: The LCD screen is lit for 30 seconds when the us€r presses any of the
buttons on the front panel-

SR2MANO1 EN I12M5 31
Overview of the Functions Accessible from the Front Panel

Managing Menus The INPUTSOUTPUTS screen is displayed by defauh whetherthe mode is LD or FBD
Pressing the Menu/OK key switches the display from the INPUTSOUTPUTS
screen to the MAIN menu,

The menu on the first row which is selected by delault (flashing). fhe and i
navigation keys can b€ used to placo the cursor over lhe other menus.
Press the green MendOK key lo display the screen corresponding to the selected
menu or to move onto the ,irst sub-menu.

Dlfterenc€s Certain menus are specilic to either LO or FBD mode

Belween LD and
FBD Modes








Configuring Eldensions added to the smart relay may only be conrigured from the programming
Extenslons software. See online help oI the programming sottware for more information.

SR2MANo1EN 1l12005

At a Glance

sublect of this This chapter describes the characteristics of the INPUTS-OUTPIJTS screen

What's ln thls This chapter contains the following topics:

Toplc Page
TEXT and DISPLAY screen 36

SF{2MAN01EN 1112005


Descrlpllon This is tho highest-level interface. lt is displayed by default, when no (TEXT or

DISPLAY) display funclion is aciive and regardless ol:
. The programming type: LD or FBD,
. The mode: STOP or RUN.
123456 + +
1 MON 22 SEP 15:51
5 1234
6 a2
Menu / OK

The INPUT$OUTPUTS screen can bo used to view:

'1. The state ol the inputs: 1 to 9, A to P,
2. The mode used: LD/FBD,
3. The OF,erating mode: RUN / STOP,
4. The date and time for products with a clock,
5. The state ol the outpuls: I to g, A to G,
6. Z push buttons: 1 to 4.
ln Simulation mod6 or Monitodng mode when the program is in RUN, the active
slates of the lnputyoutputs are indicaled in reverse vidoo.

34 SFUMANoIEN 11/2005

Acc-€sa lo the Pressing the llonUOK ksy switches the display lrom thB INPUTS-OUTPUTS
Maln ilenu screen to the main menu:
Ths display automatically retums to the INPUTS-OUTPUTS menu on exiting all
other menus and sub-menus.

sFr2MANolEN 112005

TEXT and DISPLAY screen

Descrlptlon The display functions are usod to display text or numerical values (current value,
preset valus, etc.) on the LCD display instead of the INPUT$OUTPUTS:
. ln LD mode: A TErT function is active,
. in FBD mode: A DISPLAY tunction is aclive.

Value counterl
Cl C = 00001
Menu / OK

lI several display tunclions ara active simultaneously:

. ln LD mode: The highest block numbar is displayed. There are 16 TEXT-type
blocks numbered from I to 9 then from A to G,
. ln FBD mode: The superposition of all of the FBD DISPLAY screens is displayed,
for up to 32 blocks. It more than 32 FBO OTSPLAY blocks are active, the screens
of the 32 FBD DISPLAY blocks with the lowest numbers are superposed.

Nole: The display funciions are programmable only from the programming
software (see the on-line help for the programming sofr\ ,are for more informalion)

Switchlng Switching b€tween the screGns

Between the
It is howevsr poGsible to go from the TEXT (LD) or D|SPLAY (FBO) screen to the
Screens INPUTSOUTPUTS screen and vice-varsa.
To do this, proceed as follows:
Step Actlon
1 Press and hold down the Shlft ksy aM press th€ trlsns/OK koy.

36 SR2MANO1 EN 1 1/2005

ModifyDisplayed ln RUN mode, when the TEXT/ DISPLAY screen is displayed, it is possiblo to
Values modity, lrom the front panel, the displayed values whosa moditication was
authorized in ths block function paramelers window.
To do this, proceed as follows:
Srep Actlon
1 Press tho Shft k6y (white key) to display the contextual menu.
R8ult: Param is displayBd at lhe bottom ol ths screen.
2 > ksy (without rdoadng Ole Shltt ksy) to disday th€ contoxtual menu.
Pr€ss O|6
Ro3ult Tho parameter which can be modified fiash€s ard tho lollowing
cont€xtual msnu is display€d:

(-a + r)
> lrenu / OK

3 S€l€cl lh€ parameter io be modifi€d using the mviqatioo keys < and > lrom ths
contextual menu (lh€ valu€ whidr aro svailablo lor modificalion flash).
4 tvlodify h6 pararn€ts valu€ wiih tho + (^) and - (v) koys lrom the cortextual rn€nu.
5 Cor{irm the changiEs by p,sssing tlo f,onu/OK koy.
Rosult The display rstums to tho INPUTS-OUTPUTS sc.een or the TEXT /
DISPLAY scrs€n.

SR2MANoIEN 11/2005 37

38 SR2MANo1EN 11/2005


Subiect ol thls This chapler describes the charactsristics otthe PROGRAMiIING menu specific to
Chapter LD mode / smart relay in STOP mode.
Thistunction letsthe userentarthe laddar diagrams that willwork on the smart relay.
This program is wdtlen only using a ladder diagram LD.

11--r ---RTl
L. TT1

Menu / OK

t- , 3 3 tJ o
Nolo: The smart relays to which have been added an lnpuuoutput extension are
programmable only in FBD modo ftom the programming sofrware.
See online help of the programming software for more informalion.

SR2MAN01EN 11/2005 39

What's in this This chapter contains the lollowing topics:

Toplc Page
Rules lor Enlering Ladd€r Diagrams 41

Method lor Entering a Conlact or Coil 43

Entering a Link 45
Entry of Function Block Parameters 47
Delelion and lnserlion ol Diagram Lines 49

40 sR2MANoiEN 11,2005

Rules lor Enterlng Ladder Diagrams

Descriptlon A smart relay allows you to gnter 120 line Ladder diagrams.
The smart relay's display screen is ussd to display lhese lines, 4 at a time, in the
lollowing manner:
1 2 3

+ f r rl I

Il-rH1-rC l-rMh T CC 1
ll tt I
l2'q', tt tt I

ztll' tt tt
I tt I

z3ll I tt I

Prompt ElEment
1 Column reservsd lor contacts (conditions).
2 Column reservod lor contacts (conditioos) and lor links.
3 Column res€rvod for coils (actions)
4 Column reserved lor links.

Each line comprises 5 tields each with 2 characters reserved lor contacis
(conditions). The 4 central columns can also accept links. The lasl threecharacter
column is resorvad lor coils (actions).
Links must be Bntered botwe€n the contac.t and coil columns.
A ladder diagram is entorBd into lhe smart relay using the front panel keys (see
Control Keys on the Frcnt Panel ol the Sman Relay, p. 21).

sFi2MANolEN 11/2005 41

Data Entry Rules Make sure you respect the following rules when you enter a ladder diagram:
Rules lncorrect Correct
Each coil must only be
11----- ------ -- tQ1 r1r- -- --------- t01
entered onc€ in the right I
f2-r3 ----------TT1 T1l
hand column
r1------------- t01
zla 21-a

Elements used as contacts

r1-- - -- -- ------TT1
may be entered as many l^1
times as ngcassary in lhe 5
lefl hand columns.
r3 -T1-- -------- [r.r2
a7-t42-- -------- lQ2

Links must always run

IL 12 13 11-12 -13 ------- [U1
kom lett to right. l u1----14-15 -r6- [01
t 14-15 r6- [Q1

lf S coils (SED are usgd in lf no R (Reset) coils are used, An R (Heset) coil must be used
a diagram, also uso an R the corresponding coil will lor reset purposes.
(Resol) coil. always be set to 1 .

Nole: Smart relays run programs from top to bottom and from left to right.

42 SR2MANo1EN 112005

Method for Entering a Contact or Coll

Nole: Accessible only in LD mode / smart relay in STOP mode

This section describos the procedures for p€rlorming the following operations:
. Entering an element,
. Modifying an element,
. Deleting an Element.
This is valid for : contacl or coil elements, wheths lhe parameters can be set or not.

Enlering an Whsn entering an elsment, the following rules musl be obs€rved:

Element . Contact: ln any column except the last,
. Coll: Only in the last column.
The presence ol a square, flashing cursor m6ans an alemanl can be inserted.
Entry procedure;
Step Actlon
1 Plac€ ths fhshing cursor at the required location.
The navigatiofl k6ys can bo used mov6 ihe cursor in lhe dir€c{ion of the arows oo the
navigatioo kelrs <v l >.

Press ihe Shlft koy to display the contextual menu

lns. + Del.
> ilenu / OK
By simultaneously pressing Shltt and on€ ol the v (- and +) keys, lhe first lett8r
of the element is inserted: I lor a contact and O lor a coil, lollowed by the numb€r 1.

3 Choo6e fle t)p€ of elem€rf desired by pressing sinrJtaneoudy on Shllt and + or -. This
rnalss the difierent lyp€s of elements scroll do n cydically, in the lollowing ordsr:
. For ho codacG: l, i, Z, z, M, m, Q, q, T, t, C, c, K, k, V, v, A, a, H, h, W, w, S, s.
. For rle coils: M, Q, T, C, K, X, L, S.
See lhe chaptorlD Languagc Elements, p. 87.


Step Action
4 Release lhe Shln koy to havs ac@ss to th6 navigation keys: < y a >.
Pressing lhe > key places the cursor over the corresponding numb€r 1
5 SimullanEously hold down lhe Shllt and + koys to incrsment the number of the
element (2, 3, 4,..., 9, A, etc.).
Note: The numb€rs lor functional blocks ars limiled to the number o, blocks of th6
type available in the smartrslay. lnthecase oloxtensibl8 smart relays, the inputs and
outsuls numbers ars used to program lhe extension to maximum size.
ln €ntering a contact, once lhis slep is completed, the 6ntry is terminated.
ln entering a coil, you must additionally select the funclion ol the coil.
6 Release the Shlft k6y lo hav€ accsss lo the navigation koys: <va>
7 Stsp! 7 to I ar€ only necesgary uhen qrtgrlng a coll.
Posilior th6 cursor on the lunclion oI the coil by pressing twice on lh6 < key.
8 Select the desir€d lunction by prossing simuttaneously on lh€ Shilt key and the + or
- key. This will scroll through lhe diflBrent coil functions available.
I Belease the Shlft kgy to have acc€ss lo th€ navigation kgys: <v >

Note: Confirming some function block coils willbring-up a function block parameter
s€fring screen.

Modlfylng an To modify an existing control diagram element, simply:

element, . Position the pointer over lhe elemBnt to modify: Slep 1 in the prsvious table,
. Select the dssired nsw elemenl: Steps 3 to 6.

lnlllalization Status of cutacts on program initialization:

. A contact in normally-open moda (direcl stale) is inactiva,
. A contact in normally-closed moda (revers€ state) is active,

Delotlng an To dolete an element, simply:

Element . Place the cursor over the element to delete: Stspl,
. Simultaneously press the Shlfl and llenry'OK keys.
Two scenarios ars possible, depending on the position of the cursor at the time oI
the deletion:
. Cursor over an element: the slement is deleted,
. Cursor over an empty position of the line: the whole line is deleted.

Note: Generally, the deleted element must be replaced by a link.

44 SR2MANOlEN 1112OO5

Enterlng a Llnk

Noto: Accessible only in LD mode / smart relay in STOP mode

This section describes lhe procedures lor perlorming the following operations:
. Entering links between elements,
. Deleting links between alements,
. Rsplacing a link with a contact.

Enterlng a Link Links are enterBd exclusively using the round ffashing q.rrsor
Entry procedurs:
Step Action
1 Place tho ffashing cursor at lhe requircd location.
The navigatbn keys can be us6d move lhe cursor in the diroction of ths arrows on lho
navigation kgys < v a >.

2 Press lhe Shltt key to display ths contextual m6nu.

> Menu / OK

3 TIace by simultaneously pressing the Sh t k€y and the navigation keys:
(- lt-J.
Shlft and -+ to traca a conneclion to the positlon of the noxt conlact or to the coil at
the end of tho line.
Shln alld t J to trace perpendiqJlar conneciions lo the provious or n€xt line.
4 Releas€ the Shltt key to have access to lhe navigation k€ys: <va>
5 Rep€al lhe operation as many limes as nec€ssary to link tho slemenls logelher
according to your requiroments.

SR2MANo1EN 112005 45

Modltylng a Llnk To modify an existing link, simply:

. Place the cursor over lhe link to modify: slep 1
. Modity the link: Steps 2 to 5.

Deletlng a Lhk To delele a link, simply:

. Place ths arrsor over lhs elernent to dolet6: slep 1.
. Simuhaneously press the Shltt and llenu/OK keys.
Two sc€narios ara possible, depending on the position of the cunior at tho timo ol
the deletion:
o Cursor over a link: The link is delsled,
. Over an empty position of the line: Ths whole lin€ is del€tad.

Replacing a Llnk To replace a link whh a contact, simply:

with a Contact . Place the cursor (Ilashing square) overthe link to lranslorm: step 1.
. Follow tha elament sntry (Sae Mathod tor Enteing a Contad or Coil, p. 4gl
procedure: Steps 3 to 6.

46 SR2MANo1EN 112005

Entry of Functlon Block Paramelers

ote: Accessible only in LD mode / smart relay in STOP mode.

When entering a conlrol diagram, the parameters ol the configurable automation

funclions must be clmplgtsd.
The automation func,tions with parameters are lhe Iollorr/ing:
. Auxiliary refays (Saa Auxiliaty Relays, p. 9.?) (latching),
. oiscrete outputs (see Discrate (DlscB) outputs, p.98) (latching),
. Clocks (See Clocks, p. 13q,
t Analog Comparatos (See Analog CompatatoE, p. 1'341,
. Timers (S€€ Timars, p. 103),
. Counters (See Counters, p. 1141,
. Fast counters (See Fast Counter, p. 121).

Accessibillty ol Funclion block parameter s€tting can be accessed:

parameters . When entering ths command diagram line,
. From the PARAMETERS menu if the block has not been padlocked

SR2MANO1EN 1I,2@5 47
PROGRAi,{[,llNG Menu

Enlerlng Parameters are entered in the same way, whalever the parameters screen
Parameters on
Step Aclion
Creatlon of the
Block 1 Enter the desired automation function: Step 1 of lhe element entry (See Method lor
Enteing a C fiacl ot Coil, p. 4E ptocadure.
When the func{ion has parametgrs, Param appears in the contextual menu (when lhe
Shift key is pressed).

ins. + Param Del
> Menu / OK
2 Press and hold down lhe Shifl key and press on Param (key >).
Rgsull: The funclion's parameter screen appears.
3 Uso the navigalion keys lo move to the cursor over the modiliable parameters: <>
4 Modily the value ol the parameter using the + and - keys, holding down Shift.
5 Confirm ihe rnodifcations by pressing llendoK, whi6 will open the confirmation window.
Conlirm again by pressing the MendOK key to save.

Modifying the To modify the parameters ol an existing element, simply;

Paramelers of
Step Action
E{sting Blocks
1 Use the navigation keys lo move lhe cursor over the elemenl to modify: step 1 of the
elemenl enlry (See Method fot Enteing a Contacl ot Coil, p. 43) pt@edwe.
2 Al the same time, hold down Shitt and the Param key to open the parameter window.
3 Carry out steps 3 to 5 above.

48 SR2MANoIEN 1112005

Deletion and lnsertion oI Diagram Lines

Note: Accessible only in LD mode / smart relay in STOP mode

Oiagram lines are deleted line-by line. The proc€dure is the lollowing:
Slep Aqtion
1 Place the cuGor over the line to delete
2 Dolete all the dements in tho line (See Met?od lor Enteiry a Contact or Coil, p. 43)
(Links, contac,ts and coils) to obtain an empty line.
3 Press tho Shllt key io display the contextual menu

tns. + Del.
> Menu / OK
Simulianoously pressing Shlft and Del opens th6 confirmation window.
4 Confim by pr€ssing MendOK.

Note: lt is possible to delete all diagram lines contained in the smart relay. ln order
to do this, selecl the CLEAR PROG. option from the main menu, and confirm the
deletion of all the mntrol diagram lines.

lnsertion The procedure is the followingl

Step Action
1 Plac6 the cursor over the line loc€ted immedialely below ihe line lo create.
2 Press lhe Shlft ksy lo display the contextual menu.
3 Press the lna key (while holding down the Shlft key) to creale lho line.

sFi2MANol EN 1 t12@5 49

50 SFCMAN0IEN 11/2005


Descriptlon This menu is used lo enler and modify the application parameters direclly on lhe
screen using the smart relay keys. Thislunction can be a@essed in the two modes:
LD and FBD, but the mntents will be specific to the mode used.
ll there are non-locked parameters to display they are listed in the window;
othen ise a NO PARAMETER message appears.

