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Knowledge Discovery WS 14/15

Non-Linear Classifiers (ANNs) 5  

Prof. Dr. Rudi Studer, Dr. Achim Rettinger*, Dipl.-Inform. Lei Zhang
{rudi.studer, achim.rettinger, l.zhang}


KIT – University of the State of Baden-Württemberg and

National Laboratory of the Helmholtz Association
Knowledge Discovery Lecture WS14/15
22.10.2014 Einführung
Basics, Overview
29.10.2014 Design of KD-experiments
05.11.2014 Linear Classifiers
12.11.2014 Data Warehousing & OLAP
19.11.2014 Non-Linear Classifiers (ANNs) Supervised Techniques,
26.11.2014 Kernels, SVM Vector+Label Representation
03.12.2014 entfällt
10.12.2014 Decision Trees
17.12.2014 IBL & Clustering Unsupervised Techniques
07.01.2015 Relational Learning I
Semi-supervised Techniques,
14.01.2015 Relational Learning II
Relational Representation
21.01.2015 Relational Learning III
28.01.2015 Textmining
04.01.2015 Gastvortrag Meta-Topics
11.02.2015 Crisp, Visualisierung

2 Institut AIFB
Die Datenmatrix für Überwachtes Lernen

Xj j-te Eingangsvariable
X = (X0, . . . , XM 1)T
Vektor von Eingangsvariablen
M Anzahl der Eingangsvariablen
N Anzahl der Datenpunkte
Y Ausgangsvariable
xi = (xi,0, . . . , xi,M 1)T
i-ter Eingangsvektor
xi,j j-te Komponente von xi
yi i-te Zielgröße
di = (xi,0, . . . , xi,M 1, yi)T
i-tes Muster
D = {d1, . . . , dN }
(Trainings-) Datensatz
z Testeingangsvektor
t Unbekannte Testzielgröße zu z
X = (x1, . . . xN )T design matrix

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Recap: Linear Models

Vector of inputs: X = (x1 , ...xN )

  Single output: Y
  Linear model: yˆi = xi,j wi,j + b

Estimate: w, b

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Recap: Perceptron – Components

Model class

•  Perceptrons = linear discriminant functions =

separating hyperplanes

Learning algorithm

•  Gradient descent / Delta Rule

Optimization criterion

•  Minimize squared error at output layer

5 Institut AIFB
Linear Separability and the XOR problem
Famous perceptron tasks: simulate simple Boolean functions
(i.e. encode corresponding truth tables) by encoding inputs as -1
(for false) and +1 (for true)

w1 =1,w2=1,b=-1


Sad but true: even a simple XOR can not be simulated

adequately by a linear threshold function.

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Linear separability and the Iris Dataset…

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Linear Separability and the XOR problem

  Perceptron is able to simulate many different Boolean

functions AND, OR, NAND, NOR.
  Example: we can choose (among others) w1 =1,w2=1,b=-1 for AND
  NB: AND, OR are special cases of the 'm-of-n functions': at least m
out of n inputs need to be 1.
  However, XOR and other more complicated expressions in
propositional logic can not be expressed by a Perceptron.

  This is a problem of the model class, not of the training

algorithm involved.

Minsky, M. and Papert, S. (1969). Perceptrons: An Introduction to Computational Geometry. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA.

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Basis expansion (Prelude for ANNs & SVMs)
  Linear model: f (xi , w) = w0 + wj xi,j

Idea: Augment inputs with additional function: (x)

  Basis expanded linear model:

f (xi , w) = w0 + wj j (xi,j )
11 Institut AIFB
Example 1: Basis Expansion

  XOR is not linear separable

Add Basis Expansion:
(xi ) = xi,1 , xi,2 , (xi,3 = z3 = xi,1 xi,2 )

  w = (1, 2, 2, 4)
  f (x) = 1 2x1 2x2 + 4x1 x2

12 Institut AIFB
Example 2: Basis Expansion

Polynom: f (x) =x 0.3x 3

  Basis expansion:
z = (1, x, x , x )
2 3


w = (0, 1, 0, 0.3)

  Lineare regression + basis expansion = nonlinear

13 Institut AIFB
Popular Basis Expansions

  j (x) = x1 , x2 , ..., xM 1

j (x) = 2
  x1 , x1 x2
  j (x) = log(x1 ), x1
  Picewise polynomials, splines, wavelet bases

j (x)
= exp( vkx xm k )


sig(arg) =
(x) = sig( vj xj )

1/(1 + exp( arg))

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How to determine and parametrize the basis expansions?

ANNs have proven to achieve good results with few


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Chapter 4.2.

