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Hans Asperger – related to Asperger’s Syndrome (a form of Autistic Spectrum Disorder)

Hans Asperger is a Nazi collaborator. His job was to separate children who were worthy of living
and who weren’t. To the Nazi’s, people who were not worthy of living were those who were
physically disabled, terminally ill, or mentally ill including autistic people.

Even just 80 years ago, autism was an illness that was not worthy of living. Even now, hundreds
of people click the “like” button on a comment that says, “It is a national loss if a medical
student dies and an autistic person lives.” That is the weight of the disability that we beat. The
discriminatory among people who has this disorder and the related Autism Spectrum Disorder
is quite alarming. We are living in a modern society yet we can’t comprehend and acknowledge
what this disability means and the people who were suffering in it. If we are on their shoes
living that life with judgmental people that surround you, life is not that easy.

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