LD mode Funclions with parameters in LD mode:

. Auxiliary relays (See Auxiliaty Relays, p. 99) (lalching),
. Discrele Outputs (See Discrala (DISCR) Outputs, p.98) (latching),
o Clod<s (See Clocks, p. 1351,
. Analog Comparato6 (*e Analog Comparutors, p- 134),
. Timers (See Timers, p. 105't,
. Counters (So€ Counters, p. 114),
. Fast counter (See Fast Counler, p. 1211.
Only those functions used in the program and with param3tars are listed in the

SR2MANO'EN i112@5 51

FBD mode Functions with parameters in FBD mode:

. Numerical Constant-Type lnputs,
. Clocks,
. Gain,
. Counters: PRESET COUNT,
. Fast counter,
. CAM block.
To access the parameters of the FBD blocks, you must know end enter the block
number. This number appsars in the programming sottware on lhe wiring sheel at
the top right corner oI the block-
Only those functions used in the program and with parameters are listed in the

Parameter Parameter modilication procedure:

Step Action
1 Placs lhe cursor over the PARAMETERS menu in the main menu (PABAMETERS
flashing) and conlirm by pressing the i,lenu/OK butlon.
Rssult: The paramelers window opens to the first parameter.
2 Select the lunction to modify.
To access the required lunclion, scroll through the lunclion blod( numbers (navigation
keys v and a) until you reach the right one.
3 Select the parameter to modiry.
The < and > keys are used to place the cursor over the parameter to modily
4 Modily the parameter using the + and - keys (a and v) ol tho conlextual menu
5 Confirm lhe modifications by prsssing ilenu/OK, which will open the conlirmalion
6 Confirm again lwice by pressing lrlsndoK lo save.
Rssult Thedisplay retums to the INPUTS-OUTPUTS screen in RUN mode andlolhe
MAIN menu in STOP mode.

Paramelers in It is therelore possible to modity parameterc in BUN mode dynamically as long as

RUN Mode they are not locked.
The modilications can be made:
. From the PARAMETERS (See PAFA METERS Menu, p. 51) menu,
. From the MONITORING (See MONTIOEING Menu, p. 59) (LD) menu: Move the
pointer over the lunction to be modiried using the navigation keys and open the
parameters window Irom the contextual menu (Shlft key).



Note: Accessible only in LD mode / smarl relay in RUN mode.

MONITORI G moda can be us6d to obtain a dynamic visw of the state o, the smart
relay inputyoutpuls.
ln this mode the wiring diagram appears as it do€s in the PROGRAMMING (See
PPOGRAMMING Mq4 p. 39 menu (smart relay in STOP mode), but appear in video when inputs or ouFuts are aclivated (while on black background).
r!-i2 - ----- ---- tQl
11------------- t02
t'------------- t"''
This mode is also used to dynamkElly modily the values ot automation func.tion
parameters if thes€ are not locksd.

sl{2MAN01 EN 1

Paramater To modity the parameters, proceed as tollows:

Modltlcatlon Actlon
1 Us€ the navigalion keys lo movo lhe cursor over th€ element lo modify: Step I ot the
elsm8nt entry (See Molhod fot Enteing d Contacl ot Coil, p. 13t ptcredurc.
2 Al the same time, hold down Shltt and the Param k€y to opsn the parameter window.
3 Us6 the navigation keys to move to the cursor over lhe modiliable paramelers: < >.
4 Change the parametor value using lhe keys + and .
Coofirm th€ modifications by pressing f,onu/OK, wfiidl will ogsn O16 confirmatioo
Conlirm a s€cond lime by pr6ssing endoK to save.
6 Conlirm again wilh lreru/OK.
R€sult: Rslurn to the parametgr screen.
7 Conlirm again with uanu/Ox.
R8ult: Retum to lhe LD diagram screon.


RUi|/STOP Menu

Description This lunction is used to start or stop the program in the smart r6lay:
. ln STOP mode: The program is slopped and the outputs disabled,
. ln RUN mode (with or without initialization of latching parameters): The program
is execuled.

SR2MANo1EN 11/2@5 55

Startup ln STOP mode, when accessing the RUN/STOP menu, the inlerrace proposes the
following three choices for starting the program:
. wlTH LATCHING lNlT: All currenl values (munters, timers, etc.) are reset to
2610 b€fore the program starls (delault selec'tion),
. WTHOUT LATCHING lNlT: Current values lor which the Latchlng option has
been activated are kept,
. NO: The program has not be€n started.


The navigation keys v are used to change the selection.
When the mode has been validatsd with the ilenu/OK key, the display moves tothe

56 SR2MANoIEN 11/2005

oft ln RUN mode, when accessing the RUN/STOP menu, the intedace asks lhe user to
conlirm the request to stop the program:
. YES; The program stops (selscted by detault),
. NO: The program does not slop.


, at t >

lrenu / OK

.-_,,' _) c
The navigation kays v are used to change the selection.
When the mode has been confirmed wilh the Menu/OK key, the display moves to
the INPUTOUTPUT screan.

Smart Relays For sman modulss without scr€en, a green LED located on the lront panel ol the
Wlthout Scre€n module is an indicator light:
. ll the LED flashes slowly (3 Hz), lha module is in Rt,N mode (even if th6r€ is non-
blocking tault).
. ll the LED flashes rapidly (5 Hz), ths module is in STOP mode with fault.
. ll the LED stays lit, the module is powered-up and in STOP mode.

Note: On power up, the smart relay is in RUN mode, unless there is a blocking

Note: To release a blocking fault, power off the module, then power it up again.

SR2MANolEN t 1/2005 57

58 sR2MANol EN 1



Subiect of thls The CONFIGURATION menu provides access to the following 4 functions:
Chapter o PASSWORD,
o Zx KEYS,
This chapter describes the characteristics of these functions.

Note: Use the navigation key to retum to the main menu<.

Note: lf the program is password-protected, (key displayed in the contextual

menu), the user must enter the password b€fore any action can take place in the

Note: The CONFIGURATION menu is only available in STOP mode.

What's ln thls This chapter contains the lollowing topics:

Toplc Psge
FILTER Menu 63
Zx KEYS Menu 64

SR2MANO1EN I1,2oo5 59


Descrlptlon lf the program is password-protectsd (key icon appears), the user must enter the
password lo perlo,m certain opsrations.
The password protects access to lhe following menus:

ENTER 0000

(-I + r) r€
> MEnu / OK

Note: lf you lose a password, the solution is to oveMrite the program from the
programming sofhflare, see the on-line help of the programming software.

Note: lt is possible to quit the screen without entering a password by using a

combination of the Shift key (white key) and the Menu/Ok key (green key).

Note: To retum to the main menu from the CONFIGURATION menu, use the
navigation key <.

60 SR2MANoIEN 11/2005

Enterlng lnitially, the key is not displayed and each digit is set to 0
Password Ths ENTER message app€ars in the window.
Entry procedure:
Step Aclion
1 Use the naviqation keys lo salect the digit to enter: <>
2 Select ihe value of th€ digit using lhe + and . koys ol the cont€)dual menu.
3 Confirm tho password with the Menu/OK key, which opens lhe conlirmation window
4 Conlirm again wilh lhe lrlsnu/OK key.
Reault: Th€ display rotums lo the MAIN menu

Note: Henceforth the key is displayed in the contextual menu line.

Bemoving To cancel the password, lollow the same procedure used to enter it.

C LEAR 1/5 0000

ea- + r)
Menu, OK

lnilially, the key icon is displayed, moaning: Smart relay protscted.

The message CLEAR and the number oI attempts 1 / 5 appar in the window.

SF(2MANo1EN 11/2@5 61

The ,ollowing scenarios may arise:

. Password c!nec{: Th6 password is then inhibited, and the smarl relay retums
lo the PASSWORD menu,
. Password lncorrcct: The CLEAR counter is incremented.

CLEAR 2/5 0000

(-a + r) no
> lrenu / OK

lf an inconect password is entered 5 times consscutively, the security function is

loc{(ed for 30 minutes.
Ouring this period, if the power supply to the smarl relay fails, the downcount will
start again on power up.

5/5 >>> 30il NUTES

V > lrenu / OK

Modltying To modify ths password, simply cancel the old password and enter a new one.



Descrlptlon This lunclion is us€d to delect more quicldy any changos in slates of Discrete inputs.
Two choicos are available:
o Fast,
o Slow.
Respons€ time:
Filterlng Commutallon Response time
Slow ON -.) OFF 5ms
OFF + ON 3ms
Fast ON '+ OFF 0.5 ms
OFF -+ ON 0.3 ms

This selection can only be made rr,/hen the smart relay is in STOP. By default, the
smarl relays are @nfigured in SLOW.

Note: This function is available on smart relays with a direcl voltage po,t/er supply.

Nole: lo relum to the main menu from the CONFIGURATION menu, use the
navigation key <.

Fllter-Type The current typ€ is indicated by the seleclion symbol (black diamond).
Selectlon PocedurB lor selection ot fiher type:
Stsp Actlon
1 Sslscl trle lype of riltsring using the v k6ys (he seleclion will ffash)
2 Conlirm wiih llonu/OK
Ro3ult: lhe display retums to the MAIN menu


Zx KEYS Menu

Note: Accessible only in LD mode

The Zx KEYS option is used to activate or deactivate the use of lhs navigation keys
as pushbuttons.
Ditterent functions can be obtained dopending on the state ot this option:
. lnactlve: Ths keys are only available ,or sstting, conliguring and programming
lhe smart relay.
. Actlve:they can also be used in a controldiagram.
fn this configuration, they operate as pushbuttons: Zx keys (S@ Zx Keys, p. 911,
without the need to use a terminal input contact.

Note: To retum to the main menu trom the CONFIGURATION menu, use the
navigation key ..

zx Keys ln RUN By default, the Zx keys are us€d as navigation keys.

Mode ln RUN mode, when the INPUTS-OUTPUTS screen, TEXT screen or DlSpLAy
screen is active, the number of the Zx keys used in the program are displayed in the
contextual menu lins.
To activate the key, simply select the required key < v >.

MON 22 SEP 15:sl
1') 3

^ > ifenu / OK

Note: The function is inactive in PARAMETERS, MONITORING mode and in a of

the function block parameter screens and mnfiguration screens.

64 SR2MANo]EN 112005


Description The duration ot a pogram cycle depends on its length and complexity: ln particular,
the type and numbsr of inputs-outputs and lhs number of extensions.
The program is exscuted p6riodbally at regular time intervals. This time inteNal is
call€d the cycle time.
For the program to have enough time to completely ex€cute, the cycle time should
b€ greater than the program execution time.
The rycle period is configurable in the menu : CONFIGURATION --) WATGHDOG
CYCLE. This period is adiustable from 6 ms to 90 ms in 2 ms incremenls.
The detault value of the cycle period is 10 milliseconds.

CYCLE =05x02mS

(-a + r)
Menu / OK

Noto: Make sure that:

. lnput variations that are too rapid are not masked by cycle time that is too slo\,t/,
. The sp€ed of output variations is compatibles with system commands.

lfthe duration of the execution cycle of the program and the embedded software
functions axceeds the cycle time value select6d by the programmer, lhe
WATCHDOG can be used to operat€ a specific action.

Note: To retum to th6 main menu from the CONFIGURATION menu, use the
navigation key <.

SR2MANo1EN 11/2@5 65

Actlons The WATCHDOG can pertorm tho ,ollowing difterent actions:

. INACTIVE: normaloperating mode,
. ALARM: A warning stats is set and the waming number corresponding to CJcle
tlme overrun is accessible in the FAULT menu,
. ERROR: the program stops (STOP mode) and the enor number corresponding
to: Cycle time oyarrun is accsssible in the FAULT menu.

Cycle Tlme This period may b€ sat from 6 to 90 ms in 2 ms steps.

To adiust this period, adiust the st€p muhiplier factor by 2 ms using the + and - keys
in lhe contextual menu. This ,aclor is between 3 and 45.

CyCLE =@ xo2mS
The multiplier factor is adjusted dopending on the shortest sampling priod ot the

WATCHDOG Procedurel
Step Action
1 Configur€ lhe CYCLE pa€meter using the + and . keys ol the contextual menu.
2 Confirm the entry using on6 ol th€ koys: < or >.
Result: The CYCLE parameler is contirmed and the WATCHDOG parameter is
selec'ted (il f lashes).
3 Conligure the WATCHDOG parameler using lhe + and . keys of the contextual menu
4 Conlirm your changss by pressing ihe lrlsnu/OK key.
Rssult: The display retums to tha MAIN menu.

66 SR2MANo1EN 11/2005


Note: Accessible only in LD mode.

This function is used to clear the entire program.

Note: lfthe program is protecled (key displayed), the user must enterthe password
(see PASSI4/ORO Menq p. 60) before being able to delete the program.

Clearlng the On opening, NO is s€bcred by default

Program Procedu16:

Step Acllon
1 Selecl the YES ct|oics using lhe navigalion ksys t and a.
2 Conlirm lhe clear command by pressing the il€nuroK key
Roault: th6 display relums lo the MAIN menu.

SR2MANO1EN 11,2M5 67

68 SR2MANolEN r 1/200s


Oescrlption This funclion is used to:

. load the firmware and the applicalion conlained in tho smart rehy into the backup memory,
. load firmware and application from the backup memory to tha smarl relay.
This backup memory can then be used to load the firmware and the application into
another smart relay.


> Menu / OK

Note: The backup memory is available as an option.

Note; lnsertion and exfadion of the backup memory may be performed even
when the smart relay is powered up.
Forsmart relays without sqeens, deteclion ofthe memory may only be performed
on power up of the smart relay, if the memory is inserted when the smart relay is
powered on, it will not be acknowledged.

Note: lf the application is protecled (key icon disptayed), the user must enter lhe
password before being able to save the program.

SR2MANo1EN 1112@5

Nots: lf an application is already present in the backup memory, it will be

oveMritten by the new transfer (no test is performed to check the memory is free)

Note: lt is not possible to transfer directly an application created with version V2 of

the pogramming sofrware, from the memory to the smart relay, if this latter
contains version V3 firmware.
ln this case, the application must be transfened via a smart relay with V2lirmware.
The application must then be converted using the V3 programming software. See

Module -, Procedure for transfaning ths application, from the smarl relay to the bac*up
Backup Memory memory:
Stop Action
1 lnsert lhe EEPROM carAidgs (SB2 MEMo1) into the slot provided
2 Select the lransler type: iIEMORY>ZELIO usino the navigation keys v
3 Conrirm lhe tanster command with the tlenu/OK key.
(Enler the password if lh€ program is passarord-proteclsd).
4 Wait lor the transl€r to end.
Display: > > > MEIIfORY thsn TRANSFER. OK when it is compteto.
5 ConIim agsin by pressing MendOK key to 6xit the menu.
R€ult: The display retums to lhe INPUTS-OIJTPUTS screen in RIJN mode and to
the MAIN menu in STOP mode.

70 SR2MANO1EN 112005

Backup Msmory Procedure ,or transrerring the application, from lhe backup memory toward the
J ilodule smart relay, for a smart relay with LCD and k3yboard:
Step Action
1 lnsert tho EEPROM cadndg€ (SR2 MEMoI) with ths program lo be translerred into
the slol providod.
2 Select the kansler typs: ITIEMORY>ZELIO using the navigation keys v
3 Conlirm th€ lransler command with the MendOK key
4 Wail for th€ transfer to end.
Display: > > > ITODULE then TRANSFER, OK when it is complete
Confirm again by pressing lrlenly'oK to exit fle menu.
n!!ult: tho disphy relums to the INPUTS-OUTPUTS screen in RUN mode and to the
MAIN menu in STOP mode.

Procedura ,or transtening tha application, from the backup memory toward the
smart relay, for a smart l€lay without LCD or keyboard:
Step Action
1 Th€ $rad .elay nol porErrd on, insert tho EEPFOM cartridg€ (SR2 MEMOI) into
the slot providod.
2 Power up tho smart relay.
During fle kansfer, the LEO display is ofl.
3 Wait ,or ths transler lo €nd.
Dudng th€ transfer, th€ LED display is ofi, fDn at the end of the tanslsr fle LED ffashes.
4 . ll lhe flashing is slow (3 Hz), lhe transtsr has be€n successfut, the smad relay is in
RUN, remove the EEPROM cad.idge (SFi2 MEMoi).
. ll th€ flashing is rapid (sHz), th€ fansfer has tailod du6 to incompatibility b€tween the
configuralion n€csssary for the program to b€ translered and tiat ol the snart relay.

Note: When the smart relay is in STOP mode, the LEO disptay is lit and does not flash.

SFUMANoIEN 112005 71

Posslble Errors Below are tha possible enors and, (or 6ach casa, the messagss that are displayed:
. Absencr of backup memory
Enor message:
. Conflguratlons of tho hardwaru and program to transter lncompatlble
Enor message:
THANSFER ERROR: CONFIG INCOMPAT (hardware or software rererencs
Refer to the OEFAULT Menu, p. ZTchapter to consult the enor number and clear it.