Multi-Layer Neural Networks

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Abstract Model of the Neuron

Cell body


Activation function

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Feed-Forward Networks

Weighted & adaptive Weighted & adaptive

connections connections

Input layer Hidden layer Output layer

Input Vector

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Application: ALVINN [Mitchell 1997]

Figure 1: Neural Network learning to

steer an autonomous vehicle [Mitchell 1997]
19 Institut AIFB
Components of an Artificial Neural Network

  Network topology (= model class!)

  Set of artificial neurons
  Structure of the connections between the neurons ("synapses")

  Actual parameter settings (= model)

  Connectivity between the neurons (exhibitory vs. inhibitory)
  Activation thresholds within the neurons

  Training Algorithm
  "Learning" means determining appropriate connection and
threshold weights

20 Institut AIFB
Multi-Layer Neural Networks

  Basic idea: combine / stack multiple neurons in multiple

layers to achieve more complex prediction models.

  Activation at "hidden layers" corresponds to non-linear

transformation of the input space.

  Example (next slide): two-layer neural network (don't count

input layer) with one "hidden" layer (3 units) and one output
layer (1 unit)

21 Institut AIFB
Expressivity of Multi-Layer ANNs

x1   1  
t=2   -­‐2   t=1  
1   1  
1   t=1  

input  layer   hidden  layer   output  layer  

  t= threshold (if >=t return 1)

  XOR problem can be solved with one extra layer only

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Interpretation of Multi-Layer ANNs

  Each neuron in the hidden layer computes a single non-

linear feature of the data (which can be adapted itself!)

  See Basis functions

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Sigmoid Activation Function

  Introduces some non-linearity into the network's

calculations as it "squashes" the neuron's activation into
the range [0,1].
  Has an extremely simple derivative function which we need
for computing gradient descent

24 Institut AIFB

  Network Layers 1…n; layer 0 indicates input vector

wij(l) – connection weights from i-th neuron on layer l-1

to j-th neuron on layer l
  xi(l) – i-th input component to any neuron on layer l
netj(l) – net input to j-th neuron (activation) on layer l with
netj(l) = Sumi wij(l) xi(l)
oj(l) – output of j-th neuron on layer l
oj(l) = Sig(netj(l)) = xj(l+1)

25 Institut AIFB
Example – 2-layer ANN:
final activation at output layer

produces output oi(0)=xi(1)

1 w11(1)‫‏‬
2 w11(2)‫‏‬

2 1


w21 (2)‫‏‬


layer 0 layer 1 layer 2 (output)‫‏‬

produces output oj(1)=xj(2)

NB: To simplify notation we again drop b parameter and include it into the weight
vector: w0 = b. (Imagine this to be a dummy feature that equals 1 for all inputs.)

26 Institut AIFB
Backpropagation – General Considerations

  Recall: To simplify notation we will again drop the bias term b and
include it into the weight vector as: w0 = b.

  Generalization – we will consider the networks with multiple output

units; the corresponding quadratic error over the k outputs becomes:

or for an individual training example d

Backpropagation will work like (incremental) Gradient Descent

  Updates at output layer can be computed directly from quadratic error
  Updates at hidden layer need to take into account, how the units at the hidden layer
influence the eventual quadratic error indirectly

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Backpropagation – Illustration

Data  Stream  (Propaga<on)‫ ‏‬ 

Input   hidden   hidden   Output  

Layer   Layer   Layer   Layer  



Error  Stream  (Backpropaga<on)‫ ‏‬ 

28 Institut AIFB
Backpropagation – General Considerations (cont)

  Like for the individual Perceptron, we can imagine an error surface

over all weights in the network (or subsets thereof)

  For any weight wjk(l) in the network we would like to know it's influence
on the final error E, i.e. the corresponding component of the gradient

  Note that weight wjk(l) influences the rest of the network (and thus the
error) only through the net input netk(l) of the neuron k it connects to.
  We can rewrite the partial derivative, regardless of further details, as:

auxilary variable, eventually leading

to the weight update (see later):

29 Institut AIFB
Computing ± – Case I: Units at the output layer (n)

We thus have:

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Computing ± – Case II: Units at the hidden layer (h)

We thus have:

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Backpropagation – Algorithm

random start values can help against local minima

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Multi-Layer ANNs – Properties

  Universal approximation property of ANNs - Every

continuous function can be approximated arbitrarily closely
by a multi-layer ANN with just one hidden layer (under
further assumptions)
  Non-Linearity - Capable of modeling complex functions
  Robustness - Ignores irrelevant inputs and noise.
  Adaptability – it can adapt the weights based on
environment changes.
  Easy to use – black-box view, can be used with less
knowledge about relationship of the function to be