Note: The transfer of one module program to another via a memory card is only
possible between smarl relays with the same reference. For example, it is
impossible to transfer a program from a module with a clock to a module that does
not have one,

Program It the application stored in backup memory was created with a version of the
incompatlble programming soltware that is incompatible with the lirmware ol the target smart
with tlrmwarc ot relay, proceed as lollows:
the module
Step Action
1 Load the applbation from the bad$p nerpry lo a sIllan rday wih conpatibls fi.mware
l{ota: ll no smart r6lay has lirmware ihat is compatibl€ wilh the appli€tion, uss the
programming soltwaro version lhat was used lo create the applicalion to load
compalible lirmware into lhe target smart relay:
2 Usa the v96ion ol the programming software thal was us€d to cr€ate the application
to load il lrom lho smarl relay toward the PC.
3 SavB lhe application uploaded in slep 2.
4 Launch the lat€st vgrsion ol lhe programming soltware.
5 Open the application saved in step 3.
Rosull: The programming software converts lhe application.
6 Load the converted application and the associated tirmware tothe targetsmart relay




Description This function is used to precisely adentify the version o, each systam compongnt:
. Type ol hardwaro,
. Firmware,
. LD functions,
. FBD tunclions.

LD FUNC. 01.00.00 v
I +
> Menu / OK

This intormation is available ,or the smart relay, but also lor the connected extensions.

The Isymbol is present in the bottom righl, indicating the exislence oI extensions
connected to the smart module.

SR2MANo1EN 11/2@5 73


> Menu / OK

To quit, press ths llenu/OK button, the display retums to the INPUTS-OUTPUTS
screen in RUN mode and to the MAIN menu in STOP mode.

74 SR2MAN01 EN 1 1/2005



Description This function is used to select the language used by the smart relay.
All messages may be viewed in 6 languages:
. English,
. French,
. German,
. ltalian,
. Spanish,
. Portuguese.

a! ii > Menu / OK

Language The cunent language is indicated by the s€lection symbol (black diamond).
Selection Language selection proc€dure:
Step Action
1 Selecl the language using the navigation keys: v and a (the selection tlashes).
2 C,onlirm wilh he llenu/OK key.
R€ult The display retums lo lhe INPUTS-OUTPUTS scresn in BUN mode and to
th€ MAIN menu in STOP mode.

SR2MAN0lEN 11/2005 75

76 SFUMANo1EN 112005


Descrlption This lunction is us€d to:

. Display on th8 LCD screen the type of fault detected by lhe ,irmware of the smart
rslay (enor or waming: Watchdog overrun, seo WATCHDOG CYCLE Menu,
p. 45, cycle time too high, etc.),
. Resat the lault counter to zero.

at iV > Menu / OK
Resot to Zero ot To reset the fault counter to zero, proceed as follows:
the Fault Counter
Step Action
1 Selecl the YES choic€ using the navigalion kays v and a
2 Conlirm the dear command by prossing the enu/OK key.
Rssult: Tho display retums to the INPUTS-OUTPUTS scre€n in RUN mods and to
lhs MAIN menu in STOP mode-

SFoMANoIEN 11/2005 77

Fault Types Below, the description of possible faults:

Number Type of ,ault
000 No taults
001 Fauh ln w ting to EEPROI,
This lault defrnes the transler problsms bstween lhe memory c€rtddg€ and ths
controllor. ll this fauh occurs frequently, cofltact the altsr-sales service.
002 Clock wrlte lault
ll the rault occuc frgquently, contact the attor-sales ssrvice
004 Ove.ioad on solld state rllay outputs
Onc€ a transislor output rcachas a temporslure ol 170oC, the group ot 4 outsuts
lo whicfi it belongs is d€aclivaled.
To make this group ol ouFuts opsralional, th€ causE ol ths o\rer cunont (shod.
circuit, €tc.) musl lirst be daleted, and then the tault cloared from the FAULT menu
(See FAULT Menu, p. m.
050 Smart rolay lirmwars ls damagod
Reload lhe lirmwaro on lhe smart r6lay and the us6r application. lt flis problom
porsists, contacl the aft€r-sales service.
051 Watchdog ovortlow
Waming or enor according to he s€leclion made in the m6nu (smad relay
display) or in ths configuration window (programming software).
The cyde time in the module is too short comparod with the application program
execution time programmed in th6 @ntroller.
lf the application rsquires cycle timo or strict sampling of thB sma.t rolay inputs/
outputs, lengthen th€ application cyclo tims in th€ smart retay. To do this, either
asttho parametsE in the CONFIGURATION menu (smart r€lay disptay) or in the
configuration window (programming software).
ll the application does nol require the cyde time, you musl choose: No
052 Ths controller ha! sracut€d an unknown operaflon.
ll the faull is permanent , r€load the lirmware on th6 smart relay and th6 user
application. lf this problom persisls, contaci the attor.sates s€Mce.
053 Llnk tault betw6an smalt r€lay and bus.typ€ exlBnglon
Ch€ck operation of lhe exlension (connection, powor supply, tault).
054 Llnk tault bstwesn smrrl rslay snd lnpuuoutput.type erl€llslon
Check operation ol the ext€nsion (conneclion, pow€r supply, fault).
058 A lrult b present ln the llrmware (softmrs speclrlc to tha cortollsr) or on a
prrt of tho conlroller hadware
ll the tault is permanent, reload the lirmware on ths smad relay and tho user
program. ll this problem p€rsists, contact th€ after-sales servica.

78 SR2MANo1EN 1l/2005

Number Type ol lault

0s9 At ths beginnlng ol RUN on the sma.l lelay application: Th€ apPlication
cannot switch to RUN because it is incompallble with the smart .elay
physically connected to ths power supply.
lf this problem occurs, contact the atter-sales service.

060 At the b€glnning of RUN on the smart relay appllc€tlon: Ptogram

incompatlble with the bus exlension physically connecH to the pow€r
ll this problem occurs, coniact the after-sales seNice.
061 At the boginning of RUN on the smart relay aPPlication:
lncompatible wlth the lnpuuoutput extension physically connectsd to the
power supply.
It lhis problem occurs, contact the after-sales service.
062 version (or build number) lncompatibility whsn loading a program Irom the
backup memory
It this problem occurs, contact the after-sales service.

063 Hardwa?e conllguralion incompatlbllity when loading a ptogram from tho

backup memory
lf this problem occurs, contact the afler-sales service.

sR2MANol EN 't 1/2005 7S


80 sFl2MANolEN 1112005


Oescription This function is used to configure the date and time of the smart relays that have aclock.

16 | 27 30 s
CAL ! 02 secs/WK
(-I + r)
> Menu / OK

The modifiable paramelers are:

. Day/week/month/year,
. Hour. minutes, seconds,
Values are recorded by pressing the Menu/Ok key; il you wish to specily lhe time more
accurately, you should complete the enlry oI modifications with minutes and seconds.
. CAL: Calibration ol the intemal clock of the smarl relay in secuds per week.


Clock Calibration The quarlz lhat conlrols the reaFtime clock olthe smart relay has a variable monthly
drilt depending on the environmental conditions of the smart relay.
The maximum value for this drift is approximately one minute per month.
To estimate this dritt, proceed by observing the drift on the smart relay clock with
respect to a standard relerence clock for a few weeks or more.
lf you wish to compensate this drift, you can for example make a -'15 second
correc'tion per week to compensate tor a + 60 second dritt per month. This
compensation is executed on Sunday at one O'clock in the morning.

Note: This conection serves no purpose ifthe smart relay is subjectlo long power
intenuptions or major variations in temperature.

Clock Procedure
Steps Descriptiqn
Select the parameter to modily using lhe navigation keys < and >
Result: The selecled parameler flashes.
(When you enter lhls mode, the day value is selected)
Modily the value of lhe parameter.
The + and - keys ol the contextual menu c€n be used to change the currenl value
3 Conllrm the changes by pressing th6 Menry'OK key
Result The display retums to the MAIN menu.

Note: The smart relay contains a sofrware module that determines the day of the
week when the user selects the day of the month in the year.

Note: You are nol allowed to modify the hour by a producl between 2:00 and 3:00
AM for the days of the change from summer to winter time (at 3:00 it is 2:00)

82 SR2MANoI EN 1 ,2005


Descriplion This function is us€d to change lhe time range automatically: Summsr^rvintsr, ,or
smart relays with a clock.

SUM M:03 D:5
WINTER M:10 D:5 rro
(-1- + r)
> Menu / OK

The following operating modes are possible:

. NO: no changg,
. Aulomatlc: The change takas place aulomatbalty, the dales are pres€t
according to the geographic zone:
. EUROPE: Euope,
o GB: Great Britain,
. USA.
o OTHER ZONE: (MANUAL) the change takes place automatically, but you must
specify, tor summer and winbr:
. Th6 month: M,
. The Sunday: D (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) when tha changa takes placs.

SR2MANo1EN 112005 83

Conliguration ot To configure automatic time change, proceed as follows:

the Time Change
Step Aclion
1 Selecl the parameter to modily using lhe navigation keys < and >
Result: Ths selected parameter flashes.
2 Modify the parameter valu8.
The + and - keys o, the contextual menu are used to change lhe currant value-
3 Confirm the changes by pressing the MendOK key
Result: The display retums to the MAIN menu.


LD Language

At a Glance

Sublect of thls This sociion describes the use ol LD (Ladder Oiagram) programming language for
Sectlon the smart relay.

What's ln thls This parl conlains the tollowing chapters:

Chapter Chapter l.lame Page
16 LD Language Elemenls 87

SR2MANOIEN 11/2@5 85
LD Language

86 sruMANol EN 1 1/2005
LD Language Elements

At a Glance

sublect ol thls This chapler describes ths different automation functions of the LD language.

What's ln thls This chapter contains the following topics:

Toplc Page
lnlroduclion 88
Discr€te lnputs 89
Zx Keys 91

Auxiliary Relays 93
Discrete (OISCR) Outputs 98
Timers 103
Counters 114
Fast Counter 121
Count6r Comparator 132
Analog Comparators 't 34
Clocks 139
Texts 143
LCD Screen Backlighting 145
Change lo Summer / Winter Time 146
Modbus lnpulYOutpuls 148
Message 149

LD Language Elements


Description ln LD programming mode, an application can be created trom the interlace of the
lront panel oI the smart relay.
Here is detailed inlormation on allpossible elements ol a ladderdiagram in LD mode
that are recognized and used by smart relays.
To better understand the functions performed by each element, where necessary a
directly usable example is included.

Composition of Smart relays accept 120-line diagrams.

Ladder Dlagrams . Each line is comprised oI a maximum oI5 contacts.
. Contacts must be attached to one coil, and the coil is not necessarily on the same line

Nole: When an application requires more than five contacts to activate an aclion,
the auxiliary relays may be used.

Sample Ladder Below is an example of a ladder diagram, as it appears on the display of the front
Dlagram panel ol a smart relay:

11--r ----RT1
13- -M3- ---'21' --SMl
L. TT1

i _,,) _,,) -) _,) c

88 SR2MANO1EN 11/2005
LO Language Elements

Discrete lnputs

Descriptlon Discrete inputs can be us€d sxclusively as contacts in the program.

These contacts represent the status o, the input for the smart relay connectad lo a
sensor (push bunon, swit(fi, sensor, etc.).
The contact number corGsponds to the numberof terminals ofthe associated input:
1 to 9, lhen A to R (sxcept lor lotters l, M and O) according to the smart relay and
the possible extension.

use as a contact rhis contacl may us€ the direct stats ollhe input (normally open mode) or its inverse
state (mode normally clossd), see below.
Normally open mode:
Symbol o, a normally open contact:

A normally open contact corresponds to the use ofthe dlroct state oI the input. lrthe
input is supplled, the contact is said to be conducdng.
Example: Switching a lamp on and ott with a pushbulton.

tl _I 01

lf input I is supplied, contact 11 is closed, and coil 01 is activated

Normally closed mode:
Symbol ol a normally clos€d contact:

A normally closed contacl corresponds to the use oI the reverse slate (logical
complement o, the direct state) oI the input. l, the input is supplled, the contact is
said to be nonronductlng.
Example: Controlling a lamp using an input in reverse state.

il _ lal
ll input t is supplied, csntact il is open, and coit Ot is non-activated.

SR2MANOIEN 11/2@5 89
LD Language Elements

Modlflcatlon ol To modify a contact lrom the front panelolthe smart relay (the programming window
the state ol a displayed on screen), simply:
contact . Place the cursor over the letter ol the contact,
. Proceed as described in the paragraph Modrying an element,, p. /u,lo sctoll
through the possible contact types (l for a normally open contact, i lor a normally
closed contact).

lnitialization Status of contacts on program initialization:

. The direct state is inactive,
. The reverse state is active.

90 SR2MANO1EN 112005
LD Language Elements

Zx Keys

Description The navigation keys behave exactly like the I physical inpuls (Discrele inputs). The
only ditference is that they do not correspond to the smart relay's connection
lerminals, but to the lour gray buttons on the tront panel.
They are used as pushbuttons, and can only be used as contacts.

Use as a Contac{ This conlact may use the direct state of the key (normally open mode) or its inverse
state (mode normally closed), see below.
Normally open mode:
Symbol oI the normally open contact, repres€nting a key:

The normally open mode corresponds to the use ol ihe direct state ofthe key. lf the
key is pressed, the corresponding input is said to be conducling.
Normally closed mode:
Symbol of the normally closed contact, representing a key:

The normally closed mode corresponds to the use oI the reverse state (logical
complement of the direct state) ot the key. lf the key is pressed, the corresponding
input is said to be non-clnductlng.

Example Creating a switch operated by the 21 key and the Ol output:

Each time the 21 key is pressed, the Q1 output changes state

SR2MANoIEN 11/2005 9'1

LD Language Elements

Deacllvatlon of By defauh the Zx k€ys are active. They may be d€activated in on€ ot th8 lollowing ways
Zx Keys . From the smad relay tront panel: Using th6 monu : CONFIGURATION --r Zt
KEYS, see Z( KEYS Menu, p. A,
. From lhe programming software: See on-line hglp of the programming software
lor more information.

Noto: When the smart relay is in RUN mode, if the Zx keys have been deaclivaled,
they cannot be used for inputs in the program, but can be only used for navigaling
the menus.

Modlflcatlon ot To modify a contacl lrom lhe rront panelofthe smart relay (the programming windon,
the state o, a displayed on screen), simply:
contac-| . Place the mouse over lhe letler representing ths contac't,
. Proceed as described in the paragraph ModMng an alement,, p. 44,1o *toll
through the possible crntact types (Zrora normally open contac'i, z fora normally
closed contact) .

lnitialization Slatus of contacts on prcgram inilialization:

. Normally open mode (direct state) is inactive,
. Normally closed mode (reverse state) is active

92 SR2MANOlEN 1'2005
LD Language Elements

Auxiliary Relays

Description Auxiliary relays marked M behave in exactly the same way as Q Discrete outputs
(see Discrcte (DISCR) OutpuE, p.94, but do not have an electrical oulput contact.
They can be used as intemal variables.
There are 31, numbered from 1 to 9 and lrom A to Y except for letters l, M, O.
Any auxiliary relay may be used, in the program, inditferently as c.oil or contact. They
are used to memorize a state that will be used as the associated contact.

SR2MANOIEN 11/2005 93
LD Language Elements

Use as a Coil To use an auxiliary relay as a coil, lour modes are available:
. Contac'tor mode,
. lmpulse relay mode,
. Latch mode,
. Unlatct mode.
Conlactor mode:
Symbol of an auxiliary relay, used as a coil in contactor mode:

The relay is energized il the contacts to which it is connected are conducting
OtheMise it is nol energized.
lmpulse relay mode:
Symbol oI an auxiliary relay, used as a c-oil in impulse relay mode:


Pulse energization, the mil changes state on each pulse it receives

Latch mode:
Symbol of an auxiliary relay, used as a coil in latch mode:


The SET relay, also called lhe latch relay, is energized as soon as the conlacts lo
which it is connected are conducting, then stays set even if later lhe contacts are no
longer conducting.
This behavior is identicalto that oI an RS logic flipflop.
Unlalch mode:
Symbol of an auxiliary relay, used as a coil in latch mode:


The RESET relay, also called the unlatch relay, is deactivated when the contacts to
which it is connected are conducting. ll remains deaclivated even if later the
contacts are no longer conducting.

Note: for reasons of upward compatibility for the programs operating with zelio 1,
the fourtypes of mode for any given Q outpul mil or M auxiliary relay can be used
in the same wiring diagram in Zelio 2.

94 sR2MANol EN 1 1/2005
LD Languags Elements

Use as a Contacl Auxiliary rslays can be used as contacts as many times as necessary.
This contact may use the direct state ofthe relay (normally open mode) or its inverse
state (mods normally closed), see below.
Normlly open mod€:
Symbol ol an auxiliary relay, used as a contact in normally open mode:

A relay used as no.mally opcn contacf corresponds to the use of the direct state
of the relay. lf it is powered, the contact is said lo b€ conducllng.
Normally closed mode:
Symbol o, an auxiliary relay, ussd as a contact in normally closed mode:


An auxiliary relay used as a normally closed conlact, corresF,onds to the use of

the reverse state (logical complement of the dkect slate) of the relay. lf it is
power€d, the contact is said to be non-conductlng.

SR2MANO1EN 1112005 95
LD Language Elements

Example ln the lollowing example turning on and off a lamp is conditioned by the status of the
six following inputs: ll, 12, 13, 14, 15 and lB.
The is lit when:
. The ll,14, 15 and lB inputs are set to lhe state 1,
. The 12, 13 are set to state 0.
Because the sma relay does not allow more than five contacts on a line, auxiliary
relays are used lo control the lamp.
You ctoose to memorize the state of inputs l'l , 14, 15 and lB using the auxiliary relay
Ml and memorize the state ol inputs 12 and 13 using the auxiliary relay M2. The lamp
is controlled by relays M1 and M2, used respectively as normally open contact and
as normally closed contact.
Entde 1 Enlr6€ 5 EnE€ B
I1 74 I5 IB tM1

Ent6e 2 Entd€ 3
I2 I3 It12

Auriial€ 1 AJrillairc 2

Modifylng rhe To modity the use mode of a clilor a contact from the front panel ofthe smart relay
Mod6 of a Coil or (the programming window displayed on screen), simply:
a Contact . Position the cursor on the symbol representing the coil mode or on the letter o,
the contact,
. Proceed as described in the paragraph Modilying an element,, p. 44,1o sctoll
through the possible modes for a coil or contact types possible (M for normally
open coniacl, m for a nomally closed contact).

lnitialization Status oI contacts on program initialization:

. Normally open mode (direct state) is inactive,
. Normally closed mode (reverse state) is aclive.

96 SR2MANo1EN 1112005
LD Language Elements

Latching By dslault, after a power failure, the relay is in lhe state lhal corresponds lo program
To restore the slata of the output backed up at the lime ol power loss, it is essential
to activate latching:
. From the tront panel: From the PARA ETERS (S€e P/4&4METERS Menu,
p. 5r) windo,v,
. ln the programming software: Enable the Latchlng option in the parameters
window associated with lhe relay.

sR2MAltorEN 112@5 97
LD Language Elements

Discrete (DISCR) Outputs

Descrlpllon Discrete outputs correspond lo the oulput relay coils ol the smart relay. These
outputs are numbered from 1 to 9, then from A to G, acc,ording lo the smart relay
and any extensions,
Any Discrete ouFut can be used, in the program, indiflersntly silhgr as a coil or a

98 SR2MAN0lEN l112005
LD Language Elements

Use as a Coll To use a Discrete output as coil, Iour modes are availablo:
. Contactor modg,
. lmpuls€ ralay mode,
. Latch mode,
. Unlatch mode.
Contaclor mode:
Symbol of a Discrote output, us€d as a coil in contactor mode

The coil is energizsd iI the contracts to which il is connected are conducling
Othenvise il is not onergized.
lmpulse rslay mode:
Symbol ol a Discrete output, used as a coil in impulse relay mode:

Pulse energization, the coil changes state on each pulse it receives
For example: Swilching a lamp on and off with a pushbutton:
A pushbutton is connectad to input 11 and a lamp to output Ol. Each tim6 the button
is prsssed, the lamp will tum on or off.
Latch modo:
Symbol ol a Discrete ouFut, us€d as a coil in latch mode:

The S€t coil, also called the latch coil, is energized as soon as th8 contacts to which
il is connected are conducling, lhen stays set even i, latsr the contacG are no longer
This behavior is identical to that ot an RS logic fliptlop.
Example: Switching a lamp on and off using lwo pushbuttons: See Latching Mode

SR2MANO1EN 112@5 99
LD Language Elements

Unlatch mode:
Symbol ol a Discrete outpul, used as a coil in unlatch mode:

The RESET coil, also called the unlatch coil, is deactivated when the cutacts to
which it is connected are conducting. lt remains inactivs sven if laler the contacts
are no longer conducting.
Forexamole: Switching a lamp on and off using two pushbuttons: See Unlatch Mode
t1 sQl
t2- RQI
BPI'I is connected to input ll . BPl2 to input 12. The lamp is controlled by odput Q1 .

The lamp tums on when pushbutlon BPll is pressed, and it tums ott when
pushbutton BPl2 is pressed.

Note: Rule for using outputs:

. An output must only be usad at one single point in the program as a coil.
. lf a SET coil is used for a Discrete output, it is advisable to provide a RESET coil
for this output. The RESET coil takes p.iority over the SET coil.
The use of a Set coil on its own is onlyjustified for activating an alarm signalthat
can be r6et only by an lNlT + ON aclion from the program.

Note: For reasons of upward compatibility for programs operating with Zelio I
smart relays, thefourtypes of modes for any given Q output coilor M auxiliary relay
can be used in the same wiring diagram in Zelio 2.
ln this case, the operating mode is determined by the coil activated first.

100 SR2MANoIEN 1112005

LD Language Elements

Use as a Contact An ouFut can be used as an auxiliary contac't as many times as necessarry.
This contact may use ths direct stale of the output (normally open mode) or its
inverse state (normally closed mode), see b€low.
Normally open mode:
Symbol ol a Discrete output, used as a contac't in normally open mode:

An ouFut used as a normally open auxiliary contact corresponds to the us€ o, the
diracl state oI the ouFut. lf it is powered, the contact is said to be conductlng.
No?mally closed modo:
Symbol ot a Discrete ouFut, used as a conlac{ in normally closed mode:

An output used as a normally closed auxiliary contact coresponds to the use ol

the reverse state (logical complement oI the direct state) of the output. lf it is
powsred, the contact is said to be non-conductlng.

Modltylng the To modify the operating mode oI a coil or a contact lrom the front panel of the smarl
Mod6 ot a Coll or relay (the programming window displayed on screen), simply:
a Contact . Position the mous€ on the symbol represanting the coil output mode or on the
letter of the contacl rapresenting the ouFut,
. Proce€d as dsscrib€d in the paragraph Mdifying an element,, p.44,losctoll
through the possible modes for a coil or contact types possible (O ,or normally
open contacl, q for a normally closed contact).

lnltlallzatlon Stiatus of contacts on program initialization:

. Normally open mode (direct state) is inactive,
. Normally closed mode (reverse state) is active.

SR2MANO1EN I112005 101

LD Language Elements

Latchlng By default, afler a power lailure, lhe relay is in the state thal conesponds to program
To reslore the stats oI ths outsut backed up at the time ol powar loss, it is essential
to activate latching:
. Irom lhe tront panel: from the PARAIIETERS (See PARAMETERS Menu, p. 51)
. in ths programming soltware: Enabls the htchlng option in the paramsters
window associaled with the output.

102 sFa2MANolEN 112005

LD Language Elements


Descrlptlon Ths T'lmer Iunc'tion is us€d to delay, prolong and control actions over a
predotermined time. Durations can be set using one or two preset values, accoding
to the type of tjmer.
There are 1 'l types of timors:
. On delay (A),
. On delay, stop by reset (A),
. Otf delay (C),
. On pulse one shot: Pulse calibrated on the command input (B) falling edge.
. Timing afler pulse: calibrated on ,alling edge of the command input W),
. Flasher unit, control hsld down synchronously (D),
. Flashsr unit, Press to starustop, Synchronous (D),
. Time on addition [0,
. NC,
. Flashar unit, control held down asynchronously (L),
. Flashsr unit, Press to starustop, Asynchronous (l),
Reter to lhe Timing Diagrams paragraph for the description ol ditterent types o, timers.
The smart relay has l6timerfunction blocks, numbered from 1 to 9 then lrom Alo G,
Each block has a reset input, a command input and an output used to indicate timer

SF€MANOlEN 1V2M5 '103

LD Language Elements

Use ot Coils Each timer has two associated coils:

. Coil TT: Command lnput,
. Coil RC: Reset lnput,
Tha use of these coils is described below.
Command lnput:
Symbol of the Command lnpul coil ol a timer:


Each typ€ involves a specilic op€ration, which can be used to manage all possible
scsnarios in an application.
R€61 lnput:
Symbol o, th6 Command lnput coil of a timer:


Energization ol the coil causes a reset of the current timer value: conlact T is
deactivated and the lunction is ready lor a new timer cycle,

Not6: this coil is only necessary for pulse starustop type timers.

1M SR2MANoTEN 11,2005
LD Language Elements

Use as a Contact The contact associated with the timer indicates whether the timer has stopped
It may be used as many times as necessary in the program. lt may be used
according to 2 modes: normally open or normally closed, describ€d below.
Normally open mode:
Symbol of the normally open contact associated with a timer:


A normally open contact corresponds to the use ol the direct state of the output of
the Timer function block lf this output is active, the contact is said to be
Normally closed mode:
Symbol of the normally closed contact associated with a timer:


A normally closed contact corresponds to the use of the reverse state (logical
complement otthe direct state) ofthe output ol the Timer lunction block. lfthis odput
is active, the contact is said to be non-conductlng.

SR2MANoTEN 11/200s 105

LD Language Elements

Conflguratlon The block's parameter settings can be accessed either when entering ths command
from Front Panel line or from the PABA ETERS menu if the block has not b€€n padlockad.
The difiergnt parameters lo fill in ara as iollows:
. Tirn€r type,
. Preset value(s),
. Tim€ unit,
. Parametsr lock,
. Lalcting.
Typo ot tlmer:
This parameter ailows you to c+Eose the type ot timer runction from among the l'l
types available. Each type is represenled by a letter:
. A: Active, control held down,
. a: Active, Press to starustop,
. C: Off delay
. A,/C: Combination of A and C,
. B: On puls€ one shot: Puls€ calibrated on the command input rising edge,
. W: Timing after pulse: Puls€ calibrated on the command input falling edge,
. D: Flashor unit, control held down synchonously,
. d: Flasher unit, Press to starustop, Syncfironous,
. L: Flashor unit, control held down asynchronously,
. l: Flasher unit; Press to slarustop, Asynchronous
. T: Time on addition.
Preaet valus:
Depending on the type of limsr, thsre can be 1 or 2 prsset values:
. 1 only preset value (types: A, a, C, B, W, D, d and T:

on-delay or otl-delay according lo type
. 2 only preset value (types: A/C, L and l):

: Timer on-delay in the case or I'lC type; active state in the case of
tlasher units L and I

Timer off-delay in the case of A/C type; inaclive state in the case o,
flashgr units L and l.
Tlme unll:
This is lhe lime unit for the pres€l value. There are five possibilities
Unit Symbol Fo,m Maximum value

1/100 of a second s OO.O0 s 00.00 s

106 SR2MANolEN 112005

LD Language Elements

Unil Symbol Folm Maxlmum vElue

1 /1 0 of a socond S 000.0 s 999.9 s

Minute:Second M:S 00:00 99:99

HounMinute H:M 0O:00 99:99

H 0,000 h 9.999 h
o7 y lo, typ€ T.

Parametei lock:
Symbol ot the Parameter Lock parameter:

I Verrouill6
E Non verrouil16

Locking prevents locked paramelers ,rom being modiried from the front panel oI the
smart relay using the PARAMETERS menu.
By default, if a power break occurs while a timsr function block is running, any
information on time already elapssd is lost. When the supply voltage retums, the
tima function block is rainitialized and ready for a new operating cycle.
lf the application requires it, the lime elapsed b€fore ths power break can be
memorized using the Latchlng parameter.
Symbol of the Latchlng parameter:

ZI Active r Non activ6

This function is used to save thg state of the time/s current values and memorize
the elapsed time in the svent o, a power break.

sFt2MANolEN 11/2005 107

LD Language Elements

llluslration: Configuring a counler lrom the front panel oI the smart relay:

l-t TT1 AC*

2-, RT1 M:S
3--> T,I a
4-, I a= 00 20 B = 00:45 <-7
(r +

llenu / OK
5 6

Number Parameter Descliption
1 Command lnput Command input timing diagram.
Reset input Beset input liming diagram
3 Timer output Tlmer oulpul timing diagram.
4 Parameter lock This parameter is used to lock the countet

t parameters. When the block is locked, ihe

preset value no longer appears in lhe
5 Timer on{elay Tjmer on-dolay ol the l,/C timer
6 Timer offdelay 'l'lmer off-delay ol the A/C timer.

7 Time unlt Tlme unil lor lhe preset value.

8 Latching Backup ol slate of the current @untervalue in
the event ol a power cul.
Timer type Type ol timer used.

108 SR2MANoIEN 11/2005

LD Language Elements

Timing Diagrams Timing diagrams are povided here to illustrate the various b€haviors of the Timer
Iunciion block, according to the type ot timer chosen:
Active, conlrol hold down (type A):
The following diagram shows the operation of the type A timer:



Actlve, Preas to atarustop (type a):

The following diagram shows the operation of the typ€ a timer:



Noto: each pulse on the TTx input resets the cunent timer value to 0

Off delay (typ€ C):

The following diagram shows the operation of the type C timer:



tA t<

SR2MANo1EN 11,2005 '109

LD Language Elements

A/C: Comblnatlon ot A and C,

The lollowing diagram shows the operation of the type A/C timer:




On pulse one shot (type B):

The following diagram shows the operalion of the type B timer:



Timing after pulse (tyPe W):

The following diagram shows the operation ot the type W timer:



1 10 sR2'!tAN01 EN 1

LD Language Elements

Flasher unit, control held down synchronously (type D):

The lollowing diagram shows the operation of the type D timer:



Flasher unlt, Press to starUatop, Synchronous (type d);
The lollowing diagram shows the operation of the type d timerl




Note: each pulse on the TTx input resets the cunent timer value to 0.

Flasher unit, control held down asynchronously (type D):

The following diagram shows the operation of the type L timer:




SR2MANoIEN 11/2005 111

LD Language Elements

Flasher unit, Press to starustop asynchronously (type l):

The lollowing diagram shows the operation of the type I timer:




Note: each pulse on the TTx input resets lhe cunent timer value to 0.

Time on addition (type T):

The following diagram shows the operation of the type T timer:
t1 Q. r3
tohl actMly time: tl + t2 + € =t

With addition type, the preset value can be reached:

. ln one step:1,
. ln several steps: t'l + t2 + ,,. + tn.

Modlfylng the To modity the use mode of a coil or a contact from the tront panel ol the smart relay
Mode of a Coil or (lhe programming window displayed on screen), simply:
a Contacl . posilion the cursor on lhe symbol representing the coil mode or on the letler ol lhe contact,
. proceed as described in the paragraph Modifying an element,, p.44,loscfoll
through the possible modes lor a coil or contact types possible (T for normally
open conlact, t tor a normally closed contact).

lnitialization State of the contacts and cunent values on initialization ot the program:
the normally open mode (direct state) is inactive,
the normally closed mode (inverse state) is actlve,
the current valuqs) is (are) zero(s).

't't2 SR2MANO1EN 11,2005

LD Language Elements

Example 1 Creating a timer device tor a staiMay.

The staiMay light should remain on lor two minutes and thirty seconds when one ol
the push butlons is activated.
On each floor, the buttons are linked lo the ll input of the smarl relay.
The stain ,ay light is linked to the O4 ouFut of the smart relay.
You would write the following program:

-- -- -- r1- - - - - - -rr1
-- ----12-------RT1
------r1------- [Q{

To obtain the desired operation, you should use a type B timer (On pulse one shot),
and conligure lhe duration ot the timer for 2 minules 30 seconds. To thus configure
the timer duration, choose lhe time unil ll:S and you enter the value 02:30 lor the
preset value l.
llluslralion: Time/s conf iguration screen:

TT1 Bry
3 t = 02:30
(-I +r)
> Menu / OK

sFl2MANolEN 11,2m5 113

LD Language Elements


Description The Counter funclion is used to upcount or downmunt pulses. The smarl relay has
16 timers, numbered from 'l to 9 then lrom A to G.
The Counter function can be reset lo zero or to the preset value (depending on the
chosen parameter) during use.
It can be used as a contact to find out whether:
. The preset value has been reacted (upcounting mode TO),
. The counter has reached 0 (downcounting FROM).