33 Institut AIFB
Review: Multi-Layer ANNs – Components

Model class

•  Non-linear functions through arbitrarily complex feed-forward

network topologies

Learning algorithm

•  Gradient descent / Backpropagation

Optimization criterion

•  Minimize squared error at output layer

34 Institut AIFB
Problems of Multi-Layer ANNs

  ANNs tend to overfit easily

  recall that overfitting becomes worse as complexity / expressivity
  careful evaluation (estimation of generalization capability) is
necessary (see later)

  ANNs tend to run into local minima (in contrast to single-

layer networks, the error surface isn't parabolic)

  Training times tend to be very long for complex networks

35 Institut AIFB
Problems of Multi-Layer ANNs

  Long oscillations in
'narrow valeys' E

  Stagnation on flat surfaces

Local minima E

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Problems of Multi-Layer ANNs: Overfitting

Figure 8a: Plots of error E as a function of the number of weight updates, for two
different robot perception tasks (Mitchell 1997)
Figure taken from Mitchell (1997)

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Chapter 3.2.c

Other Network Types

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Other Network Types

  We have only looked at feed-forward network topologies,

where input vectors are 'fed' in the forward direction up:
  single layer (linear patterns) vs multi-layer (nonlinear patterns)
  classification vs regression

  Other network topologies that can solve different tasks:

  Recurrent Networks (output may feed back as input)
  Hopfield and Auto-associative networks:
  input = output
  aim: memorizing patterns
  Competitive Learning (clustering tasks)
Kohonen Networks / Self-Organizing Maps (clustering tasks)
  Deep Learning

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Recurrent Networks

Substantially increased expressivity

vs substantially increased complexity

Figure taken from Mitchell (1997)

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Deep Learning

  Deep Networks broadly divided in different categories

  Sparse Coding


  Restricted Boltzmann Machines

  Deep Belief Networks

  Advanced Deep Models

  Deep Boltzmann Machines

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Deep Learning - Motivation

Learning more adaptive, robust and structured representations.

Object Detection
Text and Image Retrieval

Speech Recognition Multi-modal Learning

43 Institut AIFB
Sparse Coding [Olshausen & Field, 1996]

  Used for unsupervised feature learning

  Initially developed to explain the early visual processing in the brain.

Input image patches :

Learn (Dictionary of Bases):

Each Input data vector is represented as the sparse linear

combination of bases.

Where represent “activations” and is sparse.

44 Institut AIFB
Sparse Coding – Learned Bases (Example)
Images Learned Bases “edges”

[0,0………0.8,..,0.3,…………..0.5..] = Coefficients (Feature Representation)

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Sparse Coding - Application

Caltech101 Object Category Dataset

Image Classification (e.g. SVM)

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Spare Coding (Training)

Reconstruction Error Sparsity Penalty

Optimization Approach

1.  Fix bases - solve activations a (Lasso problem)

2.  Fix activations a – solve bases (Convex QP problem)

47 Institut AIFB
Spare Coding (Testing)

  Learn the new sample feature representation using the bases.

Input : (image patch ) + (Dictionary of Bases)

Output : Sparse Representation a of the new sample

Example : For Image patch

[0,0………0.8,..,0.3,…………..0.5..] = Coefficients (Feature Representation)

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Autoencoder [Hinton & Zemel, 1994]

Feature Representation

Top-down, Bottom-up,
Generative, Encoder Decoder Feed-
Feed-back Forward


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Autoencoder - Application

  Functions for Encoder and Decoder.

Input : Image (x)

Encoder : z = where W (Weight Matrix) is Encoder Filter and

Decoder : Dz where D (Weight Matrix) is the Decoder Filter

50 Institut AIFB
Autoencoder (Training)
Given an input x. The reconstruction of encoder and decoder is.

Decoder Encoder
where D represents input and output and K represent hidden layers (K< D)
Optimization : W and D determined by minimizing reconstruction error.

51 Institut AIFB
Knowledge Discovery Lecture WS14/15
22.10.2014 Einführung
Basics, Overview
29.10.2014 Design of KD-experiments
05.11.2014 Linear Classifiers
12.11.2014 Data Warehousing & OLAP
19.11.2014 Non-Linear Classifiers (ANNs) Supervised Techniques,
26.11.2014 Kernels, SVM Vector+Label Representation
03.12.2014 entfällt
10.12.2014 Decision Trees
17.12.2014 IBL & Clustering Unsupervised Techniques
07.01.2015 Relational Learning I
Semi-supervised Techniques,
14.01.2015 Relational Learning II
Relational Representation
21.01.2015 Relational Learning III
28.01.2015 Textmining
04.01.2015 Gastvortrag Meta-Topics
11.02.2015 Crisp, Visualisierung

52 Institut AIFB

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