Use o, Coils Each timer has 3 associated coils:

. Coil CC: Countlng Pulse lnput,
. Coil RC: Reset lnitial Counter Slate lnput,
. Coil DC: Counting Dlrection input.
The use ol these coils is described below.
Counting Pulse lnput:
Symbol ol the Counting Pulse lnput coil oI a timerl

when used as a mil in a control diagram, this elemenl represents a counting input
tor the tunclion. Every time the coil is enelgized, the counter is incremenled or
decremented by 1 according to the counting direclion chosen.
Examole: Counting pulses delivered by counter no. 1.

tl cc.t

Every time input l1 is energized, the counter no. 1 is incremented by 1

Re-set inltlal counter state input:

Symbol of the Reset lnitial Counter Stale lnpul coil:


When used as a clil in a clntrol diagram, this element represents an input that
resets the counting lunction to its initial state.

114 SR2MANoIEN 11t2005

LD Language Elements

Energizing the coil has the lollowing et ect:

. Reset lhe current c$unt value to zero if the count type is TO (up-clunting lrom
the preset value),
. Reset the current value to the preset value if the count type is FROM (down'
counting lrom the preset value).
Examole: Counter No.1 reset to zero on pressing key 21.


Every time key 21 is pressed, the counter starts lrom 0.
Countlng Direction inpul:
Symbol ot the Counting Direction lnput coil of a timer:

This input determines the counling direction according to state. lt

. Downclunts if the coil is energized,
. Upcounts it the coil is not energized.

Note: By default, if this input is not wired, the automation function counts

Example: Up/downcounting, depending on the status of input 12 ol the smart relay.

lf the 12 input is active, the automation function downcounts

SR2MANOI EN 11,2M5 115

LD Language Elements

Use as a Contact The contact associated with lhe rapid counter indicates whether ths preset value
(TO mode) or zero (FROil mods) has been reached.
It may be us6d as many limes as necessary as many times as necessary in the
program. lt may be used according to 2 modes: normally open or normally clqsed,
describ€d b€low.
Normally open mode:
Symbol ol th€ normally opsn contact associated with a counter:

The contact is conduc.tlng when:

. The currant @unter value has reached the preset valuo, il the counter is in TO
mode (upcounting mode),
. The current @unt6r value ls equal to 0, i, the countor is in FROiI mode
(downcounting mode),
Normally clos€d mode:
Symbol of the normally closed contact associated with a counler

The contact is conducllng as long as :

. The current counter value has not r€ached the preset value, iI the counter is in
TO mode (upcounting mode).
. lhe current countsr value has not .oached the preset value, if the counter is in
TO mode,
Example: LightirE an LED cunected to counter oulput No. 'l CIOmode).

ct _ [Qr
Whan the preset value has been reached: The LED is lit; otheMise it is otf.

1't 6 SR2MANoIEN 112005

LD Language Elements

Conflguratlon The block's parameter settings can be accsqs€d eitherwhen entering lhe command
from Fronl Panel line or from the PARAMETERS msnu iI lhe block has nol b€en padlocked.
The ditlerenl parameters lo rill in are as Iollows:
. Typa of counting,
. Preset value,
. Parameter lock,
. Latching.
Typ€ ol counllng:
Symbol ol the Type of counting parameter:

This parameter is used to select the operating mode of ths counter:

. TO: upcounting towards the preset value.
When the counte/s curront value is equal to the preset value, contact C ol the
counter is conducting.
. FROII: downcounting lrom the prsset value.
When the countar currsnt value equals 0, count6r contact C is conducting.
Prcsat Value:
Symbol of th6 Presel Value paramstsr:

This value is betws€n O and 92,767, and represents:

. The value to reach in the counting mods to the preset value (IO mode),
. the initial value in the downcounling mode from the presst value (FROM mode).
Parameler Lock:
Symbol of tho Parameter Lock paramster:

l-Elvenouitte l-?l Non verrouitt6

Locking prevonts locked paramelers trcm being modifi€d from the ftont panel o, the
smart relay using the PARAMETERS menu.
Symbol of the Latching parameter:

EAcriv6 ,lr Non activd

This funciion is used to save the stata ol the @unto/s cunent valu€s in the event ot
a power cul.

SR2MANo1EN 11/2005 117

LD Language Elements

lllustratlon: conliguring a counter from the front panel oI the smart relay:

l-| ccr lt ry
2-+ RC1
3-| cl
1-, t Dc I T: TO P = 00175
(r + r)
> Menu / OK

Numbel Paaameter Descrlptlon
1 Command lnput Control input timing diagram (lollowing pulse)
2 Reset lnput Counter reset input liming diagram.
3 Counter output Counter output timing diagram
4 Parameter lock This parameter is used to loc* ths counler parameters. When

Type ol qountinE
the block is loc*ed, the prosat value no longerappears in the
Up-counting towards the preset value: TO mode or up-
counling lrom lhe presel value: FBOM mode.
6 Prcset value Counler presel value.
7 Latching Backup of slate ofthe curent @unlervalue in lhe event ol a
power lailure.

Current Counter The current value is the value at any given time resulting from the successive up/
Value down counting actions that have occurred since the last time the munter was reset
to its initial state.
This value is between 0 and 32767. Once these values have been reached, a down
munt will leave the value 0 and an upcount will leave the current value at + 32767.

118 SR2MANo1EN 11/2005

LD Language Elements

Timing Diagrams ln the timing diagrams the blue curves represent the current value of the cgunter:
The following figure shows the operation of the counter in up-counting mode with
toward ihe preset value: TO mode:
lnitialization: R


r High saturatiotl

_L- -+32767

Output: c

The following figure showsthe operation ol the counter in upmunting mode from the
preset value: FROM mode:
lnitialization: R

dlrecllon: D
Hioh satulatlon
Cunent counte.
-- - +32767

Output: c Low saturalaon

Modlfylng lhe To modily the use mode oI a coil or a contact from the front panel ol the smart relay
Mode of a Coil or (the programming window displayed on screen), simply:
a Contact . Position the cursor on the symbol representing the clil mode or on the letter of
the contact,
. proceed as described in the paragraph Modifying an element,, p. 44,1o sctoll
through the possible modes ,or a coii or contact types possible (C for normally
open contact, c for a normally closed contact).

SR2MANO1EN 112005 119

LD Language Elements

lnitlalizalion State oI the conlacts and curent value on initialization ot the program
. the normally open mode (direct state) is lnactlys,
. The normally closed mode (invers€ state) is actlve,
. The currcnt value is zero,

Examples Below, three simple examples ot the use oI a countsr (configured in upcounting
mode toward tha preset value):
Sca€on Descriptlon

r1-------------cc1 Upcluntlng and Resstthg:

The counler is incrementod each time input 11 is aclivated.
12 - - - ------- - - -Rc1
The counler is reset each llme input 12 is activatod.

r1- Downcountlng and Rslsttlng:

---------- -,cc1
[o.r The counter is decremented €ach time input ll is aclivated
The @unter is reset sach time the 12 input is activated.
12 -- - -------- - -Rc1

11t------------cc1 Upcoundng, Downcour lng and Rolattlng:

The countsr is incrementod sach time lhe ll input is
activated. Tho count€r is decremented sach time ths 13
r3 ------- -- - ---Dc1
input is activaled.
r2 - - - - --- - - - - - -Rc1
Tho @unler is reset 6ach lime lhe 12 input is activated.

120 SR2MANoiEN 11/2005

LD Language Elements

Fast Counter

Descriplion The Fast Counter function is used to cpunt pulses up to a frequency oI 1 kHz.
Use oI the contact Kl indicates:
. the preset value has been reached (up-counting),
. the @unter has reached 0 (down-counting).
The fast counter inputs are implicitly connected to the 11 and 12 smart relay inputs:
. a pulse (rising edge) on the ll input increments the counter,
. a pulse (rising edge) on the 12 input decrements the counter.
These inputs should not be used on the wiring sheet.
The Rapid Counter lunction can be reset to zero during use by the BKI coil.
. 0 if it is in up-count mode towards the preset value
. the presel value iI it is in down-count mode lrom the preset value.
The counler only operates il the TKI conlirmation coil is active.
Repetitive mode can be used with a time-delay value.

Note: Limit overrun:

. if the cunent value of the counler exceeds the upper liInit: + 32,767,
it is set to - 32,768,
. if the cunenl value of the munter exceeds the lower limit: + 32,767,
it is set to - 32,768.

Note: This function block cannot be simulated.

sFt2MANolEN 11/2005 't2'l

LD Language Elements

Use ot Coils Two coils are associated with the rapid counter:
. coil TKl: Enable funcuon lnput,
. coil RK1: Reset lnltlal counter stalo lnput.
Tha use of these coils is described below.
Enable tunctlon input:
Symbol of ths Enable Function lnput coil ot the rapid counter:


This elemenl is used to confirm the counter. Whan this coil is activ€, each pulse on
the ll input will increment the rapid counter and eact pulse on th€ 12 input will
decremenl it.
Re3al lnitlel counte. atate lnput:
Symbol of the Reset lnitial Counter State lnput:


This input resets th€ counter function to its inilial state.

Energizing the coil has the ,ollowing effect:
. reset the cunenl count value to zero if the counl typ€ is TO (up-counting lrom
ths presel value).
. reset ths current value to the presel value iI the count type is FROiI (down-
counting from the preset value).
Example: counter reset by pressing on the Zl ksy:

zl _ RKt

Each time tha 21 key is pressed, lhe counter is reset.

122 SR2MANo1EN 11,2005

LD Language Elements

Use as a Contact The contact associated with lhe rapid counter indicates whether the preset value
(TO mode) or zero (FROM mode) has been reached.
It may be used as many times as necessary in the program. lt may be used
according to 2 modes: normally open or normally closed, described below.
Normally opcn mode:
Symbol of the normally open contact associated with the rapid counter

The contacl is conductlng when:

. the current value of the counter has rsached the prcsol value (IO mode),
. the current value oI the counler has r€achd the 0 value (F8OM mode).
Normally closod modo:
Symbol o, the normally closed contact associated with the rapid counter:


The contact is conducilng as long as:

. the currert counter value has not neached the preset value, iI the counter is in
TO mode,
. the current counter value has not reached 0, iI the counter is inFROil mode,
Example: lighting of an LED connected to rapid counter output TO mode).
Kr _[ Qr

When the preset value has been reached: LEO is lit; otheMise LED off.

SR2MANoIEN 112005 123

LD Language Elements

Contlguration The block's parameter settings can be accessed either when entering the mmmand
from Fronl Panel line or from the PARAMETERS menu if the block has not been padlocked.
The ditferent parameters to lill in are as follows:
. Cycle type,
. Pulse duralion,
. Presel value,
. Typ€ ol counting,
. Parameter lock,
. Latching.
Cycle typ€:
This parameler dglermines lhe behavior of the rapid counter when it reaches lhe
preset value (when it is in TO mode), or when it reaches the value zero (when it is
in FROiI mode):
The cycle type may be:
. Slngle: reacting the preset value (Rep€tltlve mode) or ol the zaro value (FROM
mode) does not aflect the current valu6 of the counter.
The current counlervaluo changes on an on-going basis. Ths outsut is activated
when the cunent value is grsater than the preset value OO mode) or when the
current value is less than the preset value (FROil mode).
. Ropotltlve: in the TO mode, the currant value is reinitialized wh6n it reaches the
preset value in the FROM mode, it is reset to tha prsset value when it reaches
The ouFul is anabled tollowing this roinitialization and remains active during a
period of lime that can be conligured with the parameter: Pulso duratlon (from I
to 32,767 timos 100 ms).

Symbol of the Pulse Duratlon paramoter:

This parameter is only displaysd if the cycle is repetitivs. lt det€rmines the duration
du ng which the rapid counter remains active when the current value reaches the
pr€sst value (when it is in TO mode), or when it reaches the valus zero (when it is
in FROM mode).
This value must be between I and 32,767 (x 100 ms).

124 sR2MANolEN 1r2@5

LO Language Elements

Pres€l value:
Symbol of the Presel valuo parameter:

This value is between 0 and 32,767, and rapressnts:

. The value to reach in the counling mode to the preset value CfO mode),
. the initial value in the down-count mode from lhe prsset value (FROM mode).
Type ol countlng:
Symbol of the TyFle ot countlng parametor:

This parameter is used to salect the operaling mode ol the counter:

. TO: up-counting towards the prsset value.
When the counte/s current value is greater than or equal to the preset value,
contact Kl of the rapid counter is conducling.
. FROM: dorvn-counting from the preset value.
When the counts/s cunent valus is less than or equal to O, contacl C oI the
countsr is conducting.
Paramoler lock:
Symbol of the Paramoler Lock parameter:

c Verrouill6 3 Non verroui116

Locking prevenls locked paramelers from being moditied ,rom the ftont panal of the
smart rslay using the PARAMETERS menu.
Symbol of the Lrtchlng parameter:

llaaiue ty Non activ6

This lunction is used to save the state ot the rapid munte/s cunent values in the
event of a power cut.

sFl2MANOl EN 1 f2005 125

LD Language Elements

lllustratlon: configudng a counter lrom lhe fiont panel of tho smart relay:

KI ty
2-, l=00001 P=+00013 5
3 --> e Dcl T:FROM
r(r + r)
Menu / OK

Number Paramoter Descrlption
1 Cycle type Single/Bepetitive
2 Pulse duralion Only if lhe cycle is repgtitive
3 Parametsr lock This paramoter is us€d to lod( the counter

I paramslers. When tho block is lock6d, the

prgs€t value no longer appsars in the
4 Type o, countlng Countar configuraiion: counting to the preset
value (TO) or lrom ths preset value (FBOM).
5 Prssat value Counter preset valu€.
6 Latchlng Backup ol state ol the curent @untsr value in
lho evsnl ol a power cut.

Current Counter Value at any given instant resulting lrom succ€ssive up/down counts since lhe last
Value counbr rsset to its initial state.
lI the cunenl value of lhe counter exceeds the upper limit: +92,767, it is sst to -
It tho cunent value of the munter ex@eds ths lower limit: -92,767, it is sel to

126 SFi?MANoTEN 11/2005

LD Language Elements

Timlng Dlagrams Timer diagrams are provided here to illustrate tha various behaviors oI ths rapid
counter acc€rding to its configuration:
. up-counting lunclion TO, in single cycle mode,
. down-counting function FROM, in single cycle mode,
. Up-counting func{ion TO, in repetitive cycle mode,
. down-counting lunclion FROltl, in repetitive cycle mode.
For the follo$.ing 4 charts, the blue curve represents the currenl value ot the counter.
When it incrsases, it is b€causs of pulses on l1 and when it decreases, il is because
ol pulsss on 12.
UFcounling lunctlon ln slngls cyclo mode:
The ligure below illuslrales lh€ counter funclion in upcounting and single cycle mode:


TER_VALUE -------+32767

- - - - - - - 32767

sR2MANo.tEN 1i2m5 127

LD Language Elements

Down-counllng lunctlon ln slngle cycle mode:

The figure below illustrates the counter tunction in down-counting and single cycle


TER-VAIUE --- - +32767

- - - - -3276?


LD Language Elements

Up.countlng ,unctlon ln r€petltlve cycle mode:

The ligure below illustrates the counter func.tion in uPcounting and repetitive cycle


TER_VALUE , _ t .+32767

-i- - - -32162


H '€
timlng : umtng
Tlm. f timlno

The output switches to the lnactlve stale when the predefined pulse duration value
has run out. l, the switch condition is Active b€fore the switch to the lnaclive state,
the output pulse is extended by the Pulse Duration Cnming).

SR2MA lolEN 1112@5 129

LD Language Elements

Down+ountlng functlon ln rep€lltlw cycle mod6:

The figure below illustrates the countar function in downrounling and repetitive
cycle mode:


TER-VALUE _- __ _+32767

-,- - __ _ a2767


etimlng :< .->

. tlmrno

The output switches to the lnactlve state whsn the predefined pulse duration value
has run out. ll the switch condition is Active b€Iore the switch to the lnactive state,
the outpul pulse is enendsd by the Pube Duration Cnming).

Modifyhg tha To modify lhe use mode ot a mil or a clnlact from the front panel of the smart relay
Mode of a Coll or (the programming window displayed on screen), simply:
a Conlact . position the cursor on th6 symbol representing the coil mode or on the letter of
the contact,
. proce€d as doscribed in the paragraph ModMng an elament,, p. 44, to *toll
through the possible modes for a coil or clntact types possible (K for normally
open contact, k for a normally closed contact).

130 SF€MANOIEN 112005

LD Language Elements

lnitialization State of the mntacts and current value on initialization oI the program:
. the normally open mode (direct state) is inactive,
. the normally cloaed mode (inverse state) is active,
. the current value is zero.

Example Below, an example of using a rapid counter: output Q'l is set to 1 when the rapid
counter is set to l; lhe counler is activated by input 13 and reset lo 0 by input 14.
K1------------- tQ1
f3 ------- --- - --TK1
r4---------- ---RK1

SR2MANO1EN 112005 131

LD Language Elements

Counter Comparalor

Descriptlon This function is used to compare lhe current counting values of two counters or of a
@unter and a constant value,

Note: The Countar Comparator function block can only be configured from the
programming sofrware in Free Entry mode.
See on-line help of the programming software for more information.

Use as a Contacl The counter comparator indicates whelherthe chosen condition is verified It is used
as a contact, in normally open mode or in normally closad mode.
Normally open mode:
Symbol of the counler @mparator, in normally open mode:

The mntacl is conducllng when lhe condition is verltled.

Normally clos€d mode:
Symbol o, the counlar comparator, in normally closed mode:

The contact is conductlng when the condition ls not verlfled

Conflguration The Counter Comparalor function block cannot be configured trom the front panel
from the Front of the smart relay. This ,unction must be configured from the programming software
Ss€ online help oI the programming sottware for more infomation on configuration.

Modifying the To modify the operating mode of a coil or a contact trom the front panelofthe smart
Mode of a Coil or relay (the programming window displayed on scraan), simply:
a Contacl . Position the cursor on the symbol representing the coil mode or on the letter ol
the conlact,
. Proceed as dsscribed in the paragraph Modilying an element,, p.44,lo sctoll
through the possible modes for a coil or possible conlact types (V tor normally
open contact, v for a normally closed contact).

132 SR2MANo1EN 11/2005

LD Language Elements

lnitiallzation Status ot clntacts on program initialization:

. Normally open mode (direct state) is inactive,
. Normally closed mode (reverse state) is active

sFt2MANol EN 1112005 133

LD Language Elements

Analog Comparators

Descriptlon The Analog Comparalor lunction block is used to:

. Compare a measured analog value with an inlemal referenca value.
. Compare two mgasurod analog values.
. Compare two m€asured analog valuas with hysteresis parameter.
The rssult of this comparison is used in the lorm of a contact.
Analog automation ,unctions can be used lor smart relays with a real lime cloc* and
DC power supply, and with mixed DISCHi/Analog inputs.
The ,ollowing indicate the exislence of mixed Discrete/Analog inputs:
. The 6xislence o, inputs numb€red lrom lBtolc (maximum configuration), thes€
inputs are used to r€caive analog signals lrom 0.0V to 9.9V inclusively.
. The presence of the Analog Comparators function in the toolbar oI the
programming softwars.
These smart relays have 16 Analog Comparator function blocks, numbered lrom i
to 9 then ,rom A to G.

Use as a Contact The contact shows the position ol a measured analog value in relation to a reference
value or to another measured value.
It may be used as many times as necessary in the program. ll may be used
according to 2 modes: Normally open or normally closed, described below.
Normally opon mode:
Symbol of the normally open contact associated with a, Analog Comparator:


The conlact is conducllng whan the comparison condition is verlfled.

Normally cloaed mode:
Symbol of ths normally closed contact associated whh an analog @mparator:

The contacl is conducting when the condition is not verlfled.

134 SR2MANo1EN 11/2005

LD Language Elements

Configuration The simple comparison formula is as lollows

from Front Panel
xl <Comparison Operator > x2

The clmparison Iormula, ,or a comparison wilh hysteresis:

The ditferent parameters to fill in are as follows
. Values to compare,
. Comparison operator,
. Reterence value,
. Hysteresis parameter,
. Parameter lock.
Values to compar€:
Symbol ol values to compare:

x1 rt
These variables are chosen from among the following:
. Numbered analog inputs from lB to lG (maximum configuration),
. Reference value R
Comparison operator:
The mmparison operator is chosen using the number in the upper right-hand side
ol the screen.
The table below provides the correspondence between this number and the
comparison formula that will be used:
Number Comparison tormula
1 xl >x2
2 x1 >x2
3 xl =P.
4 x1+x2
5 x1<p
6 x1 </2
7 comparison with hysteresis; xl - H < x2 < x1 - H

SR2MANoIEN 11/2005 135

LD Language Elements

Reterence value:
Symbol ol the reference value:

The reterence value is a constant to which a measured value may be compared. lt

must be between 0 and 9-9.
Hysteresis parameter:
Symbol ol the hysteresis parameter:

The hysteresis parameter is a constant used to define an interval in which the 2x

variable should be lound for the comparator lo be aclive. lts value must b€ between
O and 9.9.

Parameter lock:
Symbol o{ the PaEmeter Lock parameter:

c Verrouil16
E Non verrouill6

Locking prevents locked parameters lrom being modified from the front panel otthe
smart relay using the PARAMETERS menu.
Configuration from the lront panel ol the smart relay, of the hysteresis-type
comparator with constant reference value:

2 x1-H<82<x1+H
R=4.0 x1=R
3 lH=1.5 x2=le
(r + r) l
> Menu / OK

ln this case: The comparison condition is verilied when the power to the input
terminal le is between 2.5 Vand 5.5 V.

136 SR2MANo1EN 11/2005

LD Language Elements

Configuration oI a single comparator from the front panel;

2 r1<r2
3 I x2=le
(r6 + r)
> Menil / OK

(lf neither x'l nor P are not set to R, parameter R does not appear.
Number Parameter Description
1 Type oI comparlson The number thal Iollows ANALOG
conesponds lo the selected comparison
2 Comparison formula Formula used lor comparison
3 Paramete. lock Locking prevenb loc*ed paramaters from

t being modilied lrom the lront panel of the

smart relay using the PABAMETERS menu.
4and5 Paramsters ol the comparison Parameters of lhe comparison lormula.

Modlfylng rhe To modily a contact from thefront panelofthesmad relay (the pogramming window
Mode of a Coll or displayed on screen), simply:
a Contact . Place the cursor over the letler of the contact,
. Proceed as described in the paragraph Modifying an element,, p. 44,1o sctoll
throughthe possible contact types (Alora normally open contac't, afora normally
closed contact).

lnitialization State of the contacts and currenl value on initialization o, the program
. the normally open mode (direct state) is inactive,
. The normally closed mode (inverse state) is active.

SR2MANo1EN 11/2005 137

LD Language Elements

Example To order a heating resistance using smart relay output Ql when the temperature is
below 20' C.
A temperature probe is used, providing a 0 to 10 volt signal for a -10" to +40' C
temprature range. A temperature of 20" C corresponds to a vottage level oI 6 volts
on the probe.
You would write the following Ladder program:

A1------------- tQ1

Using the following parameters lor the A1 comparator:

x1 <x2
R=6.0 x1=lb
I x2=R
(r + r)
V > Menu / OK

The comparison operator no. 5 is chosen, that is <.

The values to compare are chosen: The analog input lB (to which the temperature
probe is connected) Ior the lirst, the reference value R Ior the second,
The relerence value is set to 6.
The analog comparator is thus active when the power measured on analog input lB
is less than or equal to 6V. This is, when the probe measures a temperature less
than or equal to 20'C.

138 SR2MANoIEN 11/2005

LD Language Elements


Descrlptlon The Clock tunction is us€d to validate the time rangas during which actions can be
The smart relay has I Clock function blocks numbared lrom 1 to 8. Each ol these
has four programming ranges and behaves like a weekly programmer. The Clock
function blocks are used like contac{s.

Use as a Contacl This contact may use the direcl state of the Clock Iunction block (normally open
mode) or its inverse stats (mode normally closed), see below.
Normally op6n mode:
Symbol of the normally open contact, representing a clock:

o- H-

The mntact is conductlng when the clock is in a valldlty perlod.

Normally clo86d mode:
Symbol of the normally closed contact, representing a clock:

o- h-

The clntact is conductlng when the clock ls not ln a validity porlod.

SF(2MAN01EN r 1/2005 139

LD Language Elements

Configuratlon Configuration screen ol a Cloc* funclion block lrom the lront panel of the smart
from Front Panel rslay:


oHl D/W 0_2_ _56

7 c
H:M ON 01 :10 <-1
6-t o H:M OFF 23:59 <F5
(r + r)
> Menu / OK

Number Parametel Descriptlon

1 Clock module number 8 clocks available, numbered 1 to 8

2 Typ€ ot date conliguratlon D/w: Days ol the Week,

Valldlty day (D/w type) Validity day:
. 0: Monday,
. 1: Tuosday,
. 6: Sunday.
Urcelected days are indicated by a
4 Starl time (D/w type) This is the operation starl time, in Hour:
irinute lomat (00:00 to 23:59)-
5 Stop time (D/W type) This is the operation end time, in Hourformat:
Minute lormat (00:00 lo 23:59).
6 Parameter lock Locking prevents locked parameters from
being modified lrom the lront panel of the
3 smart relay using the PABAMETERS menu.
7 Operallng ranges 4 operating ranges are available: A, B, C, D.
ln ope.ation, these ranges are cumulative:
The block is valid over all selecled ranges.

lf the clock is set to ON on Monday at 23:00 and set to OFF on Monday at 1:00, then
it does not change to OFF on Tuesday at l:00 but etfectively on the ,ollowing
Monday at 1 :00. Moreover, iI no other command has been made, the clock remains
positioned at ON all other days of the week.

140 SR2MANOIEN 11/2005

LD Language Elements

Comblnlng Programming modes can be mixed lor the same clock.

Modes Example: Using the four clock ranges with diflerent modes.
Range Program
A: time range Every day lrom Monday to Friday, start at 8.00 and end at
B: Day/Nlght Every day lrom Tuesday to Thursday: start at 22.00 and end
the following day at 6.00.
C: lnterval Start on Friday at 20.00.
D: lnterval End on Monday at 03.00.

Modifying the To modify the use mode oI a coil or a contact from the front panel oI the smad relay
Mode ol a Coll or (the programming window displayed on screen), simply:
a Contact . Place lhe cursor over the letter of the contact,
. Proce€d as described in the paragraph Modwing an element,, p. 44,10 sctoll
through the possible contact types (H lor a normally open contac't, h for a
normally closed contact).

sR2NiANorEN 1 141
LD Language Elements

Example You wish to contola device connecled lo the Q2 output ortha smart rBlay. You want
it to be activa on the following two clock ranges:
. from Monday to Saturday, from 09:00 to l3:00.
. from Monday to Friday, ,rom 15:00 to 19:00,
For lhat, lhe H1 Clock block is used and the lollowing wiring diagram is created:
H1------------- tQ2

Whsn entedng lhe Hl Clock block, configure the operational ranges A and B as
described in tha table belolv:
Screen Commenl

oH1 J/S 012345

H M ON 09:00 Flr8t Slot A: From Monday lo
I H M OFF 13 : 00 Saturday, trom 09:00 to 13:00.

<F + -t
> Menu / OK

oHl J/S 01234

H M ON 15:00 Socond Slot B: From Monday to
I H M OFF 19 : 00 Friday, lrom ,5:00 to 19:0O,

<F + -|
> ilenu / OK

LD Language Elements


Description The Text automation function is used to display texts or a numerical value (current
value, preset vatue, etc.) on the LCD instead ol the INPUTS-OUTPUTS screen:
The smarl relays have 16 Text blocks, numbered lrom 1 to I then from A to G
These Iunclion blocks are used as coils.
Up to 16 text blocks can be used (fX1 to TXG) simultaneously in one program, but
only the block with the highest number is displayed.
Pressing the Shlft and Menu/OK keys in order and simultaneously, switches the
display from the TEXT screen to the INPUTS-OUTPUTS screen.
Pressing the two keys again simullaneously retums the display to the TEXT screen

Note: The Text blocks are only programmable from the programming software
(see the on-line help for the programming soft\ ,are for more information).

SR2MANoIEN 11/2005 143

LD Language Elements

Use as a Coll Two coils are associated with each Ten bbck:
. Dlsplay Actlvatlon coil,
. Dlsplay Deactlvation coil.
The use ol these coils is described below.
Dlsplay Actlvatlon
Symbol o, lhe Command lnput coil o, a Text function block:

This coil displays on the screen the text and/or tha values of the associated Text
block when the contacts that are connected are conducting.
Dlsplay deactivatlon
Symbol ol the Display Deactivation coil of a Text tunclion btock:


This coil deactivatas the display ot the texl and,/or the values of the associated Text
block when the contacts that are connectad are conducting. The display returns to
the INPUTS-OUTPUTS screen.

t1 TX1
t2 ru(l
Activation ol input 11 displays the ten on the LCD. Activating input 12 makes the text

Conliguratlon The Text lunction blocks are only programmable ,rom the programming software,
se€ lhe on-line help for lhe programming software for more informalion.


LD Language Elements

LCD Screen Backlighting

Oescriptlon The screen backlighting oulput is used to control the backlighting oI the LCD by a
ln STOP and RUN modes, tha LCO screen is lit lor 30 seconds when the user
presses any oI the buttons on the tront panel.

Used as a Coll Used as a coil, it lights up the LCD when the contac.ts lo whict il is cunected are
Symbol ot the coil of the LCD screen backlighting function:


The screen is lit if this coil is active.

sra2MANol EN l1l2@5 145

LO Language Elements

Change to Summer / Winter Tlme

Descrlption The ouFut of this function is in an OFF stale over the enlire duration of winter time,
and swilches to ON lor the entire duration oI summer lime.
By default, there is no change in winter / summer time. This ,unction must b€
activated, eitherlrom the programming sottware, orlrom thefront panelofthe smart
To activate this ,unction lrom the front pan€l ol the smart relay, proceed as
descdbed in chaptet CHANGE SUMMER/WNTER Menu, p. 83.

Noto: This function is only available for smart modules that contain a real-time

Use as a Contect When used as a contact, this element indicates the current season.
h may be used as many tim6s as necessary in the program. lt may be used
according to 2 modes: normally open or normally closed, describod below.
Normally open mode:
Symbol of the normally open c,ontact associated with a Change summer^^rintgr time
function block:
The contact is active lor the entire duration oI summer time.
Normally closad modei
Symbol of the normally closed contact associated with a Change summern inler
lime function block
The contact is active for the entire duration of winter time.

146 SR2MANoIEN 11/2005

LD Language Elements

Parameters Possible op€€ting modes are the following:

. No: no change,
. Automatic change: Dat6s are preset according to geographic zone:
. EUROPE: Europe,
. GB: Great Britain,
. usA.
. OTHER ZONE: the change is automatic, but you musl specify the month: M and
the Sunday: S (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 ) on which the summor/winter change takes place.

Modifylng the To modily a c$ntacl trom thetront panelotthe sman relay (the programming window
Mode oI a Coll or displayed on screen), simply:
a Contact . Place the cursor over the letter of the contacl,
. Proceed as described in ths paragraph Modifying an element,, p. 44,10 *toll
through the possible contact types (W lor a normally open contact, w lor a
normally closed contac{).

lnitiallzatlon State of the contacts and current value on initialization of the pogram:
. the normally open mode (direct stat6) is inactlvo,
. The normally closad mode (inverse state) is actlva.

SR2MAN01EN 11/2@5 147

LD Language Elements

Modbus lnputs/Outputs

Descrlptlon A Modbus SR3 MBUo1BD extension module may be added onto an exlensible
smart relay.
ln LD mode, the application cannot access the lour 16-bit data exchange words.
Data transfer belween master and slave is implicit and completely transparent.

Note: The Modbus module only operates in Modbus slave mode

Paramelers Th6 Modbus module can be configured only lrom the programming sottware (see
the on-line help oI the programming software tor more intormation).

Words to be sent The words to be senttothe masterare automatically written by duplicating the status
to master ol the discrete l/Os as follows:
Modbus Address (Hexa) -1
tG tF tE tD tc tB tA t9 l8 t7 16 ts t4 t3 12r 0020

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 tRtQtP tN tL tKtJ tH 0021

O O O O O O QA Q9 Q8 Q7 Q6 Q5 Q4 Q3 Q2 QI 0022
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0GoF oE oD oc oB 0023
Most significant byte Least significant byts

ll lo lG: discrate input states for ths SR3 8261 BD base.

lHlo lR: discrete input statas tor lha SR3 XT l4l BD srtension.
Ql to QA: Discrete output states tor the SH3 8261BO base.
QB to OG: Oiscrete output statss for the SRg XTl41BO extension.

Words sent by Ths words sent by the master are nol proc€ssed by lha smart relay.
the master. The (Hoxa) addresses for thes€ lou l6-bit words are as follows: 0016/ 0017 / 0018
i 00't9.

148 SFUMANo1EN 1rl200s

LD Language Elements


Descrlptlon The llossage func'tion block, when activated, allows the lollowing:
. To s€nd alarm mossages to portable telephones or email addrssses via ths
SR2COMo'| extonsion and a modem,
. To provids accoss, romotely, to a DISCR variable and/or a digitalvariable, to read
or modity them.
There are 28 uessage function blocks numbered lrom Sl to 59, then from SA to SV.

Nolo: The ilessago function is only available on smart relays with a clock and
when a SR2COM01 communication extension is added to them.
For more informalion on the configuration of the SR2COMo1 communication
extension, see the on-line help of the programming software.

Use of the Coil Command lnpul

Symbol ol the Command lnpul coil of a Message function block:


This coil sends the configured alarm message in thg associated lressrge lunction
blod(, when it is aclivated.
Depending on the configuration ol the ll€sage lunction block, the coil may be
activated during detection on its input, by a transition:
. From lnactivs to Aclive Slate (by default),
. From Active lo lnactive State.
See on-line help tor tha programming software for mors inlormation on conliguring
the Meaaage tunction block.

LD Language Elements

Ljse as a Contact The contact associated with the Messago function block indicates whether the
funcrtion block is aclivated.
It may be used as many times as necsssary as many tim6s as n€cessary in the
program. ll may be us€d according to 2 modes: normally open or normally c{osed,
described below.
Normally open mode:
Symbol of the normally open contac{ associaled with a ilossaEe tunction block:


Tha contact is conductlng *rten the function block ls actlvated.

l{ormally closed mode:
Symbol ot tha normally dosed contact associated with a ossage function block:

The contact is conductlng as long as the function block 13 not actlvated.

Examole: Lighting an LED connected to the oulput oI the Messago lunction block

st _ [Q1

When function block no. 1 is activated, the associated alarm message is sent and
the LED lights up, otherwis€ it is oft.

Modlfyhg the To modiry the operating mode of a coil or a contact trom the lront panel ol the smart
Mode ol a Coll or relay (the programming window displayed on scrsen), simply:
a Contact . Position lhe cursor on the symbol representing the coil mode or on the letter of
the contact,
. Proce€d as described in thg paragraph Modwing an alement,, p. 44,1o sctoll
through ths possible modes lor a coil or contact types possible (S for normally
open conl,act, s ,or a normally closed contact).

Conllguratlon The Msssage funclion block cannot be configured trom the front panel of the smart
from the Fronl relay. This lunction must be conrigured from the programming sotlware.
See on-line help olthe programming sottware Ior more information on clnliguration.

lnitialization Status of contacts on program initialization:

. The normally open mode (dir€ct stata) is lnactlve,
. The normally cloaod mods (inverse stale) is actlve


Greating and Debugging an


sublect of thls This section describes, using detailed examples, how to create, debug and save an
Sectlon application-

What's in this This part contains the following chapteE:

Part? Page
Chapier Chapter Name
17 lmplementing a Basic Application
18 Debugging an Application 169

t9 Backup and Transler ol tadder Diagrams' 179

20 Sample Application 181

SR2MANOI EN 11,2@5 151

Creating and Debugging an Application

152 SR2MANO1EN 112005

lmplementing a Basic Application


Subiect of this This chapler describes in detail the implementation of a basic application lrom the
Chapter Iront panel ol the smart relay.

What's in thls This chapter contains the lollowing topics:

Chapter? Page
P.esenlation ol Ladder Oiagrams 154

Using the Reverse Funclion 156

Notation Used by the Smart Relay

Application: lmplementing a Two-way Switch 161

SR2MANo1EN 11/2@5
lmplementing a Basjc Application

Presentation of Ladder Dlagrams

Descriptlon ln this seclion, we will use a simple example to understand how a ladder diagram
works: A two-way switch.
Normal electrlcsl diaglam L.dder dlsgram

vYl/- L1
LI- 12
AI.I2 I-
-------- t01

The two posilion switcfios Wl and vv2 ll 8nd 12 are two coniacts repres€nting inputs
control tuming lamp Ll on and ofl. 1 and 2 on the smart rslay.
Ol is a coil that corrasponds to output 't lrom
the smart relay.

SR2MANoIEN 1 2005
lmplementing a Basic Application

Module Wlrlng Below, an illustration of smart relay wiring:

Mon Fuse 1

100 ... 2/O VAC

fl) / 6l) Hz

lt t2 t3 !t t5 16 t7 t8
OO o aoaoooo
'10 -.210 VDC lnFlb ll, UVDC

Fuse 2

/ ol(

ol 02
IETT_1 wJ2
o3 04

Applicatlon Using a smart r6lay means that ordinary switctes (with op€n or clos€d positions)
Operation can be used in placs of two position switches.
The switches are identified as Sl and 52 in the wiring diagram above.
51 and 52 ara connected to inputs 11 and 12 on the smart relay.
ThB operating principle is as follows: Each lime the status o, inputs ll and 12
changes, the status of output Ol also changes which controls the lamp Ll.
The ladder diagram us€s basic functions, for example placing contac'ts in parallel
and in saries, as woll as the reverse function identified as 11 and 12 (s66 Usr,i4g tha
Reverse Funcrtion, p. 156).

Note: The implementation of a two-way switch isoptimum when impulse relaycoils

are used (see DiscrBte (DISCR) Outputs, p.981..

SR2MANo1EN 1tl2005
lmplementing a Basic Application

Uslng the Reverse Function

Descrlptlon The reverse funclion, noted I in the smart relay is used to oblain the reverse stats ot
input I wired on the smart relay.
To illustrate how this tunction works, we shall use a simple examplel

156 SR2MANo1EN 112005

lmplementing a Basic Applic€tion

Practical Below is lhe electrical diagram ol lhe example and an illuslration o, tho smarl relay wiring:
Electrical Connsctlon to the amart rBlay

Mon Fuse l

'100 ... 2,t0 vAC


t2 t3 !t t5 16 17 lE
GG G, oCI aooao
im -.2l0 WC lnFJt ll-tsIVDC

BP1 Fuse 2


03 a4


Dapending on the ladder diagram, two solutions are possibls:

Ladder dlagram l: Llghl orl whsn ldle Ladd6r dlagrsm 2: Llght on when ldls

11--------- ---- [Q1 i1- - ----------- tol

llcorespoods to the truo image ol BP1, 11 conespoflds lo ths revsrs€ image o, BP1 ,
pressing BPI aclivates input ll , so that tho 01 pressing BPl aclivatBs inpul ll and
ouFut is activated and ho lamp Ll tums on. ihorelore contact 11 is disabled, output Cll is
disabled and $s lamp Ll tums otf.

SR2MANoIEN 11/2005 157

lmplementing a Basic Application

General Case The table below illustrates the operation of a pushbutton connected to the smart
relay. Pushbutton BPI is connected to input 11 and lamp Ll is connected to output
Ql on the smart relay.
Off delay Operating
Elgctrlcal diagram Smart relay Electrical diagram Smart relay
symbols sYmbols


Pushbutton 11 =0 tl='l
normally open il =0
L'l L1


Pushbutton t1 ='l 11 =0
normally qlosed i1 =0 i1 =1

L1 L1

Note: The reverse function may be applied to all of the contracts in a ladder
diagram, whether they represent outpuls, auxiliary relays or function blocks

158 SR2MANoIEN 112005

lmplementing a Basic Applicaton

Notatlon Used by the Smart Relay

Descrlptlon The smart relay has a four line display used to show ladder diagrams.

Note: The programming soft,vare allows you represent ladder diagrams in lhree
different formals:
. Elecldcal symbols,
. Ladder synbols,
. Smart relay symbols,

Equlvalencles ln the table below are the equivalencies between representations of the most
Betweon common elements of the ladder language, in the 3 tormats:
Electlical symbol Ladder symbol Smart relay symbols

ll or i1

'o' 'c' -14-
l1 or i1


<l {.}

Set coil (SEr)

rl {r}

Reset coil (RESET)

SR2MAN0lEN 11,2005 159

lmplementing a Basic Application

Other Elements Other elsments are also available using a smart relay, such as:
. Tlmor tunction block: Used to delay, prolong and control and action ,or a set
length of lime,
. Countor lunctlon block: Used to count the puls€s rec€ived on an input,
. Clock functlon block: Used to trigger or release aclions on precisa days or at
precise times,
. Analog comparator tunctlon block: Used to compare an analog value with a
relerence value or with another analog value attar allowing for a hystsresis fac,tor,
. Auxlllary rclays: These are used to save or relay the status ol the smart relay,
. Zx koya: After conlirming this funclion, Z keys may b€ us€d as pushbuttons,
. Fast cour er functlon block: The fast counter lunction is used lo count pulses
up lo a frequency ot I kHz.
. LCD scrcen back-llghl tunctlon block: This is us€d to control the backlighling
of the LcD by a pmgram,
. Summor^ lnler tlme changefunctlon block:The outpul of this function is in an
OFF state overthe entire duration of wintertime, and switches to ON ror the entire
duration of summer lime,
. Countsr Comparator block: This tunction is used lo compare the current
counting values o, two counlers,
. Text block: This is used to display t6xt or numedcal values (current value or
preset value).

Note: Blocks Counter Comparator and Text are not programmable from the ftont panel.

Not : For the list of all ladder diagram slements available when using smart relays,
as well as details on their functions and parameters, see the chapter entitled LD
Language Elements, p. 87.

160 SR2MANolEN 11,2005

lmplementing a Basic Application

Application: lmplementing a Two-way Switch

Description ln the text that follows you willfind detailed information on the procedure for entering
a ladder diagram for a twcway switch.
You should poceed as follows:
. Go to lhe programming screen,
. Enter the mntacts in the first line,
. Enter the coil in lhe lirst line and join it to the contacts,
. Enler the @ntacts in the second line,
. Join the second line lo the first,
. Launch the program.
From the main screen (the one shown on powerup), lollow the instructions in the
Actlon column and press the specified button.
The Screen column shows what the user will see on the smart relay display screen
The Comments column provides some additional informalion on entry and display adions.

Go to the To access the screen lrom which we will program the two-way switch, proceed as
Programming follows:
Step Action Screen Commenl

Position lhe cursor on

/oK PROGRAMMING; it will llash

:i when selecied.

I After briefy displaying: LINE 1

/oK LINE 2
(lor approx. two seconds), a I
flashing cursor is displayed.
! _) LINE 3

3 Pressing and holding down the

Shllt ksy (white) will maks a
lns + DeT contextual menu appear lhat is

m used for programming the

contacts and the coils.

SR2MANo1EN 11/2005 161

tmplementing a Basic Application

Entering the To enter the conlacts in the lirst line, proceed as follows:
Contacts ln the Comment
Slep Acllon Scrgen
Flrst Llne
+ Tho I ffashing cursor is
l pos'rtionod on tho l. Tho s.narl
relay pro.npts you to ssl€ct the

m.m typ€ ol contact.

2 Ths 1 flashgs.
Th€ user has implicitly salecled a
I1 contaql assigned lo an input (l),

o the smarl rglay now prompls lhe

us€r to sslocl tlo input numbor.

The a flashes, indicaling a link


o point for linking coonoctions.

4 Th6 I flashos.
You just coolirmod entry of th€
I1 cootacl associalgd wilh lhe inpul

o ll . Tho ! is poeitiooed lor

entBring lh€ second conlact.

+ Tho right sido I will b€gin

fhshing. The srnart relay
r1-!1 prompts you lo s€l€ct lho lype ol

m.m cootact.

+ ThE I ffashes.
You havE just sel€61od ths
r 1-11

rovers€ conlacl assignad to an

r1-il TheI on the right flashos.

o Now enler lhe input number.

162 SR2MANoIEN 11/2005

lmplementing a Basic Application

Step Actlon Sc,een Comment

r1-il The 2 llashes.


sR2MANol EN 1 t/2005 163

lmplementing a Basic Application

Enterlng the Coll To anler the coil in lhe lirst line and connect it to the coils, proceed as lollows
and Joining lt to
Stsp Action Screen Comment
the Contacts
17-t2a ThE qJrsor fashEs in
> 11-i2 ! . Al a link poinl: a,
. At a contact point J
prrroi" then
Until positioned at the End ol the
I lins rsady to enter the coil.

[]: - The I llashes

CT :_)

o t tt1 The M flashes.

: .
aL-i2 tQ1 The O flashes.

rL-i,2 .tQ1 The cursor I is displayed.
p ztoi"

6 Pressing aid ttoldiry dr.m tte Sftttt

key (wiits) rvill mako a cor extual
menu appear hat is us€d lor
prcgramming lhe conn€c{ims.


O- :l r1-i2.-- - ----- - tQ1 The link is created.

3 times

164 sfuMAN0lEN 1112005

lmplementing a Basic Application

Entering lhe To enter the contacts in the second line, proceed as ,ollows
Contacts ln lhe
Step Action Screen Comment
Second Llne

as many times as
r1-i2------- ---
tQ1 The I is at the start ol lhe
following line.

necessary until
positioned at th€
start o, the line.
r1-i2 ---------- tQ1 The I loc€tod on the socond line
l1 flash€s.

E[-. :_)
l 11-i2 ------ ---- IQ1 Tho I localgd on the sgcond line
l1 flash6s.


r1-i2---------- tQ1 Th6 1 located on the socond line

o iT llashes.

r1-i2---------- [Q1
i1 I The I llashes.

,r r1-i2--------- - tQ1 The I located on the second line
i1-11 flashes.


SR2MANo1EN 112005 165

lmplementing a Basic Application

Step Action Screen Comment


r1-i2---------- tQl The second I in the second line


I +
11-i2 -------- - - tQ1 The 2 located on the second lino
o.o flashes.

Joining the To join the second line to the first, proceed as follows:
Second Line to Action Screen Commenl
the Firsl

The a llashes.
17-i2---------- lQl
This shows that it is possible lo
i7-a2 a

m connect a link at this polnl.

2 ...
I The a has changed inlo a I
at-i2 t01
i.L-r2 I--------- which creates the link between

c-o the two lines.

166 SR2MANo1EN 11/2005

lmplementing a Basic Application

Launchlng the To launch the program, proceed as follows:

Step Aclion Screen Comment

Menu I OK I Now confirm the changes.

il NOI.I YES llashes.

The main menu re-appears.

PROGRAMMING is selected
7-'iI RI'N,/STOP (flashes).
RUTUSTOP is selected (flashes).


-Rt]N PROG ?
@I I Now start the program

1234 BCDE
The main menu re-appears.
.fEU 25 SEP 16 :40
_) L234

The Basic Points This simple application example teaches the us€r how to enter a ladder diagram.
The lollowing points should be remembered:
. When a I or a a is tlashing, use the Shllt button to add an element (contact, coil
or graphic link elemenD,
. When an element is flashing (1, Q, No., I etc.), it is possible to use the Shlft + 22
and 23 arrows on the arrow keypad to selecl the required element,
. lt is also possibleto use the Zl to 24 arows on the arrow keypad to move around
the ladder diagram.

SR2MANO1EN 11/2005
lmplementing a Basic Application

168 SR2MANoIEN 11,2005

Debugging an Application


Sublect ot this This chapter presenls the tools available lor debugging an application loaded in the
Chapter memory ot lhe smart relay.

What's in thls This chapter contains the following lopics:

Toplc Page
lntroduction 170
Dynamic Mode Ladder Diagrams 172
Dynamic Modo Function Block Parameters 174
Dynamic Mod6 Menus
Smart Relay Reaction to a Power Failure 176

SR2MANoIEN t l12005 169

Debugging an Application


Modulo ln RUN Once an application has been entored in ladder diagram lorm, debugging tests still
Mode must be run.
The firsl step is to sst the smart relay to RUN. To do this, in the RUN/STOP option
in main menu and selecl RUN,
From this moment on, the smart relay handles ths physical inputs and outputs
according to the instruclions entered in lhe ladder diagram.

Vlowlng Stalus: ln RUN mode, the states ol inputs and outputs are displayed on the main screen:

1 12{J56
MON 22 SEP l5:51
1rI3 4
> Menu, OK

Prompt Element
1 Display inpul status
2 Display run mod€ (R[JN/STOP) and mode in use
3 Displays date and tim6 for products with clocks.
4 Outsd status display
5 Cofllextual menus / pushbutlons / icons indicating operating modes.

When inputs or outputs are activated, they appear in reverse video (using white on
a black background).
This concept is relened to as the dynamic operation o, smart relay functions. The
terms RUN and dynamlc have a similar meaning in the remainder ol this document.

170 SR2MANOiEN 11T2OO5

Debugging an Application

Conlextual Below is an illustration of the icons in the conle)dual menu when the smart relay is
Menus in RUN mode:

aa= >
Menu / OK

Prompt Elemsnt
1 Slatus ol the smarl relay: ln RUN it is in motion, in STOP it is immobile.
2 lndicates that laults hav€ appsared (see FIULT Menu, p. m.
3 lndicates that lhe smarl relay is connected to tho programming sottware.
4 The key indicatos thal lhe p.ogram is password-prolected.

SR2MANo1EN 11/2@5 '171

Debugging an Application

Dynamic Mode Ladder Diagrams

Viewing Ladder
Dlagrams Note: This func{ion can be accessed only in LO/ RUN mode

The smart relay can dynamically display the performance ot a ladder diagram. To
do this, simply callup the MONITORING menu and position the cu rsor overthe lines
to display using the navigation keys.
Each conducting contac't or snsrgized coil is displayed in reverse Mdeo mode (white
on black):
r!-iI- r4------- tu1
1B rl-i 3 - [M2
u1-M2---------- [01
la - - _---------_ I t\,

To change smarl relay performance, the user may change or view some of the
f unclion block parameters.

Changing Ladder It is ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE to change ladder diagram lines in RUN mode.
Diagrams It is however possible to change function block parameters in MONITORING mode

172 SR2MANo1EN 112005

Debugging an Applicatjon

Uslng Z Keys as On the INPUTS-OUTPUTS screen in RUN mode, the numbers of the Z keys used
Pushbuttons in the program are displayed in the contextual menu. Prass and hold down the Shlft
key to display this m6nu.
To enable a Z key, press on the button located under the number.

MON 22 SEP 15:51
11 3
v > Menu / OK

Note: The Zx keys funclion is disabled in PARAITIETERS and MONITORING

modes and in all of the function block parameter screens and configuration

SR2MANo1EN 11/2005 173

Debugging an Application

Dynamic Mode Function Block Parameters

Presentatlon ln RUN mode a func,tion block presel value may be changed dynamicalv it it is not locked.
Funclions with parameters in LD mode:
. Auxiliary relays (latching),
. Discrete Outpub (latching),
. Clocks
. Analog comparators,
. l-imers
. CounteG
. Fast @untels.
Func'tions with parameters in FBD mode:
. Numerical constant-type inputs,
. Clock,
. Gain,
. Timers: TIMER A,/C, TIMER ByH, TIMER Li,
. H-SPEED COUNT tasl counter,
. PRESET H-METEB hour counter,
. CAM block.

Accessing / Parameters may be accessed from the following screens:

Modifying . PARAMETERS: S,ee PARAMETERS Menu, p. 51,
Parameters . MONITORING: on the ladder diagram.
To modify the paramelers of an element lrom the MONITOHING screen, proceed as follows:

Step Action
1 Position lhe cursor on the element you would like to modi, using the navigation keys.
2 At lhe same time, hold down Shlft and lhe Palam key to open lhe parameterwindow
3 Posilion lhe cursor on the modiliable parameler fields using the navigation keys: < >.
4 Modify th€ value of the parameter using the
and (+ and , koys, holding do$/n Shlft.
5 Confirm the rnodifications by pressing M€nu/OK, whidt will open the confirmation ,xindow.
Conlirm a second time by pressing MendOK to sava.

Note: Only the parameters of unlocked blocks may be modified

174 SR2MANo1EN 11/2005

Debugging an Application

Dynamic Mode Menus

Dynamlc Mode Some menus are accessible when the smart relay is in RUN mode, while others are
Menus not. Here is a summary lable.











SR2MANo1EN 11/2005 175

Debugging an Application

Smart Relay Reactlon to a Power Failure

Descrlptlon A power failure may cause the smart relay to rsstart and los€ any data not savsd.
Smart relays have the ability to save the current time for at least 10 years.
ln addilion, it is also possible lo back up the variables configured with the Latchlng
option defined in the parameters window.

Latching The Latchlng lunction is used to save the stalo of the counte/s current values in the
event of a power failuro.
Th€ blocks that hava this tunction are th8 following:
. ln LD mode:
Auxiliary relays,
Discrele outputs,
. 'limers
. Counters
o Fasl counter,
. ln FBD mode:
. AC, BH, Litimer,
. Cam programmer function CAM BLOCK,
o PRESET H-METEB hour cour er,
. Data archMng tunction ARCHIVE,
. Fast counters.

176 SR2MANo1EN 11/2005

Debugging an Application

Satety Mode lI ths rssult oI losing the time sstting is to lock coil control, then simply use a cloc*
contac{ without a stop order in seriss with the action coils.
Example o, a nonlocked coil:
r1r13---------- [o1

The contact line for coil Ql will b€ activa evsn il the time and date setting is lost.
Example of a lodGd coil:
a4-Hr---------- lQ2

With the clock lunction block 'l configured as follows:

ottl D/w 01234s5

H:tl ON 0?: 00
g:u ON

Ths contact line for coil Q2 will only be activg after setting the clock.

SR2MAN01 EN 1 1t2005 177

Debugging an Application

178 SR2MANO1EN 1

Backup and Transfer of Ladder

\, Saving and Transferring Ladder Diagrams

Description It is possible to transfer a ladder diagram lrom the smart relay toward a backup
memory (optional) and vice-versa.
This allows:
. To backup an application, then restore it later on il necessary,
. To make a copy of an application for loading it in several smart relays.

Translerrlng an Transterring an application from a smart relay to the backup memory, or from the
Application backup memory to the smart relay, is perlormed using the menu: TRANSFER.
The procedure is described in detail in the chapter TRANSFER Menu, see
TRANSFER Menu, p. 69.

SR2MANO1EN i 1/2005 179

Backup and Transfer of Ladder Diagrams

180 SR2MANO1EN 1

Sample Application


Sublect ol this ln this chapterwe'll usethe example oI an underground car park c!nlrol. From given
Chapter specifications, we will develop the application to program in the smart relay.

What's in thls This chapter contains the following topics

Chapter? Page
Specifications 182
Specif ication Analysis 183

lmpiemenling the Solution 185

SR2MANoIEN 11,2m5 18'l

Sample Application


Obiective We wish to clmplete and centralize the control of the underground car park ol an
administrative building.

Automatic Gate The entrance and the exit of the car park are conlrolled by an ordinary automatic aate
The gate has the usual basic features such as:
. Gate timing (opening and closing) by passing vehicles,
. Ticket payment management,
. Safety telephones,
. Exlernalconlrol for locking in closed position, etc.

Counting ln addition, we would like to keep track of vehicles parked in the facility.
Vehlcles Wewouldthus be ableto controla lighted panelthat informs drivers when allparking
spaces are occupied and prevents access by locking the gate in the closed position.
Drivers would then know lo look for a parking space elsewhere.
It must also be possible to override this function when necessary to allow access Ior
emergency services (fire department, emergency medical servace, etc.).

Op€n Time We would also like to prevent access to the facility when the building is closed.
Security personnel should be allowed to prevent lhe gate trom locking in non-ordinary
circumstances. The hours ol opening are lhe following: Monday to Friday lrom 8:30
am to 5:30 pm, Saturday from 9:30 am to 12:00 noon and closed all day Sunday.

RemovalolToxic For safety reasons, it isalso necessary to remove toxic emissions such as carbon dioxide
Gasses by using a Ian when the measured concentration levels exceed permissible levels.
A specialized sensor will be used that provides an output value between 0 and '10V.

Lighting There is also a requirement to contol lighting, triggered by a vehicle arriving and via
pushbutton switches placed near all oI the pedestrian access points,
To save energy, lights will tum off after 10 minutes. This is the length of time
generally obseNed tor someone to park and exit their vehicle and take the elevator,
or retum to their vehicle and exit the park lacility.

Manual Countlng ln addition, a manualaction should be able to provide current information on the
number o, vehicles parked in the facility. Someone should be able to manually
increase or decrease the number oI vehicles known by the smart relay.

182 SR2MANOlEN 11/2005

Sample Application

Specification Analysis

Description Analysis of the specifications includes listing inputs, buttons, outputs and func,tion
blocks necessary to complele the application.

lnputs Below is the list oI inputs that lhe application will use:
Smad .elay label Name
lnput ll Vehicle entry deteclion.
lnput 12 Vehicle exit detection.
lnputs 13 and 14 Pushbutlons at pedestrian access points. They are used to lighl the
facility. One lorlhe elevator and one lor the stairway (no pedestrian
acc€ss is allowed via the vehicle entrance).
Analog input lB CO2 leval sensor.

Button Below is the list of buttons that the application will use:
Smart relay label Name
Function key Zl Manually increments the number ol vehicles in the c€r park.
Function key 22 Resumes aulomatic entry control.
Function key 23 Manually decrements the number of vehicles in the car park.
Function key 24 Manually releases the enlrance barrier.

Outputs Below is the list of outputs that the application will use:
Smart relay label Name
Output OI lndicates when the car park tacility is lull.
Output 02 Locks the sntry banier (inhibits entry banieropening) when the car park
is lull or ouiside ol opening hours.
Outpui 03 Manually releases the enlrance barrier
Output 04 Controls the polluted air extraclion fan control

SR2MANo1EN 11/2005 183

Sample Application

Speclal tunction Below is the list oI special function blocks that the application will use:
Sma r€lay label Name
Counter Cl Counts lhe number of vehides in ths car park (93 maximum).
Clock lunction Manages car park access hours.
block Hi
]jmer lunction Lighting timer (10 minules)
block T1
Analog lunction Compares the CO2 level measured with ihe allowable hreshold.
bloc* 41, the
threshold value
corresponds to 8.5
fimerlunclion Fan timer (15 minutes)
block T2

Note: To implement this solution, a smart relay with analog inputs, clock function
blocks and at least 4 discrete inputs and outputs.

184 SR2MANoIEN 11,2005

Sample Application

lmplementing the Solution

Descrlption Presenled here are the control diagrams to program, as well as the parameters to
use Ior the function blocks.

lmplementlng Below is the control diagram to program

the Ladder
I1-H1-c1-- -.-- -Cc1
a2t I
12 r - - - - -
-- ---- -Ir1 F
I3 ------------TT1
A1-------------TT2 F@
24- - - - - --------s}t2 F@
C1t-----.r------ [Q1
h1l t.Z---- tOZ
T1------------- tQ3
tQ4 F
Prompt Element
1 Counting vehidas in, subt.acting v€hidos out and manually updating the number
ol vehides ac{ually in lhe car pa*.
2 Starling the lighting timer
3 Starting the fan timer
4 Handling the manual release lunction
Oulputs command: Car park lull indicator, blocking th€ inpul, lighiing the car park
and running the oxtraction lan.

When upcounting and downcounting, the clunler locks up when the car park
b€comes full (no spurious detection or counling actions take place iI vshicles are
allowed to enler by manual release).

Note: For a given counter, the coils CC and DC should only appear once in a
ladder diagram.

ln addition, output Cl2 is activated when enlry into the car park is not allowed. This
leads to tha us€ ofan auxiliary rslay to manually lock or unlockthe access gate using
the navigalion keys.

SR2MANOIEN 1'2@5 185

Sample Application

Conflgurlng the The table below provides details on the parameters to use for each of the lunclion
Function Blocks blocks:
Function block Commont
Counter tunction block Cl

ccl ililil ry The presat value is 93 (lhe

RCt maximum numb€r ol vehicles
cl t allowed in fiis car park).
I Dcl T: To P=00093 Wh€re necessary. this value may
be ctEnged during op€ration.
> Menu /

Clock tunction block Hl

H1 D/W 01231
H :M ON 08:30
I H :M OFF l7:30 Open houG:

(r *r) . Monday io Friday lrom 8:30am

to 5:30 pm.
> Menu / OK . Salurdays from 9:30 am to
'12:00 noon.
H1 D/W 5 . Closod all day Sundays.
c Two rangas are us€d.
H : M ON 09:30
I H : M OFF 12:00
(r *r)
> Menu / OK

Tlmer lunction blod( Tl

TI Car park lighting tim6r: 10 minules
g t = 10.00
> tlenu / OK

186 sFt2MANorEN 1112005

I t = 10.00
-J-T-r- Sample Application
v > Menu / OK

Car park lighting timer: 10 minules.

SR2MANo1EN 11/2005 187

Sample Applicatjon

188 SR2MANO1EN ]12@5



Subiecl of thls This chapter will help you find solutions to operating problems.

Whal's ln thls This part cantains the following cfiapters:

Chapter Chapter Name Page
21 Diaqnostics 191

SR2MANOI EN I 112005 189


'190 SR2MANO1EN 11/2005



Subiect of this This chapter will help you Iind solutions to operating problems.

what's in this This chapter contains the lollowing topics:

Chapter? Page
Smart Relay Messaoes 192
Frequenly Asked Oueslions 193

SR2MANo1EN 112005 191


Smart Relay Messages

Description Here is detailed inlormalion on the error messages that are returned by the smart
relay, their possible causes and how to remedy the problem.

Error Messages The table below lists the error messages that a smart relay could return. These
messages generally indicale incompatible actions requested by the user.
Message Cause Corrective action
The us€r has requested to access
the PABAMETERS option when
NO PABAMETER no parameter is available (the
diagram does not include any
al€ments wilh parameters).
A lransler was in progress and
See the documentalion lor the
TRANSF.ERR. lhe link with the PC was
programming software.
unexpectedly interrupled.
A transfer to the EEPROM was
TRANSFER EBBOR Check ihe presence and conect
requested and the EEPROM is
NO MEMORY location of the EEPROM.
not present or incorrec(y locatad.
The user has requested lo transfer
Check the origin ot the program
a program that do€s not match the
TRANSFEB ERROR: lo transfer and choose a
characteristics of lhe target smart
CONFIG INCOMPAT program lhat is compatible with
relay, lor example: Clock, analog
the appropriate smad relay.
input, software ve6ion.
This error appears if one of the
versions of lhe smart relay does Chec* the tirmware version
not @rrespond to: Firmware, LD us€d.
or FBD functions
Troubleshoot, then slop the
Outputs are displayed
One or more slatic oulputs have smart relay to end lhe blinking
tlashing on the main
shorted or overloaded. belore selecting BUN mode
again (automalic reset).

192 SR2MANoIEN 11/200s


Frequently Asked Questions

Descrlpllon To assist the user in understanding the smart relay, the mosl lrequently asked
questions are lisled here.

Fr€quently Here below are the most frequently asked questions and their answers:
Asked Ouaslions
Ouestion Answgr
Some parameters are not accessible. See the
documentiation to find out whetherthese elements can be
I cannot access some parameters. changed. Example of an elemenl thal cannot bachanged:

Counterlunction block counting direction. This element is

only accessible by wiring in a ladder diagram line.
To access the parameters, you must use the navigation
Istill cannot accass some keys < and > to position the cursor above them. The v
parameters. l
and are used to change these values. Then press
MendOK to conlirm the changes.
I cannot RUN my smarl relay
CAUTION, make sure that the error symbol (l) is not
even though I enable the RUN/
displayed in the contextualmenu line. Conecl the error in
STOP oplion in trlB main menu
order to RUN the smart modul€.
using the Menuy'OK key.
lwould like to change my
Ensure thal the smart relay is indeed stopped. Changes in
diagram ,ines but the Menu/OK
RUN mode are not allowed.
key no longer works.
Vvhen I try to chang€ my diagram
Not necessarity, this situation may occur when 4
lines, lhe smart ralay shows me a
consecutive blank lin6s havg been ins€rted at the start ol
screen with ooly line numbeG (LINE
the ladder diagram or between the command lines.
tl,o.). Have I lost all my v/ork?

I have a ladder diagram that uses

tle Z key (<, v, >) for a
pushhJtton. I would like to test it
No lhis is impossible
br.rt when I display the diagram
dynamically, rry Z key is no longer
oporational. Can I make it work?

I generated a ladderdiagram on
a smafl relay with a clock. Can I
No this is impossible
uso a backup memory to translar
it lo a smarl ralay withoul clock?

SR2MANO1EN 1'2005 193


Ouestlon Answel
When entering a ladder diagram,
It is quite possible that th6 smart relay is one without a
the clock function blocks do not
clock. Consequently, the clock tunction blocks are not
appear when choosing lhe
acc€ssible. Check the product relgrenc€ numbers.
contacts. ls this normal?
when entering a ladderdiagram,
It is quile probable lhat the smart relay does not have
the analogtunclion bloc*s do not
analog inputs. Consequently, lhe analog lunclion blocks
appgar when choosing the
are notaccessible. Check the producl relerence numbers.
contacls. ls this normal?

194 SR2MANo1EN 11,2005


LD Language Elements
A Auxiliary Relays, 93
Auxiliary Relays, 93 Clocks, 139
Countsr Comparator, 1 32
c Counters, 1 14
Discrate lnputs, 89
Clocks, 139 Discrete Outputs, 98
Fast Counter, 121
LCD Screen Backlighting, '145
D Message, 149
Discrete lnputs, 89 Modbus l/Os, 148
Discrete Outputs, 98 Texts, 143
Tim6rs, 103
Zx Keys, 91
I LD language Elemonts
INPUTSOUTPUTS, 34 Change to Summer / Winter Time, 146
LD language elements
Analog Comparators, I 34
L LD LCD Screen Backlighting, 145
LD Analog Comparators, 134 LD TBxts, 143
LD Change to Summer / Winter Timo, 146 LD Timsrs, 103
LD Counter Comparator, '132
LD Counters, 1 14
LD Fast Counter, 12'l

SFI2MANoIEN 11,2005 195


RUN / STOP, 55
Zx KEYS, 64
Modbus LO l/Os, 148

Zx Keys, 91

196 sFt2MANol EN 1 1/2@5

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